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Bøger af Julie Walsh

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  • - En roman om livet i fertilitetsbehandling
    af Julie Walsh
    238,95 kr.

    Caroline og Christian lever et perfekt liv. De har det hele. De er unge, smukke, forelskede, velhavende, de har fuld smæk på karrieren, gode venner, en fed lejlighed og dyre vaner. Alt spiller for dem, og de er vant til at få alle deres ønsker opfyldt. Nu har de besluttet sig for at få et barn, og her møder de modstand. Graviditeten udebliver, og et langt, opslidende forløb i fertilitetsbehandling begynder, sideløbende med at deres venner får det ene barn efter det andet.Kærligheden, venskaber, familierelationer, psyken, jobbet - det hele vakler. Misundelse, frustration, sorg og angst lægger sig som en dyne hen over dem. Får de nogensinde et barn?En hudløst ærlig og humoristisk roman om fertilitetsbehandling og ufrivillig barnløshed.

  • af Julie Walsh
    148,95 kr.

    Why Bodybuilding?You may be reading this and thinking that exact question. First of all lets define bodybuilding for our purposes. Bodybuilding - Any person changing or wishing to change the shape of their body through diet and exercise particularly but not solely through the use of progressive resistance training with weights. This definition covers a huge range of the exercising population from absolute beginner to hard core competitive athletes. Why ? Because all negative connotations aside bodybuilding is the best way to achieve most fitness and body shaping goals. Julie and I trained for over 35 years without ever thinking of competing until quite recently. Competitive bodybuilding is an extreme sport. Competitive bodybuilders are just a very small percentage of the total people using bodybuilding techniques to improve their physiques across the world. There is a level for each individual and one can take the sport as a casual pastime to improve health and fitness or to the most extreme levels. Bodybuilding contains the freedom for you to express your individual uniqueness however you choose. However bodybuilders have been turned into quite unsavoury objects by our society and the next feature explains my search for meaning relating to my lifetime of personal bodybuilding choices.

  • af Julie Walsh
    208,95 kr.

    Why Bodybuilding?You may be reading this and thinking that exact question. First of all lets define bodybuilding for our purposes. Bodybuilding - Any person changing or wishing to change the shape of their body through diet and exercise particularly but not solely through the use of progressive resistance training with weights. This definition covers a huge range of the exercising population from absolute beginner to hard core competitive athletes. Why ? Because all negative connotations aside bodybuilding is the best way to achieve most fitness and body shaping goals. Julie (52) & Gary (55)

  • af Julie Walsh
    193,95 kr.

    A personal trainer in a book for a fraction of the price.Fitness and Physique at any age. Julie and Gary are both over 50 and no signs of ever slowing down.The only rule is that there are no rules. Just a solid belief in it all happening perfectly and the dissolution of any and all negativity.Get rid of the clouds and the sun can shine through.

  • af Julie Walsh
    208,95 kr.

    A personal trainer in a book for a fraction of the price.Fitness and Physique at any age. Julie and Gary are both over 50 and no signs of ever slowing down.The only rule is that there are no rules. Just a solid belief in it all happening perfectly and the dissolution of any and all negativity.Get rid of the clouds and the sun can shine through.

  • af Julie Walsh
    178,95 kr.

    Why Bodybuilding?You may be reading this and thinking that exact question. First of all lets define bodybuilding for our purposes. Bodybuilding - Any person changing or wishing to change the shape of their body through diet and exercise particularly but not solely through the use of progressive resistance training with weights. This definition covers a huge range of the exercising population from absolute beginner to hard core competitive athletes. Why ? Because all negative connotations aside bodybuilding is the best way to achieve most fitness and body shaping goals.

  • af Julie Walsh
    148,95 kr.

