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Bøger af Kami Garcia

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  • af Kami Garcia
    193,95 - 198,95 kr.

    #1 New York Times bestselling author Kami Garcia (Beautiful Creatures) and artist Gabriel Picolo, the creative duo behind the smash hit Teen Titans: Raven, take you on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, while reminding us the value of true friendship--especially when life gets wild.

  • af Kami Garcia & Gabriel Picolo
    193,95 kr.

    From #1 New York Times bestselling author KAMI GARCIA (Beautiful Creatures) and artist GABRIEL PICOLO, the creative duo behind the New York Times bestselling graphic novel Teen Titans: Raven, comes the romantic meetup we have all been waiting for!

  • af Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
    108,95 kr.

    The unabridged, downloadable audiobook edition of Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, read by the actor Kevin T. Collins with Eve Bianco. Featuring original music by Michele McGonigle. Is falling in love the beginning . . . Or the end? In Ethan Wates hometown there lies the darkest of secrets. There is a girl. Slowly, she pulled the hood from her head. Green eyes, black hair. Lena Duchannes. There is a curse. On the Sixteenth Moon, the Sixteenth Year, the Book will take what its been promised. And no one can stop it. In the end, there is a grave. Lena and Ethan become bound together by a deep, powerful love. But Lena is cursed and on her sixteenth birthday, her fate will be decided. Ethan never even saw it coming.

  • af Kami Garcia & Gabriel Picolo
    548,95 kr.

  • af Kami Garcia & Gabriel Picolo
    173,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
    108,95 kr.

    The unabridged, downloadable audiobook edition of Beautiful Redemption, the fourth and final instalment in Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohls bestselling Caster Chronicles series. Read by the actor Kevin T. Collins. Is death the end . . . or only the beginning? Ethan Wate always dreamed of leaving the stifling Southern town of Gatlin. But he never dreamt that finding love with Lena Duchannes would drive him away. Lena is a Caster girl whose supernatural powers unveiled a secretive and cursed side of Gatlin, so powerful it forced him to make a terrible sacrifice. Now Ethan must find a way to return to Lena - and Gatlin - as she vows to do whatever it takes to get him back. Even if it means trusting old enemies or risking their loved ones lives. Can Ethan and Lena rewrite their fate and their spellbinding love story in this stunning finale to the Beautiful Creatures series?

  • af Kami Garcia
    168,95 kr.

    Raven Roth, Garfield Logan, Maxine Navarro, and Damian Wayne are on the run, while Dick Grayson wants to know what happened to his brother Damian--and they all want to defeat H.I.V.E. for good.

  • af Kami Garcia & Mico Suayan
    253,95 - 363,95 kr.

    Murder is his art. Catching killers is hers.In Gotham City, heinous acts of violence are a daily occurrence. Harley Quinn, forensic psychiatrist and profiler, consults with the GCPD ontheir worst cases. But she is fixated on an unsolved murder that haunts her-the night she discovered her roommate's body marked with thesignature of a notorious serial killer known as The Joker. Five years later, the case remains unsolved, and a new series of horrific killings has begun. As the murders escalate and the meticulouslyconstructed crime scenes become more elaborate, Harley's obsession with finding the depraved psychopath responsible leads her down adangerous path. When the past and the present finally collide, Harley has to decide how far she is willing to go-and how many lines she iswilling to cross-to solve these cases once and for all. Written by #1 New York Times and international bestselling author Kami Garcia (Beautiful Creatures, Unbreakable, The X-Files Origins: Agent of Chaos) and drawn by Mico Suayan (Bloodshot Reborn), Jason Badower (Wonder Woman '77), and Mike Mayhew (The Star Wars), Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity introduces readers to a Joker and Harley Quinn unlike any they've seen before, utilizing forensic psychiatry, behavior analysis (profiling), and psychological profiles to create a true-to-life take on these iconic characters that is more terrifying than any psychotic fantasy. This volume collects issues #1-8, as well as Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity-Secret Files. "Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity is as brutal and cruel as Gotham itself. Kami Garcia and her disturbed co-conspirator artists are about to make you uncomfortable in the very best way." -Brad Meltzer, New York Times bestselling author of The Escape Artist and writer of Identity Crisis "Reads like a cinematic trip, a breathtaking sojourn through the tangled minds of psychopaths. Chilling writing and the art is off the charts." -Josh Malerman, New York Times bestselling author of Bird Box and Goblin"Gritty, gripping, and suspenseful-a fresh vision of Harley Quinn and the Joker, and a darkly vivid story."-Meg Gardiner, bestselling author of the Unsub series "Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity is methodical, disturbing, and incredibly compelling. Harley is brilliant, formidable, and absolutely not to be f'd with."-Kelly Sue DeConnick, writer of Bitch Planet and Captain Marvel "Kami Garcia, Mico Suayan, Jason Badower, and Mike Mayhew bring some things to the legends Joker and Harley that no one else has done before! A mesmerizing treat even for those who think they know all there is to know about these characters." - Brian Michael Bendis, writer of Alias and Naomi "Kami Garcia and her amazing artistic collaborators dig deep to create a portrait of Joker and Harley that is as scary and exciting as you'd hope for, but also surprisingly human." - Jeff Lemire, creator of Sweet Toothand writer of Joker: Killer Smile "Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity isn't just a darkly fresh take on iconic DC characters, it's also a deep, masterful exploration of the most terrifying corners of human psychology. One of the most gripping series I read this year." - Scott Snyder, writer of The Batman who Laughs and American Vampire

