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Bøger af James Farrell

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  • af James Farrell
    78,95 kr.

    It is the year 1998, and the state of CT wakes up to find they have been conquered by a foreign army wearing pirate outfits and flying Jolly Rogers flags as disguise. The pirates are led by a man calling himself, of course, Long James Silver. The rule of the invaders is strict and EM pulses keep technology low, but outlaws still manage to congregate in the hills. The largest group, that of Southington Mt, mounts an invasion of its' own, capturing a key fortress. War has begun.

  • - World's End 3: Vol. 9: The Onset of the World
    af James Farrell
    118,95 kr.

    This is the Ninth Volume of Arheled, and the third of the World's End trilogy. Taking place three years after the previous Volume, a short work depicting the horrible dreary life of the worshippers of Bannon in the post-apocalyptic nightmare is given first. Ash covers the earth, the enlarged sun makes every day 120 degrees, all waters are blood, and the bone-forests roar in boiling winds in the dull red light. Then the final plagues of the Apocalypse gather, and hail like bricks smashes all things, and the Sun goes out, and the powers of the world gather upon Winsted, to wage the last futile defense against the Rider of the Darkness.

  • - The Catalyst: The Catalyst/Van Helsing
    af James Farrell
    123,95 kr.

    "The world is ending, Forest, and the other side is shining through."The small town of Winsted and the ancient lake above it are overshadowed by a strange and deep mystery, a secret involving the very nature of reality itself. For every hundred years the Road returns to earth, and must be walked, by those whom Arheled has called. Ancient, laden with wisdom and with sorrow, the eternal guardian of the Road watches from the mountain named Temple Fell outside the town and broods over the pettiness of Men. Yet each century he must summon those who are wise, and teach them secrets that destroy the one who hears them, and at last reveal the great mystery of the heavens themselves and their true nature. But this time is not like the other times. Darkness is stirring under the earth. The Lord of Chaos is growing stronger. The Father of Dragons walks in Winsted as man, and seeds Dragon-born among the young people, and despair seeps through the world like a fog. The Powers of the North begin to gather, as the world darkens around them, and ancient foes rise out of the earth and from under the earth; foes that can only be stymied, never stopped. For the world at last is ending. Arheled knows all this, as he gazes out at the Northeast of the New World, and wonders whether he will even find any who are capable of hearing his call, and if he does, what will happen to them. For the Road is spinning out powers into the ones he calls, and the children he speaks to grow strong and fell, and stone and trees and brooks shudder at their command. So he builds, and prepares, and as he constructs on many levels of being the Five Fortresses to hold the North against the final onset of the Darkness from out of the South, he shakes his head in sorrow, for he knows it is all in vain. Strong is the Road, and stronger is its Warden, buit strongest of all is the Rider of the Darkness. In the end, the fortresses will fall, and Arheled will be smashed under the feet of the Dragons, and the Gates of the North that lie buried beneath the swampy meadow two miles north of Winsted, will be taken, and Chaos will use them to open the Gates of Hell. And when he does this, no power less that God Himself will be able to destroy him: and God, He sits in silence, and makes no sign, and it is e'en left to those below to defend as best as they may, that they may save their own souls out of the ruin of the worlds. But he will not go down without a fight. He will rouse the very trees of the earth and the hills of the North against the Rider, and the Powers of the North will be aided by the unforseen abilities of mortal Men. All this lingers in his ancient mind as he whispers in dreams and speaks eerie jesting riddles to the six young people he has selected, as a Fell Winter grips Winsted. The first three volumes comprise the Arheled trilogy, relating the vast secret that Arheled is revealing and the efforts of the Enemies to thwart this revelation being made. They may triumph in the end, but until then they will not succeed, and the Road returns to Temple Fell, and the Children walk it, and learn the secret that will give them power. The next three volumes relate the struggles between the gathering Powers of the North from many mythologies and legends, and the gathering Enemies, the Jotunn or Frost-giants, the Dragons, the Vampires, and the Nine Lords of the Night. Their struggles grow in strength and in destructive effect, causing worldwide plagues and disasters: the Plagues, in short, of the Apocalypse itself. As the world grows increasingly more dystopian and society fractures at the seams, a mysterious President takes office and founds a new religion, outlawing all others. Meanwhile the Grey Place opens, unleashing vampires to bite the living and cause by this bite a plague of despair and pain. The final volumes are yet in preparation; they will relate the Onset of the World against the Powers of the North, as the Last Battle opens.

