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Bøger af Jack London

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  • af Jack London
    128,95 kr.

    Jack London's two timeless animal stories about life in the freezing wastelands of North America

  • af Jack London
    189,95 kr.

    1890’erne. Guldfeberen raser i Klondike. Buck, et velvoksent gadekryds, bliver stjålet fra sine velhavende ejere og sit behagelige liv og fragtet til Alaska for at tjene som slædehund. På turene over de frosne floder, mellem lejrenes snedriver og i de dybe skove stifter han bekendtskab med en brutal verden, hvor kun de stærkeste overlever. Her gælder loven om kølle og tand, og hverdagen i hundespandet er en kamp på liv og død. Men naturen kalder på Buck og vækker hans instinkter, og gennem prøvelser og modgang lærer han at tilpasse sig, overleve – og leve.Når naturen kalder er en barsk, men også smuk roman om heltemod, overlevelse og det vilde, der bor i os. Den udkom i 1903 og er siden da blevet genudgivet og filmatiseret et utal af gange, og i dag har den status som en af verdenslitteraturens mest­ læste og el­skede klassikere.Jack London (1876-1916) blev født i Californien og havde allerede som teenager set mere af verden og dens strabadser, end mange får set på et helt liv. Han har været både østerspirat, sømand, sæljæger, vagabond og guldgraver i Klondike under Guldfeberen 1896-1899. Når naturen kalder udkom i 1903 og blev Londons første bestseller.

  • af Jack London
    98,95 kr.

    'Mush on!' Buck does not read the newspapers. If he had, he'd have known that for good strong dogs like himself trouble is brewing. Man has found gold and because of that Buck is kidnapped and dragged away from his sunny home to become a sledge dog in the harsh and freezing North.

  • - den originale og uforkortede udgave
    af Jack London
    38,95 kr.

    Den klassiske fortælling om Hvidtand, halvt ulv og og halvt hund, der lever sine første år som slædehund hos en indianerstamme i Nordamerikas vildmark, indtil den brutale Smukke Smith narrer ulvehunden fra dens ejer Grå Bæver. Hos Smith dresseres han til at blive en bidsk og farlig kamphund – en dræber der tjener penge til sin herre ved hundekampe. Men han reddes af en ung guldgraver, der gradvist vinder hans tillid.Ved siden af Kipling og H.G Well har blandt angelsaksiske forfattere kun Ernest Hemingway, hvis livsverden har betydelige fællestræk med Jack Londons, opnået en lignende berømmelse.Indlæst af Mikkel Schou, som har speaket en lang række af BBC´s store naturprogrammer på DR TV

  • af Jack London
    88,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Life is good for Buck in Santa Clara Valley, where he spends his days eating and sleeping in the golden sunshine. But one day a treacherous act of betrayal leads to his kidnap, and he is forced into a life of toil and danger. Dragged away to be a sledge dog in the harsh and freezing cold Yukon, Buck must fight for his survivial. Can he rise above his enemies and become the master of his realm once again?With an inspirational introduction by award-winning author Melvyn Burgess, The Call of the Wild is one of the twelve wonderful classic stories being relaunched in Puffin Classics in March 2008.

  • af Jack London
    73,95 kr.

  • af Jack London
    573,95 kr.

    "Jack Londons bedste historier" er et udvalg af 17 af forfatterens historier om livet i Amerika i en en tid, hvor der endnu fandtes ægte cowboys, hensynsløse lykkejægere og pistolslyngende sheriffer. "Eet slag ramte kusken i hovedet, et andet strejfede hans skulder. For ham var spillet tydeligvis ude. Han fo'r pludselig frem, greb to af betjentene i sine arme og rev dem med dig ud over siden på vognen og tumlede om på gaden uden at give slip på sine to fangevogtere. Catherine Van Vorst følte sig syg og svimmel ved synet af blodet og det brutale slgasmål. Men hendes kvalme forsvandt brat ved den sensationelle og højst uventede begivenhed, der fulgte umiddelbart efter..." Gateway /title /head body center h1 502 Bad Gateway /h1 /center /body /htmlJack London (1876-1916) var en meget produktiv amerikansk forfatter som i løbet af sit liv skrev hele 49 romaner og i omegnen af tusind noveller. Jack Londons forfatterskab bærer ofte præg af to tematikker - civilisationskritik og vildmarksliv - og gerne viklet ind i en spændingsmættet handling.

