Bøger af Joseph Delaney
- Book 13
113,95 kr. He'll be the best apprentice you've ever had and he'll also be your last.'These were the words of Tom's Mam to the county Spook some years ago. As Tom, the Spook and their allies prepare to battle with the Fiend on a huge scale, to finally enact their revenge, it now remains to be seen whether Mam's declaration will come true.
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.
98,95 kr. - Bog
- 98,95 kr.
108,95 kr. The second terrifying tale in the Spook's spin-off series from bestselling author Joseph Delaney.Thomas Ward was working as the new County Spook, fighting the Dark with his own apprentice. But a new enemy stirred in the north, and Tom s calling required him to leave his home and lead an uprising against a legion of beasts: creatures of the dark intent on locking the whole earth in a never-ending winter.Then something went horribly wrong, and now Tom lies cold in a grave, while those who remain are in despair.Who can now take up the battle? And how much time remains before the dark army brings the fight back to the County, and the world is changed for ever?
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.
113,95 kr. It s a dangerous job, but someone has to do it. For years, the local Spook kept the county safe from evil. But now his time has ended, and there is only one boy who can take over Thomas Ward, barely more than a child himself. Now he too must take on an apprentice, a girl called Jenny who is untested but willing to be trained in the dangerous life of a Spook.When girls start dying in mysterious circumstances, they soon find themselves on the path of a terrifying and deadly beast. Monstrous assassins are loose in the County, and far to the north, a new darkness is rising that threatens to engulf the whole world. Do Tom and Jenny stand a chance against the might of the Kobalos?The first terrifying tale in the Starblade Chronicles, from the bestselling author of The Spook s Apprentice
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.
- Book 6
108,95 kr. The Spook's Sacrifice is the sixth book in Joseph Delaney's terrifying Wardstone Chronicles over 3 million copies sold worldwide!'Witches, Mam? We've made an alliance with witches?'As the Spook's apprentice, Tom's first duty is to protect the County from the dark. But now Mam needs his help in her homeland of Greece to rise up against one of the Old Gods, the Ordeen. But what secret is Mam keeping from Tom? And what sacrifices must be made in the battle against the dark?
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
- Book 5
108,95 kr. The Spook's Mistake is the fifth book in Joseph Delaney's terrifying Wardstone Chronicles over 3 million copies sold worldwide!'The moment of danger is close. Very soon our enemies will be here.'The Spook has sent his apprentice, Tom, to be trained by another Spook whose methods are harsh and tough. But faced with a powerful water witch, Bill makes a fatal error, leaving Tom to face his enemies alone. Can the Spook get there in time to save his apprentice? Or will his own mistakes give final victory to the dark?
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
173,95 kr. I have held nothing back, and my hope is that the spook who follows me will continue to keep this record of the practical ways in which we deal with the dark."A companion title to the phenomenally successful Spook's series.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
75,95 - 95,95 kr. "Du tilhører klingen nu. Den ejer dig. Og det vil den gøre til din dødsdag …"Heksejægeren, Tom og Alice, der stadig er på flugt fra krigen i Herredet, er rejst til Irland. Her må Tom tage kampen op med en gruppe onde magere, som i deres bestræbelser på at forøge deres mørke kræfter desperat forsøger at komme både Heksejægeren og hans lærling til livs. Toms farlige kamp mod magerne fører ham direkte til Skæbneklingen _ et sværd med en mørk side og en tørst efter blod …Kan det nye våben mon forbedre Toms chancer for at give Djævelen kamp til stregen?"Heksejægernes skæbne" er 8. bind i Joseph Delaneys Heksejæger-serie, også kaldet Wardstenen serien.
103,95 kr. Wulf must face his greatest enemy yet - and this time, he's all alone . . .Wulf is at war - war against the Dark. As Pan's soldier and champion, it's his responsibility to fight for what is right. An early Winter has come to the County, threatening its people with starvation - but there is an even more dangerous foe to face. A demon is trying to become the next ruler of the dark. He has many names but one of them is Loki, the Trickster God. Loki has many, terrible powers - but his most deadly weapon is the one that controls all Wulf's own power . . .Featuring fan-favourite characters Grimalkin, Thorne, Jenny and even Slither, Wulf's War is sure to delight - and fright!
- Bog
- 103,95 kr.
98,95 kr. - Bog
- 98,95 kr.
83,95 kr. A spooky horror-fantasy series from the author of "The Spook's Apprentice". An old enemy returns to give Crafty a disturbing warning. Presents a world familiar in relation to our own.
- Bog
- 83,95 kr.
83,95 kr. - Bog
- 83,95 kr.
98,95 kr. Slither is not human. Far from the Spook-protected County, he preys upon humans, sneaking into their homes to gorge upon their blood while they sleep. When a local farmer dies, it's only natural that Slither should want to feast on his lovely daughters.
