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Bøger af Jean-Paul Sartre

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  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    199,45 kr.

    A collection of essays by Jean-Paul Sartre that touch upon the subject of existentialism by looking at aesthetics, emotions, writing, phenomenology, and perception The Philosophy of Existentialism collects representative essays on Jean-Paul Sartre’s pioneering subject: existentialism. Beginning with a thoughtful introduction by fellow French philosopher Jean Wahl, this worklooks at existentialism through several lenses, exploring topics such as the emotions, imagination, nothingness, freedom, responsibility, and the desire to be God. By providing exposition on a variety of subjects, The Philosophy of Existentialism is a valuable introduction to Sartre’s ideas.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    239,45 kr.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    39,45 kr.

    Le Diable et le Bon Dieu est un drame en trois actes de Jean-Paul Sartre paru et représenté la première fois à Paris au Théâtre Antoine (direction Simone Berriau) le 7 juin 1951, dans une mise en scène de Louis Jouvet. Cette pièce, comme le laisse prévoir le titre, traite de la nature humaine, de Dieu et du Diable, et de la question " Le Bien est-il possible ? " (Gœtz à Heinrich dans le dixième tableau). La pièce se déroule dans l'Allemagne du xvie siècle, lors de la révolte des paysans contre l'Église.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    229,45 kr.

    The Condemned of Altona is an act of judgment on the twentieth century, which might have been an admirable era (the closing lines tell us) if man had not been threatened by 'the cruel enemy who had sworn to destroy him, that hairless, evil, flesh-eating beast-man himself. 'All the characters in the play are defendants, trapped inside the frame of the proscenium as securely as Eichmann within his glass cage in Jerusalem; their judge is the past, and its verdict is without mercy. Two death penalties are imposed, and one sentence of solitary confinement for life. The stage, as so often in M. Sartre's hands, becomes a place of moral inquisition, at once a courtroom and a prison.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    244,45 kr.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    254,45 kr.

    Quiet Moments in a War, the companion volume to the acclaimed Witness to My Life, reveals Jean-Paul Sartre at the peak of his powers and renown, engaged in an exchange of ideas and intimacies with his "beloved Beaver", Simone de Beauvoir. Spanning the years 1940-1963, these letters describe Sartre's war - as a soldier, a prisoner of the Germans, and a man of the Resistance - and chart his path to fame with the publication of his major works. From September 1939 to June 1940, Sartre wrote Beauvoir almost daily from the front as he waited for the Germans to attack. It was a time of great productivity for Sartre, as he wrote the novel The Age of Reason and sketched out Being and Nothingness. In late 1940, he wrote his first play while interned in a German prison camp. The letters after his release reveal the wartime uncertainties and delays in securing a production of The Flies, an existential retelling of the Oresteia with a thinly veiled protest against acquiescence toward the German occupation. After 1942 there are fewer letters, as the couple was less often apart, but extraordinary ones. In almost every one, there is mention of a new play, novel, or essay underway. In 1946, Sartre writes Beauvoir from New York, where No Exit has opened and he is the toast of the town: "Here it is the same as in Paris: everyone is talking about me and everywhere I'm dragged through the mud"; and in 1959, from the Irish estate of John Huston, where the two men were working on a film about Freud. The collection ends in 1963, with a simple statement written by Beauvoir after Sartre's death and shortly before her own: "This letter is the last that received from Sartre. Thereafter, during our briefseparations, we used the telephone". Quiet Moments in a War completes the extraordinary correspondence of one of modern history's most celebrated couples, and documents the emergence of a great intellectual figure.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    214,45 kr.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    203,95 kr.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    184,45 kr.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    284,45 - 1.064,45 kr.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    94,45 - 126,95 kr.

