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Bøger af James Ellroy

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  • af James Ellroy
    128,95 kr.

    America is about to emerge into a bright new age - an age that will last until the 1000 days of John F Kennedy's presidency.

  • af James Ellroy
    118,95 kr.

  • af James Ellroy
    153,95 kr.

    Los Angeles has been a haven for loyal Japanese-Americans - but now, war fever and race hate grip the city and the Japanese internment begins. It is World War II as you have never seen it, and Los Angeles as James Ellroy has never written it before.

  • af James Ellroy
    198,95 kr.

    The Demon Dog of American Letters goes straight to the tragic heart of postwar Hollywood with the story of Marilyn Monroe's untimely death, in an astonishing, ripped-from-the-headlines crime story. This is a luminous psychological drama, an unparalleled thrill ride, and a transcendent work of American popular fiction.

  • af James Ellroy
    178,95 kr.

    LA, 1962. Marilyn Monroe ODs. The Chief calls in Freddy Otash, a tainted ex-cop and freelance extortionist. He tears through all those who block his path to the truth and tracks down Marilyn Monroe's horrific last charade through a nightmare L.A. that he served to create. It's the Summer of '62, baby, and Freddy O.'s got a hot date with history.

  • af James Ellroy
    128,95 kr.

    A startling panorama of Los Angeles in the fifties. New Year's Eve as 1949 turns to 1950, Los Angeles: The City of Angels has becomes the city of the Angel of Death. Communist witch-hunts and insanely violent killings are terrorising the community.

  • af James Ellroy
    118,95 kr.

  • af James Ellroy
    94,95 - 139,95 kr.

    De to politimænd og gamle boksekammerater Lee Blanchard og Dwight "Bucky" Bleichert skal efterforske et brutalt sex-mord på en ung barpige med skuespillerdrømme. Liget af Elisabeth Short eller "Black Dahlia", som hun senere bliver navngivet, findes parteret i en park i Los Angeles i 1947 og medierne går amok i spekulationer. Samtidig viser forbrydelsen sig at få store konsekvenser for politimakkerparret. Mens mordet på Elisabeth Short giver Lee mindelser om hans egen søsters pludselige forsvinden, begynder Buck at identificere sig med offerets omflakkende liv. I forsøget på at opklare mordet ledes Buck og Lee dybere og dybere ned i både L.A.’s og psykens underverden. "Sorte Dahlia" er et portræt af efterkrigstidens Los Angeles som en by i fordærv og et arnested for politikorruption. Romanen er baseret på virkelige hændelse, og mordet på Elisabeth Short forbliver den dag i dag uopklaret. Sagen er fortsat genstand for megen spekulation og mulige teorier om, hvem der mon stod bag. Los Angeles-kvartetten er en serie af fire krimier, der kredser om vrangsiden af Los Angeles i 1940'erne og 1950'erne.James Ellroy (f. 1948) er amerikansk forfatter og essayist. En omtumlet barndom og ungdom fik ham til at interessere sig for vrangsiden af efterkrigstidens USA, der på overfladen var præget af velstand, økonomisk opsving og en voksende middelklasse. Særligt er han kendt for serien "Los Angeles-kvartetten", der kredser om Los Angelses' underverden i 1940'erne og 1950'erne. Forfatterskabet har indbragt Ellroy adskillige priser, herunder The Grand Master Award i 2015 - en ærespris, der gives til forfattere, hvis livsværk holder en ualmindelig høj kvalitet. Flere af Ellroys bøger er filmatiseret, heriblandt den anmelderroste "L.A. Confidential" fra 1997 med blandt andre Kevin Spacey og Russell Crowe i hovedrollerne.

  • af James Ellroy
    393,95 kr.

    The Black Dahlia depicts the infrastructure of L.A.'s most sensational murder case. And the inglorious Los Angeles Police Department to disentangle the conspiracy that links it all together. White Jazz gives us the tortured confession of a cop who's gone to the bad - killer, slum landlord and parasitic exploiter.

  • af James Ellroy
    118,95 kr.

    Then the Feds announce a full-out investigation into local police corruption, and everything goes haywire.Klein's been hung out as bait, "a bad cop to draw the heat," and the heat's coming from all sides: from local politicians, from LAPD brass, from racketeers and drug kingpins--all of them hell-bent on keeping their own secrets hidden.

