Bøger af Julian Ashbourn
- Wales
398,95 kr. This book is part of a short series which celebrates Britain's natural landscapes and associated geology. This edition provides an overview of Wales, to the west of England, an area full of diverse landscapes with mountains, valleys, rivers, hills, lakes and an interesting coastline which features some equally interesting geology. For many, it will be the Welsh mountains and valleys which most inspire the artistic temperament, but there is much more to discover within the borders of Wales as, hopefully, this book will demonstrate. The photographs, all of them taken by the author, are part of a larger portfolio of well over 5000 high quality images which depict natural Britain at a particular juncture in time. As such, they represent a valuable scientific archive as well as an aesthetically beautiful overview of this small, but interesting island. This edition will provide readers with a taste of Wales and its landscapes, which they may enjoy wherever in the world they find themselves.
- Bog
- 398,95 kr.
- In the beginning
173,95 kr. The Homesteaders tells a wonderful, heart-warming tale of courage, endurance and hope among the late nineteenth century immigrants to Saskatchewan who, with their diverse backgrounds, came together to transform the wild prairie lands into the wheat bowl of Canada. Woven into this story of one such Homesteader, is a celebration of traditional values and a love of the land, of humanity and a genuine desire to make the world a better place. His experiences along the way of preparation and the journey and arrival in Canada, do much to shape his views on life. However, there is much to learn in this new land, and his dedication and fortitude will eventually be tested to the limits. The Homesteaders is a tale of discovery, of triumph over adversity and the value of true friendship. It is a tale to be enjoyed and cherished by all who appreciate humanity and the natural world.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- To Warm the Heart
93,95 kr. Another Little Book of Verse to Warm the Heart has been gathered together by popular demand, following the original volume, which remains available. It contains many random verses upon a variety of subjects which, hopefully, will prove thought provoking and may allow the reader to see life from an entirely different perspective
- Bog
- 93,95 kr.
- A Story of Success
173,95 kr. Enterprise House is a story about aspiration, ambition and the development of a new business venture which doesn't always go quite to plan, and yet, ultimately, is destined to achieve a very particular distinction. It follows the fortunes of a unique IT Consultancy firm who discover that success can adopt some unusual forms. In due course, it achieves an outstanding success of the very best kind. At the heart of this success story lies Enterprise House itself, an ordinary, scruffy little prefabricated building which came to touch the lives of all those who crossed its threshold. This is a success story to warm the hearts of those who understand what success in life really means.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- The Moors
443,95 kr. Britain in Camera, The Moors, is part of an exclusive series of books which celebrates Britain's natural landscapes and associated geology with a collection of beautiful photographs and anecdotal text. This edition provides an overview of the English moors which have inspired artists, writers and poets for hundreds of years. Indeed, the moors have been inspiring humans since Neolithic times, where they worked their magic upon our ancestors, just as they do today, although they would have appeared rather differently at that juncture in time. Britain in Camera, The Moors, will provide readers with a little of the magic of the moors, which they may enjoy at any time and wherever in the world they find themselves.
- Bog
- 443,95 kr.
- Alaska
103,95 kr. The second of the Billy Two Hawks adventures sees Billy liaising with his friends from the RCMP to solve a complicated, international gun running operation. The case, which at first seems straightforward, turns out to be remarkably complex with many links in the chain, but Billy uses his unique blend of intuition and logic to help his friends, meeting many interesting individuals along the way. He also imparts, to the reader, his own philosophy and understanding of the natural world and why it is so important to preserve it. Unexpectedly, someone else enters Billy's life right at the end of this adventure. Perhaps they will have an influence upon him. Perhaps they will become soul mates in their understanding of what is really important in this life.
- Bog
- 103,95 kr.
- To Warm the Heart
103,95 kr. The Little Book of Verse represents a collection of 52 verses, one for every week of the year, that span around thirty years in the life of the author. They have been inspired by a number of themes, often connected with the natural world in one way or another, although they also reflect the human condition. These are themes which are echoed in other literary works from the author, across a range of subjects, from the natural sciences to history and philosophy. Consequently, every reader is sure to find something that resonates with them within the Little Book of Verse. It will surely warm the hearts of all those who care about our world and humanity
- Bog
- 103,95 kr.
