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Bøger af Jose O'Daly

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  • af Jose O'Daly
    425,95 kr.

    Reincarnation: The soul of a living being begins a new life in a different body after death, central in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Paganism, Judaism, Gnostics, the Indigenous peoples. Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates, believed in metempsychosis. For Jainism the soul Jiva, is eternal, experience Säs¿ra and Karma, transmigration and rebirth. For Buddhist Säs¿ra is death and rebirth, without beginning or end is the wheel of existence, liberation is Nirvana. Hindu: soul is the eternal essence of a living being, reincarnates until self-knowledge. Jewish belief in an immortal soul, Kabbalah teaches Gilgul, transmigration of souls. In Christianity, reincarnation is incompatible with the doctrine of salvation of the faithful after death. Taoist: Lao Tzu appeared on earth as different persons, Chuang Tzu: Birth is not a beginning; death is not an end. General G. Patton thought he was a reincarnation of the Carthaginian General Hannibal. For Plato and Benjamin Franklin the number of souls is finite. Hypnosis, used in psychoanalysis for past life recall. Tibetan, Chinese and Japanese schools believe in a bardo or intermediate state. Christians do not believe in reincarnation.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    389,95 kr.

    In the endemic ¿Valle Arribä neighborhood, located in Caracas, Venezuela, with leishmaniasis morbidity 24.76 o/oo, an amastigotes vaccine with four Leishmania species was applied for protection against leishmaniasis in 3,191 people with a follow up of three years and also in hyperendemic ¿El Ingenio¿ with morbidity of 164.04 o/oo. The vaccine contains 8-10 proteins after treatment amastigotes with TLCK and NP40. Before the vaccine both vaccinated and control groups had 24% of positive volunteers to Delayed Type Hypersensitivity intradermic reaction with vaccine antigens. One month after three vaccines, 95.67% of vaccinees previously DTH negative converted to a positive DTH. The morbidity rate was 7.94 o/oo in the vaccinated group, and 56.17 in the control-unvaccinated group, an incidence 7.07 times bigger after three years of the field trial. In ¿La Plantä hyperendemic zone 41.78% were DTH positive before vaccination, with 122 cases from 1972-1994 and highest morbidity (205.23 o/oo) in 0-5 years old, which points out to intra-domiciliary transmission of the disease . ELISA and immunoblottings were equal before and after vaccination, the vaccine induced cellular immunity.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    288,95 kr.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    476,95 kr.

    Thoughts are ideas and concepts from memories and the environment, used for human actions. The Mindtron is an oscillating particle inducing the brain¿s EM field. The nature of the mind is mental events, functions, originating consciousness. Human perceptions induce pleasant or unpleasant sensations, sensory neurons respond to touch, sound, light, odors, food, send signals to brain, motor neurons cause muscle contractions and glands secretion. Neurons don¿t divide, after destruction are replaced by astrocytes. Cognitive psychology deals with, memory, and language for thinking. The structural model of the psyche is the Id, Ego, and Super-Ego, collective unconscious form by archetypes are in humanity myths, religions. Types of thinking: Critical, Analytical, Creative, Abstract, Concrete, Convergent, Divergent. Illumination occurs when a solution is reached. Consciousness is associated with gamma bands. EEG diagnose epilepsy, sleep disorders, coma, anesthesia, death, tumors, stroke and focal brain problems. Cognition includes conscious and unconscious processes. Feelings are mental experiences like hunger, tissue injury, pain, well-being, threats to the organism like fear, anger, love.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    534,95 kr.

    Electromagnetic radiation from the brain is the carrier of energy and information for thoughts and emotions, the "Mindtron" is the particle in the psychic energy electromagnetic (EM) field. The mind is structured by: intuition, consciousness, perception, love, thoughts, judgment, emotions, decisions and memory. Thinking permit humans to use tools, understand cause and effect, respond to the world. Conscience is produced by neuronal activity in the brain evolving with brain development in human species, growing with civilization. Analysis of brain damage localized brain functions. Research is needed to understand personal and collective unconscious root of all the psyquic energy. Alzheimer disease will help to uncover the function of memory, the relation with the environment and neurophysiology. The brain's EM field creates a representation of the information in the neurons and conscious experience correlates with the synchrony of neurons firing. Alzheimer chronic disease is cause of 60% -70% cases of dementia, five medications are used: Tacrine, Rivastigmine, Galantamine and Donepezil, and Memantine but none delay the progression of disease.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    672,95 kr.

