Bøger af Jack Jones
- Bog
- 218,95 kr.
- Accessing The Deep Web & Dark Web With Tor: How To Set Up Tor, Stay Anonymous Online, Avoid NSA Spying & Access The Deep Web & Dark Web
173,95 kr. Would You Like To Learn Exactly How To Protect Your Identity On The Web? - NOW INCLUDES FREE GIFTS! (see below for details) Have you been drawn to the dark side of the web? Do you long for the days when anonymity on the web was the norm rather than the exception? Do you want to experience the web away from all prying eyes and experience real online freedom? Do you want to learn to play safely in the deep web? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this book will provide you with the answers you've been looking for! The deep web is one of the last true bastions of freedom on the internet. It is the place that few search engines dare to tread. It is exciting and has a true air of mystery about it. But it's also a place that not too many people know how to access. If you value your online privacy, Google is clearly not the answer. Just take a moment to think about everything that Google already knows about you. And, here's a hint - it's more than just your location and birthday. Google gathers information about you with every search you make. Which means it knows how you like your pizza and probably also your shoe size. But is there an alternative? You've probably heard it whispered about in hushed tones - the dark web. But how do you access it? Can you even access it if you aren't a serious geek? How do you navigate it safely? Can you really protect your privacy when you are online at all? Now I'm going to let you in on a secret - you can keep your anonymity on the web. You don't have to know how to run elaborate software to delete all your tracks. All you need is a simple program. It's free, it's super-simple to install and run and you can use it today. TOR will do it all for you - it acts as an intermediary so that you don't have to divulge your personal information when you are online. And then it routes your online activity through a number of different secure nodes making it really difficult to track. Could it really be that simple? Despite what you see in the movies, yes it can. But you do need to know the rules. You need to know how the system works and how to get it to work for you. This book is going to show you how to do that. You will learn how to make your first forays into the deep web. And hold your horses, it will be a fun ride. The deep web is totally different from your normal internet. You need to know how to get it to give up its secrets. But, once you do, you will have a blast. The deep web can seem like a dark and scary place, but it doesn't have to be. With this book, you will learn how to find the information you are looking for, what to do if you do happen on an illegal website and what you need to do to make the experience as simple and safe for you as possible. This is web-surfing as it was meant to be - unfettered and completely free. In this book we will look at: Staying Anonymous on the Deep Web What the TOR network is Whether or not TOR is the answer for you How to get started with TOR quickly and safely How to stay completely anonymous with TOR How to surf the dark web safely What you can expect to find on the dark web ...and much more! Also included for a limited time only are 2 FREE GIFTS, including a full length, surprise FREE BOOK! Take the first step towards complete online anonymity today. Click the buy now button above for instant access. Also included are 2 FREE GIFTS! - A sample from one of my other best selling books, and full length, FREE BOOKS included with your purchase!
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
488,95 kr. NUDE SECRETS is a luxury collection of Modern Erotic Photography mixed with Classic Love Poems. This exclusive combination of todays nude photography with yesterdays erotica poems makes this book unique, sensational, controversial but nevertheless pure erotica. Jack Jones lives in California and is Senior Photo Editor which runs his own art design studio in LA.
- Bog
- 488,95 kr.
161,95 kr. Es benötigte wohl den Abstand einiger Jahre, um Jack die Erkenntnis gewinnen zu lassen, dass da wohl doch einiges schiefgelaufen war in seinem Leben. Anders kann er sich das nicht erklären, dass er sein sexuell ausschweifendes Leben trotz so mancher Aufwachmomente einfach weiterführte. So war es denn wohl auch folgelogisch, dass das alles irgendwann in den totalen Absturz führen musste, und die Befreiung aus diesem Tief sich als härter herausstellte, als der härteste Sex, den er je erlebt hatte.Dies ist die Fortsetzung des ersten, Liquids genannten Teils.
- Bog
- 161,95 kr.
