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Bøger af Juan Jose Millas

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  • af Juan Jose Millas
    188,95 kr.

    A dazzling follow-up to Life As Told by a Sapiens to a Neanderthal.`We would love to discover that each species has a biological clock in its cells, because, if that clock existed and if we were able to find it, perhaps we could stop it and thus become eternal,¿ Arsuaga tells Millás in this book, in which science is intertwined with literature. The paleontologist reveals essential aspects of our existence to the writer, who discovers that old age is a country in which he still feels like a foreigner.After the extraordinary international reception of Life As Told by a Sapiens to a Neanderthal, the most brilliant double act in Spanish literature once again dazzle the reader by addressing topics such as death and eternity, longevity, disease, ageing, natural selection, programmed death, and survival.Here you will find humour, biology, nature, life, a lot of life ¿ and two fascinating characters, the Sapiens and the Neanderthal, who surprise us on every page with their sharp reflections on how evolution has treated us as a species. And also as individuals.

  • af Juan Jose Millas
    208,95 kr.

    A dazzling follow-up to Life As Told by a Sapiens to a Neanderthal. 'We would love to discover that each species has a biological clock in its cells, because, if that clock existed and if we were able to find it, perhaps we could stop it and thus become eternal, ' Arsuaga tells Millás in this book, in which science is intertwined with literature. The paleontologist reveals essential aspects of our existence to the writer, and debates the advisability of transmitting his random vision of life to a dieting Millás, who discovers that old age is a country in which he still feels like a foreigner. After the extraordinary international reception of Life As Told by a Sapiens to a Neanderthal, the most brilliant double act in Spanish literature once again dazzle the reader by addressing topics such as death and eternity, longevity, disease, aging, natural selection, programmed death, and survival. Here you will find humor, biology, nature, life, a lot of life ... and two fascinating characters, the Sapiens and the Neanderthal, who surprise us on every page with their sharp reflections on how evolution has treated us as a species. And also as individuals.

  • af Juan Jose Millas
    208,95 kr.

    LA NUEVA NOVELA DE JUAN JOSÉ MILLÁS Una historia sobre la imaginación y el poder transformador de la literatura «Para no hacerlosentir incómodo, finjamos que Millás no es uno de nuestros mejores escritores'. -Sergi Pàmies, La Vanguardia «Juan José Milláses dueño de un territorio fantástico de incuestionable personalidad'. -J. Ernesto Ayala-Dip, El País > El día en que cumple dieciocho años, Carlos recibe un extraño regalo: la noticia de que su padre, al que nunca trató, ha muerto y le ha dejado en herencia una casa con todo lo que contiene y una vida desconocida a la que asomarse. Examinando los vestigios de esa existencia abruptamente interrumpida, encuentra un manuscrito que narra una historia de amores secretos, de una niña y una mariposa, de amistad y de muerte. ¿Es una confesión real o una ficción? Carlos, que está a punto de iniciar sus estudios de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, se da cuenta de que su padre era un lector voraz. En el dormitorio de esa casa que poco a poco va haciendo suya, junto a la cama, descubre un libro que le atrapa: los cuentos de los hermanos Grimm. El chico se sumerge en la lectura de esos relatos y al tiempo inicia un proceso vital que le acerca cada vez más a su padre y le enseña la manera de transitar por esas fronteras invisibles que separan la realidad de la fantasía y la cordura de la locura. En esta novela engañosamente ligera, Juan José Millás vuelve a algunos de los temas más representativos de su narrativa, como la identidad, el desdoblamiento, los recovecos más oscuros de la realidad cotidiana --aquellos en los que se esconde lo extraordinario-- y la paternidad, al tiempo que compone un himno a la imaginación y al poder transformador de la literatura. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION JUAN JOSÉ MILLÁS' LATEST NOVEL. A story about imagination and the transformative power of literature. "So as not to make him feel uncomfortable, let's pretend Millás isn't one of our best writers." --Sergi Pàmies, La Vanguardia "Juan José Millás owns a fantastic realm of an indisputable personality." --J. Ernesto Ayala-Dip, El País > On his eighteenth birthday, Carlos receives a strange gift: news about his father's death, whom he never met, but has left him a house and everything in it, along with an unknown life he can now peer into. Going through the remnants of this abruptly interrupted existence, Carlos finds a manuscript narrating a story about secret lovers, about a girl and a butterfly, about friendship and death. Is this a real confession, or a work of fiction? Carlos, about to begin his studies in Business Administration and Management, realizes his father was an avid reader. Next to the bed in his room, in a house he is gradually making his own, Carlos finds a book that hooks him: the tales of the brothers Grimm. The young man immerses himself in those stories and eventually kickstarts a vital process that drives him ever closer to his father, showing him a way to walk on those invisible boundaries between fantasy and the sanity of madness. In this misleadingly light novel, Juan José Millás returns to some of the most representative themes in his narrative, such as identity, unfolding, the darkest nooks in everyday reality--where the extraordinary is hidden--and paternity, all at once composing a hymn to the imagination and the transformative power of literature.

  • af Juan Jose Millas
    268,95 kr.

