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Bøger af Jennifer Burns

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  • af Jennifer Burns
    233,95 kr.

    An Economist Best Book of 2023 | One of The New York Times' 33 Nonfiction Books to Read This Fall | Named a most anticipated fall book by the Chicago Tribune and Bloomberg | Finalist for the 2024 Hayek Book Prize"Wherever you sit on the political spectrum, there's a lot to learn from this book. More than a biography of one controversial person, it's an intellectual history of twentieth-century economic thought." -Greg Rosalesky, NPR's Planet Money The first full biography of America's most renowned economist.Milton Friedman was, alongside John Maynard Keynes, the most influential economist of the twentieth century. His work was instrumental in the turn toward free markets that defined the 1980s, and his full-throated defenses of capitalism and freedom resonated with audiences around the world. It's no wonder the last decades of the twentieth century have been called "the Age of Friedman"-or that analysts have sought to hold him responsible for both the rising prosperity and the social ills of recent times.In Milton Friedman, the first full biography to employ archival sources, the historian Jennifer Burns tells Friedman's extraordinary story with the nuance it deserves. She provides lucid and lively context for his groundbreaking work on everything from why dentists earn less than doctors, to the vital importance of the money supply, to inflation and the limits of government planning and stimulus. She traces Friedman's long-standing collaborations with women, including the economist Anna Schwartz; his complex relationships with powerful figures such as the Federal Reserve chairman Arthur Burns and the Treasury secretary George Shultz; and his direct interventions in policymaking at the highest levels. Most of all, Burns explores Friedman's key role in creating a new economic vision and a modern American conservatism. The result is a revelatory biography of America's first neoliberal-and perhaps its last great conservative.

  • af Jennifer Burns
    118,95 kr.

    Little One, How Can I Be? is a call-and-response picture book for reading with your children. The brightly illustrated pictures keep reader and listener engaged in the story, and is a great jumping-off point to more creative pretend play!

  • af Jennifer Burns
    398,95 kr.

    The first full biography of America's most renowned economist.Milton Friedman was, alongside John Maynard Keynes, the most influential economist of the twentieth century. His work was instrumental in the turn toward free markets that defined the 1980s, and his full-throated defenses of capitalism and freedom resonated with audiences around the world. It's no wonder the last decades of the twentieth century have been called "the Age of Friedman"-or that analysts have sought to hold him responsible for both the rising prosperity and the social ills of recent times.In Milton Friedman, the first full biography to employ archival sources, the historian Jennifer Burns tells Friedman's extraordinary story with the nuance it deserves. She provides lucid and lively context for his groundbreaking work on everything from why dentists earn less than doctors, to the vital importance of the money supply, to inflation and the limits of government planning and stimulus. She traces Friedman's longstanding collaborations with women, including the economist Anna Schwartz, as well as his complex relationships with powerful figures such as Fed Chair Arthur Burns and Treasury Secretary George Shultz, and his direct interventions in policymaking at the highest levels. Most of all, Burns explores Friedman's key role in creating a new economic vision and a modern American conservatism. The result is a revelatory biography of America's first neoliberal-and perhaps its last great conservative.

  • af Jennifer Burns
    168,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • - Figures in Italian Migration Literature
    af Jennifer Burns
    796,95 kr.

    This book addresses a rich corpus of contemporary narratives by authors who have come to Italy as migrants. It traces the figurative commonalities that emerge across these diverse texts, which together suggest the shape and substance of what might be termed 'migrant imaginaries'. Examining five central figures and concepts - identity, memory, home, place and space, and literature - across a range of novels and stories by writers of African and Middle Eastern origin, the study elucidates the affective and expressive processes that inflect migrant story-telling. Drawing on the work of cultural theorists such as Sara Ahmed and Michel de Certeau, as well as on recent work in postcolonial literary studies, memory studies, human geography and feminist theory, the book probes the varied works of Shirin Ramzanali Fazel, Amara Lakhous, Mohsen Melliti, Younis Tawfik and many others. Each chapter posits alternative interpretations of the ways in which the interior experience of encounters across territories, cultures and languages is figured in this literature. In doing so, the book moves towards a wider apprehension of recent Italian migration narratives as suggestions of what a new notion of contemporary 'Italian' literature might look like, figured at once within and beyond the boundaries of a national literature, a national language and a national cultural imaginary.

  • - 14 intellektuelle der ændrede USA
    af Christian Olaf Christiansen & Astrid Nonbo Andersen
    188,95 kr.

    Amerikansk kultur og politik fylder meget i vores bevidsthed og i det danske mediebillede. Vi ved meget om det (populær)kulturelle Amerika, men det er de færreste af os, der ved særligt meget om de tænkere og tanker, der har formet den stormagt, der har så stor indflydelse på vores liv. Amerikanske tænkere er en velformidlet introduktion til de tænkere og bevægelser, der har haft størst indflydelse på det amerikanske samfund og den konkrete politiske udvikling i landet de seneste 150 år. Nogle som f.eks. Martin Luther King, Richard Rorty og Ayn Rand er mere kendte i Danmark end andre, som f.eks. teologen Reinhold Niebuhr eller den afroamerikanske borgerrettighedsaktivist W.E.B. Du Bois, men tilsammen giver udvalget et unikt indblik i USA’s idémæssige traditioner, historie og kultur. Den vil give danskerne en langt mere dybdegående introduktion til og forståelse for f.eks. USA’s udenrigspolitik, for race- og slavespørgsmålet, for USA’s særlige ideologiske historie, hvor ’liberalisme’ og ’socialisme’ f.eks. betyder noget ganske andet end herhjemme og for den store betydning, som religion – ikke mindst kristendom – har i USA. Udvalget af de 14 amerikanske tænkere (samt tea party- og occupy wallstreet-bevægelserne) er foretaget i kyndigt samråd med amerikanske idehistorikere og er skrevet af de absolut førende danske USA-eksperter som f.eks. Niels Bjerre-Poulsen, Carl Pedersen, Vibeke Schou-Tjalve og Casper Sylvest. Redaktørerne Astrid Nonbo Andersen og Christian O. Christiansen, der begge er idéhistorikere, har forsynet bogen med en fyldig indledning, der introducerer til værket og centrale begreber som liberalisme, socialisme, republikanisme og andre væsentlige politiske tankestrømme i USA. ANMELDELSER"En oplysende idehistorisk antologi leverer solide introduktioner til tænkere, der har præget det moderne USA. Læsere, der er nysgerrige efter de store linjer og historiske debatter, der gemmer sig bag samtidens stridigheder i et polariseret USA, kan med fordel indlede den intellektuelle opdagelsesrejse her." Niklas Hessel, Weekendavisen "Det første værk på dansk om amerikanske offentlige intellektuelle er både inspirerende og en trist påmindelse om den aktuelle krise i USA's politiske og akademiske liv." ★★★★ Michael Bach Henriksen, Kristeligt Dagblad “Udgivelsen her giver et perspektiv på amerikansk politik, som er helt nødvendigt, hvis man skal et spadestik dybere end den aktuelle politiske situation.” Mogens Hansen, Samfundsfagsnyt