- The Complete Beginner's Guide To Computer Hacking: Your Guide On How To Hack Networks and Computer Systems, Information Gathering, Password Cracking, System Entry & Wireless Hacking
288,95 kr. Would You Like To Learn Exactly How To Take Your Hacking Skills To The Next Level? - NOW INCLUDES FREE GIFTS! (see below for details) Do you want to learn how to make money with hacking legally? Do you want to delve even deeper into the art of hacking? Do you love solving puzzles and seeing how computer systems work? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this book will provide you with the answers you've been looking for! While some hackers use their skills to commit crimes, others use their skills for less nefarious means. Just about everything that we do is online now. There is a huge need for ethical hackers to test applications, system security, etc, and with the right skills, you can make some serious money as a penetration tester while staying on the right side of the law! In this book we will look at: The basics of coding and programming that you, as a hacker, need to know in order to be successful. We look at important concepts such as compiling code and ensuring that the code works. We also look at shortcuts when it comes to planning out your code so that you don't end up writing pages and pages of code only to find that it doesn't work as it should, thereby saving you valuable time. We look at the free systems that will enable you to perform penetration testing and that can easily be run alongside your normal operating system. This system is opensource, free, easy to edit and, best of all, very light on resources, and we'll show you how to get it as well as how it works! We will show you how to make your life as a hacker easier by finding exploits that are ready to go - all you'll need to do is to match up the right code to the right system and execute the code. Having a database of exploits at your fingertips can save you a HUGE amount of time and effort in the long run! We'll also go into exactly what penetration testing is and how it works. We walk you step by step through your first pen testing exercise so that you can get your toes wet without any issues. We also go through what a career in pen testing might entail and some of the options available. Next, we go through more in-depth information on concepts that are very important to any hacker - like networking and how it works; detecting hacking attempts; counter-measures that you might need to deal with, and how to deal with them; and how you can stay in the shadows during and after an attack. We will go through how you can remove the evidence of the attack as a whole. We then give a rundown of the most popular tools that hackers use to get information and how they work. We also go over how to protect yourself if someone tries to use these tools on you! Finally, we look into the exciting world of cryptography and why you as a hacker should be considering learning more about it. We go over the importance of encryption and when it is important for you to encrypt your own files. This serves as an interesting introduction that should whet your appetite to learn more about cryptography. Who knows, maybe it will inspire you to begin a career as a code-breaker yourself? ...and much more! Also included for a limited time only are 2 FREE GIFTS, including a full length, surprise FREE BOOK! Take the first step towards mastering hacking today. Click the buy now button above for instant access. Also included are 2 FREE GIFTS! - A sample from one of my other best-selling books, and full length, FREE BOOKS included with your purchase!
- Bog
- 288,95 kr.
- The Complete Beginner's Guide To Computer Hacking: How To Hack Networks and Computer Systems, Information Gathering, Password Cracking, System Entry & Wireless Hacking
173,95 kr. Would You Like to Learn Exactly What It Means to be a Hacker? - NOW INCLUDES FREE GIFTS! (see below for details) Have you always secretly admired how tech savvy hackers are? Does the word "hacker" make you think of the cool kids who don't obey society's rules? Or does the idea of someone hacking your system and stealing your data make you break out into a cold sweat? Do you want to understand how hacking works for once and for all? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this book will provide you with the answers you've been looking for! What might come as a surprise to you is that hacking does not need to mean having mad computer skills. You need to know some basics, naturally, but hacking a computer system is a lot simpler than you might think. And there are a lot of software and tools out there that can help you grow from a hacking novice to a hacking expert in a very short period of time. The truth is that no system is ever truly 100% safe. Most systems have coding errors that make them more vulnerable to attack simply for the reason that programmers have to rush to get the latest apps, etc. to market before anyone else does. It is only when there is a glitch or when the system is actually hacked that these errors are even found. And, if the hacker wants to maintain access to the system, they will work at hiding these vulnerabilities from everyone else so they might never come to light. And passwords are not the ultimate answer either. Even the strongest passwords can be cracked if you have the right software and enough time. If you want to learn how to beat a hacker at their own game, you need to start thinking as they do. And what about if you are more interested in the other side of the coin? Becoming the hacker and avoiding detection? Well, this book looks at things from both sides of the equation. You need to learn how to be a hacker yourself if you really want to be effective at beating other hackers. How you use the information provided is up to you at the end of the day. It can be a rollercoaster that will sometimes have you wondering if you have the stuff to make it. But I can promise you one thing. Whether you are the hacker or are working to prevent a system being hacked, you are guaranteed an interesting ride. When hacking a system depends on buying yourself enough time to allow the password cracker to do its work, or when it means outsmarting someone on the other end of the line, it can be a real adrenaline rush. Being a successful hacker is about using the right tools for the right job and, ultimately, being the smartest person in that battle. Do you have what it takes? Why not read on and see? In this book, we will look at: How Hacking Works Hacking Networks and Computer Systems Information Gathering Using the Data You Gathered Password Cracking for Beginners Applications to Gain Entry to Systems Wireless Hacking ...and much more! Also included for a limited time only are 2 FREE GIFTS, including a full length, surprise FREE BOOK! Take the first step towards becoming an expert hacker today. Click the buy now button above for instant access. Also included are 2 FREE GIFTS! - A sample from one of my other bestselling books, and full length, FREE BOOKS included with your purchase!
