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Bøger af Jeffrey Archer

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  • af Jeffrey Archer
    119,45 kr.

    Fast-paced and intriguing, Mightier than the Sword is the fifth novel in international bestseller Jeffrey Archer's the Clifton Chronicles moves towards the end of the 1960s as the Cliftons and the Barringtons come up against sworn enemies and new foes.Following the explosion of an IRA bomb on board the Barrington's flagship MV Buckingham, Emma Clifton must deal with the repercussions on her family's shipping business. Meanwhile her old adversary, Lady Virginia Fenwick, plots her downfall.Bestselling novelist Harry, Emma's husband, is on a mission to free a fellow author imprisoned in Siberia, even if it costs him everything.Giles, his brother-in-law, a minister of the Crown, faces his own problems when a diplomatic disaster risks his bid for higher office.With its devastating twists and turns, Archer's spellbinding the Clifton Chronicles continues to enthral readers and proves once again why Archer's reign at the top of the charts is without parallel.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    119,45 - 339,45 kr.

    Engrossing and memorable, The Sins of the Father is the second novel in international bestseller Jeffrey Archer's celebrated the Clifton Chronicles takes us to New York in 1939 where our hero Harry Clifton is in desperate need of help.Only days before Britain declares war on Germany, Harry joins the Merchant Navy, unable to face long-held family secrets and the fact he will never be able to marry his true love Emma Barrington. But when his ship is sunk mid-Atlantic, Harry takes the opportunity to assume the identity of one his deceased rescuers and begin a new life.Landing in America, he quickly discovers he has made a mistake and without any way to prove his true identity, Harry is now chained to a past that could be far worse than the one he had hoped to escape . . .Brimming with intrigue, Jeffrey Archer takes readers into a world they will never want to leave as the Clifton Chronicles continues its powerful journey with family loyalties stretched to their limits and fates decided.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    73,95 - 119,95 kr.

    "Rivalerne" fortæller om tre engelske mænd, der alle har én ting til fælles: De vil for enhver pris være premiereminister. De tre mænd er ikke bare hinandens rivaler, de er også hinandens modsætninger. De kommer fra hver sit trin af den sociale rangstige og har vidt forskellige idealer og forudsætninger. Vi følger deres 30 år lange kamp for at nå toppen, ser de ofre, de gør for at komme frem, og hvad de er villige til at udsætte sig selv og andre for for at nå deres mål – og hvordan deres fejltrin hele tiden truer med at indhente dem."Jeffrey Archers hidtil bedste roman. Denne dynamiske bog giver sensationelle indblik i Downing Streets, Buckingham Palace‘ og Westminsters kulisser." – Daily Mail"Utrolig spændende. Romanen er en dreven, velinformeret og realistisk skildring af engelsk politiks dunklere veje." – Financial Times"En forrygende bestseller..." – The GuardianJeffrey Archer (f. 1940) er en engelsk forfatter, der primært er kendt for sine mange spændingsromaner, som har solgt over 250 millioner eksemplarer verden over. Udover sine spændingsromaner har Archer også udgivet noveller, fængselsdagbøger og børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Ved siden af sin forfatterkarriere har Archer været aktiv inden for engelsk politik og blandt andet været næstformand for det Konservative Parti (1985-86). Efter en sag om mened måtte Archer afsone en fængselsdom i 2001-03. Om det ophold udgav han tre bøger.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    84,45 - 274,45 kr.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    105,95 - 299,45 kr.

    Nothing Ventured is the start of a brand new series, from Jeffrey Archer, the number one bestselling author of The Clifton Chronicles: telling the story of the life of William Warwick - as a family man and a detective who must battle against a powerful criminal nemesis.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    114,45 - 119,45 kr.

    Captivating and suspenseful, Best Kept Secret is the third novel in international bestseller Jeffrey Archer's outstanding the Clifton Chronicles sees our hero Harry Clifton and Giles Barrington, brother of Harry's beloved wife Emma, become entwined in the fate of the Barrington family fortune.It is 1945 and the House of Lords' vote on who should inherit the Barrington estate ends in a tie, casting a long shadow on the lives of those involved.Author Harry begins to promote his novel, whilst Emma, after her father's mysterious death, searches for the girl found abandoned in his office on the night he died.Politician Giles defends his seat in the House of Commons and finds not only his future but his family's fortune at stake. Ultimately his fate is dictated by Harry's son Sebastian, even as Sebastian himself becomes embroiled in an international art fraud.As they move out of the shadows of war, a new generation of Cliftons and Barringtons comes to the fore, and a thrilling new episode of Jeffrey Archer's captivating family saga begins.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    119,45 kr.

