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Bøger af Josh Malerman

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  • af Josh Malerman
    108,95 kr.

    Twelve chilling and thrilling stories from the darkest stars of modern horror including Josh Malerman, Caroline Kepnes, Stephen Graham Jones, Ramsay Campbell and more...

  • af Josh Malerman
    118,95 kr.

    BIRD BOX is now a major Netflix film, starring Sandra Bullock and John Malkovich! - If you’ve seen what’s out there … it’s already too late! Malorie raises the children the only way she can: indoors, with the doors locked, the curtains closed, and mattresses nailed over the windows. The children sleep in the bedroom across the hall, but soon she will have to wake them and blindfold them. Today they will risk everything. Today they will leave the house. Josh Malerman's New York Times bestselling Bird Box is a terrifying psychological thriller that will haunt you long after reading.

  • af Josh Malerman
    97,95 kr.

    Incidents Around the House by Josh Malerman is a chilling horror novel about a young girl whose troubled family is targeted by an entity she calls 'Other Mommy,' from the New York Times bestselling author of Bird Box.

  • af Josh Malerman
    148,95 kr.

    From the New York Times bestselling author of BIRD BOX and MALORIE comes a chilling story that revolves around a mysterious small town, revealing its sinister secrets one by one...

  • af Josh Malerman
    125,95 kr.

    “[A] chilling debut . . . Malerman . . keeps us tinglingly on edge with his cool, merciless storytelling. . . . This earns comparisons to Hitchcock’s The Birds, as well as the finer efforts of Stephen King and cult sci-fi fantasist Jonathan Carroll.”—Kirkus Reviews (starred review)Written with the narrative tension of The Road and the exquisite terror of classic Stephen King, Bird Box is a propulsive, edge-of-your-seat horror thriller, set in an apocalyptic near-future where an unimaginable, incomprehensible, and invisible foe lurks in the shadows—now available as a Harper Perennial Olive EditionSomething is out there. Something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from. Five years after it began, a handful of scattered survivors remain, including Malorie and her two young children. Living in an abandoned house near the river, she has dreamed of fleeing to a place where they might be safe. But the journey ahead will be terrifying: twenty miles downriver in a rowboat—blindfolded—with nothing to rely on but her wits and the children’s trained ears. One wrong choice and they will die. And something is following them. But is it man, animal, or monster?Engulfed in darkness, surrounded by sounds both familiar and frightening, Malorie embarks on a harrowing odyssey—a trip that takes her into an unseen world and back into the past, to the companions who once saved her. Malerman’s breathtaking debut novel is a horrific and gripping snapshot of a world unraveled that will have you racing to the final page.

  • af Josh Malerman
    174,95 kr.

  • af Josh Malerman
    128,95 kr.

    Five harrowing, all-new novellas overflowing with horror, imagination, and moving portrayals of humanity-from the bestselling author of Bird Box.

  • af Josh Malerman
    128,95 kr.

    From the bestselling author of Bird Box and Malorie comes the legend of Pearl, a strange new monster unlike any other in horror.

  • af Josh Malerman
    118,95 kr.

  • af Josh Malerman
    128,95 kr.

  • af Josh Malerman
    198,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Josh Malerman
    298,95 kr.

  • af Josh Malerman
    158,95 kr.

    12 år efter Malorie og hendes børn roede op ad floden for at komme i sikkerhed, er øjenbindet stadig det eneste, der står mellem dem og vanviddet. Bare et glimt af væsnerne, som plager verden, vil drive et menneske til at udøve ubeskrivelig vold.Der er stadig ingen forklaring. Ingen løsning.Det eneste, Malorie kan gøre, er at overleve – og tvinge sine børn til at leve efter hendes strenge regler. Bliv ikke doven, siger hun til dem. Tag ikke jeres øjenbind af. OG ÅBN IKKE ØJNENE.Men så får hun en nyhed, der umuligt kan være sand. Og med den tillader Malorie sig selv at håbe for første gang i lang tid.Nogen, hun holder meget kær, nogen, hun troede, var død, er måske i live.Forude venter der Malorie et sindsoprivende valg: at leve efter de overlevelsesprincipper, der trofast har tjent hende indtil nu, eller at drage ud i mørket og atter række efter håbet.

  • af Josh Malerman
    158,95 - 165,95 kr.

    12 år efter Malorie og hendes børn roede op ad floden for at komme i sikkerhed, er øjenbindet stadig det eneste, der står mellem dem og vanviddet. Bare et glimt af væsnerne, som plager verden, vil drive et menneske til at udøve ubeskrivelig vold.Der er stadig ingen forklaring. Ingen løsning.Det eneste, Malorie kan gøre, er at overleve – og tvinge sine børn til at leve efter sine strenge regler. Bliv ikke doven, siger hun til dem. Tag ikke jeres øjenbind af. OG ÅBN IKKE ØJNENE.Men så får hun en nyhed, der umuligt kan være sand. Og med den tillader Malorie sig selv at håbe for første gang i lang tid.Nogen, hun holder meget kær, nogen, hun troede, var død, er måske i live.Forude venter der Malorie et sindsoprivende valg: at leve efter de overlevelsesprincipper, der trofast har tjent hende indtil nu, eller at drage ud i mørket og atter række efter håbet.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates, Josh Malerman, Paul Tremblay & mfl.
    108,95 - 208,95 kr.