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- Practical and natural method for stop smoking now.
108,95 kr. Life is beautiful! Life is beautiful! Life is beautiful!I'd like to begin the preface to this book.Do you agree with me?I think it's right to introduce myself at this point.My name is Jack Jones and I'm a heavy ex-smoker.Is that enough for you? Do you still want more references?I'm not a doctor nor a guru and even less a modern priest.However, I can assure you that, in my 25 years as a hardened smoker, I smoked almost 3 packs a day (it's not true I smoked 1 and a half, 3 was cooler) I read dozens of books on the subject, I tried acupuncture, patches, electronic cigarette and nicotine gum with catastrophic results.While trying to quit smoking in vain, I approached traditional Chinese medicine to try to alleviate the suffering caused by smoking, then moved on to the study of the mechanisms of the mind and here finally the turning point.I am sure that as a preface it is enough also because I hate particularly long ones and I almost always don't even read them. Let us therefore move directly on to the first chapter. I wanted to let you know that some of the proceeds from this book will be donated to ANRF.American nonsmokers' right foundation.I think it is my duty to contribute to the support of associations that help people with serious health problems caused by smoking.Quit smoking, quit smoking now!!
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
- The Ultimate Windows Powershell Beginners Guide - Part 2. Take Your Powershell Scripting Further!
173,95 kr. Would You Like To Learn Exactly How You Can Do Even More With PowerShell? - NOW INCLUDES FREE GIFTS! (see below for details) Have you had a taste of the basics of PowerShell that just whet your appetite? Do you want to advance to the next level with PowerShell? Do you want to learn how to get more useful results from PowerShell? Do you want to show your computer who is boss? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this book will provide you with the answers you've been looking for! PowerShell is a fascinating system. It is not so difficult to operate once you know the basics but sometimes you just need a little helping hand. After all, there is so much to learn, it can be tough to know how to continue once you have mastered the basics. Fortunately, you can progress quite easily - this book is designed to help you master the next level of PowerShell. PowerShell is a very orderly system. The key to getting things right is in knowing how to speak the language. And PowerShell can be something of a grammar Nazi, especially when it comes to using the right punctuation. Leave off a single quotation mark and your program won't work as you want it to. PowerShell is a powerful tool but it can be open to malicious attack. You need to know how to protect your computer from scripts designed to cause mayhem and mischief. In this book we will look at: How to make sense of the results that you get and how to filter out the results that you are not interested in. You will learn how to get your computer to do all the work for you so that you only get the results that you want. PowerShell can generate a lot of data, sometimes a lot more than what you actually need. We look at how you can multitask with PowerShell and how to run longer programs in the background, freeing your system up for other tasks. You will learn how to create jobs and what commands can be very useful when it comes to controlling them.li> You will learn how to you can overcome a near-fatal flaw in PowerShell's security and how use it safely and securely. You'll learn how to protect your shell from malicious hackers. We will look at the Windows Management Instrumentation and introduce you to what it actually does. We will discuss whether or not you actually need to use it and what alternatives there are out there. We will get down to the nuts and bolts of how to use variables to get more of what you want from PowerShell. We also look at writing your own functions and making them into reusable tools. We look at creating your very own cmdlets and tailoring them to your needs.li> We look at why your scripts aren't running as well as they should and how you can go about fixing them. We then go through how you can prevent errors from cropping up in the first place - this is as close to perfection as you are going to get with PowerShell. You also learn how to deal with errors that you cannot prevent, such as network errors and how to get PowerShell to do what you want despite these errors. We look at how you can start to customize your PowerShell experience to suit you and how you can get more out of it. We also run through a quick cheat sheet of the different punctuation marks and how to use them. ...and much more! Also included for a limited time only are 2 FREE GIFTS, including a full length, surprise FREE BOOK! Take the first step towards mastering PowerShell today. Click the buy now button above for instant access. Also included are 2 FREE GIFTS! - A sample from one of my other best-selling books, and a full length, FREE BOOK included with your purchase!
