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Bøger af Joseph Conrad

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  • af Joseph Conrad
    92,95 kr.

    I starten af 1870‘erne kæmper Don Carlos de Bourbon for sin ret til tronen og bag sig har han en hær af loyale støtter, der ikke skyr nogen midler for at sætte deres leder på tronen i Marseille. Den unge, fortæller i "Den gyldne pil", hvis navn vi aldrig hører, bliver lokket til risikere livet ved at hjælpe med at smugle våben for sagen på havet, som altid har været hans store lidenskab. Da han møder den smukke, rige arving Dona Rita, forelsker han sig håbløst i hende, men kærligheden formørkes af visheden om, at hun elsker en anden højere, og at hun er så dybt involveret i den storpolitiske magtkamp, som han tvivler mere og mere på.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) var en polsk-britisk forfatter, der anses for at være en af de bedste forfattere inden for engelsksproget litteratur. Han var en vigtig forgangsmand inden for den moderne litteratur og har inspireret forfattere som Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald og Joseph Heller. Mange af Joseph Conrads romaner har været inspiration til populære film. Francis Ford Coppolas filmklassiker "Dommedag nu" fra 1979 er baseret på Joseph Conrads "Mørkets hjerte", Alfred Hitchcocks film "Sabotage" fra 1936 bygger på Joseph Conrads "Den hemmelige agent", og Ridley Scotts film "The Duellists" er baseret på Joseph Conrads "Duellen".

  • af Joseph Conrad
    64,95 - 138,95 kr.

    "Ad Østens Kongevej" er historien om kaptain Whalley og hans muntre besætning på skibet Sofala. Sofala er ejet af Massy, der evigt og altid er i pengeproblemer, og da skibet har brug for nye kedler til maskinrummet, har Massy desværre spillet pengene op. I stedet sender han Sofala afsted med Whalley og de andre på en rejse mod øst. Ingen har den fjerneste anelse om, at Massy er i færd med at spekulere i, at skibet forliser undervejs. For et skibsforlis er lig med en masse forsikringspenge, og dem kunne Massy godt bruge ...Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) var en polsk-britisk forfatter, der anses for at være en af de bedste forfattere inden for engelsksproget litteratur. Han var en vigtig forgangsmand inden for den moderne litteratur og har inspireret forfattere som Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald og Joseph Heller. Mange af Joseph Conrads romaner har været inspiration til populære film. Francis Ford Coppolas filmklassiker "Dommedag nu" fra 1979 er baseret på Joseph Conrads "Mørkets hjerte", Alfred Hitchcocks film "Sabotage" fra 1936 bygger på Joseph Conrads "Den hemmelige agent", og Ridley Scotts film "The Duellists" er baseret på Joseph Conrads "Duellen". Activity

  • af Joseph Conrad
    73,95 kr.

    Efter fyrre år som pirat i de østerlandske have vender Peyrol tilbage til sit hjemland, Frankrig, for at nyde et fredeligt otium. Men Frankrig står på den anden ende: Revolutionen lakker mod enden, men har efterladt landet hærget af frygt og badet i blod, Napoleon vinder frem, og franskmændene kæmper bitre kampe mod englænderne i Middelhavet. Lige som Peyrol har mødt den dejlige kvinde Arlette og gør sig klar til at falde til ro, bliver den søvnige landsby opsøgt af den barske franske virkelighed, og han må igen ruste sig til kamp.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) var en polsk-britisk forfatter, der anses for at være en af de bedste forfattere inden for engelsksproget litteratur. Han var en vigtig forgangsmand inden for den moderne litteratur og har inspireret forfattere som Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald og Joseph Heller. Mange af Joseph Conrads romaner har været inspiration til populære film. Francis Ford Coppolas filmklassiker "Dommedag nu" fra 1979 er baseret på Joseph Conrads "Mørkets hjerte", Alfred Hitchcocks film "Sabotage" fra 1936 bygger på Joseph Conrads "Den hemmelige agent", og Ridley Scotts film "The Duellists" er baseret på Joseph Conrads "Duellen".

  • af Joseph Conrad
    73,95 kr.