    Inspired by a true story, Paths of Glory bring to life one of history's enduringly enigmatic figures in a stunning novel from bestselling author Jeffrey Archer. Some people have dreams that are so outrageous that if they were to achieve them, their place in history would be guaranteed. Francis Drake, Robert Scott, Percy Fawcett, Charles Lindbergh, Amy Johnson, Edmund Hillary and Neil Armstrong are among such individuals. But what if one man had such a dream, and when he'd fulfilled it, there was no proof that he had achieved his ambition? Paths of Glory is the story of such a man. But not until you've turned the last page of Jeffrey Archer's extraordinary novel, will you be able to decide if mountaineer George Mallory should be added to this list of legends, because if he were, another name would have to be removed.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    164,45 kr.

    William Lowell Kane and Abel Rosnovski, one the son of a Boston millionaire, the other a penniless polish immigrant-born on the same day near the turn of the century on opposite sides of the world-are brought together by fate and the quest of a dream. Two men - ambitious, powerful, ruthless - are locked in a relentless struggle to build an empire, fueled by their all-consuming hatred. Over sixty years and three generations, through war, marriage, fortune, and disaster, Kane and Abel battle for the success and triumph that only one man can have...

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    166,95 - 219,95 kr.

    Storbritannien elsker Prinsesse Diana. Den kongelige Livvagt skal beskytte hende – de skal ganske enkelt være de bedste, for ét svagt led kan betyde katastrofe. Forhenværende undercover-agent Ross Hogan får ansvaret for den meget vanskelige opgave. Kriminalinspektør William Warwick og hans Scotland Yard-team bliver udvalgt til at undersøge enheden, og hurtigt bliver det klart, at der er problemer. En betændt organisation har landets – og kronens – sikkerhed på kornet. Spørgsmålet er, hvem, der er den næste i rækken ... Den næste i rækken er femte selvstændige bog i serien om den sympatiske kriminalinspektør William Warwick, der har sat sig for at bekæmpe kriminalitet alle steder i samfundet, koste hvad det vil.De første fire titler i serien er: Øjet der ser, Ved højlys dag, Det blinde øje og Over mit lig.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    119,45 kr.

    Jeffrey Archer's first novel, Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less, is page-turning tale of fraud, revenge and determination as four men stop at nothing to get back what was stolen from them.One million dollars - that's what Harvey Metcalfe, lifelong king of shady deals, has pulled off with empty promises of an oil bonanza and instant riches. Overnight, four men - the heir to an earldom, a Harley Street doctor, a Bond Street art dealer and an Oxford don - find themselves penniless. But this time Harvey has swindled the wrong men. They band together and shadow him from the casinos of Monte Carlo to the high-stakes windows at Ascot and the hallowed lawns of Oxford. Their plan is simple: to sting the crook for exactly what they lost - not a penny more, not a penny less.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    92,95 kr.

    I 1983 er Edward Kennedy præsident i USA. Da han strammer våbenloven gevaldigt, skaber han sig fjender i højtstående og farlige kredse. Det kommer FBI for øre, at nogen er ved at planlægge et attentat mod præsidenten, og de arbejder på højtryk på at forhindre det. Men efterforskerne står midt i et dilemma. Skal de sige det til præsidenten?Jeffrey Archer (f. 1940) er en engelsk forfatter, der primært er kendt for sine mange spændingsromaner, som har solgt over 250 millioner eksemplarer verden over. Udover sine spændingsromaner har Archer også udgivet noveller, fængselsdagbøger og børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Ved siden af sin forfatterkarriere har Archer været aktiv inden for engelsk politik og blandt andet været næstformand for det Konservative Parti (1985-86). Efter en sag om mened måtte Archer afsone en fængselsdom i 2001-03. Om det ophold udgav han tre bøger.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    105,95 - 154,45 kr.