  • af Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
    108,95 kr.

    The unabridged, downloadable audiobook edition of Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohls Beautiful Darkness, the bewitching second instalment of Ethan and Lenas epic love story. Read by the actor Kevin T. Collins and feauturing original music by Michele McGonigle. Is death the end . . . or only the beginning? Ethan Wate always dreamed of leaving the stifling Southern town of Gatlin. But he never dreamt that finding love with Lena Duchannes would drive him away. Lena is a Caster girl whose supernatural powers unveiled a secretive and cursed side of Gatlin, so powerful it forced him to make a terrible sacrifice. Now Ethan must find a way to return to Lena - and Gatlin - as she vows to do whatever it takes to get him back. Even if it means trusting old enemies or risking their loved ones lives. Can Ethan and Lena rewrite their fate and their spellbinding love story in this stunning finale to the Beautiful Creatures series?

  • af Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
    98,00 kr.

    Ethan Wate har brugt det meste af sit liv på at længes væk fra den stillestående sydstatsflække Gatlin. Men han havde aldrig forestillet sig, at han ville blive tvunget til at forlade byen og venner og familie uden at sige farvel. Da han kommer til bevidsthed efter springet fra vandtårnet, befinder han sig i en åndelig parallelverden til Gatlin, hvor han møder sin afdøde mor. Han er glad for at kunne være sammen med hende, men ulykkelig over at være adskilt fra Lena. Han har derfor kun ét mål: at finde en vej tilbage til Lena og den dødelige verden. For at kunne det må han have adgang til Casterkrøniken hos Det Fjerne Førerskab og destruere den side, hvorpå hans skæbne allerede står nedskrevet. Det medfører en lang farefuld rejse, der bringer ham tæt på ondskabens væsen. Hjemme i Gatlin venter Lena på en slags tegn fra Ethan, så hun ved, at han ikke er borte for altid, og hun er klar til at gøre, hvad der end kræves for at få ham tilbage – også at sætte venner og families liv på spil. Da hun finder ud af, at Ethan har brug for Månebogen, som Abraham Ravenwood er i besiddelse af, går hun i forhandling med Abraham, vel vidende at prisen er høj. Nu hvor Lena og Ethan befinder sig i hver deres verden, må de have blind tillid til hinanden og samarbejde imod alle odds for at ændre på skæbnen. Men intet er uden omkostninger i mødet mellem Gatlins og casternes verden.

  • af Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
    120,95 kr.

