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Bøger af Jorge Bucay

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  • af Jorge Bucay
    198,95 kr.

    En ocasiones nos sentimos incapaces de seguir avanzando, cuando una separación, la pérdida de un ser querido, una enfermedad o un revés económico nos hunden en la desesperación. En tales momentos creemos que no podremos superar el dolor, que no seremos capaces de sobreponernos a la aflicción. The loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, the permanent abandonment of something we consider valuable--these are expressions of the same reality. These phenomena cause us to sink deeper into sadness and push us toward isolation and despair. In these pages, Jorge Bucay invites us to reflect on one of our most difficult, but at the same time one of the most important, challenges that all humans must face at one time or another: the grieving process. With his characteristic eloquence, Bucay suggests not only that it is possible to survive the most painful experiences, but also that they are necessary to internally mature and grow.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    213,95 kr.

    You don't need to be familiar with Demián, from Cuentos para Demián, in order to immerse yourself in the pages that vividly highlight some of life's common woes. In this book, Demián reunites with his former therapist to delve back into the intellectual and emotional rollercoaster they went on 27 years back. They seek to understand human nature, heal old wounds and discover the meaning of existence.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    213,95 kr.

    Un clásico indiscutible del desarrollo humano, este libro contiene un puñado de cuentos que brillan con luz propia y cuyos mensajes nos ayudan a ver con más claridad la realidad cotidiana, con sus alegrías y tristezas, sus triunfos y derrotas, sus verdades y misterios. Cada uno de estos relatos tiene la virtud de sanar las heridas, orientar la búsqueda del propio ser y allanar el camino de la autorrealización. This indisputable classic in human development literature contains a selection of stories that help us see our everyday reality more clearly in all its joys and sadness, triumphs and failures, and truths and mysteries. Each one of these stories can heal wounds, help guide us in the search for self, and pave the way for self-actualization.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    248,95 kr.

    "Jorge Bucay's insight into human happiness teaches readers that every person is valuable, useful, and irreplaceable, with an infinite capacity to learn and grow. However, most people ignore their own potential and long for the past or the future, basing their happiness on external factors like material possessions or other people's opinions. Empieza hoy el resto de tu vida is a moving lesson which will motivate readers to be in the present, face their fears, and transform their dreams into realities"

  • af Jorge Bucay
    248,95 kr.

    Jorge y Demián Bucay analizan el vínculo que existe entre padres e hijos y buscan responder preguntas fundamentales: ¿qué es ser padres?, ¿por qué serlo?, ¿para qué?, ¿qué es lo que hace que podamos decir de alguien: "es padre" o "es madre"? Echando mano de su experiencia clínica y también de sus vivencias personales, los autores desarrollan diversos temas en torno a la paternidad y afirman que, más allá del aspecto biológico, ser padre tiene que ver con cumplir una función, que implica actuar, pensar y sentirse como tal. El lector encontrará una clasificación de los diferentes tipos de padres que existen: negligentes, autoritarios, permisivos, correctos, y una serie de consejos prácticos útiles para construir el tipo de relación que deseas establecer con tus hijos. Jorge and Demián Bucay analyze the link between parents and children and seek to answer fundamental questions such as, What is parenting? Why become parents? What does it mean to be a mother? A father? Drawing on clinical and personal experiences, the authors develop various ideas about parental issues. The reader will learn about a classification of different types of parenting styles and a number of useful tips that will help establish a better relationship with their children.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    213,95 kr.

    Un rey al que le gustaba mucho sentirse poderoso, un leñador al que un accidente le cambia la vida, un hombre atormentado que consulta con un sabio, un cofre lleno de monedas de oro, un famoso rabino, un sastre, un zar, un oso. During his long and plentiful professional career, Jorge Bucay has always recounted stories not only as a means to teach his patients, but also to reflect with them on common worries and concerns of human beings. This book, one of his most widely read titles, combines many of these inspiring stories. They are the stories that accompany us and help to shed light on our inner growth. Almost all of them have their own inspiration, but we also find the traditional narratives and stories that have enriched the thinking process and lives of readers. In this book, the author engages us in an imaginary discussion with his numerous readers. It is a warm and friendly conversation that recalls some of the themes that men and women have dealt with for a long time, while ending with a challenge to the reader to make each day better and better.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    213,95 kr.

