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Bøger af Jules Verne

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  • af Jules Verne
    119,45 kr.

  • af Jules Verne
    64,95 - 92,95 kr.

    England 1862: Dr. Fergusson og to venner starter på en dristig og farefuld færd for at krydse det afrikanske kontinent i luftballon for at finde Nilens kilder.Fem uger i ballon, Jules Vernes’ klassiker fra 1874, er i denne udgave oversat og bearbejdet af Arne Herløv Petersen."Fortællingen er frisk, underfundig, fuld af herlige hændelser og kendetegnet ved mange af de træk, som i øvrigt karakteriserer forfatterskabet: en solid, alvidende fortæller, en farlig natur, en ide- og evnerig hovedperson, en loyal og kæk ven og en trofast tjener. Hertil kommer primitive vilde uden sans for videnskabens skønhed, men heldigvis har Fergusson ballast om bord, så han kan lette gondolen og stige op over spydenes og pilenes rækkevidde."- Niels Vestergaard, Forfatterweb/iBureauet

  • af Jules Verne
    119,45 kr.

    Prompted by disturbing reports of an enormous sea monster, marine biologist Pierre Aronnax joins an expedition to find and destroy it. After barely surviving an attack on the creature, the voyagers discover that their quarry is in fact a remarkably advanced submarine, the Nautilus. Its creator, Captain Nemo, is driven by a thirst for knowledge and by a hatred of civilization—and he refuses to let his “guests” leave. As Aronnax and his companions plot to escape, they are taken on a whirlwind tour of undersea marvels, including volcanoes, a giant squid, and the ruins of Atlantis. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is just as gripping and fantastical a read as it was a century and a half ago, when Jules Verne first imagined traveling beyond the bounds of the possible.

  • af Jules Verne
    69,45 kr.

    Written almost a century before the daring flights of the astronauts, Jules Verne's prophetic novel of man's race to the stars is a classic adventure tale enlivened by broad satire and scientific acumen. When the members of the elite Baltimore Gun Club find themselves lacking any urgent assignments at the close of the Civil War, their president, Impey Barbicane, proposes that they build a gun big enough to launch a rocket to the moon. But when Barbicane's adversary places a huge wager that the project will fail and a daring volunteer elevates the mission to a "manned” flight, one man's dream turns into an international space race. A story of rip-roaring action, humor, and wild imagination, From the Earth to the Moon is as uncanny in its accuracy and as filled with authentic detail and startling immediacy as Verne's timeless masterpieces 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Around the World in Eighty Days.

  • - Mandarin Companion Graded Readers Level 2
    af Jules Verne
    179,45 kr.

  • af Jules Verne
    211,95 - 345,95 kr.

  • af Jules Verne
    194,45 kr.

    In Journey to the Centre of the Earth, an obsessive German professor and his nephew travel towards the earth's core in the steps of a medieval explorer beneath an Icelandic volcano where they discover a lost world.

  • af Jules Verne
    54,45 kr.

    A group of men escape imprisonment during the American Civil War by stealing a balloon. Blown across the world, they are air-wrecked on a remote desert island. In a manner reminiscent of Robinson Crusoe, the men apply their scientific knowledge and technical skill to exploit the island's bountiful resources.

  • af Jules Verne
    34,45 kr.

    I en forladt kulmine i Skotland gemmer der sig en frygtelig hemmelighed. James Starr sætter sig for at løse gåden.Med de originale franske illustrationer.

  • af Jules Verne
    24,45 kr.

    Denne historie kender de fleste - eller burde kende - her er den i en over 100 år gammel udgave med de originale franske illustrationer.

  • af Jules Verne
    64,45 kr.

    Joam Garral lever med sin familie på en façenda - en art gods - ved Amazonfloden i den peruvianske jungle. Da datteren Minha skal giftes, indvilliger han i at drage til Belem i Brasilien, for at brylluppet kan finde sted sammen med brudgommens moder. Rejsen skal foregå på en gigantisk flåde, en jangada, der samtidig er en tømmertransport.Joam Garral har aldrig tidligere villet tage over grænsen til Brasilien, da han - hvilket han har holdt skjult for familien - dér er efterlyst for mord og diamanttyveri, forbrydelser han aldrig har begået, men som han er dødsdømt for 23 år tidligere. Hans andet formål med rejsen at søge sit navn renset ved hjælp af en dommer i Belem.Da dommeren imidlertid dør, inden Garral når frem, er det eneste bevis for hans uskyld et krypteret dokument, der er i hænderne på en skurk ved navn Torres. Torres vil sælge Garral dokumentet, men hans pris er for høj - alt for høj - og da han bliver dræbt, begynder et febrilsk kapløb for at løse dokumentets gåde, inden dødsdommen over Garral bliver eksekveret.

  • af Jules Verne
    49,45 kr.