  • - Classic Noir
    af James Ellroy
    118,95 kr.

    One of the best (and longest) crime novels ever written, it is the heart of Ellroy's four-novel masterpiece, the LA Quartet, and an example of crime writing at its most powerful.

  • af James Ellroy
    118,95 kr.

  • af James Ellroy
    138,95 kr.

    There follows a hellish five-year ride through the sordid underbelly of public policy via Las Vegas, Howard Hughes, Vietnam, CIA dope dealing, Cuba, sleazy showbiz, racism and the Klan. This is the 1960s under Ellroy's blistering lens, the icons of the era mingled with cops, killers, hoods, and provocateurs.

  • af James Ellroy
    133,95 kr.

    It's 1968. Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King are dead. The Mob, Howard Hughes and J Edgar Hoover are in a struggle for America's soul, drawing into their murderous conspiracies the dammed and the soon-to-be damned. Wayne Tedrow Jr: parricide, assassin, dope cooker, mouthpiece for all sides, loyal to none.

  • af James Ellroy
    105,95 - 139,95 kr.

    Rikoskirjallisuuden mestariteos ikonisen L.A. Confidential -elokuvan takana.Joulu 1951 Los Angelesissa. Humalaiset poliisit pahoinpitelevät kuusi vankia sairaalakuntoon. Tapauksen jälkipyykki asettaa vastakkain kolme erilaista LAPD:n poliisia. Ed Exley janoaa kunniaa, Jack Vincennes kuuluisuutta ja Bud White kostoa, ja miehet tavoittelevat haluamaansa keinolla millä hyvänsä.Kun raaka joukkomurha Night Owl -kahvilassa järkyttää koko kaupunkia, Exleyn, Whiten ja Vincennesin tiet kohtaavat uudestaan. Kolmikko ajautuu epätodennäköiseen yhteistyöhön selvittääkseen tapausta, joka vaikuttaa sattumanvaraiselta ryöstömurhalta. Rikos ei kuitenkaan jätä heitä rauhaan, ja mitä enemmän he tapausta penkovat, sitä syvemmälle he uppoavat korruptoituneen kaupungin valheiden ja väkivallan verkkoon.James Ellroy (s. 1948) on palkittu amerikkalainen rikoskirjailija ja esseisti. Monet hänen hyytävistä ja tiheäjuonisista romaaneistaan ovat nousseet kansainvälisiksi bestsellereiksi. Romaanit L.A. – Langennut kaupunki ja Musta Dahlia on nähty myös valkokankaalla.

  • af James Ellroy
    91,95 kr.

    Ikoninen true crime -romaani Kalifornian kuuluisimmasta rikoksesta, Mustan Dahlian murhasta.Tammikuussa 1947 Elizabeth Shortin kahtia leikattu ja silvottu ruumis löydetään hylätyltä tontilta Los Anglesissa. Lehdissä uhri ristitään Mustaksi Dahliaksi hänen nuoren ja kauniin ulkomuotonsa takia. Nainen on saapunut kaupunkiin näyttelijänuran perässä, eikä hänen järkyttävä kohtalonsa jätä ketään rauhaan.Tapausta selvittämään nimitetään Bucky Bleichert ja Lee Blanchard Los Angelesin poliisista. Kaksikko tunnetaan yksikkönsä sisällä Tulena ja Jäänä, mutta vastakohtaisuudestaan huolimatta heistä on tullut ystäviä. Shortin murhan tutkinta lyö kuitenkin kiilan Bleichertin ja Blanchardin välille. Dahliasta tulee kummallekin pakkomielle, ja tapaus johdattaa miehet syvälle Hollywoodin pimeimpiin kerroksiin. Kun jokaisen kulman takana vaanii vaara, voivatko miehet luottaa tapauksen ratkaisemisessa keneenkään – edes toisiinsa?Ellroyn Mustasta Dahliasta on ilmestynyt myös elokuva The Black Dahlia (2006), jonka on ohjannut Carrie ja Scarface -elokuvista tunnettu Brian De Palma.James Ellroy (s. 1948) on palkittu amerikkalainen rikoskirjailija ja esseisti. Monet hänen hyytävistä ja tiheäjuonisista romaaneistaan ovat nousseet kansainvälisiksi bestsellereiksi. Romaanit L. A. – Langennut kaupunki ja Musta Dahlia on nähty myös valkokankaalla.