    "Julia trabaja en una pescadeíra, esát enamorada de su jefe y vive alquilada en una habitacóin de la casa de Seraífn y de Eémrita, una enferma terminal que esát planeando su eutanasia. Pero, sobre todo, Julia mantiene una extrñaa y obsesiva relacóin con la graámtica. En unas ocasiones, palabras que padecen patoloígas se cuelan en su habitacóin para que ella las trate; en otras, personas imaginarias pueblan su cabeza antes de, por sorpresa, volverse de carne y hueso. Y esto capta el inteérs de un Miláls (otro Miláls) que acaba formando parte de esa familia artificial reunida en torno a Eémrita en una casa que, casualmente, es la misma en la queé l paós parte de la juventud. La realidad no tiene la obligacóin de parecer veroísmil. En pleno bloqueo narrativo, ese otro Miláls se refugia en la redaccóin de un 'Diario de la vejez' mientras se debate entre escribir sobre la mujer trastornada por el lenguaje o sobre la decisóin vital de Eémrita, y discute con su psicoterapeuta sobre novelas legales e ilegales, sobre lo verdadero y lo ilusorio, y sobre los difusos ílmites de lo real. Pero a la realidad, que le den. La mujer loca es una novela que parece ir construéyndose y cuestioánndose a medida que el lector avanza por sus ápginas, pero tambéin es una falsa autobiograífa y un falso reportaje perioídstico. La mirada original, diferente, carente de prejuicios y desbordante de creatividad de Juan Joés Miláls brilla en esta genial ficcóin escrita con maestíra y grandes dosis de humor."--Amazon

  • af Juan Jose Millas
    248,95 kr.

  • af Juan Jose Millas
    268,95 kr.

  • af Juan Jose Millas
    223,95 kr.

    «Qué habría ocurrido si aquel día lejano de mi infancia no hubiera regresado al sótano por el mismo agujero por el que había salido de él. Tal vez la vida hubiera mantenido siempre aquel brillo o aquella fiebre'.> Ganadora del Premio Nacional de Narrativa y del Premio Planeta, alabada por la crítica y los lectores, El mundo narra con maestría el tránsito a la vida adulta de un adolescente, pero también el descubrimiento de una manera original e imaginativa de observar y entender la realidad. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "What would have happened if on that distant childhood day I hadn't gone back to the basement through the same hole I had crawled out from? Maybe life would have forever kept that same glow, or that fever." "There are books that, same as a car running a red light, violently cross your path. This is one of those books that run a red light," explains Millás. "I had been assigned to write a story about myself, so I began following me. One day I said to myself, 'My father had a store of electro-medical equipment.' And then the shop appeared before me, with me and my father inside. He was testing an electric scalpel on a steak. Suddenly, he said, 'Look, Juanjo, it cauterizes the wound as it opens it.' I understood that writing, just like that scalpel, cauterizes wounds while it opens them, and I knew why I was a writer. I had just been run over by a novel." Winner of both the National Narrative Award and the Premio Planeta, praised by critics and readers alike, The World masterfully describes the transition of a teenage boy to adult life, but also the discovery of an original and imaginative way to observe and understand reality.

  • af Juan Jose Millas
    258,95 kr.

  • af Juan Jose Millas & Juan Luis Arsuaga
    198,95 kr.

  • af Juan Jose Millas
    193,95 kr.

    "After the IT firm where she works shuts down, Lucâia has a vision of her future career as a taxi driver, brought on by the intoxicating opera floating through her apartment's air vent. She obtains her taxi license and meets the neighbor responsible for the music. Calaf, he says, is his name, also the name of the character from Puccini's Turandot and the name of the bird Lucâia received on her 10th birthday from her long-since-dead mother. When Calaf moves out of her building, Lucâia becomes obsessed, driving through Madrid and searching for him on every corner, meeting intriguing characters along the way. What follows is a surreal tale of superstition and coincidence, featuring Millâas's singular dark humor. Let No One Sleep is a delirious novel in which the mundane and extraordinary collide, art revives and devastates, and identity is unhinged by the forces of globalized capitalism"--

  • af Juan Jose Millas
    198,95 kr.

    From one of Spain's most original authors comes a wild, absurdist story abouta lonely man's misguided attempts to connect.

  • af Juan Jose Millas
    248,95 kr.

    El ingenio de Millâas y la sabidurâia de Arsuaga unidos para contar la vida como la mejor de las historias.«-Tâu y yo podrâiamos asociarnos para hablar de la vida; levantarâiamos un gran relato sobre la existencia. ÅLo hacemos? -dijo el escritor.-Lo hacemos -contestâo el paleontâologo.»Hace aänos que el interâes por entender la vida, sus orâigenes y su evoluciâon resuena en la cabeza de Juan Josâe Millâas, de manera que se dispuso a conocer, junto a uno de los mayores especialistas de este paâis en la materia, Juan Luis Arsuaga, por quâe somos como somos y quâe nos ha llevado hasta donde estamos. La sabidurâia del paleontâologo se combina en este libro con el ingenio y la mirada personal y sorprendente que tiene el escritor sobre la realidad. Porque Millâas es un neandertal (o eso dice), y Arsuaga, a sus ojos, un sapiens.Asâi, a lo largo de muchos meses, los dos visitaron distintos lugares, muchos de ellos escenarios comunes de nuestra vida cotidiana, y otros, emplazamientos âunicos donde todavâia se pueden ver los vestigios de lo que fuimos, del lugar del que venimos. En esas salidas, que al lector pueden recordarle a las de don Quijote y Sancho, el sapiens tratâo de enseänar al neandertal câomo pensar como un sapiens y, sobre todo, que la prehistoria no es cosa del pasado: las huellas de la humanidad a travâes de los milenios se pueden encontrar en cualquier lugar, desde una cueva o un paisaje hasta un parque infantil o una tienda de peluches. Es la vida lo que late en este libro. La mejor de las historias. (Fuente: Casa del Libro).

  • af Juan Jose Millas
    173,95 kr.

    What Cédric Villani does for maths and Carlo Rovelli does for physics, Millás and Arsuaga do for prehistory.Big ideas about the origins of human life, for fans of Sapiens.