    Den franske ingeniør Cyprien Méré er udsendt til Griqualand i Sydafrika af den franske regering i et ikke nærmere defineret videnskabeligt øjemed. Her forelsker han sig i diamantmineejeren Watkins' smukke datter Alice, men Watkins vil ikke give sin datter til en ikke særlig velaflagt civilingeniør, der tilmed ikke er englænder.For at afhjælpe problemet med den manglende formue investerer Cyprien i en lod i en diamantmine, men da udbyttet ikke svarer til forventningerne, benytter han sin kemiske og fysiske viden til et forsøg med at fremstille kunstige diamanter - hvilket lykkes!Han forærer straks sin frembringelse, den kæmpestore diamant "Sydstjernen" til Alice, men da den bliver fremvist ved en festlighed, foranstaltet af Watkins, forsvinder den sporløst. Watkins udlover Alices hånd til den, der kan finde den igen, og Cyprien drager ud i den sydafrikanske veld sammen med to tjenere og tre suspekte rivaler for at jage tyven op …

  • af Jules Verne
    34,45 kr.

    Den flydende by er kæmpeskibet Great Eastern, en verden for sig selv - men også et skib, der notorisk var forfulgt af uheld. Ombord er foruden fortælleren bl.a. også Fabian MacElwin, som er dybt nedbøjet af sorg over, at hans elskede Ellen har måttet gifte sig med en ryggesløs eventyrer, Harry Drake, MacElwins ven, kaptajn Corsican, og den originale dr. Dean Pitferge, der ved alt om alle. Da det viser sig, at Harry Drake også er ombord, prøver fortælleren og kaptajn Corsican med alle midler at undgå et sammenstød.Jules Verne benyttede selv Great Eastern, da han i 1867 sammen med sin broder Paul besøgte New York, og fletter i fortællingen sine egne indtryk og erfaringer fra turen sammen med historien om Fabian MacElwin og Ellen Hodges.

  • af Jules Verne
    64,45 kr.

    Da den hamborgske mineralog professor Lidenbrock finder et lønskrift i en gammel islandsk bog, hvori en lærd alkymist fra det 16. århundrede har angivet vejen til Jordens centrum, drager han straks til Island sammen med sin nevø, Axel, for at efterprøve det.Via København - dengang den naturlige rute til Island, der var en del af Danmark - hvor de bl. a. laver svimmelhedsøvelser i Frelser kirketårn, står professor Lidenbrock, Axel og deres islandske fører Hans Bjelke et par måneder senere foran en bundløs skakt i den udslukte vulkan Snefell, i færd med at begynde et af de største eventyr nogensinde.

  • af Jules Verne
    317,95 - 571,95 kr.

  • af Jules Verne & Tony Evans
    173,95 - 237,95 kr.

    De fleste forskere er overbeviste om, at en rejse til Jordens indre er umulig. Men professor Lidenbrock beslutter sig for at bevise, at de tager fejl. Det bliver begyndelsen på et fantastisk eventyr – fuld af overraskende opdagelser og frygtindgydende farer …Rejsen til Jordens indre er en fantasifuld fortælling om, hvad der gemmer sig inde i vores jordklodes kerne. I dag ved vi meget mere om Jordens indre, end man gjorde i 1860’erne, da bogen først blev udgivet. Men næsten al vores viden kommer fra videnskabelige udregninger og ikke fra udforskning. I Vernes fortælling er jordkloden hul, og det er ikke realistisk, men flere af hans beretninger om den forhistoriske verden er ret præcise.Rejsen til Jordens indre er en del af Letlæste klassikere som er en serie med nogle af verdenshistoriens mest velkendte fortællinger. Historien er genfortalt af Tony Evans og henvender sig især til læsere på 8-12 år. De eventyrlige og stemningsfulde illustrationer er medvirkende til at give historierne nyt liv. Bøgerne kan både bruges til frilæsning eller som en del af et undervisningsforløb i dansk på mellemtrinnet.Letlæste klassikere har genfortalt nogle af verdenshistoriens mest kendte klassikere for at gøre indholdet mere tilgængeligt. Hensigten er at formidle dele af en rig kulturskat, vække læseglæde og give lyst til at læse mere.

  • af Jules Verne
    89,95 - 118,95 kr.

    An ancient book is opened by the eccentric Professor Lidenbrock and his life and the life of his nephew Axel is changed for ever. An old piece of paper has tumbled from the book, a priceless parchment that will lead them on a terrifying journey to find what lies at the centre of the Earth. A timeless adventure, brilliantly introduced by Diana Wynne Jones, one of Britain's top fantasy and sci-fi writers for children.

  • af Jules Verne
    158,95 kr.