  • - It's Not Quite a Utopia
    af James Farrell
    128,95 kr.

    One thousand years ago, the world ended.The Ancients covered the earth, a global civilization of such fascinating complexity as to defy imagination. Then the ancient fay-people, the Gardun-Houldu, returned, and with them the Heir of their Rings, who unleashed the Wrath of Eldarendar. And of all that civilization, eight cities alone remained.Now it is 3030 AD, and mankind has grown technological once again, learning to walk amid the stars, and Eldarendar tolerates this as long as it stays in the cities. But in the stars, they are beyond his reach, and he is worried, and the Pope is worried as well. What do the Mutopians do, when they walk among the stars? What horrors are they committing, beyond reach of God and man?Where pontiffs and magic Rings fail, professors may succeed. No one would ever suspect a flabby professor of philosophy to be the spy of Peter and of Eldarendar. Juldivere Osbaldistone finds many strange things in Mutopia, not least a secret society of warrior monks with their own space program, the refounded Order of the Temple of Solomon. Or as we know them, Knights Templars. In their flagship, the professor of philosophy penetrates the horrors of the stars, and finds there secrets he wishes he had not.

  • af James Farrell
    83,95 kr.

  • - 4th of the Jayhaya Tales
    af James Farrell
    78,95 kr.

    What would you do if you wrote a book, and then found it had come to life, and you were in it? Jesse Frost finds this out, when a second portal opens under the surface of Winterbourne Pond, leading into a world that turns out to be his book....taking place. But his book does not have a happy ending. As the Author, Jesse determines to destroy his own story and save his world. But his brash playmate Florian Paddock, who unbeknownst to all of them has Mather blood in his veins, has resurrected the Wand of Jayhaya and become a sorcerer of his own, determined to bring about the tragic ending.

  • - & The Return of Jayhaya
    af James Farrell
    83,95 kr.

    BALANCE OF POWER These are the First and Second Tales of Jayhaya, and the First Volume in the series. Tarah has moved into a dream house, a new box mansion out in pristine back country, with a village of old and creepy houses and sombre farmers who warn her against the tall mansion on the hill. Gradually she begins to realize she is the deciding factor in an age-long struggle between the farmers, and the sorcerer Jayhaya. The second story involves an ideal boyfriend, who turns out to be far too good to be true.

  • - It's not quite a Utopia
    af James Farrell
    123,95 kr.

    One thousand years ago, the world ended. The Ancients covered the earth, a global civilization of such fascinating complexity as to defy imagination. Then the ancient fay-people, the Gardun-Houldu, returned, and with them the Heir of their Rings, who unleashed the Wrath of Eldarendar. And of all that civilization, eight cities alone remained. Now it is 3030 AD, and mankind has grown technological once again, learning to walk amid the stars, and Eldarendar tolerates this as long as it stays in the cities. But in the stars, they are beyond his reach, and he is worried, and the Pope is worried as well. What do the Mutopians do, when they walk among the stars? What horrors are they committing, beyond reach of God and man? Where pontiffs and magic Rings fail, professors may succeed. No one would ever suspect a flabby professor of philosophy to be the spy of Peter and of Eldarendar. Juldivere Osbaldistone finds many strange things in Mutopia, not least a secret society of warrior monks with their own space program, the refounded Order of the Temple of Solomon. Or as we know them, Knights Templars. In their flagship, the professor of philosophy penetrates the horrors of the stars, and finds there secrets he wishes he had not. In this second voulme, the great war of the Mutopian army against Eldarendar and the frail powers of the Templar are recorded, as the Eight Cities are invaded from outer space and the Templar launch a desperate, hopeless strike force on the artificial Earth, sending three ships and 400 Knights to invade an entire planet.

  • - Book 2 of the Prophet
    af James Farrell
    88,95 kr.

    THE PROPHET IS UPON US!! He is a mysterious force, a power that appears out of nowhere, strikes from the shadows, delivers supers about to be arrested from the federal assassins and police, and vanishes without a trace. He is the Prophet, the telepathic priest Peter Salerno. But his old foe, the terrorist superhero Doomsman, has escaped from the prison he had been betrayed into, and has embarked upon a campaign of terrorizing one small town, running circles around the National Guard and the Army. But the atrocities he commits compel the Prophet to send in the Men of the Prophet in a battle more dangerous than any yet.

