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Bøger af Joel S. Goldsmith

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  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

    God Formed Us for His Glory is a beautiful portrayal of our true identity. Goldsmith asks "Do we know our true identity? Do we know who we are, for therein lies the secret. Are we human beings? Are we sinners? Are we mortal? Is that our identity or is that a mistaken concept of ourselves which we must outgrow, outlive, and outlearn?"Goldsmith says that realizing our true identity and rightful heritage will set us free to live joyous and fulfilling lives, and he reveals ways to uncover and express the beauty and splendor that is our true Being. The main way to release this true "I" within us, Goldsmith says, is through meditation. "The experience of meditation ultimately becomes an individual one. You, yourself have to come to a place within you where a release comes, where there is an awareness of an inner contact. Then there are signs following: harmony, healing and all good." This is grace, but without that contact with our true Self, grace cannot flow to us."Have you ever stopped to realize that God formed us for His Glory?" Goldsmith asks. "You would think we made ourselves, the way we worry about ourselves. God formed us for His purpose and His plan." God Formed Us for His Glory brings the spiritual seeker home to that truth.[Note: God Formed Us for His Glory is the collection of the 1978 Infinite Way Letters.]

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

    Jesus said, "It is written that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God," and he told us to "abide in the word and let the word abide in you." What is this "word" and what does it mean to "abide" in it? This is the key question that Joel Goldsmith answers in Living by the Word.Throughout the book, Goldsmith considers specific Scriptural passages and takes the reader far beyond their literal sense to unveil their inner spiritual meaning. He gives thorough and practical instruction about how to work with Bible passages to discern their depth and live by them. "'When we study and search the scriptures," Goldsmith says, "we are fed as never before; we are guided, directed, and protected as never before; but always in direct proportion as we make these passages of scripture our daily bread."Throughout all the Infinite Way writings, Goldsmith asserts that all discord in life is the result of man's sense of separation from God, and that coming into the realization that "I and the Father are one" is the liberating influence. In Living by the Word, he shows the reader how Scripture can play an important role in that journey back to our true Self. As he says, "The way to oneness, to conscious union with God, is through the word of God. It is the word of God maintained in consciousness, lived with, dwelt upon, and abided in that ultimately restores that conscious union." By working with inspirational Bible passages and applying them in our daily experience, our mind begins to lose its spiritual ignorance and becomes illumined, and the outer experience of life becomes harmonious.Goldsmith explains that the spiritual promises in Scripture apply to us only when we are in our spiritual oneness with God and receive them as impartations from within. In a word of encouragement to engage in the valuable practice of Scriptural study, Goldsmith says, "The Bible and the truths of the Bible will not do anything for you in a book … These Bible texts begin to work for you only after you have moved them out of the books into your consciousness, dwelt on them, pondered them … and let them take root and grow." Living by the Word shows the reader how to do just that.[Note: Living by the Word is the collection of the 1971 Infinite Way Letters.]

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

    "There are two ways of life open to a person here on earth," says Joel Goldsmith in Living the Illumined Life. "There is the human way, the way of the unillumined, and there is the spiritual way, the way of the illumined."What is the difference? The unillumined individual is living by and through his own powers, wisdom, and strength, Goldsmith explains. It is a life of toil, effort, and worry, often limited in education, limited in experience, limited in background, or limited in finances. The illumined individual is living in conscious awareness of an indwelling Presence, Being, Power. He has realized that he is not living his life alone: "I live, yet not I; this spirit of the Lord God which is upon me is living my life." This is a life of infinite capacity and complete freedom.Goldsmith boldly asks the reader: "Do you believe that the spirit of God dwells in you? Do you believe there is an indwelling Christ in you? Do you believe that you are the temple of God? Do you believe that you can do all things through Christ that dwells in you?" If you cannot answer in the affirmative, he says, you are still the unillumined. But, he encourages, you are the one who can change that.For those who are inspired to make the transition and live life as one of the illumined, Living the Illumined Life clearly lays out the principles and practices that can purify consciousness and lift the sincere seeker to the awareness of the Presence and Power within. Then as illumination comes, he can walk free and unfettered, without fear, by Grace.[Note: Living the Illumined Life is the collection of the 1972 Infinite Way Letters.]