    Hvilken betydning har følelserne? I hvilken forstand hører de med til en menneskelig eksistens? Det er sådanne spørgsmål, den franske filosof Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-80) stiller i denne bog.Sartre argumenterer for en ’fænomenologisk’ psykologi som alternativ til den traditionelle psykologi. I denne argumentation præsenteres vi for centrale fænomenologiske begreber som ’bevidsthed’ og ’verden’. Hvad følelsen ’betyder’ er den menneskelige tilværelse som en væren-i-verden. For Sartre er ’følelsernes verden’ en magisk verden, der ligner drømmens, men den er samtidig en måde at opdage verden på. Paradoksalt nok viser det sig, at mennesket har en frihed over for verden, selv om det måske kun er en frihed til at unddrage sig.Denne lille bog udkom oprindeligt i 1939 og foregriber på flere måder Sartres første filosofiske hovedværk Væren og intet fra 1943.Skitse til en teori om følelserne udkom for første gang på dansk i 1969 og genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere.

  • - skitse til en fænomenologisk beskrivelse
    af Jean-Paul Sartre
    126,95 kr.

    Berlin, hvor han især studerede Edmund Husserl og Martin Heidegger.Her skrev Sartre Ego’ets transcendens, der i skitseform rummer grundtanken til hele hans senere filosofi. Det lille skrift er en slags programerklæring for Sartres efterfølgende filosofiske produktion og giver grundtrækkene i hans bevidsthedsfilosofi. Bogen beskæftiger sig kritisk med fænomenologien, som den fremtræder i Husserls arbejder, men den er samtidig selv en fænomenologisk analyse.Ego’ets transcendens blev første gang offentliggjort i 1936 og er således Sartres første bog. Bogen udkom første gang på dansk i 1975 og i 2. udgave i 1995. 2. udgaven genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    105,95 kr.

    A brief, powerful analysis of three major twentieth-century writers: Dos Passos, Nabokov, and Faulkner. Iconic French novelist, playwright, and essayist Jean-Paul Sartre is widely recognized as one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has remained relevant and thought-provoking through the decades. The Seagull Sartre Library now presents some of his most incisive philosophical, cultural, and literary critical essays in twelve newly designed and affordable editions.   Sartre‿s engagement with the literature of his day extended well beyond the works of his French contemporaries. This short volume testifies to his astonishing grasp of the nuances of American fiction, as he analyzes three of the most important twentieth-century writers: John Dos Passos, Vladimir Nabokov, and William Faulkner, whose “humanism,â€? writes Sartre, “is the only acceptable sort.â€? Â

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    99,45 kr.

    A collection of essays on renowned French writers, including Sarraute, Renard, and Gide. Iconic French novelist, playwright, and essayist Jean-Paul Sartre is widely recognized as one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has remained relevant and thought-provoking through the decades. The Seagull Sartre Library now presents some of his most incisive philosophical, cultural, and literary critical essays in twelve newly designed and affordable editions.   In this collection of brief, insightful essays, we find ourselves face to face with Sartre the literary critic, as he carefully examines the works of renowned French writers such as François Mauriac, Nathalie Sarraute, Jean Giraudoux, and Jules Renard. Most moving is an essay on André Gide, written right after his death, in which Sartre writes, “We thought him scared and embalmed; he dies and we discover how alive he was.â€? Â

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    139,45 kr.

    Four essays by the French master addressing other philosophers and their work. Iconic French novelist, playwright, and essayist Jean-Paul Sartre is widely recognized as one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has remained relevant and thought-provoking through the decades. The Seagull Sartre Library now presents some of his most incisive philosophical, cultural, and literary critical essays in twelve newly designed and affordable editions. The four essays of varying length assembled in this volume bear witness to Sartre's preoccupation with philosophers and their work. In these pages he examines Descartes's concept of freedom; comments on a fundamental idea in Husserl's phenomenology: intentionality; writes a mixed review of Denis de Rougemont's monumental Love in the Western World; and provides an extensive critical analysis of the work of Brice Parain, one of France's leading philosophers of language.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    105,95 kr.