    Der er undergangsstemning i ellers så idylliske Gatlin. Magtbalancen mellem mørke og lys blev ødelagt, efter at Lena nægtede at vælge side, og nu begynder konsekvenserne: Sindssyge hedebølger, ødelæggende storme og græshoppesværme hærger byen, og folk fabler om jordens undergang. Selv de stærkeste castere i Lenas familie oplever, at deres evner bliver påvirket, og det går op for Ethan og Lena, at deres kærlighed har sat gang i et kaos, der er hævet over liv og død. Som tiden går træder ét spørgsmål tydeligere og tydeligere frem: Hvad – eller hvem – må ofres for at redde Gatlin?Samtidig sker der mærkelige ting med Ethan. Pludselig skriver han med venstre hånd og afskyr mad, han ellers elskede. Endnu værre er, at han begynder at glemme ting – navne, telefonnumre og endda begivenheder i fortiden. Det er, som om hans sind er ved at forandre sig. Han ved ikke hvorfor og er også virkelig bange for at finde ud af det. Han hører hele tiden en indre stemme blive ved med at sige: "Jeg venter." Hvem er det, der venter på Ethan, og hvorfor?Nogle gange er der ikke kun ét svar og ét valg. Og nogle gange – denne gang – er der ikke nogen lykkelig slutning.

  • af Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
    120,95 kr.

    Ethan Wate plejede at hade sit liv i Gatlin, den begivenhedsløse lille by, som han er vokset op i. Det var før, han mødte Lena Duchannes, der flyttede til byen og afslørede en hemmelig verden lige under byens pæne facade. Gatlin er nemlig også stedet, hvor en forbandelse har plaget Lenas særprægede familie i mange generationer. Stedet, hvor der sker ufattelige magiske og livsændrende begivenheder.Sammen kan Lena og Ethan overvinde alt - troede de, men efter et tragisk dødsfald trækker Lena sig væk fra Ethan og begynder at have hemmeligheder, som belaster deres forhold. Hun er splittet mellem godt og ondt, og ingen ved, om hun bliver lys eller mørk, men hun er begyndt at hænge ud med sin mørke kusine, Ridley, og en mystisk fyr, som har en underlig magt over hende. Ethan vil kæmpe for Lena og deres kærlighed, men er samtidig hjemsøgt af besynderlige syner.Nu, hvor han for alvor har fået øjnene op for Gatlins mørke sider, er der ingen vej tilbage. Han bliver trukket dybere og dybere ind i byens sydstatsfortid og et netværk af underjordiske gange, der strækker sig milevidt – hvor intet er, hvad man tror. Undervejs indser Ethan, at hans egen baggrund også rummer hemmeligheder. Faktisk er han selv en afgørende brik i det store spil."... en fantastisk fortsættelse til ‘Stormvind‘. Faktisk er den på mange måder bedre end den første bog i serien, fordi man ser en helt anden side af mange af karaktererne, og så er der en del overraskelser, man på ingen måde kunne have regnet ud. Vi glæder os allerede til de næste to bøger i serien!" - Vi Unge"Det var fantastisk at blive suget med ind i Ethan og Lenas verden igen" - Kulturforunge.dkKami Garcia (f. 1972) og Margaret Stohl (f. 1967) har sammen skrevet de populære ungdomsbøger med serietitlen "Beautiful Creatures". De er begge succesfulde amerikanske forfattere, der primært skriver ungdomsbøger.

  • af Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
    120,95 - 139,95 kr.

    Ethan tæller ned til den dag, hvor han afslutter Jackson High og kan flytte langt væk fra Gatlin, for én ting er sikkert: Der sker aldrig noget nyt i den lille, fordomsfulde sydstatsflække. Hans mor er for nyligt død i en ulykke, og hans far har buret sig inde på sit kontor i sorg, så hvad skulle holde ham tilbage? På det seneste er Ethan begyndt at have mærkelige drømme om en pige, han aldrig har mødt. Det er blevet en besættelse for ham, og han føler sig både forelsket og lettere sindssyg på en gang. Da skoleåret starter, og den smukke Lena Duchannes dukker op, bliver pigen fra hans drømme pludselig lyslevende. Lena er befriende anderledes end alle piger på Jackson High, men også skræmmende. Hun bor hos sin onkel, den besynderlige eneboer Macon Ravenwood, i byens ældste ejendom – spøgelseshuset – og hun er fra første dag dømt ude af det lille samfund. Ethan mærker øjeblikkeligt en stærk forbindelse imellem dem, som han ikke kan forklare eller modstå. De kan læse hinandens tanker og får stærke fortidssyner om en tragisk kærlighed under den amerikanske borgerkrig. Sammen afdækker de en verden i Gatlin, som er langt dybere og farligere, end Ethan i sin vildeste fantasi kunne have forestillet sig.Lena og Ethan er som skabt til hinanden, men der hviler en forbandelse over Lenas skæbne, som vil blive afgjort på hendes sekstenårs fødselsdag – og den nærmer sig. "Giv den her til fans af Stephenie Meyers Twilight […] eller HBO's True Blood-serie, og de vil sluge samtlige 600 sider af denne paranormale romance med gotiske træk." – SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL

  • af Kami Garcia
    147,95 - 202,95 kr.