    The great mind Michel Foucault considers writing about yourself to be what he terms a technology of the self. Writing being used as a tool to say and discover something about yourself in such a way that you could become different. Forms of personal and private writing bring us close to a type of knowledge that transforms us. Through personal writings about oneself we produce new ways of being. Through the writing a freedom to be a different self is practised. This freedom transforms us and grants us power to pronounce truths about ourselves that may lead others to transform themselves. I write, and will continue to write, in order to reinforce new beliefs and to become different, and by becoming different I practise a transformative freedom, that I hope will lead others to find freedom and change also. A little or a lot. I guess you could say that I agree with Michel Foucault. A great mind that for me has hit the nail on the head. It is my hope within my ramblings that a person will find at least one nugget, hopefully more, that will help give more meaning to the world in which we live. Meaning at the level at which most of us live, on the ground in the real world and not with our heads in the clouds. In this book I will discuss how I try to live my philosophy from day to day. Not even being entirely sure what my philosophy is, and changing daily. Never really succeeding 100% in my aims but being mindful of much that I had never even been aware of previously in my life. The structure will be quite random as that is how life and thoughts arrive with me and how I reflect on them and thus develop my reflections. I have yet to learn how to think in nice ordered chapters. Much is written about the flow of the universe, well I consider that is how I write. An idea presents itself when the time is right. There follows many random thoughts and ideas for you to ingest. First I would like to introduce both myself, my dogs, Julie, my wife and my turbulent past through the introduction and then we will enter the random world of my daily thought processes. It may be thought of as self indulgent to talk about oneself in a book but I hope the following arguments will help state my case. I can only view the world from my unique perspective, attempting anything else would be foolhardy.

  • af Julie Walsh
    73,95 kr.

    Keeping It Simple Your body is the ultimate gift from Mother Nature, to transport your soul through this life and as such it should be offered much respect. Are you respecting your most precious gift? Can you pass on good habits and respect for your body and health to be a role model for your loved ones? We believe you can, we believe anybody can, you just have to desire the change and the influence will flow on naturally. There has been much written about diet and fitness and as often happens with a popular subject it has become confused and often misleading. Each new expert contradicts the one before and each new diet promises but fails to deliver a "long term" solution to weight management and fitness. This Book is different in as much as all we will do is inform you honestly what has worked and is still working for us and some of the habits that most definitely did not work.

  • af Julie Walsh
    163,95 kr.

    A personal trainer in a book for a fraction of the price.Fitness and Physique at any age. Julie and Gary are both over 50 and no signs of ever slowing down.The only rule is that there are no rules. Just a solid belief in it all happening perfectly and the dissolution of any and all negativity.Get rid of the clouds and the sun can shine through.

  • af Julie Walsh
    208,95 kr.

    Why Bodybuilding?You may be reading this and thinking that exact question. First of all lets define bodybuilding for our purposes. Bodybuilding - Any person changing or wishing to change the shape of their body through diet and exercise particularly but not solely through the use of progressive resistance training with weights. This definition covers a huge range of the exercising population from absolute beginner to hard core competitive athletes. Why ? Because all negative connotations aside bodybuilding is the best way to achieve most fitness and body shaping goals. Julie and I trained for over 35 years without ever thinking of competing until quite recently. Competitive bodybuilding is an extreme sport. Competitive bodybuilders are just a very small percentage of the total people using bodybuilding techniques to improve their physiques across the world. There is a level for each individual and one can take the sport as a casual pastime to improve health and fitness or to the most extreme levels. Bodybuilding contains the freedom for you to express your individual uniqueness however you choose. Gary (55).

  • af Julie Walsh
    178,95 kr.

    Why bodybuilding for women?You may be reading this and thinking that exact question. First of all lets define bodybuilding for our purposes. Bodybuilding - Any person changing or wishing to change the shape of their body through diet and exercise particularly but not solely through the use of progressive resistance training with weights. This definition covers a huge range of the exercising population from absolute beginner to hard core competitive athletes. Why ? Because all negative connotations aside bodybuilding is the best way to achieve most fitness and body shaping goals.

  • - The Political Struggle for Dog-Friendly Parks
    af Julie Walsh
    258,95 kr.

    Investigates what has changed in American community life, social mores, and the relationship between humans and dogs to make the question of whether dogs should be allowed off the leash in public places a major political issue. It details and evaluates the handling of three leash-law disputes, all of which were exceedingly divisive and emotionally intense.

  • - Law and Practice in the United States and European Union
    af Julie Walsh
    1.127,95 kr.

    European and American approaches to public policy differ, with the European approach more likely to have a generous social safety net, tougher regulations on businesses, and stronger protections for animals. Via a comparative analysis of several policies, this book asks whether this conventional wisdom holds in the area of canine welfare.