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Bøger af Jb Trepagnier

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  • af Jb Trepagnier
    148,95 kr.

    He fell in love with a demon. But Will is not entirely human himself.Will was a sheltered, home schooled boy from Kansas when he finally follows his dream to be a photographer in New York. Success soon follows as he gets his dream job at a newspaper, but a relationship eludes him. When he is sent on assignment with the most beautiful woman he's ever met. Will seems to intrigue Lily and she soon admits she's in love with him.Wedded bliss follows, then everything changes when Lily gets a phone call. He knows when she says she has to go out of town, she's not coming back. He has questions for her about what happened when she snuck out the bedroom the night before. The truth ends up stranger than fiction. Lily is really Lilith, the very first demon. Will is also not human himself, but a Nephilim. His father was a fallen Grigori angel who has escaped the pit of hell. War is brewing between heaven and hell and somehow, Will is at the center of it From sheltered home schooled boy to Heaven's weapon, Will is not prepared for any of this

  • - A Sci-Fi Romance Series
    af Jb Trepagnier
    138,95 kr.

    A new planet, more secrets and liesThe migrations to Ragnis Crystal have started. The secrets of the bond animals and the Waljan teenager's gifts have been revealed. A new race of people have shown themselves and are trying to guide the Waljans in their journey. The Waljans must grow into painful changes to reveal what always should have beenAs their new society begins to grow and flourish and new gifts are being developed, something is not sitting right with gentle Elan. Deep down, Elan knows no one on Ragnis Crystal wants to hurt them and if they did, so all of them can read minds like Isolde now. The new Autrikxians can block their thoughts, but they've dropped their wards and he knows they are swore to their life to protect all of them. But something is sending him into a fierce, protective rage that Isolde and his unborn children are in danger.The Autrikxians explain a simple, harmless decision could cause this vision to come true. But no one knows what that decision may be and no one has found the Dysdaimons yet. Are Isolde and the twins safe?The Waljan ChroniclesChild of Fire, Child of IceEscape to Ragnis CrystalThe Dysdaimon's RevengeThe Waljan CrucibleThe Fall of AutrikxiaComing soon to audio

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    183,95 kr.

    Well, we found Hex. And we know who Baba Yaga is.Baba Yaga was a pretty prolific spy. She knows how to disappear and she has funding. Baba Yaga has probably long ditched the identity she was given when we thought she was a victim. Finding her is going to be the hardest thing we've ever done. Especially since everyone on my team except Bailey and Casper quite literally just got hired.But she used to be one of us and there are people here who knew a certain version of her. We can do this.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    143,95 kr.

    I'm running from the LAPD and my evil step father. I wasn't expecting Aiden, Andre, Gareth, and Casey.My mother finally calls to tell me she's ready to leave my abusive, corrupt cop of a step father. I planned our escape down to T. I planned for everything except Jake being there when I got to her house. I shot him...with his own the worst place you can possibly wound a man. He yelled he was never going to stop looking for me and I would pay as I fled my life in LA. Jake always wanted my trust fund. I knew if he ever found me, I wouldn't survive the encounter. He'd probably torture me first for what I did to him with his own gun.I fled to New Orleans, thinking to hide among the tourists. The first thing I did was go to a salon to change my looks. There's a huge, sexy, tattooed man sitting there getting a pedicure. He's probably one of the most infuriating men I've ever met, trying to dictate my makeover and trying to convince me to come stay with him and his probably equally infuriating buddies. I underestimated the rum content in the drinks at the restaurant I agree to go eat with them at because I was starving and wake up in their huge fortress.I make the best of my situation. I get to know Andre, the billionaire software developer who owns this huge house, Gareth, the wisecracking security guard, Aiden, the sensitive artist, and I don't even know what to make of Casey. Casey totally avoids me. I jump at the chance when they all say they want to get to know me better. It'll get my mind off my secret and they all want to protect me without asking what it is.But how can I pick? What is Casey hiding? Will Jake find me here and hurt my new friends?

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    143,95 kr.

    Rook is not taking any more of our players under my watchRook's last move gutted all of us, but he made what is probably a fatal mistake. Little did any of us know the woman we all called Granny had a secret boyfriend. Milo is ex-FBI and he's pissed. Milo wants blood just as much as we all do. Milo has become a mentor to all of us and there are perks.We have a new mark. And we have one chance to prove to Milo's FBI friends that Rook and his deranged Queen are real and not some New Orleans police force urban legend. If we can get the FBI on our side, they can go places we can't. They'll have additional resources. They may boot us out the entire investigation, but I don't care. Rook and Serena need to pay for what they've taken from us.After their last move, I can't imagine what they have in store for Misty.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    128,95 kr.