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- The Ultimate Windows Powershell Beginners Guide. Learn Powershell Scripting In A Day!
173,95 kr. Would You Like To Learn Exactly What PowerShell Is And How You Can Make It Work For You? - NOW INCLUDES FREE GIFTS! (see below for details) Do you want access and control of an amazing hidden system on your computer? Do you like to understand how your computer runs its systems? Do you want to start tweaking the settings on your computer but you're not sure how? Do you want to make your computer more efficient? Are you tired of only having access to the most basic systems? Do you want to take a peak under the hood of your computer system and actually understand what it is that you are looking at? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this book will provide you with the answers you've been looking for! Learn how to get started using the PowerShell engine to improve performance and to be fully able to get to grips with your computer's programs and software. This book provides simple and practical advice to help you make the most of PowerShell. You will be given practical exercises so that you can see how things work for yourself and good advice to prevent you from crashing your system. Learn how to make tweaks that really do make a difference. Find out how to find the data you really want and how to sort it once you have it. Learn how to narrow searches so that they provide results that you can actually use and save you from having to sift through an endless range of data. And also learn how to access the full spectrum of the data produced instead of only what is shown on the screen. Find out how to import and export files into other programs so that you can work on them outside the PowerShell system and how to share files with other PowerShell users. Want to write your way to computing success? Learn to script like a professional and enact simple but effective scripting so that you don't have to type endless repetitions of commands over and over again. Learn how to create scripts that enhance your system without causing any damage and learn how to keep your system protected from malicious software when running your scripts. Save your fingers and save yourself lots of time and effort at the same time. In this book we will look at: Learn how to find PowerShell on your own system and how to get your hands on the very latest version of PowerShell, no matter which Windows operating system you are running. The basics of using PowerShell, what the key concepts are, how things work and a little background into the program and its development. You'll learn enough to get you up and running with PowerShell today, without all the unnecessary fluff and technobabble that you don't need to know. (We do show you how to find this if you want to. The commands that you absolutely have to know and how you can find out or intuit what the others are. How to enable scripting so that your scripts can run and how to write killer scripts that increase efficiency and save you time and effort. Learn what providers are - here's a hint, it's not your ISP! Learn how to organize your work within the engine more effectively - after all, is anything you save worth a thing if you cannot find it again? Learn how to get more out of PowerShell. Learn the PowerShell lingo so you can impress your friends and sound really smart. ...and much more! Also included for a limited time only are 2 FREE GIFTS, including a full length, surprise FREE BOOK! Take the first step towards understanding and using PowerShell today. Click the buy now button above for instant access. Also included are 2 FREE GIFTS! - A sample from one of my other best-selling books, and full length, FREE BOOKS included with your purchase!