    En nat, da den unge kaptajn Tom Lingards skib har kastet anker et sted i det malaysiske øhav, bliver skibet opsøgt af en båd, der anmoder om hjælp til at redde en forlist yacht og dens passagerer. Modvilligt og irriteret går Lingard med til at hjælpe, og mødet med den forliste yachts passagerer bliver på mange måder skæbnesvangert for ham.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) var en polsk-britisk forfatter, der anses for at være en af de bedste forfattere inden for engelsksproget litteratur. Han var en vigtig forgangsmand inden for den moderne litteratur og har inspireret forfattere som Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald og Joseph Heller. Mange af Joseph Conrads romaner har været inspiration til populære film. Francis Ford Coppolas filmklassiker "Dommedag nu" fra 1979 er baseret på Joseph Conrads "Mørkets hjerte", Alfred Hitchcocks film "Sabotage" fra 1936 bygger på Joseph Conrads "Den hemmelige agent", og Ridley Scotts film "The Duellists" er baseret på Joseph Conrads "Duellen".

  • - Fem fortællinger om stærke sind og vilde skæbner
    af Joseph Conrad
    48,95 kr.

    "Bæstet" er ulykkesskibet "Familien Apse", der har ry for mindst ét dødsfald ombord på hvert togt."Forræderen": Huset i Hermione Street er en anarkistrede af de større - men der er en forræder blandt dem."En anarkist": Han kaldes "Krokodillen" og den lokale befolkning på kvægfarmen et sted i Sydamerika mener, at han er en spansk anarkist, der er flygtet fra en straffekoloni. I virkeligheden er han pariser, og hans historie handler i høj grad om at sige det forkerte på det forkerte sted og forkerte tidspunkt."Il Conde" er en - formentlig rig og adelig - herre, der lever tilbagetrukkent i Sorrento. "Når man rejser, træffer man undertiden på sådanne ensomme mænd, hvis væsentligste beskæftigelse består i at vente på det uundgåelige"."Gaspar Ruiz" er titelnovellen og den længste af fortællingerne i denne samling. Den handler om en vældig soldat - skiftevis i den spanske hær og den peruvianske oprørshær - som aldrig har taget stilling for hverken den ene eller anden side, men er soldat, fordi noget har sagt han skal - ellers bliver han skudt. Kærligheden til en ung kvinde af det spanske aristokrati bliver hans skæbne, og er tæt på at få katastrofale følger for Perus frihedskamp.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    33,95 kr.

    Da en ordonnans bliver beordret til at hente en husarløjtnant fra et selskab, bliver den sidstnævnte fornærmet og udfordrer ham til en duel. Skønt årsagen er tåbelig, kan den anden ikke afslå af hensyn til æren, og det er starten på en række dueller, der finder sted over flere årtier, hver gang de to mødes, men aldrig med et resultat, der tilfredsstiller udfordreren.Historien er baseret på en ti-liniers notits om en birkelig begivenhed, som Conrad havde læst i en fransk provinsavis.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    108,95 kr.

    Mørkets hjerte bygger på Conrads oplevelser som flodkaptajn i Belgisk Congo, 1890. Fortælleren Marlow beretter her om, hvordan han rejser op ad floden og ind i 'mørkets hjerte' for at finde den udstationerede belgiske elfenbensjæger Kurtz. Det viser sig, at Kurtz fra et humant og ædelt udgangspunkt har udviklet sig til en begærlig materialist og despot, der hersker uindskrænket over de omkringboende indfødte."… Af alle Conrads romancer og fortællinger er det Mørkets hjerte, der griber mig mest. Alt i denne lille fortælling er på kanten og udover: Situationer, personer og beskrivelser. … For mig er Mørkets hjerte også en række dystert uafrystelige billeder, ikke blot på Conrads sjæletilstand, men på den moderne verden." – Carsten Jensen i Politiken, "Min Yndlingsbog""Mørkets hjerte er et ondt opgør med den vestlige kultur og dens selvforståelse som civiliseret, dannet, ophøjet og humanistisk. Den er også andet end det. Man kan sætte mørkets hjerte som etiket på kolonitiden, Sovjetimperiet eller nazismen. Men mørkets hjerte gemmer sig inde i alle fremskridt, i alle politiske og personlige holdninger. Godheden forvandles til ondskab og nihilisme." – Fl. Chr. Nielsen, Jyllandsposten"Mørkets hjerte er for mange af os bogen, vi ville tage med på den øde ø. En rejseroman i mere end én betydning, ikke mindst den helt praktiske: Verdenslitteratur i lommeformat, Dante, Joyce og Proust pakket ned på hundrede sider." – Bjørn Bredal, Politiken

  • af Joseph Conrad
    63,95 kr.