  • - The Blue Sword Awakes The Three Weapons The Forgotten Rider
    af James Farrell
    448,95 kr.

    In this collection of the three Tales of the Blue Sword, along with original illustrations and cover art by the author, are given the three Blue Sword books. Book One, THE BLUE SWORD AWAKES, describes the struggle of the last of the Old Race, Kelvin, to penetrate the Hidden Forges where the powerful Blue Sword slumbers, that he may deliver Arth from the demon-possessed computers called the Masters. Book Two, THE THREE WEAPONS, concerns the Historian Farrell, summoned by Tuldom the Smith to enter Arth by mystical cloud-realms bearing Three Weapons, a weapon physical, a weapon spiritual, and a weapon divine, to rescue Kelvin. Book Three, THE FORGOTTEN RIDER, takes place in a post-Masters primitive Arth of tribes and hunters. Except that they are haunted by a mysterious Rider who calls those who seek to remember the past. Darendil hunts the Rider to the Mountain of Saints, where Farrell enters Arth again to combat the Forgotten Rider.

  • - The Chronicles of Southford Vol. 1
    af James Farrell
    388,95 kr.

    In this First Volume of the annals of Southford Village in remote New York, I Archie Horton the Explorer present a brief record of my family's many tame adventures and life experiences. The Southford Historian James Farrell is on my back to make this sound more interesting, so I will have to bring in some lurid details such as my encounter with a monster in Dark Swamp, my adventure with the malevolent trees of the Wild Woods, and....sorry, Historian, that seems to be about all I can do for luridity. What's that? Oh, he says he'll publish it himself and not give me any of the proceeds. Have it your way. It is profusely illustrated in full color, which only ups the price. The Historian has no sense at all.

  • - An Apocalypse
    af James Farrell
    118,95 kr.

    The world ends in 2012. So discovers Matt O'Farrell as he goes about leading an ordinary Catholic life, and finds that every aspect of every facet of his life is divided by a mysterious President. The election year of 2004 is marked by division: though the President cannot be voted for by a Catholic due to supporting some abortions, most Catholics make excuses and vote for him. And when he wins, President Bannon turns out to be so good at leading astray even the Elect that Matt is caught up in his subtle traps, and in the end, he too succumbs....

  • - Icelord, The Summerwitch, The Halls of Doom
    af James Farrell
    148,95 kr.

    In this complete volume, the three Books of the Medallions of the Seasons are gathered into one Tale. Book One, The Icelord, relates the defeat of the Lord of Winter; Book Two The Summerwitch, describes the great hunt for the Medallions of the Seasons, into which was wrought the essence and the balance of each season. Book 3, The Halls of Doom, takes us through the weird mystical landscapes of the Library and the Lands of the SEasons, and so to the Halls of Doom upon the White Mountain above all worlds.

  • af James Farrell
    88,95 kr.

    THE WAR ON CHRISTMAS CONTINUES! The Train is laid to rest in the Graves of Arheled, and Farmer Merriweather, the human guise of St. Nicholas, is free to continue selling toys at his farm store, in addition to firing up his ancient Workshop in the reconquered North Pole. But children are vanishing, and some of them are of the Hogan family, who are known to be staunch Sons of Christmas, so named for the calibur of their Christmas spirit. And train whistles are being heard, in a town where no railroad has existed for 50 years. When Merriweather Farm is invaded by ninjas wielding Antichristmas weapons, and both Farmer Merriweather and Arheled are reported missing, Charles, the Hunter and the Elf Nichole chase a mysterious sleek modern train that travels in the same enchanted manner as the Train of Christmas. And there they find that an evil has arisen that is so subtle it can use Christmas itself against them....Secularism. To be exact, the Secular Santa, Santa Claus himself, divorced from St. Nicholas. And this foe cannot be battled. Christmas now must make war on Christmas.

  • - Pages of Wisdom, The Farm, Guardians, The Hand of the Bean, and Gun Control
    af James Farrell
    133,95 kr.

    Gathered here in this Volume are five shorter Tales, selected due to their possessing a common theme, the acquisition of Wisdom or the lack of it. Pages of Wisdom is an allegorical fantasy about a Giant who steals the wisdom of the Valley's inhabitants, keeping it shut in tomes. The Farm is an eerie tale of a woman farmer who encounters God the Father in human guise, is aided by him, and resenting it, kills him. Guardians relates the challenge of Clondo, a Guadian of the stories, to his superiors as he Intervenes in a Story to save a character he has fallen in love with. The sequel, Hand of the Bean, deals with Clondo entering a rogue Story out of fiction. Gun Control is a Catholic end-times novel of gun owners protesting gun control, to find themselves caught up in the Apocalypse.

