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Bøger af Jackie Wang

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  • af Jackie Wang
    164,45 kr.

    Essays on the contemporary continuum of incarceration: the biopolitics of juvenile delinquency, predatory policing, the political economy of fees and fines, and algorithmic policing.What we see happening in Ferguson and other cities around the country is not the creation of livable spaces, but the creation of living hells. When people are trapped in a cycle of debt it also can affect their subjectivity and how they temporally inhabit the world by making it difficult for them to imagine and plan for the future. What psychic toll does this have on residents? How does it feel to be routinely dehumanized and exploited by the police?—from Carceral CapitalismIn this collection of essays in Semiotext(e)'s Intervention series, Jackie Wang examines the contemporary incarceration techniques that have emerged since the 1990s. The essays illustrate various aspects of the carceral continuum, including the biopolitics of juvenile delinquency, predatory policing, the political economy of fees and fines, cybernetic governance, and algorithmic policing. Included in this volume is Wang's influential critique of liberal anti-racist politics, "Against Innocence,” as well as essays on RoboCop, techno-policing, and the aesthetic problem of making invisible forms of power legible.Wang shows that the new racial capitalism begins with parasitic governance and predatory lending that extends credit only to dispossess later. Predatory lending has a decidedly spatial character and exists in many forms, including subprime mortgage loans, student loans for sham for-profit colleges, car loans, rent-to-own scams, payday loans, and bail bond loans. Parasitic governance, Wang argues, operates through five primary techniques: financial states of exception, automation, extraction and looting, confinement, and gratuitous violence. While these techniques of governance often involve physical confinement and the state-sanctioned execution of black Americans, new carceral modes have blurred the distinction between the inside and outside of prison. As technologies of control are perfected, carcerality tends to bleed into society.

  • - Lake of Fire
    af Jackie Wang
    149,45 kr.

    Archon Greta Sanchez and Strategos Evan Nubia struggle to hold together the Manhattan Union, amid Acolyte Possession Attacks, factional strife, and Database cartel crimes, while Sister Consuela Grajales tries to provide spiritual guidance to the people after she has renounced violence. But, when the Acolyte Possessions threaten all of their families directly the former Apostates consult Simon Schrubb about this mysterious threat. Simon Schrubb directs them to seek out Paradise, a hypothetical super backup server that just may hold the key to the Acolytes. And so, they set off in an armored convoy across the radioactive city ruins and dead tree littered wastelands on their perilous quest. Little do the Apostates know that Apedemak Nubia and his Nubian Braves fight for control of their home, Sulfur Springs, which is said to hold Paradise, against the Trinity, a being that somehow controls the Acolyte Horde. As the Nubians split up to search out allies east and west, the Republic of Ukiah finds unlikely allies in the Nubian Braves, and the former Prelate Ayane Inoguchi, who struggles to reconcile her past, while helping to defend the Republic from an all-out Chinese invasion of the West Coast, But, amid all the chaos the Lake of Fire burns deep below the Earth and threatens to undue all labors to consume the world and usher all souls to Paradise in the name of the Trinity and the Proxy Messiah.

  • af Jackie Wang
    159,45 kr.

    I'm carny trash turned gigolo. When I was seventeen, I swallowed swords. Now I swallow my pride and sell my body on the Las Vegas strip. I make three hundred bucks a day, but I still live in a trailer because I blow every dime I have on slots. Vegas was supposed to make me richer than Midas. It was supposed to be my lucky paradise, my big break. But instead of filling with green, my wallet filled up with debt. Instead of hope, my heart filled up with bitterness, rage and disgust. I wanted to end the cycle of poverty and addiction that enslaved me. Was about to pull the trigger and take my life when she showed up and changed the game. Rose Hathaway. Fiery hair, feisty personality and hotter than the devil she dressed up as for Halloween. She stopped me from making the biggest mistake of my life. And how did I repay her? By ruining her life and destroying her career six months later. This is our story. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This book contains some sensitive subject matter that may trigger some readers.

  • - Remnants
    af Jackie Wang
    124,45 kr.

    After the fall of the ruling Regime of New Megiddo, the John W. Schrubb Administration, the remnants of the country are fought over by the Republic of China Army, the Societatum Pentagram, 'Database' cartels, and independent city-states. Greta Sanchez, a former Apostate resistance commander who had sought refuge in West Europa is haunted by the nuclear annihilation of the old capital, New Megiddo City. In order to atone for her complicity in the destruction, she resolves to return to America to stop a new war. Greta sets out to track down her old comrades to reform the Apostates to meet new threats.

