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Bøger af Jessica Turner

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  • af Jessica Turner
    212,95 kr.

    Die Autorinnen, Jessica Turner und Cornelia Biegler, wollen mit ihrem Buch Leserinnen durch die aufregenden und oft herausfordernden Phasen der Gründung begleiten. Dabei bringen sie ihre vielfältigen persönlichen Erfahrungen als Gründerinnen ein.Das Buch ist ein idealer Mutmacher für die Umsetzung innovativer Ideen von Gründerinnen in allen Lebenslagen. Es soll Leserinnen nicht nur die notwendigen Werkzeuge und Kenntnisse vermitteln, um ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen zu gründen, sondern auch inspirieren und ermutigen, ihre Vision zu verwirklichen und Innovation voranzutreiben. Durch die Kombination aus praktischen Ratschlägen und persönlichen Geschichten bietet dieses Arbeitsbuch einen wertvollen Leitfaden für angehende Gründerinnen, ohne Blick durch die rosarote Brille. Mit einem Schmunzeln im Gesicht fühlt sich die Leserin gewappnet für das Abenteuer Gründung und brennt darauf, die eigene Idee zum Leben zu erwecken und wachsen zu lassen.Das Arbeitsbuch enthält relevante Studien, Berichte, Erläuterungen, Anleitungen, Vorstellungen bewährter Methoden für Gründungsaktivitäten, Netzwerkaufbau und Finanzierung. Es liefert unter anderem wertvolle Tools und Buchempfehlungen. Beispiele inspirierender Persönlichkeiten motivieren dabei auf dem Weg zur Gründerin.Die Leserinnen werden bei der Umsetzung der eigenen Ideen unterstützt durch Checklisten, Reflexionsfragen, Kreativitätstraining und Aufgaben.

  • - Schluss Mit Kalender-Tetris - Wie Virtuelle Besprechungen Effizienter Werden
    af Jessica Turner
    440,95 kr.

    Trotz ihrer Bedeutung in der modernen Arbeitswelt führen ineffiziente Online-Meetings oft zu Frustration. Die Autorin zeigt durch strukturierte Ansätze auf individueller, Team- und Organisationsebene, wie sich die Anzahl der Meetings reduzieren und die Effizienz der verbleibenden Online-Meetings erhöhen lässt. Dabei wird untersucht, wie Kalendermanagement optimiert und Meetings produktiver gestaltet werden können, um Zeit und Ressourcen zu sparen. Der Fokus liegt darauf, den Return On Time Invested jedes Meetings zu erhöhen und die allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit zu steigern. Wenn du an Projekten in Unternehmen arbeitest und einen vollen Kalender hast, ist dieses Buch dein Werkzeugkasten, um die Flut an ermüdenden Online-Meetings zu meistern. Erster Schritt: Du lernst, wie du das Kalender-Tetris gewinnst und deinen eigenen Kalender organisierst, damit mehr Zeit für das Wesentliche bleibt. Dann geht es um Teamarbeit: Wir definieren geeignete Regeln, um die gemeinsame Arbeitszeit sinnvoll zu nutzen. Schließlich werfen wir einen Blick auf die Organisationsebene, um die Qualität der Online-Meetings insgesamt zu verbessern. Ziel des Ganzen? Schluss mit ziellosen Online-Meetings. Es ist Zeit für Online-Meetings, die tatsächlich etwas bringen - weniger Multitasking, mehr Fokus und echter Mehrwert. Der Inhalt Chancen, Fallstricke und Ineffizienz von Online-Meetings Return On Time Invested - Kostenbewusstsein und Zeitmanagement Teamwork: Virtuelle Retrospektiven, Daily-Meetings, virtuelle Workshops Positive Meeting-Kultur in Organisationen

  • - In The Rhythms Of Grace
    af Jessica Turner
    260,95 kr.