- The Train
93,95 kr. Billy Two Hawks is a detective like no other. He does not work for money and insists on remaining anonymous, refusing any accolades that are offered to him. He works only in support of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, for whom he has a great respect, and only on unsolved cases where his special undercover way of working might prove useful. You see, Billy is a Cree Indian and lives on the Bridgewater Reserve, just a little way from Pinehouse Lake, in northern Saskatchewan. It is a land that he loves and wants to protect from all harm, including the evil of the criminal world. Therefore, he undertakes what he considers as his duty, to help out whenever the opportunity arises. But he always relishes his return to Pinehouse Lake and the land that he loves with all his heart. A detective? Not really. But Billy knows what it means to be a human being.
- Bog
- 93,95 kr.
- Short Stories
108,95 kr. Messages from the Moon are a selection of short stories, some of them purely fictional, others more factual, but all of them thought provoking. Within and between their words runs a deeper meaning which many will find interesting.
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
- Reflections
173,95 kr. The Homesteaders - Reflections is the third and last volume in the Homesteaders series. It looks back on the period covered by the first two volumes, but from a completely different perspective, thus placing the entire story into perspective. In addition, it draws important conclusions from the overall tale and explains why this story should never be forgotten.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- To Warm The Heart
118,95 kr. The Last Little Book of Verse, To Warm The Heart is, as the title suggests, the last in this series of books of poetry. It continues the trend set by its forbears of offering insight into the human condition, as well as a love of nature and the natural world, expressed in verse. A lovely little book to take with you when you travel, or simply to have on the bedside table in order to inspire beautiful thoughts before you travel through the night.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
- Glimpses of Nature
213,95 kr. This book will take the reader on a tour of the natural world, in order to describe natural features and landscapes, certainly, but also to share with the reader the author's love of nature and the very personal feelings he harbours towards it. The natural landscapes of Great Britain are used to illustrate these ideas and emotions, from the mountains to the coasts and everything in between. The fascinating narrative is illustrated with over 450 beautiful photographs, rendered in monochrome, which, together, describe a wealth of natural landscapes and the feelings which they inspire within the individual. This book will prove invaluable for children and adults alike. Indeed, it is an object with which to bring families together and discuss how important an engagement with nature is for the wellbeing of the individual. It is also extremely informative and will bring a greater understanding of the natural world, including geology and coastal processes, to the reader.
- Bog
- 213,95 kr.
- The Sound of Our World
163,95 kr. There have been many books written on the subject of audio. Some have been written from an overtly technical perspective, focusing upon the physics of audio recording and reproduction. Some have focused purely upon acoustics. Yet more have been written to cover the use of a particular piece of software or a particular recording environment. While all of these books are useful, in one way or another, they do little to help create a broader perspective upon the world of audio and how to capture a given moment in time using the technology that is now available to us. This book however is different. It immerses the reader in the world of sound, creating that broader perspective from where intelligent discussion may develop. Naturally, it covers the history of recorded sound and moves on to examine the processes of recording sound in the modern world. It is a book, first and foremost, for musicians and music lovers and all those who appreciate art. It is, for them, also a technical guide, written in a language that they might easily understand, without disappearing into jargon and academic theory. Mostly, it is an audio book to enjoy.
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
- Beyond The Skies
93,95 kr. The Fragrance of The Night reveals many interesting aspects of life, awareness, love and spirituality while also offering much practical advice to the reader. There are jewels of wisdom among that which is revealed and many should find their lives enriched as a result of reading these words. Furthermore, there is a strong undercurrent of morality and guidance which many younger readers might appreciate. Make the Fragrance of The Night your friend and companion as you walk the straight path.
- Bog
- 93,95 kr.
- The Language of Love
113,95 kr. Nighat and Gazala is a beautiful tale of how two young girls, immersed in the natural world, discover the language of love and then use it freely, not just in the forest, but for the rest of their lives. They are cosseted and encouraged by a devoted Father and a loving Mother who teach them how to be human beings. The proud Father spares no effort to ensure that his beloved daughters are educated and that they never forget the principles which he imparted to them with his love. It is a tale of hope, of kindness, of love, of humanity. A tale which should be read and cherished by everyone who has a heart.
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.