  • - A Dark Romance
    af Jackie Wang
    194,45 kr.

    Homeless. Broken. Outcast. Ryder is an ex-con fueled by one thing: revenge. His target: his enemy's only daughter, a prissy billionaire heiress. His new pawn. If he can win over Cally, he might just have a shot at getting his life back. Jaded. Paranoid. Exhausted. Cally is sick of people using her to get closer to her dad. Reeling from her recent breakup to an obsessive, stalker boyfriend, she's naturally suspicious when a hot stranger strikes up a conversation with her at a bar. She doesn't trust him; she doesn't trust anyone anymore, and she's not about to let him get inside her head. Cally won't open up unless Ryder reveals his dark secrets and confesses to his crimes. Ryder won't rest until Cally helps him bring down her own father. Ryder's all-consuming need for vengeance will be his downfall unless Cally can bring him out of the shadows, back into the light.

  • af Jackie Wang
    194,45 kr.

    The first time I saw Maggie Summers, I lusted after her bee-stung lips, spun-gold hair and pomegranate-scented skin. But I kept things professional between us. After all, we'd be working together for the next two weeks restoring her family's bankrupt lodge. Then I'd fly back to the UK first thing Christmas morning. Back to my hotel empire and back to my life as London's most eligible bachelor. I couldn't afford to fall for an American woman. But the more time we spent together, the more I realized that she wasn't just a pretty face attached to a spectacular body. She was so much more. Maggie was hard-working, fiercely loyal towards her family and had a heart of gold. She also had big dreams that were stifled by her inner demons and her dark past. I tried damn hard to resist this sweet, small-town girl, but I was destined for failure. Drunk off her banter, high off her laughter, and delirious with need, I ached to possess her heart, body, mind and soul. I wanted it all. Little did I know, Maggie would not only intoxicate me, but also give me the biggest hangover of my life.

  • af Jackie Wang
    159,45 kr.

    ASHER My new landlady is HOT and completely OFF LIMITS. If I don't play nice, I might get evicted. I don't want to play nice, though. Not. One. Bit. I wan't to play DIRTY. Too bad she isn't game. SIERRA My new tenant is a COCKY bastard who's completely full of himself. He thinks just because he's a sinfully SEXY, rich, and successful lawyer, I'll jump into bed with him. But I don't have time to indulge arrogant playboys like him. He wants to play GAMES, but I want to play for keeps.

  • af Jackie Wang
    194,45 kr.

    Terri Fifteen years ago, Beckett ripped my heart out, then disappeared. Now he's on my doorstep, covered in blood, begging for help. He thinks I'm stupid enough to let him in. But I've learned my lesson. Guilt and secrets follow Beckett, and I'm not getting involved- Thing is, I can't just leave him outside during a thunderstorm. So I let him in, telling myself it's only to get him cleaned up. I ask him for some sort of explanation, but he doesn't have one. He says he doesn't remember anything. I. Don't. Trust. Him. How was I to know that wiping away his blood would make me an accessory to his nightmare? That this time, his sins were going to destroy us both? Beck Fifteen years ago, I broke up with the girl I swore I'd marry. Now I need her help, but I don't deserve her kindness. I know if I want to gain her trust, I'll need to tell her everything. But first, I need to pick up the pieces of my memories and put them in some kind of order. I don't want to hurt her again. I never meant to break her heart. I never meant to involve her in my living nightmare. But she's all that I have left. She's my final lifeline, and I can't let her go.

  • - A Bad Boy Romance
    af Jackie Wang
    159,45 kr.

    He's trouble with a capital T. A rough, tattooed hunk charged with one mission: to give me the wildest night of my life. But I don't like bad boys and I don't have a wild side. I just want to get married, buy a house, have some kids, and save for retirement. What's wrong with that? But he's got other ideas. Ideas that involve skinny-dipping, risky poker games, lying to my fiancé, and playing hooky from work. He's cocky, irresponsible and dangerous. Everything I'm not. There's amazing chemistry between us, I'll give him that... But I'm a good girl, who's about to marry a good man. I don't have time for a damaged bad boy and his dirty tricks.

  • af Jackie Wang
    159,45 kr.