  • af Kami Garcia
    168,95 kr.

    When Kori Anderson, who has a connective tissue disorder, and her popular older sister Kira participate in a pharmaceutical company's clinical trial, she begins to discover strange powers and hopes to discover the truth about these abilities--and her sister's boyfriend.

  • af Kami Garcia
    178,95 kr.

    Kami Garcia (Beautiful Creatures) and artist Gabriel Picolo, New York Times bestselling creators of the Teen Titans graphic novel series, lead the teen team on the action-adventure of a lifetime. DC Comics is proud to present new editions of the series featuring connecting covers with metallic foil detail. When the books are lined up in publication order, Picolo's cover art will form a single image!If you haven't jumped on board this bestselling series, this is the moment to start collecting!A New York Times bestseller!USA Today and Publishers Weekly bestseller!Garfield Logan has spent his entire life being overlooked. Even in a small town like Eden, Georgia, the seventeen-year-old with green streaks in his hair can't find a way to stand out--and the clock is ticking. Senior year is almost over. If Gar doesn't find a way to impress the social elite at Bull Creek High School, he will never know what it's like to matter. Gar's best friends, Stella and Tank, can't understand why he cares what other people think, and they miss their funny, pizza-loving, video game-obsessed best friend.Then Gar accepts a wild dare out of the blue. It impresses the popular kids, and his social status soars. But other things are changing, too. Gar grows six inches overnight. His voice drops, and suddenly, he's stronger and faster. He's finally getting everything he wanted, but his newfound popularity comes at a price. Gar has to work harder to impress his new friends. The dares keep getting bigger, and the stakes keep getting higher.When Gar realizes the extent of his physical changes, he has to dig deep and face the truth about himself--and the people who truly matter--before his life spirals out of control.

  • af Kami Garcia
    178,95 kr.

    Kami Garcia (Beautiful Creatures) and artist Gabriel Picolo, New York Times bestselling creators of the Teen Titans graphic novel series, lead the teen team on the action-adventure of a lifetime. DC Comics is proud to present new editions of the series featuring connecting covers with metallic foil detail. When the books are lined up in publication order, Picolo's cover art will form a single image!If you haven't jumped on board this bestselling series, this is the moment to start collecting!It seems like years, but it's only been a few days since Raven Roth recovered her memories; trapped her demon father, Trigon, in her amulet; and had her heart broken for the first time. But she doesn't have time to think about the past...she has to focus on finding a way to get rid of Trigon for good.Garfield Logan still can't believe he has powers that allow him to change into different animals, but the price of knowing that his parents kept this secret hidden from him just feels too high. And what's more, his difficulty controlling these abilities could have unexpected consequences.Both are seeking answers from the one person who seems to have them all figured out: Slade Wilson.When their paths converge in Nashville, Raven and Gar can't help but feel a connection, despite the secrets they both try to hide. It will take a great amount of trust and courage to overcome the wounds of their pasts. But can they find acceptance for the darkest parts of themselves? Or maybe even love?

  • af Kami Garcia
    178,95 kr.

    Kami Garcia (Beautiful Creatures) and artist Gabriel Picolo, New York Times bestselling creators of the Teen Titans graphic novel series, lead the teen team on the action-adventure of a lifetime. DC Comics is proud to present new editions of the series featuring connecting covers with metallic foil detail. When the books are lined up in publication order, Picolo's cover art will form a single image!If you haven't jumped on board this bestselling series, this is the moment to start collecting!A New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestseller!Starting over isn't easy. Raven remembers everyday stuff like how to solve math equations and make pasta, but she can't remember her favorite song or who she was before the accident. And when impossible things start happening, Raven begins to think it might even be better not to know who she was before.But as she grows closer to her new friends, her foster sister, Max, and Tommy Torres, a guy who accepts her for who she is now, Raven has to decide if she's ready to face what's buried in the past...and the darkness building inside her.From #1 New York Times bestselling author Kami Garcia and first-time graphic novel artist Gabriel Picolo comes this riveting tale of finding the strength to face who you are and learning to trust others--and yourself.