  • af James Ellroy
    139,95 kr.

    »A unique voice in American crime writing« Sunday TelegraphLos Angeles 1947: Auf einem verlassenen Grundstück wird die Leiche einer jungen Frau entdeckt – nackt und bestialisch zugerichtet. Der Mord der Schwarzen Dahlie macht Schlagzeilen und löst die größte Verbrecherjagd in der Geschichte Kaliforniens aus. Für Bucky Bleichert und Lee Blanchard vom Los Angeles Police Department wird die Suche nach dem Mörder zur Obsession.Ulrich Pleitgen war ein deutscher Schauspieler und Sprecher, der dem Publikum hauptsächlich durch seine Fernsehrollen bekannt geworden ist. Seine Lesung von "Die schwarze Dahlie" ist ein Meisterwerk der Spannungsliteratur.James Ellroy, Jahrgang 1948, begann seine Schriftstellerkarriere 1979 mit "Browns Grabgesang". Mit "Die Schwarze Dahlie" gelang ihm der internationale Durchbruch. Unter anderem wurde Ellroy fünfmal mit dem Deutschen Krimipreis ausgezeichnet, zahlreiche Bücher wurden verfilmt, darunter "L.A. Confidential".

  • af James Ellroy
    198,95 kr.

    AN NPR BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR • James Ellroy—Demon Dog of American Letters—goes straight to the tragic heart of 1962 Hollywood with a wild riff on the Marilyn Monroe death myth in an astonishing, behind-the-headlines crime epic.“James Ellroy, the neo-noir eminence of L.A. crime fiction, is back, with his favorite snake, Fred Otash, in tow. . . . And he sure can shoulder a novel." —Parul Sehgal, The New YorkerLos Angeles, August 4, 1962. The city broils through a midsummer heat wave. Marilyn Monroe ODs. A B-movie starlet is kidnapped. The overhyped LAPD overreacts. Chief Bill Parker’s looking for some getback. The Monroe deal looks like a moneymaker. He calls in Freddy Otash. The freewheeling Freddy O: tainted ex-cop, defrocked private eye, dope fiend, and freelance extortionist. A man who lives by the maxim “Opportunity is love.” Freddy gets to work. He dimly perceives Marilyn Monroe’s death and the kidnapped starlet to be a poisonous riddle that only he has the guts and the brains to untangle. We are with him as he tears through all those who block his path to the truth. We are with him as he penetrates the faux-sunshine of Jack and Bobby Kennedy and the shuck of Camelot. We are with him as he falters, and grasps for love beyond opportunity. We are with him as he tracks Marilyn Monroe’s horrific last charade through a nightmare L.A. that he served to create — and as he confronts his complicity and his own raging madness. It’s the Summer of ’62, baby. Freddy O’s got a hot date with history. The savage Sixties are ready to pop. It’s just a shot away.The Enchanters is a transcendent work of American popular fiction. It is James Ellroy at his most crazed, brilliant, provocative, profanely hilarious, and stop-your-heart tender. It is a luminous psychological drama and an unparalleled thrill ride. It is, resoundingly, the great American crime novel.

  • af James Ellroy
    93,95 - 139,95 kr.

    Tre vidt forskellige politifolk bringes sammen af en massakre på kaffebaren 'The Night Owl' i Los Angeles. Den anstændige betjent Edmund Exley er optaget af en stor skandale om politibrutalitet. Hans modsætning er den voldsparate strømer Wendell 'Bud' White, der er personligt besat af kriminalsager, hvor mænd misbruger kvinder. Mellem de to yderligheder står betjenten Jack Vincennes, der snarere fungerer som berømthed end politimand. Han er stjernen i politiets tv-show "Badge of Honor" og lækker i hemmelighed oplysninger og insider-viden til pressen. Sagen kræver, at de tre politimænd må sætte deres forskelle til side for at afdække massakren. Det bliver en blodig efterforskning, som afslører forbindelser til narko- og pornomiljøet, filmbranchen og politikorruption. "De faldne engles by" er tredje del af James Ellroys serie "Los Angeles-kvartetten", der også indebærer romanerne "Sorte Dahlia", "Ingenmandsland" og "Hvid jazz".Los Angeles-kvartettenLos Angeles-kvartetten er en serie af fire krimier, der kredser om vrangsiden af Los Angeles i 1940'erne og 1950'erne.James Ellroy (f. 1948) er amerikansk forfatter og essayist. En omtumlet barndom og ungdom fik ham til at interessere sig for vrangsiden af efterkrigstidens USA, der på overfladen var præget af velstand, økonomisk opsving og en voksende middelklasse. Særligt er han kendt for serien "Los Angeles-kvartetten", der kredser om Los Angelses' underverden i 1940'erne og 1950'erne. Forfatterskabet har indbragt Ellroy adskillige priser, herunder The Grand Master Award i 2015 - en ærespris, der gives til forfattere, hvis livsværk holder en ualmindelig høj kvalitet. Flere af Ellroys bøger er filmatiseret, heriblandt den anmelderroste "L.A. Confidential" fra 1997 med blandt andre Kevin Spacey og Russell Crowe i hovedrollerne.