    Five mitogenic proteins in FCS stimulate T. cruzi division, found in plasma membranes and cytoplasmic granules, changed structure by T. cruzi growth, base of autoimmunity. Insoluble fraction from T. cruzi membranes lysed cells, it is a lipid, pronase, trypsin, temperature resistant, inhibited by albumin. Inhibition of T. cruzi¿s proteolytic activity, key for vaccines¿ production. Synthetic medium, allowed T cruzi growth between 26°- 37°C, with FCS or peptides of glutamic acid, alanine and lysine. Infected homozygous mice had suppression by macrophages to T and B cell mitogens, parasite antigens, at 17 days postinfection, recovering at chronic phase. Trypomastigotes inhibited response to mitogens, epimastigotes stimulated it, higher than mitogens. Hydroinsoluble protein of 14 -15 kDa, from infected spleens, induced suppression to mitogens thru macrophages. Epimastigotes changed surface proteins, between 30° to 34°C. Lowest parasitemia, longest survival time and no immunosuppression, postimmunization with pellets, from TLCK treated epimastigotes cultured at 30°C. Surface, secreted proteins, T. cruzi extracts have antigens for diagnosis explaining pathogenesis of Chagas disease.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    628,95 kr.

    Humans¿ evolution depends on grey matter by neurons¿ energetic connections for thinking. Metaphysics explains being, reality, Spacetime, mind-body problem. S¿¿khya is dualism of consciousness and matter.Scholasticism joins Christian theology with Aristotle¿s ideas. God concepts are as follows: Jewish worship Israel¿s Yahweh, Christianity believes in the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Unitarianism as the Father including atheism, agnosticism, pantheism,Binitarianism as the Father and the Son Jesus, Mormonism as Elohim the Father, Islam as the One, the Eternal, Bahá'ís as the creator of everything, Buddhism to get to Nirvana, Sikhism includes meditation on the one creator, for Satanism God is a creation of man and Hinduism is the oldest religion without founders, Brahman is the final cause of all that exists, Rosicrucianism, combines Kabbalah, Hermeticism and Alchemy. The swastika a symbol of the Aryan race was used by Hitler¿s Nazi Party. Life started in a 4D world of Spacetime, extending to 10D. The superstring model resolves the relationship between matter and mind, the nature of time and explains apparitions, out of body experiences, near death experiences, dreams.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    549,95 kr.

    Neurons generate from neural stem cells, at 250,000/min and synapses at 40,000/sec beginning at 42 days post conception, establishing brain¿s neural networks, brain increases 4x in preschool, reaching 90% of adult size by age 6, has 2x synapses as in adulthood, surplus connections eliminated posteriorly by apoptosis. Epigenetics differentiate neuron stem cells into neurons and glia, thru molecular processes for Gene-Environment interactions. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis, is activated at danger, produces cortisol, enhancing cardiovascular tone and attention. The human brain has > 100 billion neurons, forming networks for thoughts, feelings and actions, each one connecting with > 1,000 other neurons, creating > 60 trillion neuronal connections thru synapses, ending at 6-layered structure in brain cortex. Proliferation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, begins prenatally, persist in the adult, in the forebrain subventricular zone and migrate into white matter, cortex, striatum and hippocampus, forming astrocytes and oligodendrocytes for myelin sheaths. Iron, Zinc, and Iodine should be given at prenatal period and early infancy to increase the world IQ by 10 points.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    549,95 kr.

    The brain has 100 billion neurons, connected by the connectome, base of human cognition. An autapse is the axon of a neuron onto itself, found in neocortex, substantia nigra, hippocampus. Neurotransmitters are stored in synaptic vesicles, released into the synaptic cleft, to the postsynaptic neuron. The locus coeruleus is in the pons, site for stress, and norepinephrine. The hippocampus is component of the limbic system, role in memory. The cerebral cortex is the brain outer layer, implicated in speech, language. The cingulate cortex is above the corpus callosum, involved with emotion, learning, and memory. The ventral tegmental area are neurons in the midline on the floor of the midbrain origin of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system it is implicated in the drug and natural reward circuitry of the brain. Psychosis doesn¿t know what is real, with hallucinations, incoherent speech. The hypothalamus links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland. The midbrain is associated with vision, hearing, motor control. The psyche is the conscious and unconscious mind. New cells described in retina, glycogen as source of energy, gap junctions with Na+K+ATPase.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    476,95 kr.

    Autonomic nervous system has sympathetic (SNS), parasympathetic (PNS), enteric nervous system (ENS) that regulate the body's unconscious actions, the body's fight or flight response, and the body to feed and breed. SNS signals travel by preganglionic neurons that release acetylcholine (ACh), activating nicotinic ACh receptors on postganglionic neurons releasing norepinephrine that activates adrenergic receptors (AR) on peripheral tissues. SNS: accelerate heart rate; widen bronchial passages; decrease motility of large intestine; constrict blood vessels; increase oesophagus peristalsis; cause pupillary dilation, piloerection like goose bumps, perspiration sweating, and raise blood pressure. The amygdala by corticotropin releasing hormone, activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. SNS ¿2 AR on CD4+T and B cells controls immunity. Immunotherapy started with vaccination against smallpox, Cancer stops immune responses. Brain regulates innate and adaptive immune responses. PNS controls the urinary bladder, ureters, anal sphincters, uterus, prostate, glands, vagina, penis. The ENS, contain 600 million neurons. There are adrenergic dense vesicles in retina.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    425,95 kr.