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

    Joel Goldsmith has written many books about the principles that constitute the message of the Infinite Way. In The Art of Spiritual Living, he focuses on how we can bring those principles into every phase of life - health, supply, business, home, relationships - and experience their transforming influence. "Being able to live the spiritual life," he says, is dependent upon your knowing, first of all, that God is your selfhood and the selfhood of everyone you meet, and then knowing that the Father within you knows your need. You must know that it is His good pleasure to give you the kingdom, and you can rest and relax in that assurance. When you have that assurance, you are really living the spiritual life."With each lesson in spiritual living, Goldsmith drills down into the deeper meaning, as when he says, "The basis of all spiritual living is that I and the Father are one. But if we leave out any individual anywhere, we are losing our demonstration. We cannot say, 'I and my Father are one,' and then omit anyone else. It may be difficult at first to look around the world and as we recall a few names and faces, say with disbelief, 'What? You, too, are one with God?' No, judging by appearances; but in truth I and the Father are one is a universal truth."The Art of Spiritual Living lays out a clear choice between living humanly and living spiritually. Goldsmith gives the reader extensive instruction on how to live spiritually, from rising in the morning to retiring at night by anchoring oneself in the spiritual principles and practices of the Infinite Way message. Using interesting and sometimes amusing stories from his own experience, he illustrates the practicality of spiritual living and shows how it can shape every aspect of life and bring peace, harmony, and freedom. "All scripture is agreed that you must abide in Me and let Me abide in you. You must live, and move, and have your being in God, and you must let God abide in you." This is the art of spiritual living.[Note: The Art of Spiritual Living is the collection of the 1977 Infinite Way Letters.]

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

    Appropriately titled A Message for the Ages, this book reviews the spiritual principles of the timeless message of The Infinite Way. Goldsmith begins by asking, "What kind of a God do you have?" and then leads the reader to the teaching of the Infinite Way on the nature of God as the very Soul of man. He maintains that until we understand the importance of knowing God aright, there is little use of attempting to learn anything further. To understand the nature of God, Goldsmith says, we must know Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence. Without the full understanding of their meaning, we can never approach God, and we need the experience of God to reunite us with our Source so that we may be fulfilled from within of the Spirit.But knowing the nature of God is not enough, says the author. We must also know the nature of error, or so-called "evil," as well as the nature of the illumined consciousness, and the nature of spiritual power. These principles are the Infinite Way "Pearls" revealed in this book. Goldsmith also provides substantial direction for the student who wants to raise his consciousness of these principles above mere intellectual understanding and actively live them. The thought-provoking chapter "Infinite Way Protective Work," is especially helpful in explaining how we can put Infinite Way principles into practice and maintain harmony in our lives.Six of the chapters in A Message for the Ages include a special section on teaching the Infinite Way message, excerpted from the class recordings of Joel Goldsmith. These selections address topics such as the requirements for being a teacher, how to teach the principles, and the relationship between a teacher and a student. Further, in the chapter "Guidelines for Spiritual Unfoldment through the Infinite Way" Goldsmith clearly lays out guidelines for conducting an Infinite Way tape group activity and provides detailed guidance for how to study the Infinite Way message, which truly is a "message for the ages."

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

    In this captivating book, Joel Goldsmith addresses a difficult problem encountered by many spiritual seekers. "You go from one truth to another and, if you are at all like most persons, you will someday say to yourself, 'Well, I know all the truth that is to be known, but it doesn't seem to do much for me.'" The reason for that, says Goldsmith, is that "so far it has been only an intellectual acceptance of the truth: it has not been the spiritual discernment of it. It has not been an inner conviction; it has not come with spiritual power to make itself alive."Spiritual Discernment is a gift to any truth student who wants to go beyond intellectual understanding. Here Goldsmith is at his best, guiding the reader in how to develop the spiritual discernment that carries with it spiritual power. "We build the capacity of spiritual discernment," he says, "as we agree that God's universe is wholly good and wholly spiritual. With our eyes we cannot believe this, nor with our ears. Our mind will never convince us of this, because our mind is seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling too much of evil. Therefore, we must be still; we must attain quietness and peace and the ability to live in that attitude so that instead of indulging our likes and dislikes, instead of judging by appearances, we let the spiritual faculty within us discern the nature of that which is appearing to us and being revealed to us."Spiritual discernment is a capacity that we all have, but which lies buried deep and dormant within us due to the deadening human legacy of centuries of material experience. Spiritual Discernment goes a long way in helping the dedicated seeker liberate his capacity for spiritual discernment and bring it into its fullness. "As the inner faculty of discernment is developed," Goldsmith asserts, "we begin to see spiritually, hear spiritually, and know spiritually, and in proportion as we develop the power of spiritual discernment, is everyone who comes within range of our consciousness blessed."[Note: Spiritual Discernment is the collection of the 1974 Infinite Way Letters.]

