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Bøger af James Herriot

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  • - The Classic Memoirs of a Yorkshire Country Vet
    af James Herriot
    133,95 kr.

    The first collection of memoirs from the author who inspired the BBC series All Creatures Great and Small. This edition contains If Only They Could Talk and It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet. Fresh out of Glasgow Veterinary College, to the young James Herriot 1930s Yorkshire seems to offer an idyllic pocket of rural life in a rapidly changing world. But from his erratic new colleagues, brothers Siegfried and Tristan Farnon, to incomprehensible farmers, herds of semi-feral cattle, a pig called Nugent and an overweight Pekingese called Tricki Woo, James finds he is on a learning curve as steep as the hills around him. And when he meets Helen, the beautiful daughter of a local farmer, all the training and experience in the world can't help him . . . Since they were first published, James Herriot's memoirs have sold millions of copies and entranced generations of animal lovers. Charming, funny and touching, All Creatures Great and Small is a heart-warming story of determination, love and companionship from one of Britain's best-loved authors.'I grew up reading James Herriot's books and I'm delighted that thirty years on, they are still every bit as charming, heartwarming and laugh-out-loud funny as they were then' Kate Humble

  • - The Classic Memoirs of a Yorkshire Country Vet
    af James Herriot
    133,95 kr.

    The second collection of memoirs from the author who inspired the BBC series All Creatures Great and Small. Now settled into the sleepy Yorkshire village of Darrowby, and married to Helen the farmer's daughter, James Herriot thinks he's finally got himself sorted. But life as a vet in the 1930s was never going to be easy. Quite aside from his unpredictable colleagues, brothers Siegfried and Tristan Farnon, he must contend with new-fangled medical techniques, delivering calves after far too much home-made wine, and a grudge-holding dog called Magnus who never forgets. And then, with Britain on the verge of war, James faces a decision that could separate him from Darrowby - and Helen - for ever . . . Since they were first published, James Herriot's memoirs have sold millions of copies and entranced generations of animal lovers. Charming, funny and touching, All Things Bright and Beautiful is a heart-warming story of determination, love and companionship from one of Britain's best-loved authors.This omnibus edition comprises the majority of chapters from Let Sleeping Vets Lie and Vets in Harness.

  • - The Classic Memoirs of a Yorkshire Country Vet
    af James Herriot
    133,95 kr.

    The fourth volume of memoirs from the author who inspired the BBC series All Creatures Great and Small. Finally home from London after his wartime service in the RAF, James Herriot is settling back into life as a country vet. While the world has changed after the war, the blunt Yorkshire clients and menagerie of beasts with weird and wonderful ailments remain the same. But between his young son, Jimmy, trailing him around aping his every move, stubborn farmers refusing to try his 'new-fangled' treatments and a goat that has eaten 293 tomatoes, Darrowby is far from quiet. And with another baby on the way, life is about to get even more chaotic . . . Since they were first published, James Herriot's memoirs have sold millions of copies and entranced generations of animal lovers. Charming, funny and touching, The Lord God Made Them All is a heart-warming story of determination, love and companionship from one of Britain's best-loved authors.

  • - The Classic Memoirs of a Yorkshire Country Vet
    af James Herriot
    133,95 kr.

    The third collection of memoirs from the author who inspired the BBC series All Creatures Great and Small. This omnibus edition comprises of Vets Might Fly and Vet in a Spin. Training as an RAF pilot in the smoke and bustle of London is a far cry from James Herriot's day job as a country vet in the Yorkshire Dales. And while he is keen to serve Queen and country, James cannot help but miss his life in Darrowby - despite frequent arguments between his colleagues, bad-tempered cattle and equally irritable farmers, and the continuing saga of Cedric the flatulent dog. But most of all he misses his wife Helen; pregnant with their first child. The question is constantly hanging over him - will he be going to war? And when will he get to go home? Since they were first published, James Herriot's memoirs have sold millions of copies and entranced generations of animal lovers. Charming, funny and touching, All Things Wise and Wonderful is a heart-warming story of determination, love and companionship from one of Britain's best-loved authors.

  • af James Herriot
    148,95 kr.

