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Bøger af Jose Ignacio Valenzuela

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  • af Jose Ignacio Valenzuela
    115,95 kr.

    Un cuento acerca de la iniciación en el mundo de la lectura y la escritura, a través de la inspiradora huella que una abuela fuera de serie deja en un niño. Muchas abuelas son soñadoras, escriben poemas, incluso usan sombreros verdes de plumas... pero pocas se atreven a participar en concursos de poesía, implantar la semilla de la literatura en sus nietos y realizarse a través de ellos, haciéndolos crecer y tejer un hilo de continuidad entre las vidas de ambos mediante la escritura. Petunia es la abuela de Vicente, y de loca en realidad tiene muy poco; al contrario, sus extravagancias se ven matizadas por sus genuinos intereses, de modo que no es difícil identificar a nuestras propias abuelas con la que este libro retrata. English Description A story about the introduction to the world of reading and writing, through the inspiring effect that a phenomenal grandmother has on a child.Many grandmas are dreamers, write poems, even wear green feathered hats ... but few dare to participate in poetry contests and plant a love of literature in their grandchildren, and consequently fulfill themselves through them, helping them grow and weaving a strand of continuity through both their lives by way of writing. Petunia is Vicente's grandmother, and she is not actually that crazy; on the contrary, her eccentricities are explained by her genuine interests. In this way, it's not difficult to identify our own grandmothers with the one depicted in this book.

  • af Jose Ignacio Valenzuela
    158,95 kr.

    Los familias de nuestros tiempo pueden ser muy diversas: mira a tu alrededor y compreuâebalo con tus propios ojos. Pero algo que sâi tienen casi todas en comâun es el amar. Leonora tiene dos papâas, ye es inmensamente feliz. Con este librao aprendemos que hay muchos modos vâalidos de relacionarnos y amarnos.

  • af Jose Ignacio Valenzuela
    148,95 kr.

    Pepito goes on another detective adventure! If you liked helping Pepito solve the enigma of the world's most boring street (Pepito y la calle más aburrida del mundo), you're sure going to love helping him not to feel afraid in this new case to be solved . . . in a haunted house!

  • af Jose Ignacio Valenzuela
    198,95 kr.

    Mauricio is Mexican, handsome, sensitive, and dreams of becoming a great photographer. Jimmy lives in Miami, is a university professor and is passionate about politics. They fall in love and after thirteen years of a solid life as a couple, only one thing seems to be missing in their relationship: each day Jimmy becomes more and more convinced that they must become parents. In this wonderful love story, the characters not only explore filial love and the strange drive for parenthood but also raise fundamental questions for society: how many types of affection, couples, friendships, families, and emotional ties exist in the contemporary world? How is a family constituted today? What are its challenges?

  • af Jose Ignacio Valenzuela
    148,95 kr.

  • af Jose Ignacio Valenzuela
    198,95 kr.

    What makes us brilliant? The things that make us different!Meet Vincent, a boy who was one of a kind. But what made him special also made him lonely, until his remarkable quality saved the day.

  • af Jose Ignacio Valenzuela
    198,95 kr.

    Relationships that reach a breaking point are viewed from a realistic perspective. Three stories that revolve around human relationships, especially love affairs and passion, where fear and pleasure steal the wheel. Painful separations, failed romances and broken hearts are revealed in each story. But among the cracks caused by infidelities, sex without emotion and unexpected shipwrecks, a glimpse of light sneaks in, a hole through which to escape, a lifeline that, like a floating miracle, arrives as a guarantee of life.

  • af Jose Ignacio Valenzuela
    148,95 kr.

    La verdad sobre la obra de Gaudí espera a quien tenga la capacidad -y la audacia- de revelarla.Un hombre ha muerto y con eso ha cambiado el destino de su ciudad. Se ha ido Francesc Carmona, el último ser humano capaz de contar la verdad sobre la Sagrada Familia, ese orgullo de Barcelona que lleva más de cien años en construcción. Ahora solo quedan la especulación y la leyenda. A menos que Ramona Carmona logre demostrar que su abuelo no se llevó ningún secreto a la tumba, que la verdad está ahí, esperando que alguien tenga la capacidad --y la audacia-- de revelarla.Leer un fragmento

  • af Jose Ignacio Valenzuela
    188,95 kr.

  • af Jose Ignacio Valenzuela
    208,95 kr.

  • af Jose Ignacio Valenzuela
    208,95 kr.

    Dicen que toda leyenda tiene un origen. Y la fatídica leyenda de la Malaluna habla de Rosa y Rayén, dos hermanas que sin saberlo iniciaron tiempo atrásuna historia llena de mal amor, pasión y muerte.De personalidades totalmente opuestas, cada una de ellas recorre senderos y vericuetos hasta el fin del mundo en busca de un lugar donde vivir, al que llegan luego de una travesía que les toma siglos completar.Dicen además que todo mito se parece a un árbol de la vida, porque sus ramas y frutos transforman para siempre a quien ose acercarse.¿Conseguirán Rosa y Rayén torcerle el rumbo a su propio destino?¿Serán capaces de sobrevivir en ese mundo donde el sol y la luna son la raíz del mal que las aqueja?ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONThey say that all legends have a beginning. And the fateful legend of Malaluna is about Rose and Rayén, two sisters who long ago unknowingly started a story filled with passion and death...The prequel to the Malamor Trilogy has arrived: a novel of fantasy and hope.With totally opposite personalities, each one of these sisters journeys down paths and rabbit holes to the ends of the earth in search of a place to live, a place they only arrive at after a journey that takes them centuries to complete.They also say that all myths are like a tree of life, because their branches and fruit indelibly transform those who dare to come close. Will Rose and Rayén change the path of their own destiny? Will they be able to survive in that world where the sun and moon are the root of the evil that afflicts them?