    Our only job is to find Rook and protect Misty. But I don't have the skills my friends do to protect the woman I love. Rook has threatened Misty. We sent his Queen on the run and she nearly killed Casey on her way out. I'm not a computer genius or a cop. I'm an artist and I was a military medic. I don't have the skills to do anything except help Casey heal and just be moral support while my friends do what I can't. I feel helpless and powerless to protect Misty.Rook can't get to us in Andre's compound. He hits us where he can. He wants to get to Casey and Misty through me. He starts by trashing my tattoo shop with his queen. Everything I worked for is in ruin and my partner, Badger, is losing money because Rook decided to come at me. I thought my shop was the last of it. I should have been more vigilant in protecting those I love.Rook takes his game even further and totally guts me with his next move. I'll never fully recover and if he's willing to go that far, I don't want to think about what he will do to Misty if he gets his hands on her

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    138,95 kr.

    A dangerous game of chess is at work and I don't know how to play. had one job. Protect Misty. Protect the woman I loved. I'm a cop, it should have been second nature. Instead, I bring evil into our house and she got kidnapped. I have a new job. Find out how a cop from Los Angeles and a cop from New Orleans got together to plot to kidnap Misty in the first place. Dillion would have known he would have gotten busted helping Jake. The who, what, and why aren't making sense and I don't know if Misty is still in danger.I need my friends to look where I can't legally. Our hunt leads us to a man who only goes by Rook. He's the link between Dillion and Jake and he's playing a dangerous game of chess. Rook has pawns and knights under his control and I'm guessing he's mad as hell someone as small as Misty lost him some of his players.I'm surrounded by snakes and I don't know who to trust. I have to figure out who is a knight and who is a pawn so that they can lead me to Rook before anything happens to Misty and my friends.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    143,95 kr.

    Rook has Misty. He's not taking another person we love, even if we all have to die to save her.The FBI failed us. We failed Misty. Ziva said trust no one at the station, but Casey got a call from someone we cleared about Jake and Dillion. Ziva ghosted us when we needed her the most. Ziva continued to ghost us while Rook has Misty.The instructions are clear. We are all summoned to a warehouse. We are to come unarmed, with no backup and no weapons. We all know we could be walking to our deaths. We know Misty could already be dead. We will go to our deaths in the hopes there is any chance of saving Misty.We have something Rook doesn't know about. Milo, Granny's pissed off ex FBI boyfriend. He will try to save the day if we can't

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    173,95 kr.

    Things have escalated in Silverhold Detention Center for the Magically Delinquent. WAY too many people want me dead. Okay, maybe I regret a little.I refuse to accept Venus as Supreme Queen of the witches, but I doubt I have much say in the matter. All the witches in here seem like they are bowing down to her now. Except one. Wren wants vengeance and I can use that. We only need one witch on our side to break out of here.And the breakout is happening. Very soon. Our plans got escalated with that little prison assassination. We all know I'm next. Hauser keeps telling me to ask for Faust's help, but I think it was an omen the alarms went off right when I was about to tell him my secret.I'm coming to care for him though. I'm coming to care for all of them. I can figure that out when Silverhold Detention Center for the Magically Delinquent is far in my taillights.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    168,95 kr.

    I should have trusted Faust. Now, we're all in solitary, my sentence is definitely getting extended, and his hands are tied.But all hope isn't lost. Faust is visiting me under the guise of interrogating me about our escape. He's trying to help as much as he can. All my life, I'd never met a single demon. There are now two of them trying to wear the warden down into being allowed to see me. One of them says he's my brother and the other claims to be my fiancé. I think the only reason Faust hasn't killed the one claiming I'm supposed to marry him is because he might be my shot at getting out of here if the warden ever relents.I want to go to Hell more than anything. I've wanted to meet my family for the longest time. I'm not wild about the idea of this random fiancé that showed up, but someone in my family arranged that marriage and he came here to get me out of jail. Something isn't right though. According to Faust, it didn't seem like my brother and my fiancé were working as a team to get me out of here.I have a feeling one of those men was the reason I didn't grow up in Hell like I was supposed to. I'm definitely leaving this prison with one of them, but I have conditions. One of them better be honest with me why I was sent away and I was bringing people with me.We had a team when we planned to break out. I was getting all of us out of here. Faust better get on board because I was inviting him too.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    173,95 kr.