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    208,95 kr.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    313,95 kr.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

    "God has no way of operating except now, as a continuing now," says Joel Goldsmith in Living Now. This book is a stirring call to forsake the past, free oneself from the chains of faith and hope in the future, and live in the Beingness of now.Goldsmith presents the truth revealed to him that at this very moment, we possess all that will unfold as our experience for all the days to come. It is embodied and embraced within our consciousness, and day by day it will unfold and appear as necessary in our human experience."Every new minute is a continuation of this present minute," says the author, "and what we put into this minute is what is going to be a continuing experience for us throughout eternity. All that is embraced in our consciousness now will continue to unfold unto eternity because there is no future time."In Living Now, Goldsmith asks us to imagine what life could be like if we truly grasped the meaning of these challenging revelations. If we can come to the realization of our oneness with God, he says, then God's grace is my sufficiency in all things, and there is a sufficiency with which to meet my every moment's need. "Just as I receive only enough air in my lungs for this second's breath, and then a second from now I receive enough air for that second," Joel writes, "so every second of my life I receive from the Father within sufficient Grace unto that moment and unto the fulfillment of every requirement of every moment."But how do we come to that realization? By practicing and practicing and practicing, Goldsmith says, and by holding to this truth until gradually our whole consciousness changes. We ponder, meditate, and cogitate upon Reality, and we commune with our inner or spiritual Self. Then through receptivity, we become responsive to impartations from the Infinite. Ever the practical teacher, Goldsmith also identifies the barriers to this spiritual attainment - desire, fear, problems of health or supply, personal egotism, erroneous entrenched beliefs, to name a few - and shows us how to dissolve them. Eventually, he reassures us, we can begin a new pattern of living in this moment, of living each second at a time, knowing that in this second God's grace is at work.[Note: Living Now is the collection of the 1963 Infinite Way Letters.]

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    268,95 kr.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

    Living the Infinite Way is one of the four foundational books of the Infinite Way teachings. Joel Goldsmith recommended that new students begin with this book, together with Practicing the Presence. In Living the Infinite Way, Goldsmith awakens the reader to the possibility that the presence of God is within every individual, and that one can live by that Presence and enjoy a more harmonious, loving, and abundant life.The book focuses largely on the nature of God, for as Goldsmith says, "The writings of The Infinite Way contain hundreds of truths, but actually there is only one truth that we must know. This one truth is the nature of God. Take this one thought into meditation: What is God? What is the nature of God? What is the character of God? What are the qualities of God? What is the true God-not the God we were taught to worship as children, or that we ignorantly worship? Try to empty the already too full vessels, because they cannot be filled with the new wine. Even if you are seventy, empty your old misconceptions and be willing to begin all over with the admission that you do not know God or you would be showing forth more of God's grace. Forget all that you have thought or been taught about God and start afresh with this question, 'What is God?'"Goldsmith answers these questions about the nature of God with "the letter of truth," explaining that when one does not know the correct letter of truth, it is difficult to acquire the consciousness that leads to the God experience. But, he emphasizes, we must do more than know the letter of truth intellectually. We must consciously realize these truths, and it is the practice of meditation that will lift us to that realization. Goldsmith goes on to give the reader basic instruction in how to meditate and enter the secret sanctuary of inner quiet, where we become aware of the presence of God. "Meditation," he says, "is the way by which we attain the kingdom of God, and then life is lived by Grace. The ultimate of meditation is a state of complete silence within."Living the Infinite Way thoughtfully ushers the reader along the first steps in the Infinite Way message, and helps the reader arrive at the truth that "That which I am seeking, I already am."

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    198,95 kr.