    5 novellerKarain: Et mindeTo malajiske brødre drager ud for at dræbe en kvinde, der har forladt sin landsby sammen med en hvid mandIdioterneEt fransk ægtepar får tre drenge og en pige - alle retarderede. Da manden trods dette stadig vil prøve at få et normalt barn, får det fatale følgerEn fremskudt postTo ensomme hvide driver en øde handelsstation i det mørkeste og mest gudsforladte CongoTilbagekomstenEn kvinde vender tilbage til sin mand efter en mislykket affæreLagunenEn malaj begræder sin kones død, endnu før hun har draget sit sidste suk, og letter sit hjerte for sin eneste hvide ven

  • af Joseph Conrad
    88,95 - 143,95 kr.

    Aboard the Narcissus, a merchant ship bound from Bombay to London, a West Indian sailor lies ill from a severe case of tuberculosis. While some of the crew are happy to take on more work in order to let him rest, others debate the seriousness of the man¿s condition. The Children of the Sea is a novella by Joseph Conrad.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    143,95 - 208,95 kr.

    Jim is a young seaman, whös faced with a life or death scenario, and chooses self-preservation over the well-being of his unsuspecting passengers and crew. One impulsive act permanently damages his career, dramatically changing his future.Jim is a young man whös enamored by life at sea. He is a crewmember on the vessel, Patna, which is scheduled to transport hundreds of passengers to Mecca. When they encounter rough weather, the ship is damaged and begins to leak. Jim and his crew hastily abandon the Patna and everyone onboard. Afterwards, they discover the ship didn¿t sink and the passengers survived. The crew is quickly reprimanded for violating protocol and are stripped of their certifications. Jim is overcome with guilt, seeking redemption in the eyes of himself and his peers. Lord Jim is considered one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century. It¿s a vivid exploration of professional ethics and personal accountability. A story about integrity and how it can be tested by anyone, at any time, in any circumstance.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Lord Jim is both modern and readable.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    153,95 - 218,95 kr.

    Young Flora de Barral, is the daughter of a man whose sudden bankruptcy and conviction, have forced her to face a harsh and uncertain reality. Chance is a clever examination of risk and the impact of unforeseen circumstance.Chance features Conrad¿s signature narration as it describes the experiences of major and minor characters, including Flora de Barral. She is a young woman who has suffered the consequences of her father¿s many misdeeds. This includes social and economic scrutiny, which has made it difficult for her to build a new life. Despite critics, Flora weds a man called Captain Anthony and the couple attempt to navigate their unconventional relationship.Joseph Conrad attempts to expand his literary horizons with Chance. Unlike his previous works, Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness, this novel investigates a woman¿s position in contemporary society. It¿s a unique exploration of the feminist view within a patriarchal structure.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Chance is both modern and readable.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    103,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Featuring five works of short fiction from the critically acclaimed author, Joseph Conrad, Tales of Unrest is a fascinating exploration of human struggle and philosophy. Karain: A Memory adopts elements of a traditional ghost story, setting an eerie mood as it explores the duality common among colonial and post-colonial people. The Idiots depict a family driven to murder after a couple stains to raise their intellectually disabled children. With the depiction of two white men placed in charge of an African trading post, An Outpost of Progress reveal the ethical issues of colonialism. Following a couple that has fallen out of love with each other, The Return is a domestic drama that explores the insecurities of a relationship riddled with infidelity, questioning if these issues inherently lie at the heart of all human relationships. Finally, The Lagoon depicts an emotional story set in the exciting and mysterious Indonesian rainforest. While travelling through the rainforest, Tuan is forced to spend a night with his old acquaintance, Arsat, who is struggling to manage his grief as his lover is on their deathbed. Prompted by sentiment, Arsat tells Tuan stories of his past as he wrestles with the reality of his lover's soon-to-be death. Assembled from Joseph Conrad's early literary work, Tales of Unrest provides a unique glimpse into the original works of Conrad's prolific and influential literary career. Each story within the Tales of Unrest collection is crafted with emotional depth and the classic, beloved style of Joseph Conrad. With remarkable settings, memorable characters, and intricate conflicts, Tales of Unrest explores an often hidden, grey area of humanity, addressing the supernatural, relationships, death, and unethical traditions with conviction. This edition of Tales of Unrest by Joseph Conrad is redesigned with a striking new cover and is reprinted in a modern, easy-to-read font to accommodate contemporary readers and bring the exceptional prose of Joseph Conrad into the 21st century.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    245,95 - 336,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    58,95 - 98,95 kr.