  • af Jack London
    361,95 kr.

    The Call of the Wild follows the life of a dog named Buck. He becomes progressively feral in the harsh Alaskan environment, where he is forced to fight to survive and dominate other dogs. By the end, he sheds the veneer of civilization.

  • af Jack London
    168,95 kr.

  • af Jack London
    98,95 - 177,95 kr.

  • af Jack London
    223,95 kr.

  • - The Original 1903 Edition
    af Jack London
    113,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Jack London
    353,95 - 493,95 kr.

    I "Ulvehunden" af Jack London er hovedpersonen vildhunden Hvidtand, der lever i den barske canadiske vildmark. Sammen med sin mor bor den hos nogle indfødte indianere, men Hvidtand gør sig uvenner med alt og alle, da hans følsomme natur ikke passer sammen med resten af spandet. Eksklusionen gør Hvidtand hårdhjertet og til en slagsbror. En dag træffer Hvidtand dog et menneske med en overmenneskelig tålmodig. Et menneske, der bliver hans redningsplanke tilbage til sit egentlig, gode hunde-jeg

  • af Jack London
    178,95 kr.

  • af Jack London
    168,95 kr.

  • af Jack London
    222,95 kr.

  • af Jack London
    64,95 - 92,95 kr.

    I "Ulvehunden" af Jack London er hovedpersonen vildhunden Hvidtand, der lever i den barske canadiske vildmark. Sammen med sin mor bor den hos nogle indfødte indianere, men Hvidtand gør sig uvenner med alt og alle, da hans følsomme natur ikke passer sammen med resten af spandet. Eksklusionen gør Hvidtand hårdhjertet og til en slagsbror. En dag træffer Hvidtand dog et menneske med en overmenneskelig tålmodig. Et menneske, der bliver hans redningsplanke tilbage til sit egentlig, gode hunde-jeg

  • af Jack London
    38,95 kr.

    En ung mand af det bedre borgerskab kommer ombord på en sælfangerskonnert - kaptajnen, Ulf Larsen viser sig at være et besynderligt menneske, på den ene side et brutalt uhyre og på den anden belæst og filosofisk. Det bliver en farefuld færd, der indebærer, at vor ven må rømme fra skibet og lander på en øde japansk ø. Men Ulf Larsen bliver ved med at spøge i baggrunden. Det er en handlingsmættet og spændende roman Jack London her har begået.

  • af Jack London
    64,95 - 92,95 kr.

    En mytepoetisk beretning om ulvehunden Buck, der bliver stjålet fra sit hjemsted i Californien og sendt til Klondike, Alaska, hvor den skal tjene som slædehund.

Foruden historien om Bucks rejse, der bestandigt forandrer den, indeholder bogen novellesamlingen Fra Alaska, der underfundigt skildrer menneskeskæbner og det hårde liv i Alaska i slutningen af 1800-tallet.

Amerikaneren Jack London (1876-1916) førte et eventyrligt liv som sømand, vagabond, guldgraver, krigskorrespondent m.m. Fra sit omtumlede liv hentede han stof til en lang række uhyre populære romaner, hvor handlingen - levende, romantisk og naturalistisk - ofte foregår i ødemarken.Lydbogen indeholder også novellesamlingen Fra Alaska (Lost Face), der underfundigt skildrer menneskeskæbner og det hårde liv i Alaska i slutningen af 1800-tallet.

  • af Jack London
    166,95 kr.