    Con frecuencia se nos olvida que el camino que nos lleva al encuentro con nosotros mismos pasa necesariamente por los demás, sean éstos amigos, familiares o pareja. El contacto con nuestros semejantes, con todo lo que ello tiene de exaltante y enriquecedor, pero también de problemático y complejo, constituye una etapa necesaria para conquistar la realización personal. A beautiful and enriching guide to thinking about our interactions with others, this book by Jorge Bucay urges us to reflect on how our encounters with our peers allow us to grow internally. While the conquest of self-realization is an individual task, it can't be achieved without relationships and the help of others. The key is to love one another and to surrender to and enrich the company of others. "Without the interactions of others," declares Bucay, "we aren't healthy. Without others' existence, our lives would be empty although our houses may be full with expensive possessions."

  • af Jorge Bucay
    213,95 kr.

    De manera consciente o inconsciente, todos los seres humanos buscamos la felicidad. Ésta parece ser un componente indispensable de la vida plena y la realización individual. En efecto: ¿de qué serviría ser mejores personas y encontrar el sentido de la existencia, si tales conquistas no estuvieran acompañadas de un sentimiento de dicha verdadera? Sin embargo, pese a ser tan deseable, resulta sorprendente lo poco que sabemos sobre esta aspiración. All human beings want to achieve happiness. A large part of our efforts, dreams, and everyday anxieties is directed toward this ultimate goal. However, few concepts result in being more elusive and difficult to define. What does happiness really mean? How is it achieved? True to his style, Jorge Bucay doesn't pretend to provide foolproof recipes or tell us how to be happy. He accompanies readers and helps them discover, on their own, their individual keys to happiness.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    183,95 kr.

    Halfway between a poem of love and a creed of interpersonal relations, Quiero is the most concise and concentrated expression of Jorge Bucay's ideas about love and shared life. An invitation to reflect on the emotional world we live in, and the perfect gift for anyone with whom we seek to maintain a healthy, stimulating, and lasting relationship. A medio camino entre un poema de amor y un credo de las relaciones interpersonales, Quiero destila en su expresión más concisa y concentrada las ideas de Jorge Bucay sobre el amor y la vida compartida. Una invitación a reflexionar sobre nuestro mundo afectivo, y el regalo perfecto para esa persona con quien buscamos mantener una relación sana, estimulante y duradera.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    183,95 kr.

    En este hermoso libro, Jorge Bucay nos plantea el desafío que representan estas tres preguntas milenarias: ¿quién soy?, ¿adónde voy?, ¿y con quién? Para el terapeuta y escritor no se trata de una indagación abstracta, sino de un reto que tiene que ver con nuestra individualidad concreta. Now considered a landmark series, Hojas de ruta is a milestone within Jorge Bucay's works. Sensitive to this circumstance and insightful to the content, the author provides a revitalized proposal in this volume. It attempts to answer questions that human beings have had throughout history: Who am I? Where am I going? With whom? Thus, Jorge Bucay teaches us an important lesson about our own human nature.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    173,95 kr.

    Son tres las preguntas que, indefectiblemente, arrojan luz a nuestra vida porque todo el mundo debe planteárselas en algún momento. Y de sus respuestas dependerá el camino que finalmente anden nuestros pasos. Así, las historias e ideas que nos ofrece este libro nos ayudarán a descubrir quiénes somos, adónde vamos y con quién lo hacemos. ¿Quién soy? ¿Adónde voy? ¿Con quién?ENGLISH DESCRIPTION There are three questions that inevitably shed light on our lives and everyone must ask themselves these questions at some point. And the path that our life takes will depend on those answers. Thus, the stories and concepts that this book offers, will helpus discover who we are, where we are going, and with whom we are doing it. Who am I? Where am I going? And with whom?

  • af Jorge Bucay
    173,95 kr.

    "... a tender and delicate book about the search for happiness. Demiâan is highly strung young man, curious about the world and himself, but he has difficulty facing some of life's everyday problems, those concerning work, his love life, and relationships with friends and family. He is eager to know more about himself and to learn how to confront life with gusto and serenity. In short, he wants what all of us want: to be happy and fulfilled. Demiâan finds Jorge, an unconventional psychoanalyst who approaches Demiâan's dilemma in an unconventional way. Every day, Jorge tells Demiâan a story. At times they are classic fables, others modern stories, or folk tales, stories that have been revisited and reshaped by the analyst to help his young friend overcome his doubts and find happiness. They are, in short, stories that can help every one of us better understand ourselves, our relationships, and our fears."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    193,95 kr.