    I've been naughty and I don't care.They called it heinous. I called it a fun Friday night. That artifact was just begging to be stolen. Come on, an amulet that brings back the dead and they just leave it on display in a museum? That had my name all over it. But now they know I'm the Silver Fox and can tie me to other thefts. They intend to put me away for a long time.But I've made friends in Silverhold Detention Center for Magical Delinquents. Two men who are just like me. I think even the psycho prison guard might help me.I regret nothing and neither do they. Breaking out of Silverhold is going to be my best heist ever.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    193,95 kr.

    My mom never told me there was a heart stealing murderer at the Academy of the Profane. But here we are. I thought I'd be navigating classes, mean girls, and boys. Not this. Never in a million years this. I can't unsee what they did to that witch. And honestly? With the history of this academy, it could be a curse, a ghost, or someone like me doing it. But I have a team and my twin. And another god on my side. If anyone can stop this, it's us.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    193,95 kr.

    It's the 9th inning stretch. All bets on the line. Time to kill the Antichrist.Asher is kind of a dick. I like Aeron, Leif, and Dice so much better. But I can't focus on that right now. We have a mission. Stopping the end of the world. We have a date in Mexico at a little beachside estate when this is all over. I intend to make it. I've been experimented on, chased by Rage Heads, and don't even get me started on the gang members.We're in Washington D.C. I've got four angels and a baby blue baseball bat named Smurfette. We're out numbered and outgunned by my father's army of extra Bubbas.I still think we can do this

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    193,95 kr.

    The Horseman of War is on the scene and nothing about the apocalypse prepared me for Dice.I thought Aeron and his murdering horse were crazy. Try everything about Dice. I'll bet his murder horse is even worse than Aeron's. We've moved from Mexico to Dice's base in Florida. If you're wondering where all the military ended up after the war, they all follow the Horseman of War now. It must be his angel superpower because not only does he have planes and firepower here, he's got people that can use them. He's got people all over the freaking world.I don't know the first thing about war. In fact, I slept through World War III. Dice has bombs ferreted away, but we aren't using them to light my father's ass up and send him back to Hell. The three Horsemen I've met so far have some long-term plan. So, Dice is fiddling with explosives to make them into a delivery device for Leif's zombie killing serum without blowing the rest of humanity to kingdom come.Did I mention the part where we are letting a dude with a bright red mohawk and rainbow suspenders play with bombs? Because that part has me a little worried and I've already been chased by zombies and dealt with five trucks full of Nazis.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    193,95 kr.

    I wake up surrounded by death and my memories are gone.A man in a beige hazmat suit reaches his hand through the carnage. "Come with me if you want to live." I know I'm supposed to know that from somewhere, but I don't. I know the world outside me is not right. People either die or they are Rage Heads. Somehow, a virus got out that has turned people into red eyed freaks who eat flesh. They are fast, their flesh is rotting off their bodies and they have one goal-kill.I don't know my mystery man in the hazmat suit, but he says I can trust him. He was at that lab looking for something. He claims not to have found it. He only found me. I see the way he looks at me when I ask what he was doing in that lab. I might feel safe with him, but he's lying to me. He knows everything about me, including the nickname people used to call me, but he tells me I ask too many questions. Maybe I'd be safer on my own.The Pale Rider is Book 1 of End of Days, a Post Apocalyptic slow burn reverse harem romance. The harem will slowly grow as the books progress. The harem features the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    193,95 kr.

    It's the apocalypse, and apparently, I can't trust anyone.Aeron had every opportunity to explain the horses that were haunting my drawings. I asked him several times about his crazy zombie killing horse. He omitted to tell me he was the Horseman of Death until Leif let it slip he was the Horseman of Pestilence when he introduced himself to me. I don't know who I'm madder at-Aeron for lying to me or me for just ignoring all the clues and telling myself there was no way it was possible and trusting him.I'm trapped in a militarized city in Mexico with two of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They say they are my friends, but are they really? Does Aeron actually care about me, or was that some big ruse to get me here so Leif could take my blood?Aeron is apologetic, but Leif seems to want to talk. Maybe he'll actually tell me the truth about how my blood caused the apocalypse.The Black Rider is Book 2 of End of Days; a Post Apocalyptic slow burn reverse harem romance. The harem will slowly grow as the books progress. The harem features the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    193,95 kr.