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- The Complete Beginners Guide To Hacking, Tor, & Accessing The Deep Web & Dark Web
343,95 kr. Would You Like to Learn Exactly What It Means to be a Hacker & How To Protect Your Identity On The Web? - NOW INCLUDES FREE GIFTS! (see below for details) Have you always secretly admired how tech savvy hackers are? Does the word "hacker" make you think of the cool kids who don't obey society's rules? Or does the idea of someone hacking your system and stealing your data make you break out into a cold sweat? Do you want to understand how hacking works for once and for all? Have you been drawn to the dark side of the web? Do you long for the days when anonymity on the web was the norm rather than the exception? Do you want to experience the web away from all prying eyes and experience real online freedom? Do you want to learn to play safely in the deep web? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this book will provide you with the answers you've been looking for! In this book we'll delve into the worlds of both Hacking and using Tor to stay anonymous. It might come as a surprise to you is that hacking does not need to mean having mad computer skills. You need to know some basics, naturally, but hacking a computer system is a lot simpler than you might think. And there are a lot of software and tools out there that can help you grow from a hacking novice to a hacking expert in a very short period of time. When it comes to Tor, the deep web, it's one of the last true bastions of freedom on the internet. It is the place that few search engines dare to tread. It is exciting and has a true air of mystery about it. But it's also a place that not too many people know how to access. Now I'm going to let you in on a secret - you can keep your anonymity on the web. You don't have to know how to run elaborate software to delete all your tracks. All you need is a simple program. It's free, it's super-simple to install and run and you can use it today. TOR will do it all for you - it acts as an intermediary so that you don't have to divulge your personal information when you are online. And then it routes your online activity through a number of different secure nodes making it really difficult to track. Could it really be that simple? Despite what you see in the movies, yes it can. But you do need to know the rules. You need to know how the system works and how to get it to work for you. This book is going to show you how to do that. You will learn how to make your first forays into the deep web. And hold your horses, it will be a fun ride. The deep web is totally different from your normal internet. You need to know how to get it to give up its secrets. But, once you do, you will have a blast. In this 3-book pack, we will look at: How Hacking Works Hacking Networks and Computer Systems Information Gathering Using the Data You Gathered Password Cracking for Beginners Applications to Gain Entry to Systems Wireless Hacking Staying Anonymous on the Deep Web What the TOR network is Whether or not TOR is the answer for you How to get started with TOR quickly and safely How to stay completely anonymous with TOR How to surf the dark web safely What you can expect to find on the dark web ...and much more! Also included for a limited time only are 2 FREE GIFTS, including a full length, surprise FREE BOOK! Take the first step towards becoming an expert hacker while maintaining complete online anonymity today. Click the buy now button above for instant access. Also included are 2 FREE GIFTS! - A sample from one of my other bestselling books, and a full length, FREE BOOK included with your purchase!
- Bog
- 343,95 kr.
- The Complete Beginner's Guide To Computer Hacking: More On How To Hack Networks and Computer Systems, Information Gathering, Password Cracking, System Entry & Wireless Hacking
173,95 kr. Would You Like To Learn Exactly How To Take Your Hacking Skills To The Next Level? - NOW INCLUDES FREE GIFTS! (see below for details) Do you want to learn how to make money with hacking legally? Do you want to delve even deeper into the art of hacking? Do you love solving puzzles and seeing how computer systems work? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this book will provide you with the answers you've been looking for! While some hackers use their skills to commit crimes, others use their skills for less nefarious means. Just about everything that we do is online now. There is a huge need for ethical hackers to test applications, system security, etc, and with the right skills, you can make some serious money as a penetration tester while staying on the right side of the law! In this book we will look at: The basics of coding and programming that you, as a hacker, need to know in order to be successful. We look at important concepts such as compiling code and ensuring that the code works. We also look at shortcuts when it comes to planning out your code so that you don't end up writing pages and pages of code only to find that it doesn't work as it should, thereby saving you valuable time. We look at the free systems that will enable you to perform penetration testing and that can easily be run alongside your normal operating system. This system is opensource, free, easy to edit and, best of all, very light on resources, and we'll show you how to get it as well as how it works! We will show you how to make your life as a hacker easier by finding exploits that are ready to go - all you'll need to do is to match up the right code to the right system and execute the code. Having a database of exploits at your fingertips can save you a HUGE amount of time and effort in the long run! We'll also go into exactly what penetration testing is and how it works. We walk you step by step through your first pen testing exercise so that you can get your toes wet without any issues. We also go through what a career in pen testing might entail and some of the options available. Next, we go through more in-depth information on concepts that are very important to any hacker - like networking and how it works; detecting hacking attempts; counter-measures that you might need to deal with, and how to deal with them; and how you can stay in the shadows during and after an attack. We will go through how you can remove the evidence of the attack as a whole. We then give a rundown of the most popular tools that hackers use to get information and how they work. We also go over how to protect yourself if someone tries to use these tools on you! Finally, we look into the exciting world of cryptography and why you as a hacker should be considering learning more about it. We go over the importance of encryption and when it is important for you to encrypt your own files. This serves as an interesting introduction that should whet your appetite to learn more about cryptography. Who knows, maybe it will inspire you to begin a career as a code-breaker yourself? ...and much more! Also included for a limited time only are 2 FREE GIFTS, including a full length, surprise FREE BOOK! Take the first step towards mastering hacking today. Click the buy now button above for instant access. Also included are 2 FREE GIFTS! - A sample from one of my other best-selling books, and full length, FREE BOOKS included with your purchase!
