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Bøger af Jordan Lee Dooley

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  • af Jordan Lee Dooley
    158,95 kr.

  • af Jordan Lee Dooley
    158,95 kr.

    "De parte de la autora bestseller de Cada dâia es tuyo, una guâia sin complicaciones para conseguir la vida que anhelas, aun cuando las cosas no se den segâun lo planeado. Jordan Lee Dooley sabe de primera mano lo devastador que puede ser casi alcanzar una meta, casi cumplir un sueäno y casi estar donde deseas estar, justo para quedarte a un paso de lograrlo o ver câomo todo se desmorona en el âultimo momento. Los sueänos interrumpidos, retrasados o incluso aparentemente destruidos tienen una forma de hacernos reconsiderar todo. Pero quizâa reconsiderar sueänos no siempre sea lo peor. En esos momentos tienes la oportunidad de detenerte y meditar quâe es lo que mâas te importa, asâi como redefinir tu clase de âexito en un mundo que te dice constantemente quâe deberâias querer o hacer. Aunque no lo creas, es posible cultivar una vida que realmente te guste y una en la que puedas tener âexito, justo en el punto medio entre donde empezaste y donde esperabas estar...La vida estâa llena de interrupciones inesperadas, de momentos "casi, pero todavâia no", de incertidumbre y de espera. Por difâiciles que puedan ser tales experiencias, tambiâen ofrecen una invitaciâon âunica para alinear tus sueänos y tus metas con lo que mâas te importa. Aprende câomo obtener una mayor claridad sobre lo que en verdad quieres, por quâe lo quieres y câomo empezar a buscarlo."--provided by publisher.

  • af Jordan Lee Dooley
    218,95 kr.

    Not quite where you expected to be? You’re in good company. Now the bestselling author of Own Your Everyday helps you navigate unmet expectations, waiting, and uncertainty with confidence and clarity. “If you are like me and need practical steps, hard-won wisdom, and a friend to help lead the way into a new season of promise, this redirection resource is what you need.”—Lysa TerKeurst, #1 New York Times bestselling author and president of Proverbs 31 MinistriesJordan Lee Dooley knows firsthand how frustrating it can be when you almost achieve a goal, almost reach a dream, and almost get to where you want to be, only to land just short of the finish line or watch it all fall apart at the last minute.Unmet expectations have a way of making us rethink everything. But perhaps rethinking dreams is not always the worst thing. Why? Because it’s in those moments, when you’re not where you expected to be, that you have a chance to pause and consider what matters most to you as well as redefine what success looks like for you in a world that’s constantly telling you what you should want or should do.Believe it or not, it is possible to cultivate a life you really like—and one where you can succeed—in the tension of the middle, between where you started and where you hoped to be. Discover:• practical steps to move forward when your plans don’t go according to plan• how to clarify which goals are right for you to pursue• what to do when dreams seem to come true for everyone but you• the unexpected gains that can arise from unwanted pain• how to know when it’s time to let go of a dream—and what to do with the space left behindLife is filled with unmet expectations, disrupted dreams, uncertainty, and in-between seasons. As hard as those experiences may be, they also offer a unique invitation to align your dreams and goals with what matters most. Learn how you can gain greater clarity about what you truly want, why you want it, and how to begin pursuing it.