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Bøger af Jr MacGregor

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  • - The Force Behind the Brand: Insight and Analysis into the Life and Accomplishments of the Richest Man on the Planet
    af Jr MacGregor
    188,95 kr.

    The need to understand those around us who succeed beyond our own imagination is inherent in all of us. The innate desire is driven by our deep and underlying need to find better ways for us to achieve our own goals, understand our own dreams, and rise to our unique challenges. This book is about the underlying events in the life of Jeff Bezos and the ways in which it influenced his life, the way he responded to them, and in the way he used them to his advantage. The book doesn't claim to know the fibers that made the content of his heart - no man can know that. But what it does is string together multiple events and sees the shadows that it casts.All that so that you can find the elements inside you that could be the seed of success, achievement and greatness. The story of Bezos traces a path through his life as a youth and looks at his action and his achievements and deciphers the existence of his greatest achievement - Amazon - in a way that is reflective of his character, his intellect and his upbringing.His story is unlike any of the other successful people in history. His brand of work ethic is familiar but different. What is it about him that makes him a super achiever? What about him makes him drive hard towards his goals? What about him can turn an idea into a startling success? What about him is like you and what isn't? What can you learn from him? Read, and find out.

  • - 6 Manuscripts: Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jack Ma, Richard Branson
    af Jr MacGregor
    343,95 kr.

    In this bundle we take a deep dive into the lives, successes, and failures of some of the most successful (and wealthy) men on the planet.What makes them different? What is it about them that makes them super-achievers?You will discover all of that and more. What is it about Jeff Bezos that allows him to change the way the entire world shops (and become the richest man on the planet in doing so)?How does Elon Musk go from working in the fires of a toxic furnace to leading the charge in space travel?How Steve Jobs created and led what would later become the world's first trillion ($1,000,000,000,000) company.Did Bill Gates (the richest man on earth for nearly two decades) really steal technology? How Jack Ma was denied a job working at Kentucky Fried Chicken (and was the only one of 24 applicants not to get hired) and then went on to found the company that would later set the record for the largest IPO in the history of the New York Stock Exchange .We will even show you how Richard Branson might not be as rich as people think. He is, in fact, richer.All of these questions answered. All of these myths debunked or truths verified. Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to discover more about some of the most successful businessmen and world-changing innovators this world has ever seen.

  • - Die Macht hinter der Marke (German Version) (Deutsche Fassung): Einblick und Analyse des Lebens und der Erfolge des reichsten Mannes dieses Planeten
    af Jr MacGregor
    208,95 kr.

  • - The Man Behind the Bitten Apple: Insight into the Thoughts and Actions of Apple's Founder
    af Jr MacGregor
    158,95 kr.

    Steve Jobs is not just 'the Man Behind the Bitten Apple' logo that we all know so well, he is the founder of the world's first TRILLION ($1,000,000,000,000) dollar company.He is more than an ordinary man; he is, himself, a legend. During his time on earth, his contribution towards the betterment of mankind was far more than what most people realize, or understand.His ideas on aesthetics and his insistence on simplifying came from his natural ability to focus on the necessary and eject the rest. He understood the human condition and excelled at extracting the best for them and the best from them.As all great men before him, and surely after him, he was misunderstood in many ways. From the reasons for his temperament to his ability to convert thought to action, and action into product. This book takes you into the life of Steve Jobs more than just the events that happened in his life - but the workings of his mind as he handled those events and how me constantly moved forward with singular purpose and discipline of thought.There are many areas of his life that seem familiar to us because we experience similar things. We have the same concerns, the same worries, the same reasons to laugh, and the same reasons to cry, but Steve shows us the way to keep moving forward and to make this a better place in every way possible. This book takes you on a journey of discovery - what you will find at the end of it is a better understanding of a man that did things very differently given the same set of circumstances we all experience in one way or another - and he took those circumstances and made them work - not just for him, but for the world around him as well. Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to learn more about the man behind the world's first trillion dollar company!

  • - Moviendo el Mundo con Una Tecnologia a la Vez: Introspeccion y Analisis de la Vida y Logros de un Magnate de la Tecnologia
    af Jr MacGregor
    208,95 kr.

  • - La Fuerza Detras de la Marca: Introspeccion y Analisis de la Vida y Logros del Hombre mas Rico del Planeta
    af Jr MacGregor
    188,95 kr.

    La necesidad de comprender a los que triunfan más allá de nuestra propia imaginación es inherente a todos nosotros. El deseo innato es impulsado por nuestra profunda y subyacente necesidad de encontrar mejores formas para lograr nuestros objetivos, comprender nuestros sueños y elevarnos hasta lograr nuestros desafíos. Este libro trata sobre los eventos subyacentes de Jeff Bezos y las formas en que influyeron en su vida, además de conocer la forma en que respondió y los usó para su beneficio. El libro no pretende conocer las fibras que componen el contenido de su corazón; ningún hombre puede saberlo. Pero lo que hace es encadenar múltiples eventos y ver las sombras que proyecta.Todo eso es descrito para que usted pueda encontrar los elementos que podrían ser su semilla, logro y grandeza. La historia de Bezos traza el camino desde que fue joven, observa sus acciones y logros, y descifra la existencia de su mayor logro, Amazon, de una manera que refleja su carácter, intelecto y educación.Su historia es diferente a la de las otras personas exitosas en la historia. Su ética laboral es conocida, pero a la vez diferente. ¿Qué hay en él que lo hace un súper triunfador? ¿Qué lo hace conducir intensamente hacia sus objetivos? ¿Por qué puede convertir una idea en un éxito sorprendente? ¿Qué cualidades hay en ti y en él? ¿Qué puedes aprender de él?Léelo, y descúbrelo.