  • - En Bird Box-historie
    af Josh Malerman
    108,95 kr.

    Bobby er besat af Amy. I en verden overtaget af væsner, der kan drive folk til blodigt vanvid ved det blotte syn, har fem mennesker isoleret sig i et hus bag træbrædder og kludetæpper. Men det forhindrer ikke den unge Bobby i at belure Amy og hendes husfæller gennem en enkelt sprække i deres forsvar. Han kender deres navne, ved hvordan de ser ud og hvad de taler om – men kan han stole på dem? På dette sted er døden aldrig mere end et øjekast borte. Bør Bobby banke på?’Bobby Knocks’ er en Bird Box historie.Glæd dig til 'Malorie' - forsættelsen til 'Bird Box' - udkommer efteråret 2020.

  • af Josh Malerman
    118,95 kr.

    Boys are being trained at one school for geniuses, girls at another. Neither knows the other exists-until now. The New York Times bestselling author of Bird Box invites you into a world of secrets and horror in a coming-of-age story like no other.

  • af Stephen King, Josh Malerman & Michael Bailey
    253,95 kr.

  • af Josh Malerman
    118,95 kr.

    The New York Times bestselling author of Bird Box returns with a supernatural thriller of love, redemption, and murder.

  • - The much-anticipated Bird Box sequel
    af Josh Malerman
    118,95 - 146,95 kr.

    The hugely anticipated follow-up to the cultural sensation BIRDBOX.

  • - A Novel
    af Josh Malerman
    193,95 kr.

    Now a Netflix film starring Sandra Bullock, Sarah Paulson, Rosa Salazar and John Malkovich!Written with the narrative tension of The Road and the exquisite terror of classic Stephen King, Bird Box is a propulsive, edge-of-your-seat horror thriller, set in an apocalyptic near-future worlda masterpiece of suspense from the brilliantly imaginative Josh Malerman.Something is out there . . . Something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from.Five years after it began, a handful of scattered survivors remain, including Malorie and her two young children. Living in an abandoned house near the river, she has dreamed of fleeing to a place where they might be safe. Now, that the boy and girl are four, it is time to go. But the journey ahead will be terrifying: twenty miles downriver in a rowboatblindfoldedwith nothing to rely on but her wits and the childrens trained ears. One wrong choice and they will die. And something is following them. But is it man, animal, or monster?Engulfed in darkness, surrounded by sounds both familiar and frightening, Malorie embarks on a harrowing odysseya trip that takes her into an unseen world and back into the past, to the companions who once saved her. Under the guidance of the stalwart Tom, a motely group of strangers banded together against the unseen terror, creating order from the chaos. But when supplies ran low, they were forced to venture outsideand confront the ultimate question: in a world gone mad, who can really be trusted?Interweaving past and present, Josh Malermans breathtaking debut is a horrific and gripping snapshot of a world unraveled that will have you racing to the final page.

  • af Josh Malerman
    158,95 - 165,95 kr.

    Der er noget derude ...Noget rædselsfuldt man ikke må se. Ét glimt af det, og man drives til voldeligt selvmord. Ingen ved, hvad det er, eller hvor det kom fra.Fem år efter, at det begyndte, er der kun en håndfuld spredte overlevende tilbage, deriblandt Malorie og hendes to små børn. De bor i et forladt hus ved floden, og hun drømmer om at flygte til et sted, hvor de måske kan være i sikkerhed. Nu, hvor drengen og pigen er fire år, er tiden inde til at tage afsted. Men det er en skræmmende rejse, der ligger foran dem: 30 km ned ad floden i en robåd - med bind for øjnene - hvor det eneste, de kan stole på, er hendes intelligens og børnenes trænede ører. Ét forkert valg og de dør. Og der er noget, der følger efter dem. Men er det mennesker, dyr eller væsenerne?I denne nervepirrende debut af Josh Malerman, hvor nutid og fortid blandes i et skræmmende og gribende snapshot af en kaotisk verden, vender siderne næsten sig selv.

  • af Josh Malerman
    118,95 kr.

    Black Mad Wheel plunges us into the depths of psychological horror, where you can't always believe everything you hear.THE DANES, the band once known as the 'Darlings of Detroit', are washed up and desperate to have another number one hit.When an agent from the US Army approaches them with an unusual offer, they believe it could be the answer to their inspiration drought. So, under the guidance of their front man, Philip Tonka, the Danes decide to embark on a harrowing journey through scorching African desert to track down the source of a strange and debilitating sound.In a Midwestern hospital, a nurse named Ellen tends to a patient recovering from a near-fatal accident. The circumstances that led to his injuries are mysterious, and his broken body heals at a remarkable rate. Ellen will do the impossible for this enigmatic patient as he reveals more about his accident with each passing day.BLACK MAD WHEEL plunges us into the depths of psychological horror, where you can't always believe everything you hear.