    `The reaches opened before us and closed behind, as if the forest had stepped leisurely across the water to bar the way for our return. We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness.' At the peak of European Imperialism, steamboat captain Charles Marlow travels deep into the African Congo on his way to relieve the elusive Mr Kurtz, an ivory trader renowned for his fearsome reputation. On his journey into the unknown Marlow takes a terrifying trip into his own subconscious, overwhelmed by his menacing, perilous and horrifying surroundings. The landscape and the people he meets force him to reflect on human nature and society, and in turn Conrad writes revealingly about the dangers of imperialism.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    83,95 kr.

    Embark on a psychological voyage with Joseph Conrad's The Secret Sharer. This gripping tale navigates the inner turmoil of a young captain who encounters a mysterious stranger aboard ship, exploring themes of identity, guilt and the complexities of human nature in the depths of the sea.

  • - in large print
    af Joseph Conrad
    329,95 - 493,95 kr.

    Reproduction of the original. The publishing house Megali specialises in reproducing historical works in large print to make reading easier for people with impaired vision.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    138,95 kr.

    "Au coeur des ténèbres" de Joseph Conrad est un voyage captivant dans les profondeurs de la nature humaine et les recoins sombres du psychisme humain. Situé dans le décor de l'Afrique coloniale, le chef-d'oeuvre de Conrad explore le coeur du Congo, à la fois littéralement et métaphoriquement, en explorant les thèmes de l'impérialisme, de l'exploitation et de la cruauté de l'homme.Au centre du récit se trouve Charles Marlow, un marin chevronné qui se lance dans un voyage périlleux le long du fleuve Congo à la recherche de l'énigmatique commerçant d'ivoire, Kurtz. Alors que Marlow s'enfonce plus profondément dans la jungle africaine, il rencontre les réalités brutales du colonialisme et la dégradation des habitants autochtones.La prose de Conrad est évocatrice de manière envoûtante, peignant des images vives de la jungle dense, de la chaleur oppressante et du sentiment de malaise qui imprègne le paysage. À travers les yeux de Marlow, nous sommes transportés dans un monde où la frontière entre la civilisation et la sauvagerie s'estompe, et où le vernis de la supériorité européenne s'effrite face aux instincts primaires et à l'ambition débridée.Mais c'est Kurtz qui plane le plus sur le récit, une figure à la fois vénérée et redoutée, dont la descente dans la folie reflète la décadence morale de l'entreprise coloniale elle-même. Alors que Marlow s'aventure plus loin dans les ténèbres, il se débat avec les questions existentielles du bien et du mal, de la santé mentale et de la folie, et du mince vernis de civilisation qui sépare l'humanité de la barbarie.L'exploration de Conrad de la condition humaine est aussi pertinente aujourd'hui qu'elle l'était lors de la première publication de "Au coeur des ténèbres" en 1899. À travers son accusation cinglant de l'impérialisme et de la capacité humaine à la cruauté, il nous force à confronter des vérités inconfortables sur notre propre société et notre histoire collective.En fin de compte, "Au coeur des ténèbres" n'est pas seulement un récit d'aventure et d'exploration, mais une méditation profonde sur l'âme humaine et l'ambiguïté morale de l'expérience humaine. C'est un voyage dans les recoins les plus sombres du coeur humain, où la frontière entre lumière et ombre, bien et mal, s'estompe et disparaît. C'est un témoignage du pouvoir durable de la littérature pour éclairer les coins les plus sombres de notre existence et nous défier à affronter les démons qui se cachent en nous.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    111,95 kr.

    "Falk: A Reminiscence" is an ancient fiction classic story book written by Joseph Conrad. After the former captain dies, a young mariner takes command of a ship in the far east. The crew is unwell and unpleasant, the ship lacks provisions, and there are delays in getting underway. He befriends Hermann, the captain of the Diana, a German ship that is docked nearby. Hermann lives on board with his wife, four children, and his niece, a simple but pretty young woman. Falk, the captain of a tug with a stranglehold on navigation on the river flowing out to the ocean, spends time with this family as well.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    149,95 kr.