    Master storyteller Jeffrey Archer returns with Tell Tale, a collection of fourteen brilliant, fast-paced short stories, full of twists and turns and unforgettable characters. Gripping and addictive, this is Archer at his spellbinding best.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    124,45 kr.

    Jeffrey Archer's Kane and Abel was a global phenomenon when it was first released, selling over one million copies in its first week of sale, and it has captivated readers worldwide ever since.They had only one thing in common . . . William Lowell Kane and Abel Rosnovski, one the son of a Boston millionaire, the other a penniless Polish immigrant - two men born on the same day on opposite sides of the world, their paths destined to cross in the ruthless struggle to build a fortune.Kane and Abel is the marvellous story, spanning sixty years, of two powerful men linked by an all-consuming hatred, brought together by fate to save . . . and finally destroy . . . each other.Jeffrey Archer's international bestseller is followed by the enthralling sequel, The Prodigal Daughter.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    114,45 - 354,45 kr.

    Ambitious and addictive, Only Time Will Tell is the first novel in international bestseller Jeffrey Archer's the Clifton Chronicles begins the epic tale of Harry Clifton, a working-class boy from the docks of Bristol.It is 1920, and against the backdrop of a world ravaged by conflict, Harry's story begins with the words 'I was told that my father was killed in the war'. Harry's existence is defined by the death of his father and he seems destined to a life on the docks until a remarkable gift wins him a scholarship to an exclusive boys school and entry into a world he could never have envisaged.Over the course of twenty years, as the Second World War and the fight against Hitler draws nearer, Harry will learn the awful truth about his father's death and of his own connections to a powerful shipping family, the Barringtons. And in doing so, he will change his destiny forever . . .Richly imagined and populated with remarkable characters, the Clifton Chronicles will take you on a powerful journey, bringing to life one hundred years of family history in a story neither you, nor Harry, could ever have dreamt of.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    73,95 - 108,45 kr.

    "Stjålne penge varer ikke længe" er den humoristiske historie om en ung og pengebegærlig mand, der ikke går af vejen for at bruge selv de mest udspekulerede kneb for at kæmpe sig ud af den rendesten, han befinder sig i. Ved hjælp af sine ufine forretningsmetoder får han opbygget en formue – men som bekendt står storhed ofte for fald.Jeffrey Archer (f. 1940) er en engelsk forfatter, der primært er kendt for sine mange spændingsromaner, som har solgt over 250 millioner eksemplarer verden over. Udover sine spændingsromaner har Archer også udgivet noveller, fængselsdagbøger og børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Ved siden af sin forfatterkarriere har Archer været aktiv inden for engelsk politik og blandt andet været næstformand for det Konservative Parti (1985-86). Efter en sag om mened måtte Archer afsone en fængselsdom i 2001-03. Om det ophold udgav han tre bøger.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    105,95 - 201,95 kr.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    69,95 kr.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    138,95 kr.

    Années 1970. Une lettre de suicide, celle du député Alex Fisher, menace d'ébranler les mondes parallèles des familles Clifton et Barrington. Car si la lettre pourrait se révéler salvatrice pour Emma, elle pourrait tout aussi bien être le coup de grâce pour son frère Giles…Sans compter que ce dernier doit choisir entre sa carrière politique ou le sauvetage audacieux de Karin, captive derrière le rideau de fer ! Pendant ce temps, Sebastian fait face à un dilemme similaire. Directeur général fraîchement nommé chez Farthings Bank, il tombe amoureux d'une mystérieuse Priya, une indienne destinée à un mariage arrangé… Amour ou ambition – que choisira-t-il ?Et alors qu’Harry continue son combat pour libérer Anatoly Babakov du goulag sibérien, un coup du sort risque bien de tout remettre en jeu…Chronique des Clifton« La Chronique des Clifton » est une série de sept épisodes sur la famille Clifton, où chaque épisode peut être lu indépendamment. Avec les débuts d'Harry sur les quais de Bristol, Jeffrey Archer nous entraîne dans un voyage sans relâche jusqu’aux dernières pages, qui présente un dilemme que personne, pas même Harry Clifton, n’aurait pu prévoir. Jeffrey Archer est un auteur et ex-politicien britannique. La carrière politique d'Archer fut mouvementée et abouti à son emprisonnement en 2001. Archer fit ses débuts en tant qu'écrivain en 1974 et a depuis écrit de nombreux livres, principalement des thrillers politiques. Il est aujourd'hui l'un des auteurs les plus populaires du Royaume-Uni, avec plus de 320 millions de livres vendus dans le monde.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    1.555,95 kr.

