Bøger af Joanna Farrow
153,95 kr. Introducing 'The Official Harry Potter Baking Book' by the talented Joanna Farrow. Published in 2021 by Scholastic, this book is a delicious dive into the magical world of Harry Potter. The genre of this book is as unique as the wizarding world itself, combining the love of baking with the enchantment of Harry Potter. Joanna Farrow has masterfully crafted a variety of recipes that will transport you straight to the Leaky Cauldron, the Great Hall, or even Hagrid's Hut. Whether you're a seasoned baker or a novice, this book is a must-have for any Potterhead. So, grab your wand, put on your apron, and let's get baking with The Official Harry Potter Baking Book, proudly published by Scholastic.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
- 40 opskrifter inspireret af filmene
173,95 kr. Kogebogen indeholder 40 madopskrifter inspireret af Harry Potter-universet. Lav fx Natbussen som spiselig burgerbus eller Draco Malfoys blondie-brownie. Du kan også lære at lave snacks som på Hogwartsekspressen, eller hvad med Quidditchios? Nachos, som I kender det, men tilsat et majskorn, der skal "fanges" som det gyldne lyn. Bogen indeholder foruden masser af gode idéer også flere vellignende fotografier af maden samt forslag til kreative opsatser, pynt og borddækning inspireret af Harry Potter-universet. Her er også billeder fra Harry Potter-filmene, så du kan sikre dig, at fx dine madbiler rent faktisk ligner Weasley-familiens Ford Anglia! Alt sammen selvfølgelig krydret med sjove facts om filmene, vigtige bogcitater og generelt gode tips til madlavningen.
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- 173,95 kr.
198,95 kr. "Cook your way through Hogwarts and the rest of the Wizarding World in this official cookbook inspired by the Harry Potter films! This gorgeous book is packed with full-color photography and over 40 recipes -- both savory and sweet -- including snacks, desserts, drinks, and meals fit for a Hogwarts feast!"--
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
178,95 kr. "Create delicious cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and other decorative desserts inspired by the Harry Potter films! Decorate your own magical creations in this official dessert book that's perfect for the youngest fans of the Harry Potter films! This gorgeous book is packed with full-color photography and kid-friendly instructions for how to create 30 cake, cupcake, and cookie designs. Build your own Acromantula out of cupcakes. Design Hogwarts house crest cookies. Frost a cake that looks just like the Knight Bus -- and many more!"--
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
- 43 opskrifter inspireret af filmene
258,95 kr. 43 opskrifter inspireret af filmeneSå skal der trylles i køkkenet på Hogwarts Skole for Heksekunst og Troldmandskab! Denne bagebog er inspireret af filmserien om Harry Potter og indeholder 43 lækre opskrifter og smukke fotos – uundværlig for alle Harry Potter-fans.Salazar Slytherins surdejsslange - Mandrake-brød - Flyvende nøgler Hogwarts honningkageslot Opskrifterne er ren magi for ganen!Hold et festmåltid som i Storsalen, og invitér alle dine venner. Eller nyd en magisk kage helt selv. Denne bagebog har noget for enhver og indeholder en række glutenfri, vegetariske og veganske opskrifter!
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- 258,95 kr.
118,95 kr. From teas and smoothies to cakes and savoury dishes, here are over 50 fun new ways to spice up your cooking with the ingredient taking the world by storm.
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- 118,95 kr.
58,95 - 98,95 kr. Ice cream is impossible to resist, whatever your age and for every occasion. Whether you want a cooling Raspberry Sherbet or Watermelon Granita; a Passion Fruit Mousse or Hot Apple Ice Cream with Cinnamon Bread to finish off a dinner party; or an Apricot Parfait or Nougat Ice Cream just for the sheer indulgence, this book features them all.
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- 58,95 kr.
118,95 kr. The definitive guide to making delectable ice creams, granitas, sorbet and iced desserts, photographed throughout.
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- 118,95 kr.
- Frugal feasts for busy cooks: how to make fifty thrifty recipes with four ingredients or fewer in ten minutes or less
58,95 kr. Deliciously simple recipes using just four ingredients or fewer - and which are quick too!
- Bog
- 58,95 kr.
- Over 150 irresistible ice cream treats from classic vanilla to elegant bombes & terrines
88,95 kr. The ultimate guide to making ice creams, sorbets, granitas and iced desserts, in 800 photographs.
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- 88,95 kr.
- Over 150 Irresistible Ice Cream Treats from Classic Vanilla to Elegant Bombes and Terrines
138,95 kr. - Bog
- 138,95 kr.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
- Of Meat, Fish and Game
123,95 kr. With the invention of the tin can, it may seem that naturally preserved food is no longer relevant to today's cooks and chefs. However, the ancient traditions of smoking and curing are witnessing a resurgence.
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- 123,95 kr.
- Fresh Recipes for Fitness, Detox and Raw Power
73,95 kr. Fantastically fresh ways to serve up vegetable vitality in a glass, from healthy detox juices to delectable fruit and vegetable fusions and classic coolers.
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- 73,95 kr.
108,95 kr. Fresh blended drinks have a seductive appeal - they look fantastic, smell wonderful and taste delicious. They are also quick and easy to prepare, and they can be made with almost any combination of ingredients. This book introduces drinks of all kinds, including health boosters, breakfast wake-ups, fruit coolers and luxurious dessert blends.
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- 108,95 kr.
73,95 kr. Lets you explore the delicious versatility of gingerbread in 24 projects. This title features a glossary of techniques, simple recipes and step-by-step instructions that make constructing gingerbread cottages and castles easy and fun. It also includes ideas such as Christmas tree cookies, a Hansel and Gretel cottage, steam train, and more.
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- 73,95 kr.
198,95 kr. Perfect for today's busy modern cook, this book shows how to achieve maximum flavor with minimum effort. Every recipe tastes sensational but requires just three or four ingredients, saving money and saving time on planning, shopping and preparation.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.