- Protecting Our World
173,95 kr. The Evolutionary Conservation concept introduces a new way of practising collaborative conservation on an unprecedented scale, ensuring that the complex web of interactions and dependencies between natural habitats, species and overall environments are properly understood. Furthermore, for the first time, this model introduces an evolutionary element which holds the potential to enhance our ongoing understanding significantly. The model revolves around an intuitive set of tools and an operational hierarchy in support of the broader concept. It is scalable, from local initiative, through regional collaboration, to national, international and, ultimately global. The premise for Evolutionary Conservation lies in looking at conservation from a different perspective. The popular conservationist idea of preserving an environment as we would like it to be, is somewhat at odds with natural evolution and the dynamic balancing act that nature plays in order to maintain a sustainable world. The 'descent with modification' mechanism described by Darwin is an example of natural adaptability according to prevailing conditions. A habitat 'locked in time' would not be able to develop or react to the ever changing situation on planet Earth. It must be able to evolve in multiple dimensions, from the underlying geological processes to the assemblage of flora and fauna which exist within it, and the maintenance of the complex relationships and interactions which sustain it upon an ever changing path. Furthermore, there are the equally complex relationships and interactions which exist between habitats, at every scale, to take into consideration. If we consider the planet as a single, living organism which embodies all of these mechanisms, then the idea of taking a single habitat and somehow fixing it in time is at odds with the bigger picture. Even exercising our own ideas of species control within such individual habitats is incongruous in relation to the larger, interconnected world and, ironically, could lead to further imbalances which, in any event, nature will attempt to compensate for. We must find a way to understand habitats in a much greater depth, which allows us, in turn, to understand this bigger picture and how it is evolving. Rather than imposing our own thoughts and ideas of what we think a habitat should be, we must strive to understand how nature would manage the habitat, including the evolution of attendant species, environmental change and the interactions with the broader, fundamental mechanisms and cycles. We should remember that glaciations, mass extinctions and tectonic upheaval all play a part in nature's orchestration of the planet. Everything is for a reason within the broader scheme of things. When we think along these lines, we can envisage an individual habitat being allowed to evolve in sympathy with nature's grand design, rather than according to a human ideal of what we think it should be. Furthermore, when we extrapolate this thinking to multiple habitats, we begin to understand the complex relationships and the impact that changing any one habitat unnaturally can have upon the whole. However, adopting such an approach requires a combination of an uncommonly deep understanding and a mechanism with which to document and coordinate that understanding according to a common model. Evolutionary Conservation provides just such a model, which may be used practically for any habitat in any part of the world, promoting the development of a new, international understanding. An understanding which supports the idea of the planet as a single, interconnected dynamic mechanism and which provides for a single focus of the same for the common good. Individual habitat management may then be practised under the auspices of this single, broader focus.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- The Lake District
408,95 kr. This book is part of a short series which celebrates Britain's natural landscapes and geology. This edition provides an overview of the Lake District, in the north west of England, an area which, with its hills, lakes and rivers, has inspired generations of artists, poets and writers. The photographs, all taken by the author, are part of a portfolio of over 5000 high quality images which depict natural Britain at a particular juncture in time. As such they represent a valuable scientific archive as well as a beautiful overview of this small, but interesting island. This edition will provide readers with a glimpse of the beautiful Lake District and its diverse landscapes, to enjoy wherever they are.
- Bog
- 408,95 kr.
- Afterwards
173,95 kr. The Homesteaders is a trilogy of works which, together, tell a wonderful, heart warming tale of courage, endurance and hope among the late nineteenth century immigrants to Saskatchewan who, with their diverse backgrounds, came together to transform the wild prairie lands into the wheat bowl of Canada and, in so doing, laid the foundations for the future of the province. Theirs was a tale of struggle, perseverance, occasional heartbreak and eventual triumph. It is primarily a story about people. Some spirited and very special people that we should never forget. It also forms an important chapter in the history of Saskatchewan and, indeed, Canada. This is the second volume in The Homesteaders trilogy. It continues on from the first, wherein our homesteader made, with some difficulty, the transition from late 19th century industrial Britain to the golden prairies of Saskatchewan. This volume takes the story through the period of The Great War and into the depression years of the 1930s. It outlines the part played in these events by those same individuals from under the big skies of that beautiful land. While The Homesteaders is a work of fiction, it is based firmly upon well researched fact and therefore adopts a strong degree of realism. It is a tale which will stir the hearts of everyone who cares about the natural world and what it means to be a human being.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- Nature's Store
108,95 kr. Heaven, Nature's Store is a new book by Julian Ashbourn which challenges traditional mythology, folklore and religion in a manner which perhaps brings us closer to the real Heaven
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- 108,95 kr.