  • af Kami Garcia
    173,95 kr.

    John Constantine, a magician of the highest caliber, accepts an apprenticeship in the United States to become the lead singer of his best friend's punk band, but when a complicated spell gets out of hand, the disastrous consequences might be more than Constantine can handle.

  • af Kami Garcia
    128,95 kr.

    From #1 New York Times-bestselling author Kami Garcia comes a red-hot young adult romance that will break your heart and put it back together again. Her heart has to break before it can open.When star soccer player Peyton Rios receives an offer from her first-choice college, senior year starts off exactly as planned. But when Peyton uncovers her boyfriend's dark secret, she confronts him-and finds herself falling down a flight of stairs. Peyton's knee-and maybe her dream of going pro-is shattered. Everyone is talking: Was she pushed, or did she fall? Peyton knows the truth, even if no one believes her. He has to let someone in before it's too late.With her future on the line, Peyton goes to stay with her uncle in a small Tennessee town to focus on her recovery. Dating is the last thing on her mind-until she meets sweet, sexy Owen Law. But Peyton doesn't trust her heart, especially when she senses that Owen is hiding something. When their secrets are finally exposed, Peyton has to decide if love is worth fighting for.An Imprint Book "Garcia's suspenseful romance will keep readers turning pages, eager to find out if Peyton is vindicated and ends up with the right guy. Amid steamy moments and swoony descriptions of falling in love, Garcia (The Lovely Reckless) tackles a serious issue head-on." -Publishers Weekly"A slow burn that squeezes your heart so tightly you can't breathe . . . until it explodes, and you're left with a beautiful story that will draw you back again and again."-Abbi Glines, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Field Party series and the Rosemary Beach novels

  • af Kami Garcia
    408,95 kr.

    Raven Roth and Garfield Logan are two regular teens with some seriously unique lives! Author Kami Garcia and artist Gabriel Picolo s New York Times bestselling book Teen Titans: Raven is collected with its followup Teen Titans: Beast Boy in this incredible HARDCOVER box set!

  • - (Dangerous Creatures Book 1)
    af Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
    108,95 kr.

    Dangerous Creatures is a new series set in the world of the #1 bestselling Beautiful Creatures series (NOW A MAJOR FILM) by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl.Some loves are cursed . . . others are dangerous.Ridley Duchannes will be the first to tell you that she's a bad girl. She's Dark. She's a Siren. You can never trust her, or even yourself when she's around. Lucky for her, Wesley 'Link' Lincoln can never seem to remember that; quarter Incubus or not, his heart is Mortal when it comes to Ridley. When Link heads to New York City to start a music career, Ridley goes along for the ride-and she has her own reasons. As if leaving small-town Gatlin for the big city, trying to form a band, and surviving life with a partially reformed Siren isn't hard enough already, Link soon learns he has a price on his head that no Caster or Mortal can ever pay.Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl are back and casting another magical spell. Their signature mixture of mystery, suspense, and romance, along with a dash of fun and danger, will pull fans in and leave them begging for more.Praise for The Beautiful Creatures series:'Watch out Twilight and Hunger Games' The Guardian'Move over Twilight, there's a new supernatural saga in town.' E!'A hauntingly delicious dark fantasy' - Cassandra Clare, New York Times bestselling author of City of Bones'Gorgeously crafted, atmospheric, and original' Melissa Marr, New York Times bestselling author of Wicked Lovely'Smart, textured and romantic' Kirkus Reviews'This novel has been generating Twilight-level buzz.' Teen VogueAbout the Authors:Kami Garcia (@kamigarcia) and Margaret Stohl (@mstohl) are the authors of the New York Times bestselling Beautiful Creatures novels: Beautiful Creatures, Beautiful Darkness, Beautiful Chaos, and Beautiful Redemption. Kami and Margie live with their families in Maryland and Los Angeles, respectively. They invite you to visit them online at www.beautifulcreaturesthebook.comAvailable in The Beautiful Creatures series:Beautiful Creatures (Book 1)Beautiful Darkness (Book 2)Beautiful Chaos (Book 3)Beautiful Redemption (Book 4)Exclusive ebook novellas available:Dream DarkDangerous Dream

  • af Margaret Stohl & Kami Garcia
    228,95 kr.