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- The Complete Ultimate Windows Powershell Beginners Guide. Learn Powershell Scripting In A Day!
288,95 kr. Would You Like To Learn Exactly What PowerShell Is And How You Can Make It Work For You? - NOW INCLUDES FREE GIFTS! (see below for details) Do you want to access and control of an amazing hidden system on your computer? Do you like to understand how your computer runs its systems? Do you want to start tweaking the settings on your computer but you're not sure how? Do you want to make your computer more efficient? Are you tired of only having access to the most basic systems? Do you want to take a peek under the hood of your computer system and actually understand what it is that you are looking at? Do you want to learn how to get more useful results from PowerShell? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this book will provide you with the answers you've been looking for! In this book we will look at: The basics of using PowerShell, what the key concepts are, how things work and a little background into the program and its development. You'll learn enough to get you up and running with PowerShell today, without all the unnecessary fluff and technobabble that you don't need to know. (We do show you how to find this if you want to. How to enable scripting so that your scripts can run and how to write killer scripts that increase efficiency and save you time and effort. Learn what providers are - here's a hint, it's not your ISP! Learn how to organize your work within the engine more effectively - after all, is anything you save worth a thing if you cannot find it again? Learn the PowerShell lingo so you can impress your friends and sound really smart. How to make sense of the results that you get and how to filter out the results that you are not interested in. You will learn how to get your computer to do all the work for you so that you only get the results that you want. PowerShell can generate a lot of data, sometimes a lot more than what you actually need. We look at how you can multitask with PowerShell and how to run longer programs in the background, freeing your system up for other tasks. You will learn how to create jobs and what commands can be very useful when it comes to controlling them.li> You will learn how to you can overcome a near-fatal flaw in PowerShell's security and how to use it safely and securely. You'll learn how to protect your shell from malicious hackers. We will look at the Windows Management Instrumentation and introduce you to what it actually does. We will discuss whether or not you actually need to use it and what alternatives there are out there. We will get down to the nuts and bolts of how to use variables to get more of what you want from PowerShell. We also look at writing your own functions and making them into reusable tools. We look at creating your very own cmdlets and tailoring them to your needs.li> We look at why your scripts aren't running as well as they should and how you can go about fixing them. We then go through how you can prevent errors from cropping up in the first place - this is as close to perfection as you are going to get with PowerShell. You also learn how to deal with errors that you cannot prevent, such as network errors and how to get PowerShell to do what you want despite these errors. We look at how you can start to customize your PowerShell experience to suit you and how you can get more out of it. We also run through a quick cheat sheet of the different punctuation marks and how to use them. ...and much more! Take the first step towards mastering PowerShell today. Click the buy now button above for instant access. Also included are 2 FREE GIFTS! - A sample from one of my other best-selling books, and a full length, FREE BOOK included with your purchase!
- Bog
- 288,95 kr.
- Overcome Procrastination: Overcome Your Fear, Procrastination and Increase Your Motivation
98,95 kr. Overcome Procrastination: Overcome Your Fear, Procrastination and Increase Your Motivation Procrastination lures you to create excuses to justify a delay of your tasks. The procrastination can affect your life in a negative manner. Depression and stress are the only beginning of procrastination. If you want to protect yourself from the adverse effects of procrastination, this book can be a real guide for you. This book offers: -Procrastination and Types of Procrastinators -Methods to Stop Procrastination -Break Your Fear Cycle and Get Rid of Procrastination Download procrastination book and learn methods to stop procrastination. There are some good tips to change your life.
