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Bøger af Jan Pries-Heje

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  • - Design og implementering i orkanens øje
    af Jan Pries-Heje, Peter Hagedorn-Rasmussen & Keld Bødker
    353,95 - 377,95 kr.

    Organisationsforandringer sker med så stor hastighed, at det kan være vanskeligt at vurdere relevansen af dem, før de sættes i gang, eller at styre og sikre kvaliteten af forandringerne, når de kører for fuld skrue.Succesrige forandringer opnås gennem kontekstafhængig fleksibel organisering, der involverer organisationens viden, teknologi og menneskelige ressourcer. Det kræver processer, der på én gang skaber kvalitet og ejerskab.Robust organisationsforandring - design og implementering i orkanens øje giver en række teori- og empiribaserede bud på, hvordan man skaber robust organisationsforandring uden på forhånd at kende mål og resultater. Bogen går i dybden med:situationsafstemt forandringkompleksitet i forandringerfrivillig versus tvungen forandringroller i forandringmennesker, der forandresforandring gennem organisatoriske relationeroversættelses- og læreprocesser, som fører til forandringetik og værdier i forandringEndelig sætter bogens sidste kapitel fokus på, at det også er vigtigt at lave en plan for, hvad der skal ske efter forandringen.Bogen er velegnet som grundbog i forandringsledelse og er berigende læsning for studerende såvel som for ledere og konsulenter, som ønsker at skabe robust organisationsforandring.

  • af Jan Pries-Heje
    289,50 kr.

    Agile projekter handler om, hvordan man i praksis arbejder i agile projekter. Agil er at være parat til forandring, hurtigt og hele tiden.Agile projekter fortæller om, hvordan den agile tilgang er opstået og om hvad det vil sige, at et projekt er agilt. Bogen gennemgår et agilt udviklingsforløb; fra før projektet, i begyndelsen af projektet, undervejs i projektet og frem til projektet er slut. Der præsenteres også en række værktøjer og tekniker, især fra metoderne XP og Scrum. Hvert kapitel slutter med en case fra en dansk organisation, så det er nemt at se, hvordan kapitlets indhold kan bruges i praksis. Sidst i bogen ses på agile værktøjer, hvordan det agile kan skalere, og hvordan du kan implementere det agile i din egen organisation.

  • - Håndbog i teamudvikling
    af Trine Hald Commisso & Jan Pries-Heje
    123,95 - 258,95 kr.

    Optimér dit projektteam er en håndbog for projektlederen, som gerne vil støtte sit team til at samarbejde så godt som muligt. Bogen kan anvendes på projektlederuddannelser såvel som af den praktiserende projektleder. Med afsæt i projektlederense rolle og traditionelle teamudviklingsmodellers styrker og svagheder præsenterer og gennemgår forfatterne en teamudviklingsproces bestående af 6 faser: Danne > Afklare > Normere > Udrette > Bedømme > Evaluere.

  • af Jan Pries-Heje, John Krogstie, David Avison & mfl.
    1.125,95 kr.

  • af Trine Hald Commisso, Jan Pries-Heje & Jacob Nørbjerg
    473,95 kr.

  • - Proceedings of the first IFIP WG 8.6 working conference on the diffusion and adoption of information technology, Oslo, Norway, October 1995
    af Karlheinz Kautz
    1.712,95 - 1.722,95 kr.

    It. is well known that t.he introduction of a new technology in one organization not always produces the intended benefits (Levine, 1994). In many cases, either the receivers do not reach the intended level of use or simply the technology is rejected because it does not match with the expectations (true or false) and the accepted psychological effort to use it. The case of formal methods is a paradigmatic example of continual failures. The published cases with problems or failures only constitute the visible part of a large iceberg of adoption cases. It. is difficult to get companies to openly express the problems they had; however, from the experience of the author, failure cases are very common and they include any type of company. Many reasons to explain the failures (and in some cases the successes) could be postulated; however, the experiences are not structured enough and it is difficult to extract from them useful guidelines for avoiding future problems. Generally speaking, there is a trend to find the root of the problems in the technol- ogy itself and in its adequacy with the preexistent technological context. Technocratic technology transfer models describe the problems in terms of these aspects. Although it is true that those factors limit the probability of success, there is another source of explanations linked to the individuals and working teams and how they perceive the technology.

  • af Jan Pries-Heje, Winfried Lamersdorf, Michael Rosemann & mfl.
    591,95 kr.

    Pries-Heje Roskilde University, Denmark

  • af Jan Pries-Heje, John J. Venable, Deborah Bunker, mfl.
    1.142,95 kr.

  • af Jan Pries-Heje & Magnus R.P. Hansen
    148,95 kr.

    This book contains the final results from the fifth Danish Project Management Research Conference (DAPMARC 5), held in Copenhagen in May 2019. The authors presented their papers at the conference in the so-called 'research track'. About 60 practicing project managers gave feedback to the presentations and participated in lively discussions of the papers. Six papers ended up in this book. Hence, six set of authors took up our challenge of increasing the quality and coping with all the issues that were raised at DAPMARC 5. As editors of the book – and co-organisers of the DAPMARC conference – we are very proud to present this book with six chapters of high quality addressing issues at the junction of project leadership and innovation.

  • af Jan Pries-Heje & Jesper B. Berger
    48,95 kr.

    The book presents a selection of state-of-the-art research, theory and models based on studies of project management practice. Topics include:Effects-driven road to quality development projects. A framework for project governance in major public IT projects. Experiencing social complexity in projects as Tipping Points Critical success factors for project portfolio management based on a multiple case study. A comparison framework for evaluating and comparing projects. Simulation to study decision-making in project portfolio management. When stage setting a success gets in the way of real learning.Project Management for Achieving Change contains the proceedings for the Second Danish Project Management Research Conference (DAPMARC-2), held in Copenhagen, June 8-9 2016.

  • af Jan Pries-Heje & Per Svejvig
    198,95 kr.

    Project Management for Achieving Change contains the proceedings for the Second Danish Project Management Research Conference (DAPMARC-2), held in Copenhagen, June 8-9 2016. The book presents a selection of state-of-the-art research, theory and models based on studies of project management practice. Topics include:Effects-driven road to quality development projectsA framework for project governance in major public IT projectsExperiencing social complexity in projects as Tipping Points Critical success factors for project portfolio management based on a multiple case studyA comparison framework for evaluating and comparing proj ectsSimulation to study decision-making in project portfolio managementWhen stage setting a success gets in the way of real learning Project Management for Achieving Change is published in cooperation with IPMA Denmark (Danish Project Management Association).

  • af Jan Pries-Heje & Per Svejvig
    178,95 kr.

    Project Management Theory Meets Practice contains the proceedings from the 1st Danish Project Management Research Conference (DAPMARC 2015), held in Copenhagen, Denmark, on May 21st, 2015.The book presents a selection of state-of-the-art research, theory and models based on studies of project management practice. Topics include:Self-organizing agile management teamsHow Scrum influences the temporal environmentHidden goals and what you can doFrontloading your projectMetaphors used to communicate in the projectMaturity in project-portfolio managementValue generation in projectsHeroes as catalysts in projectsProject Management Theory Meets Practice is published in cooperation with the Danish Project Management Association.

  • - Current Trends
    af Jan Pries-Heje, Hans Mikkelsen, Jens Ove Riis, mfl.
    248,95 kr.

    Projektledelse i dag er først og fremmest kendetegnet ved en mangfoldighed af tilgange. Denne bog giver dig et overblik over den nyeste forskning i projektledelse og kommer omkring fordele og ulemper ved de enkelte tilgange.