    From the world of Beautiful Creatures--a dangerous new tale of love and magic continues in the sequel to Dangerous Creatures.After a disastrous car crash outside New York City, Ridley Duchannes--Dark Caster, Siren, and bona fide bad girl-has gone missing. Her wannabe rocker and quarter Incubus boyfriend, Wesley "e;Link"e; Lincoln, was driving, and when he comes to, Ridley is nowhere to be found. The only clue is the giant raven emblazoned on the hood of the truck that hit them, which can mean only one thing: Silas Ravenwood is back. And he has Ridley. Determined to find her, Link reunites with old friends John Breed and Liv Durand, his New York bandmates, and the mysterious Lennox Gates--who has his own reasons for tracking down Ridley. Together they travel through the Caster Tunnels and the Deep South to New Orleans, where they uncover the truth about the infamous Ravenwood labs and exactly what Silas has been doing within those walls. By the time Link and his friends reach Ridley, she is no longer the Siren they know and love. She's something new. This time, love might not be enough to save them. In this sequel to Dangerous Creatures, the bestselling spin-off of the #1 New York Times bestselling Beautiful Creatures novels, coauthors Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl deliver an intoxicating blend of magic, suspense, and danger.

  • af Margaret Stohl & Kami Garcia
    228,95 kr.

    From the world of Beautiful Creatures--the instant New York Times bestselling tale of love and magic.Ridley Duchannes is nobody's heroine. She's a Dark Caster, a Siren. She can make you do things. Anything. You can't trust her, or yourself when she's around. And she'll be the first to tell you to stay away--especially if you're going to do something as stupid as fall in love with her. Lucky for Ridley, her wannabe rocker boyfriend, Wesley "e;Link"e; Lincoln, never listens to anyone. Link doesn't care if Rid's no good for him, and he takes her along when he leaves small-town Gatlin to follow his rock-star dream. He teams up with a ragtag group of Dark Casters, and when the band scores a gig at a hot Underground club, it looks like all of Link's dreams are about to come true. But New York City is a dangerous place for both Casters and Mortals, and soon Ridley realizes that Link's bandmates are keeping secrets. With bad-boy club owner Lennox Gates on her heels, Rid is determined to find out the truth. What she discovers is worse than she could have imagined: Link has a price on his head that no Caster or Mortal can ever pay. With their lives on the line, what's a Siren to do? Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, the #1 New York Times bestselling coauthors of the Beautiful Creatures novels, are back to cast another magical spell. Their signature blend of mystery, suspense, and romance, with a healthy dose of wit and danger, will pull fans in and leave them begging for more.

  • af Margaret Stohl & Kami Garcia
    183,95 kr.

    The stunning conclusion to the New York Times bestselling series, perfect for fans of Cassandra Clare and Maggie Stiefvater!Is death the end . . . or only the beginning?Ethan Wate has spent most of his life longing to escape the stiflingly small Southern town of Gatlin. He never thought he would meet the girl of his dreams, Lena Duchannes, who unveiled a secretive, powerful, and cursed side of Gatlin, hidden in plain sight. And he never could have expected that he would be forced to leave behind everyone and everything he cares about. So when Ethan awakes after the chilling events of the Eighteenth Moon, he has only one goal: to find a way to return to Lena and the ones he loves.Back in Gatlin, Lena is making her own bargains for Ethan's return, vowing to do whatever it takes -- even if that means trusting old enemies or risking the lives of the family and friends Ethan left to protect. Worlds apart, Ethan and Lena must once again work together to rewrite their fate, in this stunning finale to the Beautiful Creatures series.

  • af Margaret Stohl & Kami Garcia
    168,95 kr.