    "I see that it is by no means useless to travel, if a man wants to see something new."Jules Verne's classic novel Around the World in Eighty Days follows the adventures of Phileas Fogg and his faithful valet Passepartout as they attempt to circumnavigate the globe in 80 days or less. A wealthy English gentleman, Fogg spends most of his time at his club. One day he got involved in an argument over a newspaper article stating that with the opening of a new railway section in India, it was now possible to travel around the world in 80 days. Fogg accepts a challenge from his whist partners and after betting half his fortune, he abandons his quiet domestic routine to undertake the daring feat of circling the globe in only 80 days, an achievement unheard of in Victorian times. Fogg and Passepartout avail themselves of virtually every known means of transportation in their wild race against time, while a devious detective follows their every move and introduces fresh obstacles to delay their journey. The quick-witted Fogg faces each new hurdle with unshakable composure. They travel through a constantly shifting setting of exotic locales, including the jungles of India, a Chinese opium den, a Japanese circus, a full speed train ride under attack by Sioux and a bloodless mutiny aboard a tramp steamer. The most popular of Jules Verne's fantastic adventure stories, Around the World in Eighty Days has delighted the world since it was first published in 1872 and its enduring blend of comic misadventures along with thrilling suspense continues to entertain and enchant new generations of readers.

  • af Jules Verne
    203,95 kr.

    ""Michael Strogoff, or The Courier of the Czar"" is a riveting adventure novel penned by Jules Verne, celebrated for its thrilling narrative and vivid portrayal of Imperial Russia. The story follows the courageous Michael Strogoff, a courier for Tsar Alexander II, tasked with delivering a crucial message to the Tsar's brother in Irkutsk, Siberia. As Strogoff embarks on his perilous journey across the vast expanse of Russia, he encounters numerous obstacles, including treacherous terrain, hostile Tartar forces, and the relentless pursuit of a sinister traitor named Ivan Ogareff. Along the way, Strogoff forms alliances with fellow travelers, including the resourceful Nadia Fedor and the loyal Dmitry, as they brave the dangers of the Russian wilderness and navigate the complexities of political intrigue. With its blend of suspense, action, and romance, ""Michael Strogoff"" transports readers to a world of danger and adventure, where the indomitable human spirit shines brightly amidst the backdrop of Tsarist Russia's grandeur and turmoil.

  • af Jules Verne
    182,95 kr.

    ""An Antarctic Mystery"" is a captivating adventure novel by Jules Verne, renowned for his imaginative storytelling and vivid descriptions. Set against the backdrop of the frozen expanse of Antarctica, the story follows a group of intrepid explorers aboard the ship ""Halbrane"" as they embark on a perilous journey in search of a missing expedition. Led by Captain Len Guy, the crew encounters treacherous icebergs, extreme weather conditions, and mysterious phenomena as they navigate the unforgiving polar landscape. Along the way, they uncover clues to the fate of the lost expedition and confront the enigmatic figure of Dirk Peters, a survivor of Edgar Allan Poe's ""The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket."" As the plot unfolds, readers are drawn into a thrilling tale of adventure, suspense, and discovery, culminating in a dramatic climax that reveals the secrets hidden beneath the icy surface of Antarctica.

  • af Jules Verne
    189,95 kr.

    Around the world in Eighty days (1872) is an adventure novel Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) the story takes you on philease fogg's escapades with his newly employed french valet passpartout when they attempt to orbit the world in 80 days on a {20000} wager. Fogg's ventuires into new lands his encounters with new people and his enumerable exciting experince will take you on an enthralling journey of never ending quests.

  • af Jules Verne
    287,95 kr.

    ""In Search of the Castaways: The Children of Captain Grant"" is a captivating adventure novel by Jules Verne, celebrated for its thrilling narrative and imaginative exploration of the world's remote corners. The story follows the quest of Mary and Robert Grant, the children of the missing sea captain Harry Grant, as they embark on a perilous journey to locate their father, who is believed to be shipwrecked on a remote island. Joined by Lord Glenarvan, a wealthy Scottish nobleman, and his resourceful crew, Mary and Robert traverse the globe in search of clues to their father's whereabouts, encountering a series of thrilling adventures and narrow escapes along the way. From the icy landscapes of Patagonia to the treacherous waters of the Pacific Ocean, the intrepid explorers brave untold dangers in their quest to reunite the Grants. With its blend of action, suspense, and exploration, ""In Search of the Castaways"" transports readers to a world of excitement and discovery, where the bonds of family and friendship are tested against the backdrop of the natural world's wonders and perils.

  • af Jules Verne
    150,95 kr.

