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Bøger af Karen Dillon

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  • af Karen Dillon
    298,95 kr.

    How a million little things are dragging you down, and what to do about it.There's a force we encounter every day that we aren't aware of—and it threatens to derail otherwise promising careers and lives: microstress.This hidden epidemic of small moments of stress has insidiously infiltrated both our work and our personal lives with invisible but devastating effects. Microstress doesn't trigger the normal stress response in our brains to help us deal with it. Instead, it embeds itself in our minds and accumulates daily, one microstress on top of the other. The long-term impact can be debilitating. Unregistered microstress weighs us down, damages our physical and emotional health, and contributes to a decline in our well-being. What's more, microstress is baked into our lives. The source is seldom a classic antagonist, such as a demanding client or a jerk boss. Instead, it comes from the people with whom we are closest: our friends, family, and colleagues.The good news is that once you understand microstress, you can fight back. Drawing on fresh research, Rob Cross and Karen Dillon explain the science behind the phenomenon. They also share the secrets of a small set of people who've endured their share of microstress but have still managed to cultivate relationships that enable them to thrive both at work and in life. Compelling interviews with these high achievers bring to life best practices that show you how to build resilience against microstress and ultimately how to find purpose—purpose that helps you break free from this quietly invasive force that's stealing your life.

  • - Historien om innovation og kundevalg
    af Clayton Christensen, Karen Dillon, Taddy Hall & mfl.
    350,95 kr.

    Enhver virksomhed har brug for at omdanne innovation fra vision til noget, hvor de udvikler produkter og tjenester, som kunderne ikke bare vil købe, men er villige til at betale for.Hvordan ved virksomhederne, hvordan de skal vækste? Hvordan kan de udvikle produkter, som de er sikre på, at kunderne ønsker at købe? Kan innovation være andet end spil hit & miss? Professor på Harvard Business School Clayton Christensen har svaret. For en generation siden revolutionerede Christensen business-verdenen med sin banebrydende teori om disruptiv innovation. Nu tager han skridtet videre og tilbyder kraftfulde nye indsigter.Efter mange års forskning er Christensen og hans medforfattere nået til en kritisk konklusion: Det, vi længe har troet – at det at forstå kunden er kernen i innovation – er forkert. Kunder køber ikke produkter eller tjenester; de "hyrer" dem til at gøre et job. At forstå kunden er ikke drivkraften i en innovationssucces. Det er til gengæld det at forstå den opgave, kunden skal løse. Jobs-to-be-done"-tilgangen kan ses i nogle af verdens mest respekterede virksomheder og hurtigst vækstende startups, herunder Amazon, Uber og Airbnb for blot at nævne nogle få. Men denne bog handler ikke om at fejre disse succeser, men om at forudsige nye.Forfatterne mener, at virksomheder ved at forstå, hvad der får kunderne til at "hyre" et produkt eller en tjeneste, kan styrke innovationen og skabe produkter, som kunderne ikke kun kan bruge, men også vil betale godt for. Bogen giver en omfattende og klar forklaring på jobs-to-be-done-teorien, hvordan man bruger den i praksis, og vigtigst af alt, hvordan man ikke taber den indsigt, teorien giver, på gulvet.

  • af Karen Dillon
    139,95 kr.

  • af Karen Dillon
    488,95 kr.

    Don¿t let destructive drama sideline your career.Every organization has its share of political drama: Personalities clash. Agendas compete. Turf wars erupt. But you need to work productively with your colleagues¿even difficult ones¿for the good of your organization and your career. How can you do that without compromising your personal values? By acknowledging that power dynamics and unwritten rules exist¿and navigating them constructively.The HBR Guide to Office Politics will help you succeed at work without being a power grabber or a corporate climber. Instead yoüll cultivate a political strategy that¿s authentic to you. Yoüll learn how to:Gain influence without losing your integrityContend with backstabbers and bulliesWork through tough conversationsManage tensions when resources are scarceGet your share of choice assignmentsAccept that not all conflict is badArm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, from a source you trust. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

  • - Historien om innovation og kundevalg
    af Karen Dillon, Taddy Hall, David S. Duncan & mfl.
    313,95 kr.