    The third book in the New York Times bestselling series, perfect for fans of Cassandra Clare and Maggie Stiefvater!Ethan Wate thought he was getting used to the strange, impossible events happening in Gatlin, his small Southern town. But now that Ethan and Lena have returned home from the Great Barrier, strange and impossible have taken on new meanings. Swarms of locusts, record-breaking heat, and devastating storms ravage Gatlin as Ethan and Lena struggle to understand the impact of Lena's Claiming. Even Lena's family of powerful Supernaturals is affected -- and their abilities begin to dangerously misfire. As time passes, one question becomes clear: What -- or who -- will need to be sacrificed to save Gatlin?For Ethan, the chaos is a frightening but welcome distraction. He's being haunted in his dreams again, but this time it's not Lena -- and the mysterious figure is following him out of his dreams and into his everyday life. Worse, Ethan is gradually losing pieces of himself -- forgetting names, phone numbers, even memories. He doesn't know why, and he's afraid to ask. Sometimes there's no going back. And this time there won't be a happy ending.

  • af Margaret Stohl & Kami Garcia
    193,95 kr.

    The instant New York Times bestseller! The first book in a lush gothic fantasy series perfect for fans of Cassandra Clare and Maggie Stiefvater.Lena Duchannes is unlike anyone the small Southern town of Gatlin has ever seen, and she's struggling to conceal her power, and a curse that has haunted her family for generations. But even within the overgrown gardens, murky swamps and crumbling graveyards of the forgotten South, a secret cannot stay hidden forever.Ethan Wate, who has been counting the months until he can escape from Gatlin, is haunted by dreams of a beautiful girl he has never met. When Lena moves into the town's oldest and most infamous plantation, Ethan is inexplicably drawn to her and determined to uncover the connection between them.In a town with no surprises, one secret could change everything.

  • af Margaret Stohl & Kami Garcia
    183,95 kr.

    The second book in the New York Times bestselling series, perfect for fans of Cassandra Clare and Maggie Stiefvater! Ethan Wate used to think of Gatlin, the small Southern town he had always called home, as a place where nothing ever changed. Then he met mysterious newcomer Lena Duchannes, who revealed a secret world that had been hidden in plain sight all along. A Gatlin that harbored ancient secrets beneath its moss-covered oaks and cracked sidewalks. A Gatlin where a curse has marked Lena's family of powerful Supernaturals for generations. A Gatlin where impossible, magical, life-altering events happen.Sometimes life-ending.Together they can face anything Gatlin throws at them, but after suffering a tragic loss, Lena starts to pull away, keeping secrets that test their relationship. And now that Ethan's eyes have been opened to the darker side of Gatlin, there's no going back. Haunted by strange visions only he can see, Ethan is pulled deeper into his town's tangled history and finds himself caught up in the dangerous network of underground passageways endlessly crisscrossing the South, where nothing is as it seems.

  • af Kami Garcia
    193,95 kr.

    From New York Times best-selling author Kami Garcia, a contemporary romance full of loss, love, and redemption. She used to care about being the good girl.Haunted by the memory of her boyfriend's death, Frankie Devereux lives her life by one dangerous rule: nothing matters. But she crosses the line with a reckless choice that forces her to move in with her dad-an overprotective cop-and transfer to a new school. When Frankie meets Marco, a tough street racer who is risking everything for his family, things get complicated.He wasn't always the bad boy.Everyone says Marco Leone is trouble. But at Frankie's new school, where fistfights in the halls don't faze anyone and illegal street racing is more popular than football, Marco is also the fastest (and hottest) guy around. As their attraction grows, Frankie can't seem to stay away from him-until she discovers Marco's dangerous secret. Your own heart will race with each page turn of this heart-stopping star-crossed love story.An Imprint Book

  • af Kami Garcia
    118,95 kr.

    'Excellent . . . thanks to this we now want two new X-Files shows' SFX magazineHow did Fox Mulder become a believer?In the spring of 1979, seventeen-year-old Fox Mulder has bigger problems than applying for college. Five years ago, his younger sister disap peared from their home and was never heard from again. Mulder blames himself, and his mother blames his father, who has retreated into his top-secret work for the State Depart ment. In Fox's senior year, his dad has moved him to Washington, DC?away from his friends on Martha's Vineyard.While Mulder doesn't mind the fresh start and not being known as "e;that kid with the missing sister,"e; he's still obsessed with finding Samantha. So when a local boy turns up dead and another child is abducted, Mulder can't stop himself from getting involved. Could there be a link to his sister's case? As he uncovers the truth, Mulder and his friends find themselves on the trail of a serial killer.Sucked into a world where conspiracies, the occult, and madness overlap, Fox Mulder starts to believe.