    I sin karriere som dyrlæge har James Herriot oplevet lidt af hvert: store fremskridt i lægevidenskaben, en verden, der er forandret uigenkaldeligt af krig og flere dyrlægebesøg, end man kan tælle på hundrede hænder. Men visse ting ændrer sig aldrig: barske landmænd, hypokondriske kæledyrsejere og febrilske husdyr alle vegne. James Herriot har tilbragt hele sin karriere i Darrowby og har udviklet sig fra en grøn ung mand til en erfaren dyrlæge, gift med to børn. Og der er ingen andre steder, han hellere vil være. En dyrlæge siger farvel er ottende og sidste bind i Folk og fæ, James Herriots verdenskendte memoirer om naturen, dyrene og beboerne i fredelige Yorkshire, kendt fra BBC og DR. Det er et hjertevarmt, humoristisk og til tider hjerteskærende portræt af de dyr, som lever med og omkring os.

  • af James Herriot
    148,95 kr.

    Dyrlægen James Herriot har skiftet gummistøvlerne ud med en flyverjakke, og han længes efter sit hjem og en ende på krigen. Spændt fast i cockpittet på et Tiger Moth-træningsfly som soldat i Royal Air Force føler han sig temmelig malplaceret. James drømmer sig bestandigt tilbage til Yorkshire. Til den dag, hvor han kan genforenes med sin kone Helen, sin lille søn Jimmy, dyrlægekompagnonen Siegfried, evighedsstudenten Tristan – og alle de andre gamle venner derhjemme, tobenede såvel som firbenede.En dyrlæge går i krig er sjette bind i Folk og fæ, James Herriots verdenskendte memoirer om naturen, dyrene og beboerne i fredelige Yorkshire, kendt fra BBC og DR. Det er et hjertevarmt, humoristisk og til tider hjerteskærende portræt af de dyr, som lever med og omkring os.

  • af James Herriot
    148,95 kr.

    Det bliver ikke til mere end et par måneders hvedebrødsdage med hjemmelavet mad og rendyrket idyl i Yorkshire, før tilværelsen ændrer sig markant ved indgangen af 2. verdenskrig. Det vender dyrlægen James’ liv på vrangen, da han sendes på en barsk træningslejr i flyvevåbnet, og imellem de hårde øvelser drømmer han sig tilbage til Darrowby og de mennesker og husdyr, som venter ham derhjemme.Kan dyrlæger også flyve er femte bind i Folk og fæ, James Herriots verdenskendte memoirer om naturen, dyrene og beboerne i fredelige Yorkshire, kendt fra BBC og DR. Det er et hjertevarmt, humoristisk og til tider hjerteskærende portræt af de dyr, som lever med og omkring os.

  • af James Herriot
    148,95 kr.

    Efter flere års tjeneste i Royal Air Force vender dyrlægen James Herriot endelig hjem til Yorkshire. Hjem til sin kone Helen og sin lille søn Jimmy. Og hjem til de mange firbenede patienter, som venter ham. Mens verden har ændret sig bestandigt efter krigen, er det sløve og søde Yorkshire-liv ved første øjekast forblevet uændret. Men man skal ikke lade sig narre. For med en energisk søn, der leger kongens efterfølger, stædige landmænd, der nægter ”nymodens behandlingsformer”, og en ged, der har spist 293 tomater, er Darrowby langt fra rendyrket idyl. Og med endnu en baby på vej kan James se frem til endnu flere genvordigheder. En dyrlæge slutter fred er syvende bind i Folk og fæ, James Herriots verdenskendte memoirer om naturen, dyrene og beboerne i fredelige Yorkshire, kendt fra BBC og DR. Det er et hjertevarmt, humoristisk og til tider hjerteskærende portræt af de dyr, som lever med og omkring os.

  • af James Herriot
    148,95 kr.

    Yorkshiredalene har aldrig taget sig smukkere ud, end de gør for James lige nu: Han har en skøn hustru ved sin side, han er blevet medindehaver af dyrlægepraksissen, og et rent menageri af bondegårdsdyr, kæledyr og deres ejere kræver hans fulde opmærksomhed – og lærer ham en ting eller to om livet undervejs.Alt er ved det gamle i Darrowby. Eller det vil sige næsten. For Siegfried suser rundt i praksissen som aldrig før, Tristian forbereder sig på eksamenerne, og James har tilmeldt sig det lokale crickethold.Dyrlæger har mange venner er fjerde bind i Folk og fæ, James Herriots verdenskendte memoirer om naturen, dyrene og beboerne i fredelige Yorkshire, kendt fra BBC og DR. Det er et hjertevarmt, humoristisk og til tider hjerteskærende portræt af de dyr, som lever med og omkring os.