    Illustrated Edition: Features 20 stunning illustrations, bringing the story's vivid scenes and characters to life.Includes a Detailed Summary: A captivating overview of the story for a quick refresher or introduction.Comprehensive Character List: An in-depth look at the personalities that enrich this classic tale.Author Biography: Explore the adventurous life of Jack London and the inspirations behind his timeless work.Embark on a timeless journey with Jack London's classic, "The Call of the Wild," now in a beautifully illustrated edition. This version comes alive with 20 stunning illustrations that perfectly capture the spirit and drama of London's narrative.Beyond merely telling a tale, "The Call of the Wild" delves into the basic drives that all living things, whether domestic and wild, possess. This story, which takes place against the backdrop of the Klondike Gold Rush, centers on Buck, a robust and gregarious St. Bernard-Scotch Collie mix, whose world is thrown completely upside down when he is taken from his cozy Californian home and placed in the untamed Yukon region of Alaska.In this hostile environment, Buck faces brutal hardships and learns to rely on his primal instincts for survival. He encounters a cast of diverse characters, both canine and human, each playing a pivotal role in his transformation. From his fierce rivalry with Spitz to his profound bond with John Thornton, each relationship shapes Buck's journey and his ultimate destiny.This edition not only brings you London's powerful narrative but also enriches your reading experience with a comprehensive character list, providing deeper insights into each personality's role and significance. Additionally, a detailed summary offers a quick refresher or introduction to the story, ensuring you don't miss out on any of its compelling nuances.Discover the fascinating life of Jack London through a specially included biography. Learn about the man whose adventurous spirit and unique perspective on life breathed life into this unforgettable story.Whether you're a long-time fan or new to Jack London's work, this illustrated edition of "The Call of the Wild" is a must-have for your collection. It's a timeless tale of adventure, survival, and the unbreakable bond between man and beast, now beautifully visualized and enhanced for an immersive reading experience.

  • af Jack London
    88,95 - 138,95 kr.

    During the catastrophic economic depression of the 1890s, young Jack London found himself in the same situation as many others¿homeless and unemployed. After a failed American investment and crop failure, the nation found itself in a panic. As London recounts these times, he tells stories of hopping on freight trains, consequently being forcefully removed. While living as a hobo, London often had to beg for food and money, and frequently found himself in trouble with the law. Since the economic depression had affected so many, there were often people just wandering around with no home or job to go to. Those that were fortunate enough not to be brought to such measures found this undesirable, which led to a strict uphold of vagrancy laws, punishing and harassing the homeless. Though he often would escape imprisonment by making up elaborate stories and excuses to tell the police, he wasn¿t always so lucky. After being arrested for vagrancy, London describes his horrible, thirty-day stay at Erie County Penitentiary. Following this incident, London recalls his time in Coxey¿s Army, a protest group composed of unemployed workers. Surviving these times and going on to become a successful author, Jack London looks back on the trying time of his youth with a new, and often humorous perspective. With entertaining and enlightening prose, Jack London discloses the personal details of a difficult time in his life, as well as a strained time in American history. Acting as a stimulus for political upheaval, the economic depression of 1893 was a pivotal time in America. Jack London¿s The Road provides an intimate glimpse into these times, as well as entertaining audiences with a light-hearted tone. The Road has inspired film adaptations and remains to be a relatable and intriguing perspective into a humbling human experience. This edition of Jack London¿s The Road is now presented with a stunning new cover design and is reprinted in a modern, stylish font. With this accommodations, contemporary readers are welcomed to the captivating tales of Jack London¿s life on the road, following his humble and humiliating experiences begging for food and evading arrest.

  • af Jack London
    108,95 - 208,95 kr.

    ¿One of London¿s most interesting and ambitious works¿-Robert GreenwoodWhite Fang is an allegorical adventure story about a part wolf, part dog who is born in the violent, harsh environment of the Canadian Yukon territory. The novel begins with two men attempting to bring a corpse back to civilization as they are followed by a pack of starving wolves. The novel, in its second act, switches to the perspective of the wolves. As a pup, White Fang endures battles of survival with his mother, One-Eye, against other wolves and a lynx. When One-Eye is in the close vicinity to a Native Indian village, she is recognized as an animal who had been part of the encampment at one point. Grey Beaver, a young hunter, adopts White Fang. The other dogs and pups resent the new addition to the village, and torment White Fang, who in turn becomes contentious. He is sold to a dog fighter, and into a brutal life of violence. He is eventually rescued and brought to California, to start a very different life in the care of a loving master and his family. Although White Fang has become a very popular classic among readers, as an allegorical novel it is of great interest to sophisticated readers. The book has been adapted into many film versions, TV series, and animations.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of White Fang is both modern and readable.

  • af Jack London
    89,95 - 113,95 kr.