    Edición limitada en tapa dura de este clásico de la literatura moderna, en el centenario de la muerte de Joseph Conrad. El corazón de las tinieblas narra el viaje que Marlow hace a través del río Congo en busca de Kurtz, el jefe de una explotación de marfil que al parecer ha cruzado la línea de sombra que separa el bien del mal y que se ha entregado con placer a las más terribles atrocidades. Reflejo de las desastrosas consecuencias del imperialismo y de las posibilidades del mal, la novela se ha leído a veces como un texto casi profético de los horrores del siglo XX. Esta edición cuenta con la impecable y reciente versión de Miguel Temprano García, uno de los grandes traductores españoles de la actualidad. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION An 1899 masterpiece by Polish-British novelist Joseph Conrad about a voyage up the Congo River into the Heart of Africa. The story is narrated by Charles Marlow, recalling his obsessive quest to locate the ivory trader Kurtz, who has become ensconced deep in the jungle managing a remote outpost. As he ventures further and further down the Congo, Marlow finds himself and his surroundings become increasingly untethered. Heart of Darkness has been widely re-published and translated into many languages. It provided the inspiration for Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 film Apocalypse Now. In 1998, the Modern Library ranked Heart of Darkness 67th on their list of the 100 best novels in English of the twentieth century. Literary critic Harold Bloom wrote that Heart of Darkness had been analysed more than any other work of literature that is studied in universities and colleges, which he attributed to Conrad's "unique propensity for ambiguity."

  • - Amy Foster. To-Morrow
    af Joseph Conrad
    326,95 kr.

    This gripping tale from the master of literary suspense, Joseph Conrad, follows the journey of a young man named Falk as he searches for his place in the world. Along the way, he encounters numerous challenges and dangers, testing his spirit and perseverance. Full of vivid descriptions and unforgettable characters, this book is a must-read for anyone who loves a good adventure story.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - A Romance
    af Joseph Conrad
    359,95 kr.

    In this classic novel, Joseph Conrad takes readers on a thrilling journey of adventure, romance, and self-discovery. Set in the exotic East, the story follows the trials and tribulations of Jim, a young sea captain struggling to find his place in the world. Epic in scope and beautifully written, this book is a must-read for fans of classic literature.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    302,95 kr.

    Offering a revealing glimpse into the mind and creative process of one of the greatest writers of the 20th century, Notes on My Books is a collection of Joseph Conrad's reflections on literature, art, and life. Written over the course of several years, and edited posthumously by Conrad's wife and literary executor, this volume provides an intimate look at the diverse intellectual interests and creative impulses that informed Conrad's literary career.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    108,95 kr.

    The Heart of Darkness remains a literary classic, celebrated for its exploration of colonialism and human nature.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    88,95 - 288,95 kr.

    To begin with I wish to disclaim the possession of those high gifts of imagination and expression which would have enabled my pen to create for the reader the personality of the man who called himself, after the Russian custom, Cyril son of Isidor-Kirylo Sidorovitch-Razumov. If I have ever had these gifts in any sort of living form they have been smothered out of existence a long time ago under a wilderness of words. Words, as is well known, are the great foes of reality. I have been for many years a teacher of languages. It is an occupation which at length becomes fatal to whatever share of imagination, observation, and insight an ordinary person may be heir to. To a teacher of languages there comes a time when the world is but a place of many words and man appears a mere talking animal not much more wonderful than a parrot. This being so, I could not have observed Mr. Razumov or guessed at his reality by the force of insight, much less have imagined him as he was. Even to invent the mere bald facts of his life would have been utterly beyond my powers. But I think that without this declaration the readers of these pages will be able to detect in the story the marks of documentary evidence. And that is perfectly correct. It is based on a document; all I have brought to it is my knowledge of the Russian language, which is sufficient for what is attempted here. The document, of course, is something in the nature of a journal, a diary, yet not exactly that in its actual form. For instance, most of it was not written up from day to day, though all the entries are dated. Some of these entries cover months of time and extend over dozens of pages. All the earlier part is a retrospect, in a narrative form, relating to an event which took place about a year before.