  • af James Herriot
    148,95 kr.

    Med to års erfaring i bagagen føler den assisterende dyrlæge James Herriot sig taknemmelig for sit arbejde i Darrowbys dyrlægepraksis, midt ude i Yorkshires smukke heder. Hans tredje år byder på lidt af hvert: Endnu flere modvillige patienter, nye sammenstød med Herriots uforudsigelige chef Siegfried, glæderne ved forårslam, mødet med en ond kat ved navn Boris og Herriots måske spolerede frieri til den skønne Helen.Lad dyrlæger sove i fred er tredje bind i Folk og fæ, James Herriots verdenskendte memoirer om naturen, dyrene og beboerne i fredelige Yorkshire, kendt fra BBC og DR. Det er et hjertevarmt, humoristisk og til tider hjerteskærende portræt af de dyr, som lever med og omkring os.

  • af James Herriot
    148,95 kr.

    Skotland, 1930’erne. Den nyudklækkede dyrlæge James Herriot er rejst til landsbyen Darrowby i idylliske Yorkshire, forberedt på alle tænkelige scenarier. Men alle tænkelige scenarier er en meget besværlig ko og to unge dyrlægebrødre, som sætter Herriot på sit livs prøve. Det viser sig, at livet i den søvnige landsby har sine udfordringer: Hele flokke af halvvilde kvæg løber løbsk, barske landmænd med uforståelige dialekter står på hvert et gadehjørne og en egenrådig pekingeser lægger også vejen forbi.Hvis blot de kunne tale er første bind i Folk og fæ, James Herriots verdenskendte memoirer om naturen, dyrene og beboerne i fredelige Yorkshire, kendt fra BBC og DR. Det er et hjertevarmt, humoristisk og til tider hjerteskærende portræt af de dyr, som lever med og omkring os.

  • af James Herriot
    148,95 kr.

    Skotland, 1930’erne. Den grønne dyrlæge James Herriot er nu fast inventar i Yorkshire-landsbyen Darrowby, og han har efterhånden vænnet sig til livet med sine uforudsigelige kollegaer. Men det er ingen dans på roser at arbejde i en dyrlægepraksis. Særligt når det handler om at overtale klienter til at lade ham benytte sig af såkaldt moderne udstyr. Hertil kommer Herriots første møde med smukke Helen, datteren til en lokal landmand, og det hele tegner straks til, at Herriots andet år i byen bliver lige så begivenhedsrigt som det første. En dyrlæge forelsker sig er andet bind i Folk og fæ, James Herriots verdenskendte memoirer om naturen, dyrene og beboerne i fredelige Yorkshire, kendt fra BBC og DR. Det er et hjertevarmt, humoristisk og til tider hjerteskærende portræt af de dyr, som lever med og omkring os.

  • af James Herriot
    118,95 kr.

    Evocative, funny and poignant, this is the third volume of memoirs from James Herriot who inspired the television series All Creatures Great and Small

  • af James Herriot
    133,95 kr.

    A special Pan's 70th anniversary edition of James Herriot's hilarious memoir of his veterinary adventures in Yorkshire.

  • af James Herriot
    133,95 kr.

    The Yorkshire dales have never seemed more beautiful for James - now he has a lovely wife by his side, a partner's plate on the gate and the usual menagerie of farm animals, pets and owners demanding his constant attention and teaching him a few lessons along the way. All of the old Darrowby friends are on top form - Siegfried thrashes round the practice, Tristan occasionally buckles down for finals and James is signed up for a local cricket team.From the author whose books inspired the BBC series All Creatures Great and Small, Vet in Harness is the fourth volume of James Herriot's classic memoirs; a book for all those who find laughter and joy in animals, and who know and understand the magic and beauty of Britain's wild places.

  • af James Herriot
    133,95 kr.