    Una exploración íntima de una de las situaciones más complejas de la existencia humana: la pérdida de un ser querido. > El camino de las lágrimas es un clásico del desarrollo personal, referencia para todos aquellos que han sufrido el dolor de una pérdida, y un verdadero mapa que acompaña y reconforta al lector en la dolorosa transición que viene con dejar ir. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, the permanent abandonment of something we consider valuable--these are expressions of the same reality. These phenomena cause us to sink deeper into sadness and push us toward isolation and despair. In these pages, Jorge Bucay invites us to reflect on one of our most difficult, but at the same time one of the most important, challenges that all humans must face at one time or another: the grieving process. With his characteristic eloquence, Bucay suggests not only that it is possible to survive the most painful experiences, but also that they are necessary to internally mature and grow.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    198,95 kr.

    Knowing ourselves consists of taking the time to look at ourselves inwardly, to connect with what we believe, with what we think, with what we feel and with what we are ... Only in this way can we begin the work of being better for ourselves and for humanity. The always illuminating books of therapist Jorge Bucay have helped a legion of readers from different parts of the world not only to better understand the what and the why of human existence, but also to accompany them on the road to personal growth with themselves.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    398,95 kr.

    La existencia es un sendero solitario, un trayecto que cada quien recorre por su cuenta y riesgo. Nadie puede hacerlo por nosotros: todos tenemos que vivir nuestra propia vida, cometer errores, alcanzar nuestras propias metas y hacernos responsables de nuestras decisiones. Since their appearances, each one of the books in Bucay's Roadmaps series has added to his compilation of extraordinary editorial accomplishments. Thousands of people have found in this series, the thread of Ariadna, to help guide them along the path of personal growth and self -realization. This current volume unites four stages of this itinerary; they can be addressed independently, but read in a successive manner illuminating this vital trajectory. These stages are the Path to Self Dependence, the Path to Discovery, the Path of Tears, and the Path to Happiness.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    213,95 kr.

    Solemos asociar el término "egoísmo" a una serie de actitudes negativas. Decimos que la gente egoísta sólo piensa en sí misma, que no comparte, que le falta humildad, que es avara y poco solidaria. Frente a esta forma de ver las cosas, el psicoterapeuta Jorge Bucay nos invita considerar al egoísmo de manera distinta: como la capacidad de preferirnos antes que a los demás hasta el punto de que nuestras acciones en su favor no estén guiadas por el sacrificio, la obligación o la abnegación, sino por la alegría que nos produce amar al prójimo. Consisting of imaginary chats with numerous readers, Jorge Bucay has written yet another heartwarming and uplifting book meant to help its readers. The friendly conversation includes common topics that have concerned women and men throughout the ages, and presents them in such a way as to improve upon every day. This dialog, filled with tasteful humor, stories, and parables, invites us to question our most deep-rooted beliefs and to meditate on questions that truly touch human condition.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    218,95 kr.

    Un alegato poético a favor de la libertad. Un niño se pregunta por qué un animal tan grande como el elefante permite ser atado con una cadena detenida por una pequeña estaca si podría levantarla sin mayor esfuerzo. Ninguno de los numerosos adultos a los que interroga le responde de manera convincente. . . Hasta que, un día, un hombre muy sabio le da una pista para encontrar la respuesta. In this poetic allegory on freedom, a boy wonders why an animal as big as an elephant lets itself be chained to a small stake when it could easily escape. None of the many adults he asks gives him a convincing answer--until one day, a very wise man gives him a clue to find the answer.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    198,95 kr.

    ¿Qué quiere decir autodependencia? Es el reconocimiento pleno de que uno es el protagonista de su propia existencia. Significa aceptar que, si bien no somos autosuficientes-pues todos dependemos en alguna medida de los demás-, sí tenemos la responsabilidad de decidir los términos bajo los cuales vamos a vivir. No one can walk down the personal path that leads to happiness for us. Everyone must take the course at their own risk. There are, of course, those who are slightly lost and arrive a bit late, as well as those that discover the shortcut and become the leaders. In this book, Jorge Bucay shares with us the first of his Roadmaps: personal maps that help us stay on course and better cope with obstacles that we inevitably find in our way.

  • af Jorge Bucay
    128,95 kr.

    A mighty ruler discovers someone in his kingdom has more power than himself. But when the king sets out to destroy this fearsome enemy, a humble magician, the tables are turned, and an unexpected journey begins.