    Enhver virksomhed har brug for at omdanne innovation fra vision til noget, hvor de udvikler produkter og tjenester, som kunderne ikke bare vil købe, men er villige til at betale for.Hvordan ved virksomhederne, hvordan de skal vækste? Hvordan kan de udvikle produkter, som de er sikre på, at kunderne ønsker at købe? Kan innovation være andet end spil hit & miss? Professor på Harvard Business School Clayton Christensen har svaret. For en generation siden revolutionerede Christensen business-verdenen med sin banebrydende teori om disruptiv innovation. Nu tager han skridtet videre og tilbyder kraftfulde nye indsigter.Efter mange års forskning er Christensen og hans medforfattere nået til en kritisk konklusion: Det, vi længe har troet – at det at forstå kunden er kernen i innovation – er forkert. Kunder køber ikke produkter eller tjenester; de "hyrer" dem til at gøre et job. At forstå kunden er ikke drivkraften i en innovationssucces. Det er til gengæld det at forstå den opgave, kunden skal løse. Jobs-to-be-done"-tilgangen kan ses i nogle af verdens mest respekterede virksomheder og hurtigst vækstende startups, herunder Amazon, Uber og Airbnb for blot at nævne nogle få. Men denne bog handler ikke om at fejre disse succeser, men om at forudsige nye.Forfatterne mener, at virksomheder ved at forstå, hvad der får kunderne til at "hyre" et produkt eller en tjeneste, kan styrke innovationen og skabe produkter, som kunderne ikke kun kan bruge, men også vil betale godt for. Bogen giver en omfattende og klar forklaring på jobs-to-be-done-teorien, hvordan man bruger den i praksis, og vigtigst af alt, hvordan man ikke taber den indsigt, teorien giver, på gulvet.

  • af Clayton M. Christensen, James Allworth & Karen Dillon
    293,95 kr.

    In 2010 world-renowned innovation expert Clayton M. Christensen gave a powerful speech to the Harvard Business School's graduating class. Drawing upon his business research, he offered a series of guidelines for finding meaning and happiness in life. He used examples from his own experiences to explain how high achievers can all too often fall into traps that lead to unhappiness.The speech was memorable not only because it was deeply revealing but also because it came at a time of intense personal reflection: Christensen had just overcome the same type of cancer that had taken his father's life. As Christensen struggled with the disease, the question "How do you measure your life?" became more urgent and poignant, and he began to share his insights more widely with family, friends, and students. In this groundbreaking book, Christensen puts forth a series of questions: How can I be sure that I'll find satisfaction in my career? How can I be sure that my personalrelationships become enduring sources of happiness? How can I avoid compromising my integrity?and stay out of jail? Using lessons from some of the world's greatest businesses, he provides incredible insights into these challenging questions. How Will You Measure Your Life? is full of inspiration and wisdom, and will help students, midcareer professionals, and parents alike forge their own paths to fulfillment.

  • af Karen Dillon
    547,95 kr.

    Treating twinship as a cultural phenomenon, this first comprehensive study of twins in American literature and popular culture examines their historical narrative - embedded within discourses of aberrance, experimentation and eugenics - and how it has shaped their public and personal representations in the 20th and 21st centuries.

  • af Amy Gallo, Harvard Business Review & Karen Dillon
    793,95 kr.

  • af Karen Dillon
    182,95 kr.

    Don¿t let destructive drama sideline your career.Every organization has its share of political drama: Personalities clash. Agendas compete. Turf wars erupt. But you need to work productively with your colleagues¿even difficult ones¿for the good of your organization and your career. How can you do that without compromising your personal values? By acknowledging that power dynamics and unwritten rules exist¿and navigating them constructively.The HBR Guide to Office Politics will help you succeed at work without being a power grabber or a corporate climber. Instead yoüll cultivate a political strategy that¿s authentic to you. Yoüll learn how to:Gain influence without losing your integrityContend with backstabbers and bulliesWork through tough conversationsManage tensions when resources are scarceGet your share of choice assignmentsAccept that not all conflict is badArm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, from a source you trust. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.