    True freedom and lasting peace: is this not the good life that everyone wishes for their loved ones as well as for themselves? Is such a sublime existence even possible in this day and age? Where on earth are we to find liberty and justice for all?This latest compilation of excerpts from Joel S. Goldsmith's lectures reveals the truth that these qualities of life do not originate in the outer world, but in the consciousness of the individual. Here is an enlightening message of assurance, conviction, and practicality that is both timely and timeless based on Joel's actual experience as a renowned mystic, healer, and teacher of the twentieth century.In many of his classes over the years, Joel addressed that sacred place in consciousness, where we do indeed come to know and enjoy the realities of freedom and peace from the inside out. Joel called that high state of consciousness Eden, and to dwell at that level of consciousness is to be governed exclusively by grace and ruled completely by spiritual principle in our daily living.The Government of Eden is an extraordinary collection of Joel's teachings that focus sharply on the nature of that inner realm and on our responsibilities as spiritual citizens in the here-and-now. In this remarkable book, with clarity and authority, Joel details a spiritual approach to national and international affairs, governing, voting, politics, equality, tolerance, and other crucial issues that confront us on a regular basis. Throughout this work, Joel is not only calling us back to the garden of freedom and fulfillment within, but also guiding us to and through the gates of Eden, which have never been locked - except in belief. The Government of Eden, however, dispels that erroneous belief with the truth that sets us free in the face of every worldly challenge.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    182,95 kr.

    SPIRITUAL INTERPRETATION OF SCRIPTURE The Scriptures of the world seem to tell of two powers because they have been taken literally instead of interpreted in the light of spiritual inspiration. This has brought about a belief of separation between God and man, and this sense of duality is the root of all discord. So says Joel Goldsmith in Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture. But, he says encouragingly, when we interpret Scripture spiritually, the deepest lessons of the Bible by which we may live are revealed to us. Foremost among these lessons is that God is the only reality of our being, and our conscious realization of our oneness with God will make the promises in Scripture real in our experience.Goldsmith intrigues the reader with the idea that the Bible is not a book outside of ourselves or a series of events that took place thousands of years ago. He says, Scripture is the unfolding of characters and movements or happenings that are taking place within you right this minute. Every biblical experience can be found in your consciousness at some time or other. We embody within ourselves every Bible of the world, every philosophy, character and story, Goldsmith says, and when spiritually interpreted, these can be understood as states and stages of our spiritual development and unfoldment.Working with Bible stories such as Creation, the Exodus, the Ten Commandments, Ruth and Naomi, and Joseph and his brothers, Goldsmith shows the reader how these really tell of our own experiences on the spiritual path, and he reveals the lessons they hold. Addressing the coming of the Messiah, a monumental theme in Scripture, Goldsmith says, The Old Testament contains many prophecies of the coming of spiritual man, Messiah, Savior. The belief is that these prophecies referred to the coming of one particular spiritual man ... but the advent of the Christ is the coming of perfection in you and me.Throughout Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture, Goldsmith offers fresh new meaning to many Bible passages and stories and demonstrates that the principles found in the Bible are echoed in many other Scriptures of the world. These statements in the Bible, he says, which really are laws, must become a very part of our being. They must be realized, not merely declared or stated; they must become the very fabric of our being, then we can experience the outward result.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    168,95 kr.

    Jesus said, Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free. What is this Truth that we must know? What is the freedom that it gives? These are some of the questions answered by Joel Goldsmith in Spiritual Power of Truth. The fact that Truth is

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    223,95 kr.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    168,95 kr.

  • af Joel Goldsmith & Joel S. Goldsmith
    143,95 kr.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    143,95 kr.

  • - See the Universe Both from within and from without
    af Joel S. Goldsmith
    183,95 kr.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    138,95 kr.

    THE INFINITE WAY Teaches readers how to find wisdom through spirituality to overcome turmoil and hardship.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    178,95 kr.

    More than 30 books have been compiled from Joel S. Goldsmith's tape-recorded lectures and class work, feeding a worldwide student body which continues to practice and preserve his work. His writings cover a variety of topics that revel the same core belief - from within you will find Grace. "Collected Essays" is an anthology of his smaller works and booklets that weave the Infinite Way philosophy into a variety of topics while giving the reader a diverse sampling of his spiritual wisdom.CONTENTS INCLUDE: Supply: Metaphysical Healing, Meditation, Prayer, Business, Salesmanship, Ye Are the Light, The Real Teacher, The Seven Steps, Truth, Love, Gratitude, The Secret of the 23rd Psalm, The Easter of Our Lives, I am the Vine, The Deep Silence of My Peace, Contemplative Meditation with Scripture, The Fourth Dimension of Life, A Lesson to Sam.