    I 1999 fandt man tæt på toppen af Mount Everest det dybfrosne lig af den legendariske engelske bjergbestiger George Mallory, der forsvandt i 1924. Tre gange forsøgte han at bestige verdens højeste bjerg, tredje gang blev ulykkens gang. Både han og hans klatremakker Andrew Irvine omkom på bjerget. Liget af Irvine er aldrig blevet fundet, heller ikke Mallorys kamera. Måske indeholder det billeder fra toppen og kan dermed bevise, at Mallory var den første på verdens tag næsten 30 år før Sir Edmund Hillary. ”Ærens veje” er baseret på virkelige hændelser. Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    138,95 kr.

    Octobre 1964. Alors que l’inauguration du Buckingham, navire de la compagnie maritime Barrington, est marquée par un attentat de l’IRA, Emma se trouve en première ligne pour affronter les conséquences de cette attaque sur la société qu’elle dirige désormais…Dans le même temps, Harry, maintenant président d’une organisation d’écrivains engagés, risque tout pour sauver Anatoly Babakov, un écrivain russe emprisonné en Sibérie. Sa quête audacieuse l’amène à traverser des territoires dangereux et met sa vie en jeu... Réussira-t-il cette mission périlleuse pendant que le sort de la compagnie familiale reste incertain ?Sans compter que la lutte politique acharnée entre Giles et son ennemi juré, Alex Fisher, prend une nouvelle allure quand un voyage officiel à Berlin tourne mal… Qui gagnera les prochaines élections et réussira ainsi à mettre l’autre hors-jeu ? Chronique des Clifton« La Chronique des Clifton » est une série de sept épisodes sur la famille Clifton, où chaque épisode peut être lu indépendamment. Avec les débuts d'Harry sur les quais de Bristol, Jeffrey Archer nous entraîne dans un voyage sans relâche jusqu’aux dernières pages, qui présente un dilemme que personne, pas même Harry Clifton, n’aurait pu prévoir. Jeffrey Archer est un auteur et ex-politicien britannique. La carrière politique d'Archer fut mouvementée et abouti à son emprisonnement en 2001. Archer fit ses débuts en tant qu'écrivain en 1974 et a depuis écrit de nombreux livres, principalement des thrillers politiques. Il est aujourd'hui l'un des auteurs les plus populaires du Royaume-Uni, avec plus de 320 millions de livres vendus dans le monde.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    48,95 - 57,95 kr.

    Szukacie kryminału pisanego z dużym przymrużeniem oka? Wyobraźcie sobie mężczyznę, który dzięki sprytnemu manewrowi popełnia "zbrodnię doskonałą". Czy jesteście gotowi na degustację wina z dziwacznym zwrotem akcji i rywalizację zaczynającą się od płatków kukurydzianych? Zanurzcie się w ten dynamiczny, pełen humoru zestaw opowiadań od bestsellerowego mistrza kryminału!Idealny na popołudniowy odpoczynek po pracy!Jeffrey Howard Archer, baron Archer Weston-super-Mare (ur. 15 kwietnia 1940 w Londynie) - brytyjski polityk, dramaturg, autor bestsellerowych serii sensacyjnych, kryminalnych, jak również tzw. political fiction. Swoją debiutancką powieść z 1976 r. ,,Co do grosza”, (którą podobnie jak kolejną pt. ,,Kane i Abel” sfilmowano), napisał aby uniknąć bankructwa. Uważny czytelnik odnajdzie w jego twórczości wiele wątków związanych z polskimi emigrantami.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    37,95 kr.