    Scorchwood Supernatural Penitentiary is Hell. Literally, it's in Hell.Of all the things to end up in jail for, embezzling wasn't what I thought would bring me down. I've got a pretty healthy arson and murder hobby on my down time. White collar crimes never go to Scorchwood. I should have been given a fee and probation at most. Something is going on. My cell mate, Skoll is an Alpha wolf in for manslaughter. He wants me to meet Roman, a vampire and Amduscias, demon who is really shifty about what his demonic form is.Something fishy is going down in Scorchwood with the elementals. Skoll's last five cellmates were elementals who were framed for white collar crimes. Amduscias is cellmates with one of the worst elemental women in the entire jail and she is not pleased I've made friends with him.Something is going on. Someone is framing elementals and sending them to Scorchwood. But they made a mistake framing me. They didn't know about my little hobbies before they sent me here. They didn't know about Fergus, my fire dragon.There's so much I don't know about why I'm here, but there's so much they don't know about me too. I've made friends in Scorchwood and I don't call myself Elemental Batman in secret for nothing. This should be fun.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    193,95 kr.

    And then Daddy Dearest enters stage left.So, I met my father. I beat the crap out of him, but I haven't killed him yet. Yet being the operative word. I still haven't made up my mind about that. I had my to-do list before I broke out of Scorchwood and killing him was a major part of my big kill list. I mean, the man framed me, sent me to prison in Hell, then had a mad warlock experiment on me.When you're fate's little bitch, you kind of have to expect the unexpected. And my father's big reveal about why he did all those horrible things to me and everyone else was like that movie where that kid sees dead people. I didn't see if coming.So, now we are uneasy allies. The fate of two realms is resting on my shoulders. That doesn't mean I might not still decide to kill him if we manage to pull this off.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    193,95 kr.

    What the Fae?I've made a to-do list in prison.Get my missing memories back, and find out precisely what Magnus Rathmore did to me.Kill Magnus Rathmore.Break out of Scorchwood Supernatural Penitentiary.Find out what the Fae are up to and bring those bitches down.Kill anyone who stops me from completing my list.I've made allies in prison. I know the truth about my fire dragon, Fergus. All of us have been wronged in whatever this plot was that they've framed me for. I haven't forgiven Rathmore for what he did to Roman. My kill list is growing, but luckily, I've made friends with a few psychos in prison. I've got a wolf, a demon, a Vampire, and Fergus perfectly happy to help me complete my list and kill anyone who gets in my way.Don't frame a psycho then kidnap them in prison. Psychos tend to react badly to that. It's time to teach a few people some lessons.

  • - A Reverse Harem Romance
    af Jb Trepagnier
    158,95 kr.

    My story could banish me from Neverland and the two most important women in my life. But they've asked for it, and I can't tell them no.We've settled down to a Peter Pan free Neverland. I've even gone back to teaching. I think everyone's favorite part of the night is our story time. But Jade and Elise have asked for my story. Everything about my past from before I got to Neverland and the full story about what happened between me and Peter Pan. I'm not proud of some of the things that evil boy brought out in me.The Queen of the Fairies and her entire court as well as all of the mermaids have turned out to hear my story. Queen Mab could send me home and take me away from my daughter and my love if she deems my sins too great.This is my story. It's the story of how the youngest son of a Lord became a pirate. It's the story of how James Barrett Cunningham became the infamous pirate James Hook. It's the story of how James Hook became simply Jas of Neverland and finally found the place he finally felt he belonged.But are the crimes of James Barrett Cunningham and James Hook enough for me as simply Jas to have to leave Neverland for good?

  • - A Reverse Harem Romance
    af Jb Trepagnier
    123,95 kr.