  • - Book 6 of the Prophet
    af James Farrell
    118,95 kr.

    THE WAR IS OVER. Or so it would seem. The President has been assasinated and a former agent with superpowers, Ghost, has made himself King of America. But he inherits the feud with the Prophet's men, now encamped in a new country they carved out for themselves named Mutopia, and lays them seige, kidnapping nearly a dozen small children with superpowers they were sheltering. Escaping, the children lift the seige. But then King Ghost's most trusted and powerful super, the demonic Witch-Lord, rebels against him, by using the youngest and most powerful of the House of Fayblood, the Stingray, to steal everyone's powers. He sets out, not to rule the world, but to destroy it.

  • af James Farrell
    98,95 kr.

    In this correspondence, junior tempter, I, the experienced and wise Fallen Angel Saslarneas aim to enlighten your miserable (though edifyingly wicked) human mind on the finer points of our attack upon that institution of the Enemy, marriage, one particular unit of which you are assigned to tempt into destruction. Remember, do not fail me, junior, or I'll be authorised by High Command to take a bite out of you. In this volume is also presented a novella, KRAMPA KLAUS, in which Santa is a homicidal maniac who murders the naughty on Christmas Eve, as a result of excessive commercialization of Christmas and widespread human evil.

  • - The Men in Brown: The Men in Brown/ The Nine Lords of the Night
    af James Farrell
    123,95 kr.

    "The world is ending, Forest, and the other side is shining through." The small town of Winsted and the ancient lake above it are overshadowed by a strange and deep mystery, a secret involving the very nature of reality itself. For every hundred years the Road returns to earth, and must be walked, by those whom Arheled has called. Ancient, laden with wisdom and with sorrow, the eternal guardian of the Road watches from the mountain named Temple Fell outside the town and broods over the pettiness of Men. Yet each century he must summon those who are wise, and teach them secrets that destroy the one who hears them, and at last reveal the great mystery of the heavens themselves and their true nature. But this time is not like the other times. Darkness is stirring under the earth. The Lord of Chaos is growing stronger. The Father of Dragons walks in Winsted as man, and seeds Dragon-born among the young people, and despair seeps through the world like a fog. The Powers of the North begin to gather, as the world darkens around them, and ancient foes rise out of the earth and from under the earth; foes that can only be stymied, never stopped. For the world at last is ending. Arheled knows all this, as he gazes out at the Northeast of the New World, and wonders whether he will even find any who are capable of hearing his call, and if he does, what will happen to them. For the Road is spinning out powers into the ones he calls, and the children he speaks to grow strong and fell, and stone and trees and brooks shudder at their command. So he builds, and prepares, and as he constructs on many levels of being the Five Fortresses to hold the North against the final onset of the Darkness from out of the South, he shakes his head in sorrow, for he knows it is all in vain. Strong is the Road, and stronger is its Warden, buit strongest of all is the Rider of the Darkness. In the end, the fortresses will fall, and Arheled will be smashed under the feet of the Dragons, and the Gates of the North that lie buried beneath the swampy meadow two miles north of Winsted, will be taken, and Chaos will use them to open the Gates of Hell. And when he does this, no power less that God Himself will be able to destroy him: and God, He sits in silence, and makes no sign, and it is e'en left to those below to defend as best as they may, that they may save their own souls out of the ruin of the worlds. But he will not go down without a fight. He will rouse the very trees of the earth and the hills of the North against the Rider, and the Powers of the North will be aided by the unforseen abilities of mortal Men. All this lingers in his ancient mind as he whispers in dreams and speaks eerie jesting riddles to the six young people he has selected, as a Fell Winter grips Winsted. The first three volumes comprise the Arheled trilogy, relating the vast secret that Arheled is revealing and the efforts of the Enemies to thwart this revelation being made. They may triumph in the end, but until then they will not succeed, and the Road returns to Temple Fell, and the Children walk it, and learn the secret that will give them power. The next three volumes relate the struggles between the gathering Powers of the North from many mythologies and legends, and the gathering Enemies, the Jotunn or Frost-giants, the Dragons, the Vampires, and the Nine Lords of the Night. Their struggles grow in strength and in destructive effect, causing worldwide plagues and disasters: the Plagues, in short, of the Apocalypse itself. As the world grows increasingly more dystopian and society fractures at the seams, a mysterious President takes office and founds a new religion, outlawing all others. Meanwhile the Grey Place opens, unleashing vampires to bite the living and cause by this bite a plague of despair and pain. The final volumes are yet in preparation; they will relate the Onset of the World against the Powers of the North, as the Last Battle opens

  • af James Farrell
    78,95 kr.