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
- Book 7
108,95 kr. The Spook's Nightmare is the seventh book in Joseph Delaney's terrifying Wardstone Chronicles over 3 million copies sold worldwide!'I stood there, terrified. My master was about to die.'The County is facing dark times, and the Spook is being haunted by terrifying dreams. With his precious library burned to the ground and his old enemy, Bony Lizzie, free once again, things are falling apart. As nightmares turn real, the Spook's powers seem to be waning just when he needs them the most. Can Tom, the Spook's apprentice, face the dark alone?
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
113,95 kr. This is a fabulous collection of stories based on many of the witches from Joseph Delaney's Spooks books. Ever wondered why the Spook doesn't trust girls who wear pointy shoes? Or why Grimalkin became the Assassin for the Malkin Witch clan? Find out all this and more in this dark and eerie collection. You don't have to know the Spook's books to enjoy the stories. They're all standalone and absolutely haunting. A perfect introduction to the world of The Spook's Apprentice. But for any fans of the series out there, this collection will be a must-have.
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.
- Book 4
108,95 kr. The Spook's Battle is the fourth book in Joseph Delaney's terrifying Wardstone Chronicles over 3 million copies sold worldwide!'I see your future clearly. Your master will be dead, and you will be alone.'The Spook and his apprentice protect the County from the dark, but not a terrible danger threatens. The witches are rising and the three most powerful clans are uniting to conjure an unimaginable evil the Devil himself. If they succeed, will Tom and his master have the courage to defeat the most powerful enemy of all . . . ?
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
120,95 kr. "Da jeg var ung, skete der mange mørke ting, som jeg ikke engang har fortalt min kæreste ven, Tom Ward, om. Mørke og skræmmende ting, som jeg håbede, at jeg havde lagt bag mig for altid ..."Gennem de sidste mange år har Alice bekæmpet ondskaben side om side med Heksejægeren og hans lærling, Thomas Ward. Men nu er hun alene – i mørkets verden. Og de væsner, som hun har hjulpet med at forvise dertil, har mulighed for at tage en grusom hævn.Alice må finde det sidste våben, som skal bruges til at tilintetgøre Djævelen. Hvis hun fejler, vil verden falde hen i kaos og mørke. Hvis hun derimod klarer det, kan hun selv se frem til døden for hånden af sin kæreste ven. Men kan hun på rejsen forhindre sin egen mørke magi i at tage magten over hende og kræve hende som Djævelens datter?Det næstsidste bind i Wardstenen-serien følger Alice til det mest rædselsvækkende af alle steder.
- E-bog
- 120,95 kr.
120,95 kr. Langt uden for Herredets grænser, så langt borte, at heksejægernes beskyttelse ikke rækker, har væsnet Slither frit spil over for mennesker, og han mæsker sig i deres blod, mens de sover.Da en bonde dør, tilbyder han Slither en handel: hvis Slither vil føre bondens to yngste døtre i sikkerhed hos familie, kan han få den ældste datter, Nessa, og gøre med hende, som han vil.Slithers løfte sender ham og Nessa ud på en farlig rejse, hvor fjender lurer overalt. Fjender, der også tæller den skræmmende heksesnigmorder, Grimalkin …
- E-bog
- 120,95 kr.
94,95 kr. Heksejæger-lærlingen Tom er på jagt efter det tredje magiske sværd, som han skal bruge, når han skal dræbe Djævelen. Han drager ud på en farlig færd for at finde sværdet sammen med sin hekseveninde, Alice. Men det er blevet pålagt Tom at ofre Alice, når sværdet er fundet. Hvad gør Tom nu?"Heksejægernes blod" er 10. bind i Joseph Delaneys Heksejæger-serie, også kaldet Wardstenen serien.
95,95 kr. Toms mor har brug for hjælp i sit hjemland, Grækenland. En af de farligste af de gamle guder, Ordalen, er på vej tilbage og vil bringe død og ødelæggelse med sig. Og ikke nok med det ... Djævelen er stadig på fri fod, og hvis han og Ordalen slår sig sammen, vil en ny mørkets tidsalder sænke sig over Jorden.Toms mor har samlet stærke kræfter omkring sig,men blandt dem er også Toms gamle fjender, Pendle-heksene, der omfatter heksesnigmorderen Grimalkin og den lumske klanleder Mab Mouldheel.Tør Tom gå imod alt, hvad Heksejægeren har lært ham, og kæmpe side om side med heksene?Advarsel: Læs ikke denne bog efter mørkets frembrud.Heksejægerens offer er sjette bog i Wardstenen.
- Lydbog
- 95,95 kr.
