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Bøger af John Poulsen

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  • - ad den transsibiriske jernbane
    af John Poulsen
    94,45 kr.

    Man møder sjældent nogen som ikke har en eller anden opfattelse af, hvordan en rejse med Den transsibiriske Jernbane vil være. For de fleste står rejsen som et stort eventyr - noget man drømmer om, og for en del bliver det nok ved drømmen.Den transsibiriske Jernbane er superlativernes jernbane. Banen er verdens længste; den går gennem 5 tidszoner og talrige kulturer, og intet andet sted i verden kan man opleve at køre mere end 6 døgn og 8-9000 km i ét og samme tog.Bogen her rummer masser af informationer, praktiske oplysninger og tips til den rejsende.

  • - Guardians of the Light: A Novel
    af John Poulsen
    169,45 kr.

    Most young people busy themselves with education, work, and having fun, but Jesse Ballard and Cedar Lane spend all their time guarding the Breastplate of Judgment. In addition to their task of keeping the sacred artifact from the Devil they've now been summoned to England. Their charge is to rescue the Rod of Aaron, a Biblical relic so significant that it was kept for centuries inside the Ark of the Covenant. In London, Jesse and Cedar locate their counterparts who are the guardians of the Rod of Aaron. They are invited to stay with them at stately Westbourne Hall, where they discover a world so perfect they cannot comprehend how the Rod could possibly be in danger. But soon the perfection unravels, evil strikes, and they are left to navigate a tangle of mystery and intrigue, all while battling for their lives. Things get even more complicated when they discover that their mission isn't just about saving the Rod, it's about saving humanity. If they're going to succeed they must defeat the Devil's most powerful disciple-the Angel of the Abyss.