- The Days
98,95 kr. This is the story of an ordinary man. But it is not an ordinary story. It is a journey which, if the reader allows, will take him or her along an unusual but very important path. Along the way of this path are some nuggets of understanding and, at the journey's end, some revelations which some may find uncomfortable. And yet which, for some, might ignite their own answers. Such were the days of John Brown. Let them not be forgotten.
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
- The 21st Century
118,95 kr. An important work, Of Poverty and Wealth follows on from other books by the same author including, Life - All Our Yesterdays and Tomorrows and The Jewel in Your Heart. It challenges our preconceptions of wealth in the 21st century and poses many pertinent questions which, themselves, may be used to inform and inspire further discussion upon the subject. This is a book which everyone in politics should surely read. Similarly, those in important positions in industry and, especially, in education and academia should read and absorb its message. It is perhaps one of the most important messages of our times.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
- A Haven of Care
198,95 kr. Kilfillan House, a Haven of Care, is the story of a care home situated in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire. There are of course hundreds of such care homes scattered the length and breadth of Britain, but Kilfillan House does have a distinct character of its own. The book will help the reader to understand what a care home actually is and how it functions.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
- The Rise and Fall of The Human Race
88,95 kr. The Jewel in Your Heart - The Rise and Fall of The Human Race, is a unique work which looks at both the history and the folly of humanity in a new light. It boldly examines important issues which many would be afraid to think about in a cool, objective manner, while always relating back to humanity and what it means to be a human being. Most importantly, it looks towards the future and ponders our position as the world races headlong into the 21st century, bringing changes and developments at a pace which is unprecedented in our history. Notwithstanding this huge breadth of coverage, it brings everything back to a personal level and offers insights as to the position of the individual within this fast changing world. A thought provoking work which should be read by everyone who cares about our planet, our future, the natural world and humanity in general.
- Bog
- 88,95 kr.
- All Our Yesterdays and Tomorrows
213,95 kr. Life - All Our Yesterdays and Tomorrows, is a literary project of unusual scope. It may best be considered as a philosophical work, although even that categorisation does not adequately describe the enormous breadth of coverage of this work. The concept of life is explored in depth, from the beginnings of geological life, through the emergence of biological life and the arrival of human kind. The human condition is then considered from many perspectives, with both an historic and contemporary view taken in relation to several important factors that have shaped humanity over the millennia. Our current global situation is considered, with many insights as to our current position as a civilisation and how we have reached this point. A view is then developed as to the likely future of our species in relation to the natural world, taking our past behavioural trends into account and positing various future scenarios. It is a work which will inspire a good deal of critical thinking about the future of humanity and what it means to be a human being.
- Bog
- 213,95 kr.
497,95 - 1.321,95 kr. - Bog
- 497,95 kr.
113,95 kr. Abduction is unlike the other Billy Two Hawks adventures as, in this case, Billy is truly shocked and heartbroken at what he discovers. Nevertheless, he carries on, even when, at times, the task seems completely impossible. The frustration that Billy feels while trying to find a missing person is the frustration felt by many, whether they be the families of those involved, or the authorities who try their best, often against a tide of indifference. Billy is further shocked by the monstrous actions of a few within society who are truly committing crimes against humanity. He also discovers those who run shelters for the homeless and abused and understands that, fortunately, there is good, as well as evil, within our modern world. However, we cannot afford to be complacent and so, Abduction, is a warning to us all of what can happen if we do not adhere strictly to our duty of care towards the young and the vulnerable. It is a fitting tale with which Billy will bow out and return to his own trail in life. Perhaps he has taught us something with his brief acquaintance. Sakihitowin.
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.
574,95 kr. - Bog
- 574,95 kr.
- From Sound Wave to Reproduction
671,95 - 680,95 kr. This book provides a true A to Z of recorded sound, from its inception to the present day, outlining how technologies, techniques, and social attitudes have changed things, noting what is good and what is less good.
- Bog
- 671,95 kr.
1.398,95 kr. This book discusses the geological history of Britain from the early geological formation of the British Isles, through to the variety of currently visible rock formations and ensuing natural landscapes.
- Bog
- 1.398,95 kr.
- The Complete Guide
799,95 kr. It is therefore much less open to fraudulent use, which makes it ideal for use in voting systems, financial transactions, benefit payment administration, border control, and prison access. This is the first book to provide business readers with an easy-to-read, non-technical introduction to BIV systems.
- Bog
- 799,95 kr.