    Peter Pan is an arrogant little wankerSorry, not sorry, you'd say it too if you'd ever been to Neverland. I know the big story is that Wendy Darling is the first girl to end up on Neverland because girls are too smart to fall out of their prams. I'm living proof that's a lie. Wendy was just the first time Peter actually asked permission before he took a girl to Neverland to be his mother. I guess he learned his lesson from me. He kidnapped me from my bed while I was sleeping and just expected me to be his mother. I'd rather be a Lost Boy than his mother. Peter eventually gave up on me. He lost a mother and two Lost Boys that day that left with me.I've been living away from Peter Pan. Me and my Lost Boys are now the Wildlings. We even have a fairy with us named Coale, who is a blacksmith fairy, but prefers making explosives. Coale and Blaize get along marvelously as Blaize loves to play with fire.But we've committed the one crime on Neverland Peter won't forgive. An instant death sentence for anyone on Neverland no matter how close to Peter you are. We already have one strike against us leaving him. We've now committed the ultimate Neverland sin. We woke up one morning and we've all grown up.There is a legend on Neverland, someone Peter hates. Someone no one knows where to find. Someone everyone on Neverland only knows as the hook nosed hag. If she's an old woman on Neverland, then she either predates Peter or she survived his culling. We have to stay out of Peter's way and find this mysterious hag. We find some old villains who end up not being villains. Captain Hook is not dead and may have information on the hag.We only have three days before Peter's Spring Cleaning is over and he returns Wendy's descendant back home. After that, he will be on the hunt for our blood. We don't even know if the hag survived Peter's culling. If not, everyone who has grown up on Neverland has died by Peter's blade.

  • - The Just War
    af Jb Trepagnier
    148,95 kr.

    The first Infected is on a killing spree. And he doesn't need a body to do itTwenty years after Geneticorp was taken down, the Usas have settled into their lives and have had a high success rate converting the newly infected and helping the enlightened. Everything changes in the middle of the night when Kaelen stumbles across a viral video where an enlightened appears to be in a trance doing awful things on live webcam. The Usas investigation takes them to Louisiana, where a group of enlightened college students appear to be targeted by an infected who can force them to do things without occupying their bodies. New faces show up to help and they suspect the very first infected is involved, in a form they don't know how to fight. Somehow, a secret fourth floor in the art building, tunnels underneath campus, a decrepit pool, and mysterious mounds on campus are important to this infected, as is a female art student whose energy is unlike anything the Usas have heard about before.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    148,95 kr.

    Twenty-five years ago, my life was decided for me and I've been lied to ever since.I never questioned being an orphan. Father Kaden just told me I couldn't live in the monastery anymore when he moved me in with Lady Cerise and her son. I was just grateful for the roof over my head and the friendly company.This was my life until a black swan started speaking to me in my head. She tells me I'm not an orphan at all. My family is quite alive and I have a twin sister. I don't even have time to process any of this because she also tells me I have a destiny. Something that has been promised to my twin sister since birth.And my twin is willing to kill me to make sure what was promised to her is not taken away.The False Queen is book 3 in The Royal Celestials, a zodiac based shared world. It represents Gemini and is a medium burn reverse harem. It can be read as a stand alone.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    208,95 kr.

    Her whole life was keeping secrets. Now she finds out everything she knew was a lieMara is a sixteen year old with secrets. Her father makes them worse and her mother and best friend, Chauncey, try to save her from them. When things get bad at home, they come up with a plan to get her out of the house for the summer by sending her to an arts camp over the summer. She thinks things will be different there. No one knows her. But the camp director seems to zone in on her. Ms. Munroe knows she is keeping secrets and makes it her mission to find out. Mara starts to feel like an outcast again under Ms. Munroe's watchful eye. One night, things get bad and she is indulging her demons and gets caught. Ms. Munroe confesses why she has been so focused on Mara all summer and Mara's mother and Chauncey's plan to send her to camp suddenly becomes clear. It changes Mara's life forever. Nothing she knew about herself is true, not even her name. She now must make a new life with someone she knows hates her. She's being pushed to talk about things that used to be her deepest, darkest secrets

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    183,95 kr.

    I was hoping to focus on my training, but the bad guys are gonna bad and we have a lead on Hex.I thought my insurance days were long behind me, but as we got closer to Hex, we found the forum where the bounty was posted that ruined a ton of people's lives. We arrested Jeremy's old boss, but the dude is like gas station food farts. He kind of lingers after he's gone.So we are all going undercover in Bailey's old stomping grounds in New Orleans to stop some mass scale insurance fraud that may lead us to Hex. Luke isn't an agent, but he's with us for training and just in case Bailey's ex finds out she's here and gets any stupid ideas.New Orleans is wild and I'm not even talking about Bourbon Street.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    148,95 kr.

    Is this Hell or Purgatory?Kate is driving home from working a double at the hospital. She misses her turn and is crossing train tracks. There's no train signal, but she sees it coming and thinks she misses the train. All of a sudden, there is a blinding white light and she wakes up naked in a white room. Is she dead? There is a scientist conducting experiments on her. When science fiction and the paranormal collideWaking up in another white room, Kate panics. She's stronger now and easily dents the steel door keeping her in. She manages to escape the facility keeping her, but nothing is right. The world thinks she's dead, but she's clearly alive in a much taller, more muscular body. Lab results say this body may not be human. There is also a ghostly voice in Kate's head claiming this body was stolen by force and she doesn't belong there.