  • af James Ellroy
    298,95 kr.

    "Los Angeles, August 4, 1962. The city broils through a mid-summer heat wave. Marilyn Monroe ODs. A B-movie starlet is kidnapped. The overhyped LAPD overreacts. Chief Bill Parker's looking for some getback. The Monroe deal looks like a moneymaker. He calls in Freddy Otash. The freewheeling Freddy O.: tainted ex-cop, defrocked private eye, dope fiend, and freelance extortionist. ... Freddy gets to work. He dimly perceives Marilyn Monroe's death and the kidnapped starlet to be a poisonous riddle that only he has the guts and the brains to untangle. We are with him as he tears through all those who block his path to the truth. We are with him as he penetrates the faux-sunshine of Jack and Bobby Kennedy and the shuck of Camelot. We are with him as he falters, and grasps for love beyond opportunity"--

  • af James Ellroy
    118,95 - 253,95 kr.

  • af James Ellroy
    333,95 kr.

    "Los Angeles, August 4, 1962. The city broils through a mid-summer heat wave. Marilyn Monroe ODs. A B-movie starlet is kidnapped. The overhyped LAPD overreacts. Chief Bill Parker's looking for some getback. The Monroe deal looks like a moneymaker. He calls in Freddy Otash. The freewheeling Freddy O.: tainted ex-cop, defrocked private eye, dope fiend, and freelance extortionist. ... Freddy gets to work. He dimly perceives Marilyn Monroe's death and the kidnapped starlet to be a poisonous riddle that only he has the guts and the brains to untangle. We are with him as he tears through all those who block his path to the truth. We are with him as he penetrates the faux-sunshine of Jack and Bobby Kennedy and the shuck of Camelot. We are with him as he falters, and grasps for love beyond opportunity"--

  • af James Ellroy
    188,95 kr.

  • af James Ellroy
    131,95 kr.

  • af James Ellroy
    238,95 kr.

    «Uno acude a Ellroy para revolcarse en la sangre y el barro, para someterse a los giros y traiciones de la trama'. Los Angeles Times Regresa el maestro moderno del noir, en su más descarnada esencia, con una novela basada en el personaje real Freddy Otash, malévolo monarca de la clandestinidad en el Los Ángeles de los años cincuenta. Freddy Otash es un expolicía en horas bajas. Liquidó a un asesino de polis a sangre fría, así que el jefe William H. Parker lo despachó. Ahora es un detective privado con mala reputación, un artista de la extorsión y sobre todo el matón jefe de Confidential, la revista sensacionalista que esparce cotilleos sobre las flaquezas de misántropas estrellas de cine y difunde trapos sucios de políticos papanatas y gente de la alta sociedad con inclinación por el sexo sucio. Jack Kennedy, James Dean, Montgomery Clift, Burt Lancaster, Liz Taylor, Rock Hudson... Freddy el Frenético los ha puesto en evidencia a todos. Era el Cacique del Cotilleo que tomó a Hollywood como rehén, y ahora, desde el purgatorio, ha venido a confesarlo todo. Narrado con la voz brutalmente divertida de Freddy, Pánico es una virulenta revelación, sin ambages, de la corrupción y la paranoia, del pecado y la redención. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION From the modern master of noir comes a novel based on the real-life Hollywood fixer Freddy Otash, the malevolent monarch of the 1950s L.A. underground, and his Tinseltown tabloid Confidential magazine. Freddy Otash was the man in the know and the man to know in '50s L.A. He was a rogue cop, a sleazoid private eye, a shakedown artist, a pimp--and, most notably, the head strong-arm goon for Confidential magazine. Confidential presaged the idiot internet--and delivered the dirt, the dish, the insidious ink, and the scurrilous skank. It mauled misanthropic movie stars, sex-soiled socialites, and putzo politicians. Mattress Jack Kennedy, James Dean, Montgomery Clift, Burt Lancaster, Liz Taylor, Rock Hudson--Frantic Freddy outed them all. He was the Tattle Tyrant who held Hollywood hostage, and now he's here to CONFESS. "I'm consumed with candor and wracked with recollection. I'm revitalized and resurgent. My meshugenah march down memory lane begins NOW." In Freddy's viciously entertaining voice, Widespread Panic torches 1950s Hollywood to the ground. It's a blazing revelation of coruscating corruption, pervasive paranoia, and of sin and redemption with nothing in between. Here is James Ellroy in savage quintessence. Freddy Otash confesses--and you are here to read and succumb.