    With two years experience behind him, James Herriot still feels privileged working on the beautiful Yorkshire moors as assistant vet at the Darrowby practice. Time to meet yet more unwilling patients and a rich cast of supporting owners. Full of hilarious tales of his unpredictable boss Siegfried Farnon, his charming student brother Tristan, the joys of spring lambing, a vicious cat called Boris and James' jinxed courtship of the lovely Helen, Let Sleeping Vets Lie, the third volume of memoirs, is sure to delight hardened fans and new readers of James Herriot titles alike.

  • - The Classic Memoirs of a Yorkshire Country Vet
    af James Herriot
    133,95 kr.

    The fifth volume of memoirs from the author who inspired the BBC series All Creatures Great and Small. During his decades spent as a country vet in Yorkshire, James Herriot has seen huge advances in medical science, technological leaps, and a world irrevocably changed by war. Yet some things have always stayed the same - gruff farmers, hypochondriac pet owners, and animals that never do quite what you expect them to. From a green young man in his first job in the 1930s, to an experienced veterinary surgeon, married with two children, James has spent his entire career among the people and animals of Darrowby. And there's nowhere else he'd rather be. Since they were first published, James Herriot's memoirs have sold millions of copies and entranced generations of animal lovers. Charming, funny and touching, Every Living Thing is a heart-warming story of determination, love and companionship from one of Britain's best-loved authors.

  • - The Classic Memoir of a 1930s Vet
    af James Herriot
    133,95 kr.

    Lesson number one: When taking a cow's temperature the old-fashioned way, never let go of the thermometer . . . Now firmly ensconced in the sleepy Yorkshire village of Darrowby, recently qualified vet James Herriot has acclimatized to life with his unpredictable colleagues, brothers Siegfried and Tristan Farnon. But veterinary practice in the 1930s was never going to be easy, and there are challenges on the horizon, from persuading his clients to let him use his 'modern' equipment, to becoming an uncle (to a pig called Nugent). Throw in his first encounters with Helen, the beautiful daughter of a local farmer, and this year looks to be as eventful as the last... From the author whose books inspired the BBC series All Creatures Great and Small, It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet is the second volume of James Herriot's classic memoirs; a book for all those who find laughter and joy in animals, and who know and understand the magic and beauty of Britain's wild places.

  • af James Herriot
    178,95 - 188,95 kr.

  • af James Herriot
    133,95 - 253,95 kr.

  • af James Herriot
    153,95 kr.

  • af James Herriot
    308,95 kr.

    James Herriot's timeless, heartwarming, and perceptive stories about animals and people have charmed millions of readers around the world, and millions more have watched the popular PBS series All Creatures Great and Small, which is based on his four books. The Wonderful World of James Herriot excerpts the best of his stories to shape the larger tale of his life, his family, and his world, illustrated with evocative drawings and family photographs, including a special introduction written by his two children Rosie Page and Jim Wight.With astute observations and boundless humor, Herriot captures the spirit of the Yorkshire Dales and of rural communities on the cusp of change, before tractors and machines had taken over and modern medicines and antibiotics transformed veterinary work. Herriot's unforgettable portraits of farm animals and the people he served as a country veterinarian are moving, dramatic, warm, touching, and profound. This beautiful book is the perfect gift for Herriot readers of all ages.

  • af James Herriot
    188,95 kr.

    A tie-in to the PBS Masterpiece series and Christmas special.All Creatures Great and Small is first volume in the multimillion copy bestselling series. Delve into the magical, unforgettable world of James Herriot, the world's most beloved veterinarian, and his menagerie of heartwarming, funny, and tragic animal patients.For fifty years, generations of readers have flocked to Herriot's marvelous tales, deep love of life, and extraordinary storytelling abilities. For decades, Herriot roamed the remote, beautiful Yorkshire Dales, treating every patient that came his way from smallest to largest, and observing animals and humans alike with his keen, loving eye.In All Creatures Great and Small, we meet the young Herriot as he takes up his calling and discovers that the realities of veterinary practice in rural Yorkshire are very different from the sterile setting of veterinary school. James Herriot's memoirs have sold 80 million copies worldwide, and continue to delight and entertain readers of all ages.

  • af James Herriot
    258,95 kr.

  • af James Herriot
    258,95 kr.