    ""Godfrey Morgan: A Californian Mystery"" is a captivating adventure novel by Jules Verne, renowned for its imaginative storytelling and thrilling plot twists. Set against the backdrop of the California Gold Rush, the story follows the titular character, Godfrey Morgan, a wealthy young man from San Francisco, as he embarks on a voyage aboard the schooner ""Flying Dutchman"" with his tutor, Professor Tartlet. However, their journey takes an unexpected turn when they are shipwrecked on a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean. As they struggle to survive and find a way back to civilization, Godfrey and Professor Tartlet encounter a series of challenges, including encounters with hostile natives, encounters with wild animals, and the discovery of hidden treasures. With its blend of adventure, humor, and suspense, ""Godfrey Morgan: A Californian Mystery"" keeps readers on the edge of their seats as they follow the protagonists' thrilling quest for survival and escape.

  • af Jules Verne
    160,95 kr.

    "A Floating City and The Blockade Runners" is a captivating adventure novel by Jules Verne, renowned for his visionary tales of exploration and discovery. Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, the story follows the exploits of a group of passengers aboard the steamship "Great Eastern," a floating city known for its immense size and luxurious amenities. As the vessel embarks on a perilous journey across the Atlantic Ocean, it becomes entangled in the clandestine world of blockade running - the risky practice of smuggling goods past naval blockades. Amidst the dangers of war and the thrill of high-stakes espionage, the passengers find themselves swept up in a series of suspenseful and action-packed encounters. With Verne's trademark blend of meticulous research, imaginative storytelling, and thrilling escapades, "A Floating City and The Blockade Runners" offers readers an exhilarating voyage into the heart of adventure on the high seas.

  • af Jules Verne
    204,95 kr.

    ""Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon"" is a riveting adventure novel by Jules Verne, known for its captivating narrative and richly detailed depiction of the Amazon rainforest. The story follows the protagonist, Joam Garral, a Brazilian merchant who embarks on a perilous journey down the mighty Amazon River with his family and friends. As they navigate the treacherous waters and dense jungles, they encounter a series of thrilling adventures, including encounters with dangerous wildlife, encounters with indigenous tribes, and clashes with ruthless enemies. Along the way, Joam and his companions uncover secrets and mysteries hidden within the heart of the Amazon, leading to unexpected twists and turns in their quest. With its blend of suspense, action, and exploration, ""Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon"" offers readers a mesmerizing glimpse into the wonders and dangers of one of the world's most fascinating and mysterious regions.

  • af Jules Verne
    234,95 kr.

    ""Dick Sand: A Captain at Fifteen"" is an enthralling adventure novel by Jules Verne, celebrated for its compelling narrative and vivid portrayal of maritime life. The story follows the young protagonist, Dick Sand, who finds himself thrust into a perilous journey when his ship, the ""Pilgrim,"" is wrecked off the coast of Africa. Despite his youth, Dick demonstrates remarkable courage and leadership as he takes charge of the survivors and navigates the treacherous waters of the African continent. Along the way, he encounters a diverse cast of characters, including the enigmatic Negoro and the benevolent Captain Hull. As Dick and his companions embark on a quest for survival and redemption, they face a series of challenges, including encounters with wild animals, hostile natives, and the forces of nature. With its blend of action, suspense, and moral complexity, ""Dick Sand: A Captain at Fifteen"" offers readers a thrilling and thought-provoking adventure that explores the themes of courage, resilience, and the human spirit.

  • af Jules Verne
    153,95 kr.

    "Abandoned" by way of Jules Verne is a fascinating series of stories wherein the writer skillfully compiles a myriad of his ingenious thoughts into an unmarried, low-priced quantity on hand to readers of every age. This fiction ancient work weaves collectively a tapestry of interesting and extremely good stories, each with its particular appeal. Some stories draw readers in with diffused allure, regularly revealing their depth. The book stands as an outstanding compilation of ideas, supplying a plethora of twists and turns with a purpose to very well interact readers. The memories are supplied in a current and readable format, presenting an eye catching new cowl and a professionally typeset manuscript. With its combination of journey, technology fiction, and ancient elements, "Abandoned" stands as a testament to Jules Verne's storytelling prowess, providing a satisfying reading enjoy for fanatics of various genres.

  • af Jules Verne
    419,45 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Jules Verne
    196,95 kr.

  • af Jules Verne
    73,95 kr.

    The ninth book in Verne’s 'Extraordinary Voyages' series, ‘The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa’ details the adventures of a party of scientists attempting to measure the 24th meridian east. However, as they travel, war is declared between Russia and England, sending the party into conflict. Verne paints a vivid picture of South Africa, at the turn of the century. Beset by wild animals, natural disasters, and scheming villains, the scientists must either set aside their political differences or continue on their mission, separately. A romp filled with action, excitement, and more than a few stiff upper lips.Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who became known as the ‘Father of Science Fiction.’ He wrote more than 60 novels, including ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ (1864), ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’ (1870) which was also released as a film, starring James Mason, and ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ (1873), which has been released as a TV drama, featuring former Dr Who star, David Tennant.