    Lost Face (1910) is a collection of seven short stories by American writer Jack London. Drawing on his experiences as a gold prospector in the Yukon, London explores the life of humanity at the edge of civilization. In these stories of life and death, nature reigns supreme over society, and even the strong are not guaranteed to survive. ¿Lost Face¿ is the story of a Polish trapper and fur thief named Subienkow. Captured by Native Americans, he watches in horror as a strong, courageous Cossack is slowly killed through hours of brutal torture. Recalling the hardships he faced in Poland, Russia, and Siberia, Subienkow delves deep into his reservoir of experience to devise a plan he hopes will allow him to escape such a terrible fate. Using an interpreter, he convinces Makamuk, the chief, that he possesses a powerful medicine, and offers it in exchange for his life. In ¿To Build a Fire¿¿a frequently anthologized work of adventure fiction and one of London¿s most beloved works¿an explorer decides to trek into the forest of the Yukon while a winter storm looms on the horizon. Ignoring all signs of danger, as well as the warnings of an experienced elder, he finds himself lost in the woods with nothing but a dog and a fire. With no time to question his motives¿he had set out to visit a friend¿s cabin¿he is forced to face nature head on, and on its own terms. Lost Face, published at the height of London¿s career, compiles seven stories from the master of adventure and naturalist fiction. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Jack London¿s Lost Face is a classic of American literature reimagined for modern readers.

  • af Jack London
    95,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Written by the beloved author, Jack London, The Night-Born is a compelling collection of ten short works of fiction, each featuring an interesting protagonist. The Madness of John Harned is narrated by a wealthy Ecuadorian man who attends a bull fight with his cousin, Maria, and the American man who is in love with her, John. While they watch the event, Maria and John have a debate that eventually leads to John to make an unpredictable and unfortunate choice. When the World was Young follows the aftermath of the meeting of two men, after a thief stumbles upon a strange barbaric man while trying to rob a countryside estate. Portraying a thrilling story of crime, To Kill a Man tests preconceived biases and assumptions while depicting a conversation between a woman and the man who had attempted to rob her house. The Benefit of the Doubt invokes melancholy feelings as it follows a man who returns to his hometown to find it in a state of decline. Featuring adventure and mystery, Winged Blackmail depicts a high-profile financier struggling to track down the person who is responsible for sending him blackmail letters via a courier pigeon. Finally, the title story of The Night-Born revolves around a strange woman and two retired gold-prospectors who feel their old career has stunted their lives despite the considerable wealth it earned them. With reoccurring themes of human nature, justice, and the impermanent happiness of money, Jack London¿s The Night-Born is as thought-provoking as it is entertaining. With stories set in the 20th century and accompanied by intellectual social commentary, The Night-Born grant readers a privileged perspective on the culture and societal norms of the 1900s. Meanwhile, modern readers can also relate to the human struggles that have remained to be present in contemporary society. This edition of The Night-Born by the highly esteemed author, Jack London, is now presented in an easy-to-read font and features a striking new cover design, making it both modern and accessible.

  • af Jack London
    108,95 - 208,95 kr.

    Wrestling with the disease of alcoholism for most of his life, Jack London tells all in his autobiography John Barleycorn. Beginning with a discussion of the prohibition movement and its effects, London explores the ways that alcohol affects daily life in the Victorian era. Because there were not many forms of affordable entertainment or reliable communication, bars were the perfect spot for social activity. People were able to sit and drink, enjoying themselves while hearing the gossip and news from the other townspeople. However, this social practice can quickly deteriorate into a disease that infects every aspect of life, damaging those at home, threatening financial security, and even risking their safety. From personal experience, London explains what being an alcoholic is like with stories of humor and shame delivered with sharp accuracy. While doing so, John Barleycorn includes tales of London¿s interesting and numerous careers, such his time as a sailor, oyster pirate, and gold miner. Set to the vivid backdrop of the California Bay Area, he discloses his wildest stories and paints a portrait of his stomping grounds. Featuring themes of masculinity and friendship, John Barleycorn possesses a duality of lauding the social power of alcohol while warning against falling for its addictive qualities. The fine line between enjoying a drink and struggling alcoholism is characterized in clear prose and demonstrative narratives as London both brags about and laments his personal experiences with the substance. Employing thoughtful, honest, and exceptional prose, Jack London¿s John Barleycorn made a debut as one of the first intelligent and empathetic narratives about alcoholism. With both emotional and historical significance, London explores the unfortunately common disease while also explaining the cultural impact of alcohol in the 19th century, bleeding even to modern times. Both original and profound, John Barleycorn has earned a reputation for leaving audiences stunned by its emotional and frank narrative. This edition of Jack London¿s John Barleycorn features a new, eye-catching cover design and a readable, stylish font, crafting a perfect and approachable experience for the modern reader.