    On the grim drought-withered mountains above Meriden CT, in the year 1999, Michael met the abyss. A writer was scribbling in a notebook, a look of fascination and terror in his face. "Gotta write. Twister likes this sort of place. Twister wants to be born." Michael tears it out of his hand and throws it over the cliff. But a book must be destroyed if it is to be prevented. Now a movie is being filmed from that script, a movie about a character named Twister, who is not merely demented, but evil itself. And the actors who portray him, all go if they were becoming Twister himself. Caught up in a game increasingly mad, in which the stakes are the very souls of the people involved, Michael realizes there is no way to win except to remain untwisted.

  • - Second of the Tales of the Blue Sword
    af James Farrell
    83,95 kr.

    "Thou may take with thee three things; choose thou well what they will be." "Of what nature may they be?" I asked. "Thou may take a weapon physical, a weapon spiritual, and a weapon divine." These are the Three Weapons that the Southford Historian Farrell is to take with him into the world of Arth when he is summoned to rescue Kelvin the King. Choosing a sword, a Bible and a Rosary, each grants him power, and only by means of them can he battle Marcum and the Mundos. But to get there at all he has to traverse the realm of the Storehouses of the Snow, in the very clouds themselves.

  • - Being a New Presentation of Finnish Myth
    af James Farrell
    148,95 kr.

    This takes place in the context of the Arheled series, being narrated by several characters from said series. It is a retelling of the Finnish mythological epic, the Kalevala, from the mouth of Vainamoinen himself. Here are revealed the fascinating myths of the balsam from which Man was brewed, the singing of the world, the forging of the sky, and the adventures among mortals of the demiurgic heros. Chief among them is Vainamoinen, the eternal wisdom-singer, and his brother the master craftsman Ilmarinen, and their chief adversary is Ilmarinen's mother-in-law, the terrible witch Louhi, possessor of the magic grinder named the Sampo.

  • - The Third Tale of the Blue Sword
    af James Farrell
    78,95 kr.

    THEY HAVE HEARD HIS CALL. In the frost-rimed hills the tribes of Men lead a simple hunter's life. The past is forgotten and best left alone. For those who do seek to remember the past....vanish. Darendil and his Hunters cannot suffer this. They vow to pursue the Rider to his lair, wherever it may be, and rescue their stolen friends. They find themselves caught up in things far bigger than they can guess, as the lost past begins to stir....until they come to the secret mountain where memory fades....

  • - World's End 2: Volume 2
    af James Farrell
    128,95 kr.

    This is the 8th Volume of Arheled, and the 2nd volume of the World's End trilogy. In an increasingly dystopian world, shattered by plagues and reeling with vampires, Ilmarinen learns from Justine's diary how she came under the spell of President Bannon, who is clearly revealing himself now as the Antichrist and leading all astray. A last attempt to rescue her fails, and she becomes Bannon's mistress. As the fearsome brother of Arheled gains his destiny as the wielder of the River Daslenga, and Surtr infiltrates the police, the Midgarth Serpent shakes, causing worldwide volcanic ashfall. Then the sun enlarges, and Elias and Enoch curse the earth, and the world ends, and all is red sun and black ash, and blood. And still the Onset of the World waits for the few Elect.

  • - Excerpts from the Halls of Reproach
    af James Farrell
    123,95 kr.

    Here lies the Renowned King Arthur in Insula Avallonia, with Guinevere his 2nd wife. These are the words on Arthur's tombstone, but the tale behind the huge bones found in 1190 behind Glastonbury Abbey has always been distorted. Now not only the Death of Arthur, and his taking away and return in death, are here related, but also the Fall of Merlin. Seduced by a woman he knows will betray him and knows the betrayal must be done that he may sleep till the world's end, Merlin goes along with her until he has taught her the fatal lore of casting a Sleeper. Here also are given Excerpts from the Halls of Reproach, regarding many new versions never before seen of Norse mythology. This companion book to the Arheled series cannot be avoided.