    An in-depth analysis of two of Sartre‿s contemporaries, Bataille and Blanchot. Iconic French novelist, playwright, and essayist Jean-Paul Sartre is widely recognized as one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has remained relevant and thought-provoking through the decades. The Seagull Sartre Library now presents some of his most incisive philosophical, cultural, and literary critical essays in twelve newly designed and affordable editions.   “There is a crisis of the essay,â€? begins Sartre as he ventures into a long analysis of the work of one of his contemporaries who he argues might save this form: Georges Bataille. From there, Sartre moves on in this compact volume to consider Aminadab, the most important work of another hugely influential philosopher, Maurice Blanchot, through whom, writes Sartre, “the literature of the fantastic continues the steady progress that will inevitably unite it, ultimately, with what it has always been.â€? Â

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    139,45 kr.

    A collection of insightful essays by the French philosopher on contemporary art. Iconic French novelist, playwright, and essayist Jean-Paul Sartre is widely recognized as one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has remained relevant and thought-provoking through the decades. The Seagull Sartre Library now presents some of his most incisive philosophical, cultural, and literary critical essays in twelve newly designed and affordable editions. Sartre was a prodigious commentator on contemporary art, as is evident from the short but incisive essays that make up this important volume. Sartre examines here the work of a wide range of artists, including recognized masters such as Alberto Giacometti, Alexander Calder, and Andre Masson, alongside unacknowledged greats like French painter Robert Lapoujade and German painter-photographer Wols.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    99,45 kr.

    A window onto one of the most consequential friendships in philosophical history, that of Sartre and Camus‿and on its end. Iconic French novelist, playwright, and essayist Jean-Paul Sartre is widely recognized as one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has remained relevant and thought-provoking through the decades. The Seagull Sartre Library now presents some of his most incisive philosophical, cultural, and literary critical essays in twelve newly designed and affordable editions.   Sartre met Albert Camus in Occupied France in 1943, and from the start, they were an odd pair: one from the upper reaches of French society; the other, a pied-noir born into poverty in Algeria. The love of “freedom,â€? however, quickly bound them in friendship, while their fight for justice united them politically. But in 1951 the two writers fell out spectacularly over their literary and political views, their split a media sensation in France. This volume holds up a remarkable mirror to that fraught relationship. It features an early review by Sartre of Camus‿s The Stranger; his famous 1952 letter to Camus that begins, “Our friendship was not easy, but I shall miss itâ€?; and a moving homage written after Camus‿s sudden death in 1960.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    119,45 kr.

    A moving tribute to phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty in the wake of his early death. Iconic French novelist, playwright, and essayist Jean-Paul Sartre is widely recognized as one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has remained relevant and thought-provoking through the decades. The Seagull Sartre Library now presents some of his most incisive philosophical, cultural, and literary critical essays in twelve newly designed and affordable editions.   This volume consists of a single long essay that analyzes the work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908‿1961), who was the leading phenomenological philosopher in France and the lead editor of the influential leftist journal Les Temps modernes, which he established with Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir in 1945. Written in the wake of Merleau-Ponty‿s death, this essay is a moving tribute from one major philosopher to another. Â

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    124,45 kr.

    A collection of pieces on politically engaged fiction of Sartre‿s day, including works by André Gorz and Paul Nizan. Iconic French novelist, playwright, and essayist Jean-Paul Sartre is widely recognized as one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has remained relevant and thought-provoking through the decades. The Seagull Sartre Library now presents some of his most incisive philosophical, cultural, and literary critical essays in twelve newly designed and affordable editions.  Political Fictions includes Sartre‿s long foreword to André Gorz‿s The Traitor, which has often been called the most intimate and profound book to emerge from the existentialist movement. Sartre also presents a detailed portrait of his friend and fellow writer Paul Nizan (1905‿1940), once a committed communist, who died fighting the Nazis at the Battle of Dunkirk. Also featured here is Sartre‿s famous foreword to Nizan‿s novel The Conspiracy, which made the novel famous on its republication in the 1960s, when it was adopted as an iconic text during the events of May ‿68. Â

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    124,45 kr.