  • af Jack London
    95,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Featuring eight works of short fiction, South Sea Tales by Jack London is an adventurous collection with a nautical theme. With settings on islands or ships, South Sea Tales tell the exciting, but often heartbreaking tales of violence, colonialism, and racism. The House of Mapuhi follows the son of a trading magnate, who travels from island to island buying valuable items for his mother's business. When he learns of a brilliant pearl owned by one of the locals on the island of Hikueru, he becomes obsessed with obtaining it. London mocks Christian martyrdom in The Whale Tooth, a story of a man falling victim to his own impulses and inflated self-importance, consequently leading to cannibalism and murder. Yah! Yah! Yah! explores colonial brutality and race relations in the South Sea with a sympathetic portrayal of the native islanders. Further examining these themes, Mauki follows the son of a chief who had been kidnapped and sold into slavery. Hailed as a fan favorite, The Seed of McCoy depicts a story about sailing the seas with a twist. Finally, with a touching lesson of tolerance, The Heathen portrays two men from different racial backgrounds, Otoo and Charley, as they stay loyal to each other while they fight to survive a brutal shipwreck. With bold and unique characters, thrilling settings, and thought-provoking themes, South Sea Tales by Jack London is sure to captivate readers. Inspired by London's own adventures in the South Sea, South Sea Tales brings an authentic and memorable setting for stories that possess in-depth and compelling prose. Jack London's well-known style of descriptive, visceral prose shines in this classic collection, creating works with intense adventure and an interesting depiction of the early 20th century. With a striking new cover design and a modern and readable font, this edition of South Sea Tales by Jack London is catered to a contemporary audience. With these accommodations, modern readers can now enjoy the strong prose of Jack London, examine the culture of 20th century colonialism, and explore the islands of the southern Pacific with ease.

  • af Jack London
    73,95 - 119,95 kr.

    Hunden Michael er en irsk terrier, der er født og opvokset i den britiske koloni Santa Isabel Island i Salomonøerne i Oceanien. Til at starte med er Michael skibshund, men bruges også til at jage slaver på øerne. En dag glemmer kaptajnen imidlertid Michael på stranden og sejler bort. Nu begynder Michaels eventyr for alvor. Han bliver samlet op af Dag Daughtry, som tager ham med på en verdensomsejling."Michael" er efterfølger til Jack Londons bog "Jerry" om Michaels bror, der også kommer ud for en masse spændende ting. Bøgerne kan læses i forlængelse af hinanden eller hver for sig.Jack London (1876-1916) var en meget produktiv amerikansk forfatter, som skrev hele 49 romaner og noveller. Jack Londons historier kredser for det meste om to emner: samfundskritik og vildmarken. Hans bøger er blevet oversat til flere sprog, og en af de mest kendte romaner "Ulvehunden" er desuden blevet filmatiseret.

  • af Jack London
    44,70 kr.

    En av Jack Londons mest populära böcker för ungdomar. Joe vantrivs med skolan och med sin stränge och rike far. En dag bestämmer han sig för att rymma och gå till sjöss. Han hamnar på piratskeppet "Blixten" där han får uppleva tusen spännande äventyr.I originalöversättning av Ernst LundquistJack London (1876-1916) var en mycket produktiv amerikansk författare som under sin livstid skrev 49 romaner och flertalet noveller. London använde sig oftast av två teman i sitt skrivande: samhällskritiken och vildmarken. Bland hans mest kända verk finns Skriet från vildmarken, Varghunden och Varg-Larsen.

  • af Jack London
    153,95 - 445,95 kr.