    Changes in brain in humans and chimpanzees induced Homo sapiens, with higher perception, and linguistic expression. Lucy lived 2-3 Mya, height 1,1 meter, bipedal. Humans produced art, music, ornamentation, language, rituals. In men, fibers run back and forth within each hemisphere see issues and resolve them, while in women they zigzag between the left logical and right creative sides of the brain. Language is key human behavioral phenotype. Chimpanzees use their reflections in mirror to explore body parts, underarms, teeth, and anogenital region, use tools in the wild. Primates share a non-verbal system for ordering small and large numerosities. Hominid Last Common Ancestor with a brain 300¿400 gr, the main phenotype is cognition, which evolved in apes 14 Mya. Human brain displays left hemisphere dominance for language, also in actual great apes. The primary motor, premotor, prefrontal cortices are involved in motor execution and cognition, as decision making, planning, memory, emotions. Molecules adapted for high neuronal activity, for ion pumps and neurotransmitters. The lateral cerebellar hemisphere of hominoids participates in planning of motor patterns, sensory discrimination

  • af Jose O'Daly
    549,95 kr.

    Neurodegenerative disorders discussed. Kuru among people of Papua New Guinea caused by transmission of abnormally folded Prion proteins inducing tremors, loss of coordination, and death. Creutzfeldt¿Jakob disease caused by Prions, memory problems, poor coordination, behavioral changes, dementia, and coma, 70% die within a year of diagnosis. Gerstmann¿Sträussler¿Scheinker Syndrome familial, fatal disease affects patients 20-60 years, heritable. Fatal Familial Insomnia trouble sleeping starting gradually, worsen over time, with speech, coordination problems, dementia, death from months-few years. Variably Protease-Sensitive Prionopathy, sporadic Prion protein disease, in 2018, 14 cases in UK PrPSC Prion protein is less/more resistant to proteolysis. Alzheimer's disease cause of 60¿70% cases of dementia, difficulty in remembering recent events, later problems with language, easily getting lost in the street, bodily functions are lost, leading to death. Parkinson Disease affects the motor system with shaking, rigidity, difficulty with walking, thinking and behavioral problems, ending in dementia, depression and anxiety in > 1/3 of people. Huntington's disease inherited disorder.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    469,95 kr.

    The mind faculties are will, thought, imagination, memory, and sensation, induce mental characters, like perception, pain experience, belief, desire, intention, emotion. The mind originated by neuronal activity, is exclusive to humans, and superior animals is the stream of consciousness, constantly changing. Pagans practiced ritual sacrifice, are called Hellenes, resurfaces in 18th-19th-century romanticism, with literary Celtic and Viking revivals, with groups as Wicca, Neo-Druidism, Heathenry, and Slavic Native Faith including aboriginal Americans, Australians, Viking, Age Norse paganism, New Age spirituality. They include: Spiritualism, Afro-Diasporic faiths like Haitian Vodou, Santería. Biblical revelation is the communication with God, under the Holy Spirit inspiration. God is a Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all the same substance. The Incarnation, is the link of Jesus with God He is fully God and fully human in one person at the same time, and through His resurrection, humans reconciled with God, via this New Covenant. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God, the third person of the Trinity, equal with God the Father, the Son.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    685,95 kr.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    798,95 kr.

    Das autonome Nervensystem hat einen Sympathikus (SNS), einen Parasympathikus (PNS) und ein enterisches Nervensystem (ENS), die die unbewussten Aktionen des Körpers, die Kampf- oder Fluchtreaktion des Körpers und die Ernährung und Fortpflanzung des Körpers regulieren. SNS-Signale werden von präganglionären Neuronen übertragen, die Acetylcholin (ACh) freisetzen und nikotinische ACh-Rezeptoren auf postganglionären Neuronen aktivieren, die Noradrenalin freisetzen, das adrenerge Rezeptoren (AR) auf peripheren Geweben aktiviert. SNS: beschleunigen die Herzfrequenz; erweitern die Bronchien; verringern die Motilität des Dickdarms; verengen die Blutgefäße; erhöhen die Peristaltik der Speiseröhre; verursachen Pupillenerweiterung, Piloerektion wie Gänsehaut, Schweißausbrüche und erhöhen den Blutdruck. Die Amygdala durch Corticotropin-Releasing-Hormon, aktiviert die Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennieren-Achse. SNS ¿2 AR auf CD4+T- und B-Zellen steuert die Immunität. Die Immuntherapie begann mit der Impfung gegen Pocken, Krebs stoppt Immunantworten. Gehirn reguliert angeborene und adaptive Immunantworten. PNS steuert die Harnblase, Harnleiter, Analsphinkter, Uterus, Prostata, Drüsen, Vagina, Penis. Das ENS, enthält 600 Millionen Neuronen. In der Netzhaut befinden sich adrenerge dichte Bläschen.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    423,95 kr.