  • - A Paranomal Reverse Harem Romance
    af Jb Trepagnier
    148,95 kr.

    A witch curse is a hell of a thing to deal with when you're immortalNice to meet you. My name is Catarina Ash. You've probably read about me. Wife of Bath ring a bell? The Loathly Lady stories used to be wildly popular. I used to have a thing for dating writers. I don't take credit for the Viking story, but it wouldn't surprise me if Cadence was so proud of the curse she put on me, she repeated it on another witch. She throws out curses like candy and probably has a few repeats.I'm cursed to walk the earth as a wrinkled crone unless I can find love. What they don't tell you in all the stories about the Loathly Lady is that since I'm immortal, when my love dies, I revert back to the crone unless I can find love again. I've retreated to my enchanted woods, hoping to just shrivel up and die, until one day, I feel a horrible aura sneaking around in my woods. My foresight tells me the human that aura belongs to is going to eventually lead me towards the path of breaking my curse for good. Edward Solomon is in my woods hoping to steal my land and build a university. Somehow, that university is important, but I don't know why.All I'm armed with is a cryptic feeling in my gut that giving this horrible man a part of my land and making a deal with him will lead me towards the right path. I've got my familiar here to guide me, but sometimes, she can't keep the present and future straight and I'm not sure what she's talking about. The answer to breaking my curse is there, but I will have to wait, learning ancient magic of my ancestors, tricking Cadence's curse with men from the university, and trying to find the missing piece to breaking my curse

  • - A Dark Reverse Harem Romance
    af Jb Trepagnier
    128,95 kr.

    My clients at my vet clinic have always called me an animal whisperer. I've never questioned it. Until I started hearing monsters too.A man came in right at closing with a sick dog. The dog told me why he was sick and I was able to treat him. I had no idea his owner would kidnap me. I had no idea his owner had an entire dungeon of monsters he wanted me to treat. I've met a minotaur, a mysterious kraken, a phoenix, and this really massive spider.I can hear them too. If monsters are real and I can talk to them, then what am I?

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    178,95 kr.

    A forbidden obsessionMax has never had a student quite like Taylor. He's been teaching for a long time and knows potential on the rare occasions he sees it. However, Taylor's personal life has convinced many people in their small town she's not worth the effort. Max sees things differently, though. As he struggles to reach the girl, though, he makes a terrible error in judgment that changes everything, and Taylor disappears. How much does she really remember?Five years later, Taylor returns, and Max sees it as an attempt to make amends for the past. However, Taylor doesn't seem to remember what happened, and as a relationship forms between the unlikely pair, Max worries that telling her the truth will cause irreparable damage to both of them. Taylor's demons creep over to Max. How much does Taylor actually know? And how much is Max willing to deny the past for the sake of an illusory present?

  • - Eine umgekehrte Harem-Gefängnis-Romanze
    af Jb Trepagnier
    158,95 kr.

    Und dann betritt Daddy Dearest die Bühne links.Also, ich habe meinen Vater getroffen. Ich habe ihn verprügelt, aber ich habe ihn noch nicht getötet. Wobei die Betonung auf "noch" liegt. Ich habe mich immer noch nicht dazu entschlossen. Ich hatte meine To-Do-Liste, bevor ich aus Scorchwood ausbrach, und ihn zu töten war ein wichtiger Teil meiner großen Mordliste. Ich meine, der Mann hat mich reingelegt, mich ins Gefängnis in der Hölle geschickt und dann einen verrückten Hexenmeister an mir experimentieren lassen.Wenn man die kleine Schlampe des Schicksals ist, muss man irgendwie das Unerwartete erwarten. Und die große Enthüllung meines Vaters, warum er mir und allen anderen all diese schrecklichen Dinge angetan hat, war wie in diesem Film, wo das Kind tote Menschen sieht. Ich habe es nicht kommen sehen.Jetzt sind wir also unruhige Verbündete. Das Schicksal zweier Reiche ruht auf meinen Schultern. Das heißt nicht, dass ich nicht trotzdem beschließen könnte, ihn zu töten, wenn wir es schaffen, das durchzuziehen.