  • - Adventure story
    af Joseph Conrad
    93,95 kr.

    Typhoon is a novella by Joseph Conrad, begun in 1899 and serialized in Pall Mall Magazine in January-March 1902. Its first book publication was in New York by Putnam in 1902; it was also published in Britain in Typhoon and Other Stories by Heinemann in 1903. Plot summary Typhoon is a classic sea yarn, possibly based upon Conrad's actual experience of seaman's life, and probably on a real incident aboard of the real steamer John P. Best.It describes how Captain MacWhirr sails the Siamese steamer Nan-Shan into a typhoon-a mature tropical cyclone of the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. Other characters include the young Jukes - most probably an alter ego of Conrad from the time he had sailed under captain John McWhirr - and Solomon Rout, the chief engineer. The novella classically evokes the seafaring life at the turn of the century. While Macwhirr, who, according to Conrad, "never walked on this Earth" - is emotionally estranged from his family and crew, and though he refuses to consider an alternate course to skirt the typhoon, his indomitable will in the face of a superior natural force elicits grudging admiration. Characters Captain MacWhirr, an empirical man without imagination. Captain Wilson from "Melita", the "storm-strategist". Jukes, the first mate (with no first name). Jukes' absent friends - second mate Jack Allen and another mate from trans-Atlantic liner (addressee of Jukes' letter). Solomon Rout, the chief engineer, an experienced seaman. Second engineer Harry and third engineer Beale. The boatswain. The second mate. Sailors, steward and cook of the "Nan-Shan". The coolies, hired workers from India and China. The clerk for Messrs. Bun-Hin Co. Mrs Lucy MacWhirr, the Captain's wife. Lydia MacWhirr, the Captain's daughter. Mrs Rout, the chief engineer's wife. Messrs Sigg and Son, the owners of the boat. Owners and foremen from the building yard. Joseph Conrad (Polish pronunciation: born Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski; 3 December 1857 - 3 August 1924) was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest novelists to write in the English language. He joined the British merchant marine in 1878, and was granted British nationality in 1886. Though he did not speak English fluently until he was in his twenties, he was a master prose stylist who brought a non-English sensibility into English literature. He wrote stories and novels, many with a nautical setting, that depict trials of the human spirit in the midst of an impassive, inscrutable universe...........

  • af Joseph Conrad
    165,95 - 301,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • - A Magic Lamp Classic Mystery
    af Joseph Conrad
    228,95 kr.

    This is a classic novel based on actual events, the attempt to blow up the Greenwich Observatory in 1894. The story revolves around a beautiful, young wife, her simple-minded brother, and her devoted but tortured husband, and is a mixture of love story, espionage, and mystery that continues to entertain many years after its original publication date. The main character, Mr. Verloc, owns a store that sells pornography... and along with his wife and her brother, they present the reader with what might be described as a dysfunctional family. If you're looking for a happy ending, you won't find it in this book, but suffice it to say that everyone involved winds up getting what they deserved.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    88,95 - 178,95 kr.

    Joseph Conrad, 3 December 1857 Berdichev, Ukraine - 3 August 1924) was a Polish novelist who wrote in English, after settling in England. Conrad is regarded as one of the great novelists in English, though he did not speak the language fluently until he was in his twenties (and then always with a marked Polish accent). He wrote stories and novels, predominantly with a nautical setting, that depict trials of the human spirit by the demands of duty and honour. Conrad was a master prose stylist who brought a distinctly non-English tragic sensibility into English literature. While some of his works have a strain of romanticism, he is viewed as a precursor of modernist literature. His narrative style and anti-heroic characters have influenced many authors. -wikipedia

  • af Joseph Conrad
    73,95 - 343,95 kr.

    In Conrad's haunting tale, Marlow, a seaman and wanderer, recounts his physical and psychological journey in search of the enigmatic Kurtz. Travelling to the heart of the African continent, he discovers how Kurtz has gained his position of power and influence over the local people. Marlow's struggle to fathom his experience involves him in a radical questioning of not only his own nature and values but the nature and values of his society.

  • - A story of an eastern river
    af Joseph Conrad
    183,95 kr.

    ALMAYER'S FOLLY - A story of an eastern river - By Joseph Conrad 1857-1924Large Print