    Dive into a world of tiny, magical kingdoms full of surprises! King Smidgen and Queen Minutiae are busy preparing for the fashionable Queen Couture's visit when they embark on an adventure to the Wardrobe Kingdom. Travelling through stormy skies and spooky swamps in their airship, they land in Underwhere, a kingdom clothed in discarded garments! Will King Smidgen be able to find the perfect dress for his queen? And can he help his new friend Chief Crotch protect his kingdom from mountains of wardrobe waste? Little Kingdoms Hidden within an old house in a misty valley is a multitude of little kingdoms, each brimming with tiny folk proud of their unique traditions. Watch them hilariously interact across stories, subtly imparting moral lessons amid their whimsical escapades. A delightful blend of fantasy and humour, the "Little Kingdoms"-series is an absolute treat for kids and adults alike!Jeffrey Archer (1940-) is a bestselling British author and former politician, renowned for his captivating novels, short stories, and children's books published in over 97 countries and over 37 languages. His best-known works include ‘First Among Equals’, ‘Kane and Abel’ and ‘Only Time Will Tell’.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    41,95 kr.

    Get ready for another thrilling rollercoaster ride with brave boy Will, his chatty bear Randolph, and their trusty upside-down bird!Transforming into real superheroes, the trio has to navigate through a city turned upside down by chaos. After teaming up with Badger Man, they must outwit the cunning Dr Odd whose evil contraption has tipped their world into disorder.From breath-taking battles to uncovering secrets, every page turn is packed with action and surprises. But be warned - returning home might not be as easy as it seems!The Awesome Adventures of Will and Randolph When Will receives a mystical amulet, it brings his toy bear Randolph to life! This triggers a cascade of adventures where every book catapults them into peculiar new worlds. With Toy Story-like charm and Mr Benn's magical touch, this series follows their journey as they tackle moral dilemmas with courage and humour.Jeffrey Archer (1940-) is a bestselling British author and former politician, renowned for his captivating novels, short stories, and children's books published in over 97 countries and over 37 languages. His best-known works include ‘First Among Equals’, ‘Kane and Abel’ and ‘Only Time Will Tell’.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    41,95 - 57,95 kr.

    Get ready for another riveting tail-wagging tale and join Harry, Sofia, Alex, Jack, and their magical dog Faraday on an epic journey back in time! When Faraday and the gang visit a museum, they suddenly find themselves transported to the fierce and exciting world of Vikings. From sailing through storms and outsmarting notorious Vikings like Black Bart to devising innovative business plans for raiding parties, they embark on an adventure like no other! But when an alien robot appears and captures Faraday, can the gang save their time-traveling companion before time runs out?Faraday The Time-Travelling Dog Meet Sophia, Jack, Vivi, Alex and Harry - friends who stumble upon a stray dog named Faraday from a local science lab. But Faraday is no ordinary dog; he possesses quantum powers including time travel and teleportation! Each story whisks them through different historical periods where they must safeguard the timeline. Their adventures start to echo in history - an imprint of their quantum canine companion!Jeffrey Archer (1940-) is a bestselling British author and former politician, renowned for his captivating novels, short stories, and children's books published in over 97 countries and over 37 languages. His best-known works include ‘First Among Equals’, ‘Kane and Abel’ and ‘Only Time Will Tell’.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    41,95 kr.

    Join brave boy Will, his chatty bear Randolph, and their trusty upside-down bird and get ready to leap into a world of magic and mystery!When a simple board game turns into a real-life adventure, the trio find themselves whisked away to Gravelburg town. Beware - there's more than meets the eye in this enchanting place. The dragon isn't what you'd expect, and the brave knight might not be so heroic after all!From encounters with friendly dragons who love books more than treasure-hoarding to knights being turned into chickens, this tale is packed with laughs and surprises at every turn.The Awesome Adventures of Will and Randolph When Will receives a mystical amulet, it brings his toy bear Randolph to life! This triggers a cascade of adventures where every book catapults them into peculiar new worlds. With Toy Story-like charm and Mr Benn's magical touch, this series follows their journey as they tackle moral dilemmas with courage and humour.Jeffrey Archer (1940-) is a bestselling British author and former politician, renowned for his captivating novels, short stories, and children's books published in over 97 countries and over 37 languages. His best-known works include ‘First Among Equals’, ‘Kane and Abel’ and ‘Only Time Will Tell’.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    41,95 kr.