    A trio of short pieces on two cities of eternal magic, Venice and Rome. Iconic French novelist, playwright, and essayist Jean-Paul Sartre is widely recognized as one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has remained relevant and thought-provoking through the decades. The Seagull Sartre Library now presents some of his most incisive philosophical, cultural, and literary critical essays in twelve newly designed and affordable editions.   “Venice speaks to us; this false witness‿s voice, shrill at times, whispering at others, broken by silences, is its voice.â€? In these three moving short pieces, we discover Sartre as a master stylist, lyrically describing his time in two bewitching eternal cities‿Venice and Rome. “Antiquity,â€? Sartre writes, “is alive in Rome, with a hate-filled, magical life.â€? Â

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    119,45 kr.

    A compact collection of eight wide-ranging essays by Sartre from the immediate postwar years. Iconic French novelist, playwright, and essayist Jean-Paul Sartre is widely recognized as one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has remained relevant and thought-provoking through the decades. The Seagull Sartre Library now presents some of his most incisive philosophical, cultural, and literary critical essays in twelve newly designed and affordable editions.  Post-War Reflections collects eight of Sartre‿s essays that were written in his most creative period, just after World War II. Sartre‿s extraordinary range of engagement is manifest in this collection, which features writings on postwar America, the social impact of war in Europe, contemporary philosophy, race, and avant-garde art. Â

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    139,45 kr.

    A two-part essay on the “mythâ€? of revolution and the figure of the artist. Iconic French novelist, playwright, and essayist Jean-Paul Sartre is widely recognized as one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has remained relevant and thought-provoking through the decades. The Seagull Sartre Library now presents some of his most incisive philosophical, cultural, and literary critical essays in twelve newly designed and affordable editions.  On Revolution consists of a long essay in two parts in which Sartre dwells upon the “mythâ€? of revolution and goes on to analyze revolutionary ideas in fascism and, especially, Marxism. In the second essay, Sartre examines the figure of the artist and his conscience, especially in relation to communism. Â

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    119,45 kr.

    Two long Sartre essays that explore the Négritude poetry movement and the work of French writer Francis Ponge. Iconic French novelist, playwright, and essayist Jean-Paul Sartre is widely recognized as one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has remained relevant and thought-provoking through the decades. The Seagull Sartre Library now presents some of his most incisive philosophical, cultural, and literary critical essays in twelve newly designed and affordable editions.  On Poetry includes two long essays in this slim volume. The first explores the Négritude poetry movement by analyzing the work of several Black poets of the time. The second is a meditation on the poetry of renowned French author Francis Ponge (1899‿1988), who, influenced by surrealism, developed his unique form of prose poetry.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    114,45 kr.

    La collection « Connaître un philosophe » vous offre la possibilité de tout savoir de Jean-Paul Sartre, grâce à une analyse complète de sa pensée. La rédaction, claire et accessible, a été confiée à un spécialiste universitaire. Cette fiche de lecture répond à une charte qualité mise en place par une équipe d'enseignants. Ce livre contient la biographie de Jean-Paul Sartre, l'analyse de sa pensée, la bibliographie de l'auteur et la citation de Bernard Pingaud au sujet de Jean-Paul Sartre.

  • af Jean-Paul Sartre
    329,45 - 514,45 kr.

    In this volume, Sartre sets out the basic categories for the renovated theory of history that he believed was necessary for post-war Marxism. His formal aim is to establish the dialectical intelligibility of history itself, what he called "a totalization without a totalizer".

  • - An Essay in Phenomenological Ontology
    af Jean-Paul Sartre
    299,45 - 605,95 kr.

    A new trade edition of Sartre's magnum opus. First published in 1943, this masterpiece defines the modern condition and still holds relevance for today's readers.