    The youngest female billionaire in the world... 3 eligible bachelors... From Venice, Italy to Hollywood Hills... VANESSA HOLDOM is twenty-nine, confident, sexy and filthy rich. She's got it all...until her perfect life is ruined by her cheating fiancé, Aiden Carlisle. Devastated and humiliated, she runs away to Venice to mend her broken heart and dodge the paparazzi. There, she meets a penniless and recently widowed gondolier named Marco Romano, and his daughter, Adelina. What begins as a few simple gestures of kindness soon turns into a torrid love affair that changes Vanessa's life in the most unpredictable way. "Love Affair in Venice" is Jackie Wang's debut contemporary romance novel. It details a headstrong woman's turbulent emotional journey towards self-fulfillment. From the canals and piazzas of Venice, Italy to her luxurious estate in Hollywood Hills, follow Vanessa Holdom as she braves the most challenging year of her life. Filled with unexpected heartbreak and scandalous intrigue, this book will make you hold your breath until the very last page.

  • af Jackie Wang
    194,45 kr.

    "The early writings of renowned poet and critical theorist Jackie Wang, drawn from her early zines, indie-lit crit, and prolific early 2000s blog."--

  • af Pernille Abd-El Dayem, Trille, Shadi Angelina Bazeghi, mfl.
    128,45 kr.

    Amulet Magasin 2 - et litterært aktivistisk magasin.Teksterne i magasinet er optaget af fællesskabet, af raseriet, af samfundets vanvid, og af akutheden. Som Silas Aliki skriver i deres essay: "Der må findes en måde at skrive på, som er rasende. Jeg er træt af lavmæltheden som skjold". Bidragsydere: Isha Neman, Lukas La Cour, Fatemeh Ekhtesari (gendigtet fra persisk af Shadi Angelina Bazeghi), Shadi Angelina Bazeghi, Rosa Marie Frang, Pernille Abd-El Dayem, Karoline Franka Foldager, Jackie Wang (på dansk ved Jonas Eika & Nanna Dahler), Silas Aliki (på dansk ved Jakob Slebsager Nielsen), Priya Bains, Trille, Theodor Præst Nymark Jensen.Grafiske bidrag: Kasper Pyndt, Christian Kirch Knudsen, Valdemar Bisgaard, Dorte Limkilde, Ellen Leer, Nicolai Schmelling, Anna Gunvor, Rasmus Svane Jensen, Osvald Landmark, Frederik Wendt, Jonas Baun, Esben Ild, Signe Bagger, Frederik Galsgaard, Kirsten Lauge, Kasper Ledet, Linea Lan Cai Fabricius, Katrine Thorup, Anette Bodil Grau, Tor Schøning Johannesen, Hans Høite Augustenborg, Carl Johan Jacobsen.

  • af Jackie Wang
    239,45 kr.

    Med Fængselskapitalisme giver Jackie Wang os en forståelse af det skjulte grundlag for de mange Black Lives Matter-opstande vi har set i USA de seneste år: Algoritmiske politimetoder, aggressiv gældsætning og et væld af røveriske magtformer har skabt en situation hvori særligt fattige sorte amerikanere bliver udplyndret og kriminaliseret i deres mest dagligdags handlinger. Fængslet flyder ud over dets mure, indespærring bliver et livsvilkår. Wang forankrer sine analyser i senkapitalismens skiftende kriser, men insisterer også på at racisme ikke kan forklares ud fra økonomiske faktorer alene. Som Mikas Lang skriver i forordet til denne bog, møder vi i hendes skrift “en politisk radikalitet, der ikke omgående lukker sig om sig selv og sliber sig skarp som stål, men både er omsorgsfuld og genstridig”. Jackie Wang bruger både teori, poesi og personlige erfaringer i sit forsøg på at gøre usynlige magtformer opfattelige – for til sidst at forestille sig afskaffelsen af dem. Undervejs i bogens syv essays kommer hun forbi både biopolitik og ungdomskriminalitet, bøder og gebyrer som plyndringsmetode, RoboCop og en radikal kritik af den liberale antiracisme der feticherer passivitet og uskyldighed. Derudover er denne danske udgave forsynet med et efterord der viser, hvordan Wangs analyser også kan fortælle os noget om den systemiske racisme i Danmark – og hvorfor kampen for fængselsafskaffelse også er værd at kæmpe her. *Jackie Wang er en amerikansk black studies-forsker, fængselsabolitionist, digter, performancekunstner og adjunkt ved Southern University of California. Hun har udgivet en lang række punk-zines, blandt andet On Being Hard Femme, og de to digtsamlinger Tiny Spelunker of the Oneiro-Womb og The Sunflower Cast a Spell To Save Us From The Void. Hun tweeter @loneberrywang og blogger på er oversat af Jonas Eika og Nanna Dahler.

  • af Jackie Wang
    184,45 kr.

    Jackie Wang's magnetic and spellbinding debut collection of poetry that attempts to speak in the language of dreams.