  • - The Force Behind Virgin: Insight and Analysis into the Life and Successes of Sir Richard Branson
    af Jr MacGregor
    158,95 kr.

    This book reveals who the real Sir Richard Branson is. We will show you that he is not the playboy one might think he is and he is actually not as rich as people think he is - he is richer. There are a lot of errors out there in the public domain about Richard and we will bring those errors to a close in this book. When you think of Richard Branson, most would most likely think of the Virgin group or think of Virgin Airlines. It is indeed the case that the product has overtaken the man. This book will show you, without a doubt, that the man and the brand are totally unlike each other and that the man behind the brand is really a highly empathic person who, until recently, did not know how to read a Balance Sheet. What he brings to the table is not MBA level business acumen or strategy - what he brings to the table is a brand that represents unyielding quality and class. The Virgin brand is not just a group of companies that belong to Richard, it is a flagship of companies where Richard is the principal investor and lends his name to the business. This is a highly beneficial arrangement and we will show you in this book how all this came to be. From Virgin Records to his labs that do advanced energy research. It's all covered. Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button now to learn more about the man behind Virgin.

  • - La Forza Dietro il Marchio: Informazioni e Analisi della Vita e dei Successi dell'Uomo Piu Ricco del Pianeta
    af Jr MacGregor
    188,95 kr.

    Che cos'è che lo rende un uomo di super successo?Che cosa gli ha permesso di trasformare un'idea in una mega-compagnia che ha cambiato il mondo? Che cosa, in lui, puoi rivedere in te, e cosa ti manca?Che cosa potresti imparare da lui?Leggi, e scoprilo. Il bisogno di capire coloro che ci circondano e ce l'hanno fatta in modi che superano la nostra immaginazione è insito in tutti noi. Questo desiderio innato è guidato dal nostro bisogno profondo e fondamentale di trovare modi migliori che ci permettano di raggiungere i nostri obiettivi, comprendere i nostri sogni e superare le sfide che ci si presentano. Questo libro parla degli eventi di fondo nella vita di Jeff Bezos e dei modi in cui hanno influenzato la sua vita, del modo in cui ha reagito ad essi e li ha usati a suo vantaggio.Il libro non pretende di conoscere le fibre di cui è composto il suo cuore - nessun uomo può conoscerle. Ma quello che fa è mettere insieme eventi e vedere le ombre che proiettano. Tutto ciò affinché tu possa trovare dentro di te gli elementi che potrebbero essere il seme del tuo successo, della tua realizzazione e grandezza. La storia di Bezos traccia un percorso attraverso la sua vita da giovane e osserva le sue azioni e conquiste, decifrando l'esistenza del suo più grande successo - Amazon - in un modo che riflette il suo carattere, il suo intelletto e la sua educazione. La sua storia è diversa da quella di altre persone di successo nella storia. Il suo marchio di etica del lavoro è familiare ma differente.Non aspettare un altro minuto! Scorri verso l'alto e clicca il pulsante "Compra Ora" per saperne di più sull'uomo più ricco del Pianeta!

  • - How Veganism is an Integral Part of Who You Are and How Becoming Vegan Can Benefit You and All of Humanity
    af Jr MacGregor
    158,95 kr.

    But Why Vegan? is not a cookbook and it has no recipes. What it is is a deep dive into Veganism and how it not only transforms your mind, body, and spirit, but did you know it also positively impacts all of humanity, too? If you are thinking about making the transition to Veganism this book will push you over the edge. Becoming vegan makes you a trendsetter and that is a heavy burden to carry. Trendsetters are the ones that brave the tornado of dissent and yet change the world in their path. If this is you, then let's get moving. Being vegan is a decision that you make for the long term. It's not a fad diet, and it's not a fleeting fancy because becoming vegan says that you are serious about being healthy and you are determined to go far in this world that is why you are preparing your body for the long haul and your mind to be sharp. Becoming vegan takes guts. You have to push against dissenters around you and a craving mindset within you. Being vegan is as much about the recipes as weight lifting is about the brand of barbells you use. No, being vegan is not about changing recipes, it's about changing minds. It's about blazing trails and heading out west because you know there is a better life awaiting you once the hardship of change subsides. That's what this book is about. It tells you what the real deal is when it comes to considering veganism and goes two steps further in cleaning up your food source. It dives into Vegan Plus, where it's not just about the meat and dairy that you stop, it's also about the cessation of processed foods. In essence, it's about taking back your life.

  • - Moving the World One Technology at a Time: Insight and Analysis into the Life and Accomplishments of a Technology Mogul
    af Jr MacGregor
    208,95 kr.

    Put aside what you read on the web about Elon Musk. There is a significant amount more to him than just his genius and his accomplishments. This book lays out the life that he had before arriving in the United States and looks at the boy inside who set a path for himself, and literally went through the fires of hell before getting the opportunities that he wished for. He did not fall into wealth and he did not work his way up the corporate ladder, Elon made every bit of his life that you see today. Some of the stories that you find in this book will shock and awe you and change the way you look at your own challenges. From arriving in a new country with just a few bucks and not knowing anyone, to working on farms and cleaning up after barn animals, to working in the fires of a toxic furnace. Elon Musk is an inspiration for a generation because he represents many of the values that define today's Millennials and the Generation X folks. From PayPal, Tesla, to SpaceX, the driving force that built these icons of the imagination was the desire to make the world a better place for everyone - it was never about the money. This book gives you a deeper look and analysis of a man that defies the traditional mold of industrialist, entrepreneur, and achiever.