  • af James Ellroy
    458,95 kr.

    Here in one volume is James Ellroy's first great body of work, an epic re-envisioning of postwar Los Angeles--etched in red and black and film-noir grays.The Black Dahlia depicts the secret infrastructure of L.A.'s most sensational murder case. A young cop morphs into obsessed lover and lust-crazed avenger. The Dahlia claims him. She is the deus ex machina of a boomtown in extremis. The cop's rogue investigation is a one-way ticket to hell.The Big Nowhere blends the crime novel and the political novel. It is winter, 1950--and the L.A. County Grand Jury is out to slam movieland Reds. It's a reverential shuck--and the three cops assigned to the job are out to grab all the glory they can. A series of brutal sex killings intervenes, and the job goes all-the-way bad.L.A. Confidential is the great novel of Los Angeles in the 1950s. Political corruption. Scandal-rag journalism. Bad racial juju and gangland wars. Six local stiffs slaughtered in an all-night hash house. The glorious and overreaching LAPD on an unprecedented scale.White Jazz gives us the tortured confession of a corrupt cop going down for the count. He's a slumlord, a killer, a parasitic exploiter. He's a pawn in a series of police power plays and starting to see that he's being had. He's just met a woman. Thus, he's determined to claw his way out of the horrifying world he's created--and he's determined to tell us everything.The L.A. Quartet is a groundbreaking work of American popular fiction.

  • af James Ellroy
    227,95 kr.

    Since its inception in 1915, the Best American series has become the premier annual showcase for the country's finest short fiction and nonfiction. For each volume, a series editor reads pieces from hundreds of periodicals, then selects between fifty and a hundred outstanding works. That selection is pared down to the twenty or so very best pieces by a guest editor who is widely recognized as a leading writer in his or her field. This unique system has helped make the Best American series the most respected -- and most popular -- of its kind. In his introduction to this year's collection, James Ellroy explores the differences between the novel and the short story. Included here are experts at both forms. Featuring renowned novelists like Stuart Kaminsky, Michael Connelly, Joe Gores, and Robert B. Parker, as well as veterans of this series like Brendan DuBois, Michael Downs, Joyce Carol Oates, and Clark Howard, this edition will delight readers with its wide variety and peerless quality.

  • af James Ellroy
    228,95 kr.

    The internationally acclaimed author of the L.A. Quartet and The Underworld USA Trilogy, James Ellroy, presents another literary noir masterpiece of historical paranoia.Los Angeles, 1958. Killings, beatings, bribes, shakedowns--it's standard procedure for Lieutenant Dave Klein, LAPD. He's a slumlord, a bagman, an enforcer--a power in his own small corner of hell. Then the Feds announce a full-out investigation into local police corruption, and everything goes haywire.Klein's been hung out as bait, "a bad cop to draw the heat," and the heat's coming from all sides: from local politicians, from LAPD brass, from racketeers and drug kingpins--all of them hell-bent on keeping their own secrets hidden. For Klein, "forty-two and going on dead," it's dues time.Klein tells his own story--his voice clipped, sharp, often as brutal as the events he's describing--taking us with him on a journey through a world shaped by monstrous ambition, avarice, and perversion. It's a world he created, but now he'll do anything to get out of it alive.Fierce, riveting, and honed to a razor edge, White Jazz is crime fiction at its most shattering.

  • af James Ellroy
    188,95 kr.

  • af James Ellroy
    178,95 kr.