    Buckle up for another unforgettable adventure with brave boy Will, his chatty bear Randolph, and their trusty upside-down bird!When Captain Halibut's pirate ship gets the heroes tangled in sticky situations - from candy convoy raids to thrilling food escapades with Tasty Morsel the cook - will they manage to escape? And prepare for bigger splashes when the monstrous 'Choc Mess Monster' awakens! It's going to take all their wit, courage, and maybe some chocolate slime to overcome this toothy titan.The Awesome Adventures of Will and Randolph When Will receives a mystical amulet, it brings his toy bear Randolph to life! This triggers a cascade of adventures where every book catapults them into peculiar new worlds. With Toy Story-like charm and Mr Benn's magical touch, this series follows their journey as they tackle moral dilemmas with courage and humour.Jeffrey Archer (1940-) is a bestselling British author and former politician, renowned for his captivating novels, short stories, and children's books published in over 97 countries and over 37 languages. His best-known works include ‘First Among Equals’, ‘Kane and Abel’ and ‘Only Time Will Tell’.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    57,95 kr.

    Dive into this electrifying tail-wagging tale filled with magic, mystery, and the timeless bond between man's best friend... and mankind!When an ordinary dog named Faraday vanishes from a science experiment, he reappears in the unlikeliest of places - right next to Harry and his friends Sofia, Jack, Alex, and Vivi. But this is no ordinary dog. With sparks flying off his fur and the power to float into mid-air, Faraday leads the kids on a journey beyond their wildest imaginations. Suddenly they're transported to an ancient desert valley where construction of magnificent pyramids is underway! Facing Egyptian spearmen and royal feasts with Pharaohs, can they get home safe without unravelling the historical timeline?Faraday The Time-Travelling Dog Meet Sophia, Jack, Vivi, Alex and Harry - friends who stumble upon a stray dog named Faraday from a local science lab. But Faraday is no ordinary dog; he possesses quantum powers including time travel and teleportation! Each story whisks them through different historical periods where they must safeguard the timeline. Their adventures start to echo in history - an imprint of their quantum canine companion!Jeffrey Archer (1940-) is a bestselling British author and former politician, renowned for his captivating novels, short stories, and children's books published in over 97 countries and over 37 languages. His best-known works include ‘First Among Equals’, ‘Kane and Abel’ and ‘Only Time Will Tell’.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    41,95 kr.

    Dive into a world of magic, mystery, and square-shaped trees, and join brave boy Will, his talking teddy bear Randolph, and their quirky Upside-Down Bird friend!Transported by an ancient medallion to Whispering Woods - where blobs talk and trees are cube-like - our heroes find themselves caught in a sticky situation. How will they get home? Why is their bird friend upside-down? And can they stop the block-headed war between Big Whoosh's forest folk and Quagmire’s swampy Bloblins?Get ready for a tale filled with thrilling escapes, laugh-out-loud moments, clever disguises (some not so successful)...and above all else – the value of friendship!The Awesome Adventures of Will and Randolph When Will receives a mystical amulet, it brings his toy bear Randolph to life! This triggers a cascade of adventures where every book catapults them into peculiar new worlds. With Toy Story-like charm and Mr Benn's magical touch, this series follows their journey as they tackle moral dilemmas with courage and humour.Jeffrey Archer (1940-) is a bestselling British author and former politician, renowned for his captivating novels, short stories, and children's books published in over 97 countries and over 37 languages. His best-known works include ‘First Among Equals’, ‘Kane and Abel’ and ‘Only Time Will Tell’.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    37,95 kr.

    Fasten your seat belts and get ready for the ride of a lifetime!In the Mantlepiece Kingdom, King Smidgen sets up an exciting toy car race to settle who's the fastest.There's Edison - the electric whizz, Rusty - the vintage champ, Cuthbert – clown-filled amusement vehicle, Dwayne The Monster - big and bold, and Boxy – well… he’s a bit square! Will speed rule on race day or will friendship save the day?Little Kingdoms Hidden within an old house in a misty valley is a multitude of little kingdoms, each brimming with tiny folk proud of their unique traditions. Watch them hilariously interact across stories, subtly imparting moral lessons amid their whimsical escapades. A delightful blend of fantasy and humour, the "Little Kingdoms"-series is an absolute treat for kids and adults alike!Jeffrey Archer (1940-) is a bestselling British author and former politician, renowned for his captivating novels, short stories, and children's books published in over 97 countries and over 37 languages. His best-known works include ‘First Among Equals’, ‘Kane and Abel’ and ‘Only Time Will Tell’.