    Between the covers of this perfect gift book, teller and tales finally meet in a warm and joyful new collection that will bring delight to the hearts of readers the world over: James Herriot's Cat Stories. Here are Buster, the kitten who arrived on Christmas; Alfred, the cat at the sweet shop; little Emily, who lived with the gentleman tramp; and Olly and Ginny, the kittens who charmed readers when they first appeared at the Herriots' house in the worldwide bestseller Every Living Thing. And along with these come others, each story as memorable and heartwarming as the last, each told with that magical blend of gentle wit and human compassion that marks every word from James Herriot's pen.

  • af James Herriot
    258,95 kr.

    A warm and joyful collection of James Herriot's loving tales of our furry friends from delightful old favorites like Tricki Woo to heartwarming stories of Brandy, Hermann, Jock, and more. James Herriot's Favorite Dog Stories is a must-have gift book for any dog lover. "When I decided to be a vet, I knew that I wanted to be a dog doctor, so I could spend all my time with dogs." - from the IntroductionJames Herriot would go on to become so much more than a dog doctor. But no animal was dearer to his heart, and no animal provided him with more heartwarming and wonderful tales. With over a million copies sold, James Herriot's Favorite Dog Stories has inspired dog lovers the world over. After being out of print for many years, it is now again available in an affordable, beautifully repackaged hardcover edition, filled with original watercolors that illustrate Herriot's charming and wholesome tales. This classic heartwarming collection of ten stories about dogs - from border collies and sheepdogs to the exploits of Tricki Woo, the unforgettable Pekinese - by the late author of All Creatures Great and Small is prefaced by a moving introduction from Herriot himself - the very last piece of writing the beloved author ever completed. So, follow the master veterinarian as he journeys through Yorkshire, caring for big dogs and small with his characteristic gentleness and peace, profound observation, and deep, loving humor.Contains:"Tricki Woo Goes Crackerdog" * "Prince and the Card Above the Bed" * "Jock Top Dog" * Tricki Woo "A Triumph of Surgery" * "Jake Rides into Town"* Gyp "Only One Woof" * Roy "From Rags to Riches" * Tricki Woo "A Judge of Form" * Hermann "A Happy Ending" * Brandy "The Dustbin Dog"

  • af James Herriot
    198,95 kr.

    A perfect gift for anyone who loves animals, this fifth and final installment in James Herriot's heartwarming collection, the basis for the All Creatures Great and Small television series. Every Living Thing: The Warm and Joyful Memoirs of the World's Most Beloved Animal Doctor brings back familiar friends (including old favorites such as Tricki Woo) and introduces new ones, including Herriot's children Rosie and Jimmy and the marvelously eccentric vet Calum Buchanan. This book marks a perfect opportunity for existing fans of Herriot's work to reacquaint themselves with his writing, and for those who've never read him to see what generations of animal lovers have already discovered: James Herriot is that rarest of creatures, a genuine master storyteller.

  • af James Herriot
    368,95 kr.

    Original publication and copyright date: 1972.

  • af James Herriot
    188,95 kr.

    Readers adore James Herriot's tales of his life as a Yorkshire animal doctor in All Creatures Great and Small and All Things Bright and Beautiful.Now here's a third delightful volume of memoirs rich with Herriot's own brand of humor, insight, and wisdom, and the basis for the PBS Masterpiece drama.In the midst of World War II, James is training for the Royal Air Force, while going home to Yorkshire whenever possible to see his very pregnant wife, Helen. Musing on past adventures through the dales, visiting with old friends, and introducing scores of new and amusing characters-animal and human alike-Herriot enthralls with his uncanny ability to spin a most engaging and heartfelt yarn. Millions of readers have delighted in the wonderful storytelling and everyday miracles of James Herriot in the over thirty years since his delightful animal stories were first introduced to the world.

  • af James Herriot
    153,95 kr.

    Im Jahr 1937 nimmt ein junger Tierarzt namens James Herriot eine Stelle im wilden Yorkshire Dales an. Dort hat er es mit ungehobelten Viehzüchtern, exzentrischen Hundebesitzern und seinem chaotischen Chef Siegfried zu tun. Neben einem bissigen Hund und einem störrischen Pferd begegnet er auch der Liebe und wird schließlich ein echter Einwohner von Yorkshire.