  • - The Deathless One
    af James Farrell
    88,95 kr.

    This is the Third Volume of Muopia. In the ruins of Europe, 1000 years after the Wrath of Eldarendar ended our civilization, a medieval people in a fortified dale are threatened by mysterious wizards who fly in sky-fish. Going into the lands around Nordomba, Thanedune seeks the scattered fay-peoples as allies, and quickly finds himself caught up in a titanic struggle between the powers of fairyland....and the Mutopian scientists. Taking place during the invasion by Mutopian forces from Tertha, it reveals what else was going on while Juldivere and the Templars battled in space.

  • - The Angel & the Prophet, The War of the Prophet, The Formation of the Prophet
    af James Farrell
    148,95 kr.

    In this Second Volume of the Complete Prophet series are presented the middle three books. Angel & Prophet relates the arise of Cherubim and the opening of the great War of the Prophet; the War is related in the second book, along with the destruction of the federal government and the foundation of Mutopia, with the corps of supers named Ghost Riders the sole remaining threat. The Formation of the Prophet relates the happenings leading up to the Prophet's arising, how he gained his first pupils, how the Rockman copter came into his possession, and how the Prophet was crippled.

  • - The Fifth Tale of Jayhaya
    af James Farrell
    78,95 kr.

    BALANCE. BALANCE. EVERYTHING IS BALANCE.This dark tale is given by me, Stevie Paddock, from the revelations of my deceased aunt Hepzibah Mather, who was the slave and mistress of both her father and brother. For my father is the son of Jayhaya.Here the grim history of the sorcerer that has haunted the village of Old Street and whom the Catholic farmers have battled for three hundred years, is at last revealed. How he arose out of the wizard family of the Mathers, how he raped my grandmother and thus begot John Paddock, how he gained his power by a horrible feast, and many other details till now unknown about our past history. Make the Sign of the Cross before you read this, for this is a tale of the rising of a sorcerer.

  • af James Farrell
    198,95 kr.

    Author page: Other Appendages of Farrellverse Arheled Wiki Fandom In this research volume, I present my analysis of weather patterns that occur on an annual basis in the central portion of Connecticut, USA, where I reside. Over 25 years I have observed the weather closely, until from 2019 to 2022 I slowly began the enormous task of compiling weather history for the time period in the attempt to figure out exactly what Global Warming might be happening, whether it was real, and in the process to solve weather mysteries such as the strange Fell Winters of the 2010s (three of them in five years, those of 2010-11, 2013-14, and 2014-15) or the September Ovens of 2015 and 2016.I compiled the data gleaned from weather stations and balanced against the recorded observations in my diaries, in the form of weather calendars, and was then able to isolate no less than 35 repeating annual weather patterns that, despite cyclic fluctuations, retained the base form year by year. As to the cause of these phenomena, I am not equipped to analyze, as I am strictly an amateur observing thermometers and precipitation on the ground. Still, I am convinced most of the patterns I have uncovered have escaped the attention of meteorologists and weather experts, as I have never uncovered any mention of them in what few online resources I could find; like all researchers, therefore, my findings contain unique insights and discoveries although strictly limited in focus and domain, and may prove useful for understanding the weather of the southern half of New England.

  • - First Tale of the Blue Sword
    af James Farrell
    88,95 kr.

    IT MUST NOT AWAKE. "When the traffic lights burn blue, when the Blue Sword awakes, then take care, then take care, for your doom is near!" Computers possessed by demons called the Masters have ruled the Arth for over a thousand years. The Perfect Men they have bred by vile arts now fill the Arth, and the Old Race of ordinary men born of women, are extinct. Except for one young man, preserved by the mysterious agency of other powers hidden in the Mountains, who is destined to awake the Blue Sword in which lies the doom of the Masters. They are pulling out all the stops in their efforts to prevent him reaching the Hidden Forges where the Sword slumbers.

  • - A Superhero Novel
    af James Farrell
    113,95 kr.

    "YOU MAY CALL ME THE PROPHET." His name is Peter Salerno, a Catholic priest. He can read the heart....and control it. A very useful thing to have, when more and more people are suddenly beginning to gain superpowers, in an age of increasing hostility and, in secret, government assassination. He is not the only one to have the idea of collecting superheros. His old colleague, Jude Chester, whose family has been massacred by federal agents, has darker thoughts than merely establishing a secret refuge. He wants war. He wants blood. And only the Prophet can restrain him.