75,95 - 94,95 kr. "Du tilhører klingen nu. Den ejer dig. Og det vil den gøre til din dødsdag…"Heksejægeren, Tom og Alice, der stadig er på flugt fra krigen i Herredet, er rejst til Irland. Her må Tom tage kampen op med en gruppe onde magere, som i deres bestræbelser på at forøge deres mørke kræfter desperat forsøger at komme både Heksejægeren og hans lærling til livs. Toms farlige kamp mod magerne fører ham direkte til Skæbneklingen – et sværd med en mørk side og en tørst efter blod … Kan det nye våben mon forbedre Toms chancer for at give Djævelen kamp til stregen?Joseph Delaney (f. 1945) er en britisk forfatter kendt for sine science fiction og fantasyromaner. Hans første værker blev udgivet under pseudonymet J.K. Haderack, og det var først i 2004 med udgivelsen af det første bind i serien "The Wardstone Chronicles", at Delaney begyndte at udgive bøger under sit eget navn. Serien er efterfølgende blevet udgivet i 25 lande (inklusive Danmark) og har solgt i over en million eksemplarer. Thomas Ward er den syvende søn af den syvende søn, og det er derfor hans skæbne at blive Heksejægerens lærling. Men jobbet er både hårdt og farligt, og det er set før, at Heksejægerens lærling ikke har klaret prøvetiden - nogle gange med døden til følge. Alligevel påtager Thomas sig opgaven, for han vil bevise, at han godt kan klare det.
75,95 - 95,95 kr. Tingene er ved at ændre sig. Heksejægerens værdifulde bibliotek er brændt ned til grunden. Ærkerivalen er undsluppet fra sine bindinger. Og for første gang ser Tom sin mester fejle, ikke kuin én gang, men to gange.Det er mørke dage, men nætterne er endnu mørkere. Heksejægeren jages i sine natlige mareridt af forvarsler om, at Lizzie bliver almægtig, og nu ser hans frygt ud til at blive til virkelighed.Imens er Tom og Alice gidsler i blodig grusomhed, resultatet af en mørk og magisk pagt med fjenden.Her er stof til mareridt. Lever Heksejægeren også i morgen? Er hans lærling parat til at gå alene mod mørket?"Heksejægernes mareridt" er syvende bind i Joseph Delaneys Heksejæger-serie, også kaldet Wardstenen serien.
149,95 kr. - Bog
- 149,95 kr.
123,95 kr. Beware a girl in pointy shoesThe first thing a spook's apprentice learns is never, ever to trust a witch. Those brave enough to read these pages will find out why. You'll meet a fair and beautiful woman?with green scales running down her spine. You'll encounter a dead witch who lurks under rotting leaves, hunting for blood, and a witch whose cry of revenge can kill. And you'll follow Alice, Tom Ward's best friend, back into her past, when she lived with one of the most dangerous witches of all. Are you ready to face the dark?
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.
163,95 kr. Something is terrorizing the villages of the county. People are dying?covered in blood, their faces frozen in fear. But with not a wound on their bodies.Battling creatures of the dark is the job of the local spook, but seventeen-year-old Thomas Ward never finished his apprenticeship. It will be no easy task to earn the trust of the villagers and to defeat a monster that no one has ever seen.Yet Jenny?a seventh daughter of a seventh daughter?knows an awful lot about this new evil. And she's willing to share what she's learned with Tom . . . if he takes her on as his apprentice. No girl has ever been a spook's apprentice before. But vanquishing this creature will take Tom and Jenny far from home. And that's exactly what Jenny wants.This new arc in the legend of Thomas Ward, the hero of the best-selling The Last Apprentice series, begins a dark and sweeping adventure that will chill your very soul.
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
118,95 kr. - Bog
- 118,95 kr.
138,95 - 198,95 kr. Nobody enters here after dark. Come back in the morning . . . if you're still breathing.Thomas Ward is the seventh son of a seventh son, and apprentice to the local Spook. He has battled boggarts, witches, and the most powerful evils of the Dark. But his most trying task is yet to come.When Tom and the Spook are deceived by one they trust, they find themselves in the most terrifying danger yet. Blood-hungry creatures have invaded a sleepy village. Tom can save the Spook?and the whole county?but only by betraying one of his greatest allies. With everything on the line, Tom must have the courage to stand and fight, and to face a choice that could break his heart.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
128,95 kr. THOMAS WARD IS DEAD, killed in his attempt to conquer the Kobalos, terrifying creatures set on enslaving the human race. Devastated by his loss, his apprentice Jenny and the witch assassin Grimalkin are ready to abandon the war and return home.Yet in the struggle between light and dark, not everyone who dies stays dead. Soon, a newly resurrected Tom Ward finds himself standing across the battlefield from Alice, a witch who has aligned herself with the dark; a witch he once loved. In this war, the rules are constantly changing. The return of a powerful old enemy could put Tom and Alice on the same side once more?if only Tom can find a way to trust her. In this chilling sequel to A New Darkness, Tom's determination to be protector against the dark is tested more than ever before.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
128,95 kr. The book will haunt you.It's an international bestseller.But DON'T READ IT AFTER DARK!Book 1 and Book 2 of the best-selling Last Apprentice series, now a major motion picture, Seventh Son.The powers of evil are strengthening, and only one man holds them back. Now that man needs an apprentice. Tom Ward is the seventh son of a seventh son, and he has been chosen. When one of the world's most malevolent witches escapes, Tom will face his first test. Many apprentices have come before. They have failed, or fled, or died. If Tom succeeds—and if he survives—he'll be the last apprentice.Includes Book 1, Revenge of the Witch, and Book 2, Curse of the Bane
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.