    It is my desire to grab a hold of your heart and capture your imagination with this book, so that you can be catapulted into a place where you experience how much your Heavenly Father truly loves you, and how He longs with all His heart to have such a meaningful and intimate relationship with you! I also pray that you may really know Him in your heart and within every fiber of your being, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and the finished work of Jesus for you - in order to live an abundant life in union with the intimacy of the Godhead. This book is the outcome of my journey after I was involved in a head-on car accident in 1999, after which I wanted to journal my experiences, discoveries, and revelations going forward into healing, wholeness and restoration. It is also about the whimsical things that go on inside my head at times. For example, one day I was talking to Father God about the fact that I was so much happier with the person I have become. I reminded Him about the time that some strange person came and inhabited my body (which had a lot to do with the effects of a head injury I sustained). The person before was mean, nasty, critical, miserable, lacking a sense of humor. I didn't like her at all. It took quite a long time for the real Jessica to come to the fore, and she is a lot easier to live with. She is happy, fun to be around, possesses a keen sense of humor, sees the beauty in things, loves people, and wants more for herself and for others. My life is an open book. This is the real reason that I am sharing my experiences, because I believe that there are many others out there that have lost touch with who they really are, and want to rediscover their true authentic selves again. Father and I will be happy if even one sentence in this book impacts your heart positively. I am often asked whether I am not being unwise by disclosing so many of my personal thoughts, feelings and reasoning in such an open, transparent manner. My typical response is that although it was a bit of a struggle to begin with, Jesus reminded me that He wants to be in us an open book to others, and for us to share our lives in a real and true way, so that we each can be healed. As children of God we have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness into Jesus' Kingdom of Light, where His Love rules. My experience is that perfect love casts out all fear, knowing that Jesus' love protects me. When you bring things into the light, their power to harm you is totally broken. So I am content with being honest, open and to a certain extent vulnerable with you, because I know that there is someone, somewhere that will need to hear something I am expressing, and will get a hold of the same truths that Jesus has helped me with, will come to know those truths deeply, and experience true freedom! My prayer for you is simply this "That the eyes of your heart may be enlightened. That you may know the hope to which Jesus has called you, and what are the riches of His inheritance in you, His set apart one. I pray too that you may experience once again the simple, childlike devotion to Jesus, your First Love. Of all the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul, none is more gladdening than this, that Jesus is the Potter and you are the clay; that your Heavenly Father is always able to do exceedingly abundantly anything you may ever ask, think, or imagine according to His love that is at work inside you; and that the Holy Spirit is the shaper of your condition, environment and destiny.

  • af Jessica Turner
    158,95 kr.

  • af Ciaran Hughes
    524,95 kr.

    This open access book makes quantum computing more accessible than ever before. A fast-growing field at the intersection of physics and computer science, quantum computing promises to have revolutionary capabilities far surpassing "e;classical"e; computation. Getting a grip on the science behind the hype can be tough: at its heart lies quantum mechanics, whose enigmatic concepts can be imposing for the novice. This classroom-tested textbook uses simple language, minimal math, and plenty of examples to explain the three key principles behind quantum computers: superposition, quantum measurement, and entanglement. It then goes on to explain how this quantum world opens up a whole new paradigm of computing. The book bridges the gap between popular science articles and advanced textbooks by making key ideas accessible with just high school physics as a prerequisite. Each unit is broken down into sections labelled by difficulty level, allowing the course to be tailored to the student's experience of math and abstract reasoning. Problem sets and simulation-based labs of various levels reinforce the concepts described in the text and give the reader hands-on experience running quantum programs. This book can thus be used at the high school level after the AP or IB exams, in an extracurricular club, or as an independent project resource to give students a taste of what quantum computing is really about. At the college level, it can be used as a supplementary text to enhance a variety of courses in science and computing, or as a self-study guide for students who want to get ahead. Additionally, readers in business, finance, or industry will find it a quick and useful primer on the science behind computing's future. 

  • af Jessica Turner
    145,95 - 184,95 kr.

    Personal development is a growth process similar to the metamorphosis of a butterfly. Emerge from your childhood as a caterpillar, discover what you really want in the cocoon, and take responsibility for your life. Let go of the past and open yourself up to new perspectives. Learn to feel vibrant and free like a butterfly, to flutter your wings, and to lead a more confident and fulfilled life! YOUR METAMORPHOSIS is more than a self-help book. You can pick it up again and again, refer to its tips and activities, and use it as a personal workbook. Write in it, make notes, and keep it by your side during your transformation. With your purchase, you are making a generous donation to my school project in Kenya, which covers school costs for children there. Your contribution gives them an education, the opportunity to learn a profession, and the chance to live a good life.