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
- The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Hacking, Tor, & Accessing The Deep Web & Dark Web
288,95 kr. Would You Like to Learn Exactly What It Means to be a Hacker & How To Protect Your Identity On The Web? - NOW INCLUDES FREE GIFTS! (see below for details) Have you always secretly admired how tech savvy hackers are? Does the word "hacker" make you think of the cool kids who don't obey society's rules? Or does the idea of someone hacking your system and stealing your data make you break out into a cold sweat? Do you want to understand how hacking works for once and for all? Have you been drawn to the dark side of the web? Do you long for the days when anonymity on the web was the norm rather than the exception? Do you want to experience the web away from all prying eyes and experience real online freedom? Do you want to learn to play safely in the deep web? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this book will provide you with the answers you've been looking for! In this book we'll delve into the worlds of both Hacking and using Tor to stay anonymous. It might come as a surprise to you is that hacking does not need to mean having mad computer skills. You need to know some basics, naturally, but hacking a computer system is a lot simpler than you might think. And there are a lot of software and tools out there that can help you grow from a hacking novice to a hacking expert in a very short period of time. When it comes to Tor, the deep web, it's one of the last true bastions of freedom on the internet. It is the place that few search engines dare to tread. It is exciting and has a true air of mystery about it. But it's also a place that not too many people know how to access. Now I'm going to let you in on a secret - you can keep your anonymity on the web. You don't have to know how to run elaborate software to delete all your tracks. All you need is a simple program. It's free, it's super-simple to install and run and you can use it today. TOR will do it all for you - it acts as an intermediary so that you don't have to divulge your personal information when you are online. And then it routes your online activity through a number of different secure nodes making it really difficult to track. Could it really be that simple? Despite what you see in the movies, yes it can. But you do need to know the rules. You need to know how the system works and how to get it to work for you. This book is going to show you how to do that. You will learn how to make your first forays into the deep web. And hold your horses, it will be a fun ride. The deep web is totally different from your normal internet. You need to know how to get it to give up its secrets. But, once you do, you will have a blast. In this book, we will look at: How Hacking Works Hacking Networks and Computer Systems Information Gathering Using the Data You Gathered Password Cracking for Beginners Applications to Gain Entry to Systems Wireless Hacking Staying Anonymous on the Deep Web What the TOR network is Whether or not TOR is the answer for you How to get started with TOR quickly and safely How to stay completely anonymous with TOR How to surf the dark web safely What you can expect to find on the dark web ...and much more! Also included for a limited time only are 2 FREE GIFTS, including a full length, surprise FREE BOOK! Take the first step towards becoming an expert hacker while maintaining complete online anonymity today. Click the buy now button above for instant access. Also included are 2 FREE GIFTS! - A sample from one of my other bestselling books, and a full length, FREE BOOK included with your purchase!
- Bog
- 288,95 kr.
218,95 kr. A top crime journalist reveals precisely how the world-shattering murder of John Lennon happened-and why In Let Me Take You Down, Jack Jones penetrates the borderline world of dangerous fantasy in which Mark David Chapman stalked and killed Lennon: Mark David Chapman rose early on the morning of December 8 to make final preparations. . . . Chapman had neatly arranged and left behind a curious assortment of personal items on top of the hotel dresser. In an orderly semicircle, he had laid out his passport, an eight-track tape of the music of Todd Rundgren, his little Bible, open to The Gospel According to John (Lennon). He left a letter from a former YMCA supervisor at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas, where five years earlier, he had worked with refugees from the Vietnam War. Beside the letter were two photographs of himself surrounded by laughing Vietnamese children. At the center of the arrangement of personal effects, he had placed the small Wizard of Oz poster of Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion. "I woke up knowing, somehow, that when I left that room, that was the last time I would see the room again," Chapman recalled. "I truly felt it in my bones. I don't know how. I had never seen John Lennon up to that point. I only knew that he was in the Dakota. But I somehow knew that it was it, this was the day. So I laid out on the dresser at the hotel room . . . just a tableau of everything that was important in my life. So it would say, 'Look, this is me. Probably, this is the real me. This is my past and I'm going, gone to another place.' "I practiced what it was going to look like when police officers came into the room. It was like I was going through a door and I knew I was going to go through a door, the poet's door, William Blake's door, Jim Morrison's door. . . . I was leaving what I was, going into a future of uncertainty." Praise for Let Me Take You Down "Jack Jones has written a beautiful book, rare in its attention to the social context giving rise to stalkers and assassins of celebrities . . . celebrity worship is ambivalent-admiration shares the altar with envy. When the worshipped disappoints, a 'nobody' can become a 'somebody' by killing the pop culture idol. Let Me Take You Down is both fascinating and brilliant."-Ladd Wheeler, Professor of Psychology, University of Rochester, Former President of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology
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213,95 kr. Nicolas and Cleo are twins who meet their uncle for the first time. From him, a bird expert, they learn about the Dodo. They build a full-size model out of paper mâché, but whould would think such an innocent object would have an enemy? The story becomes a 'whodunit'!
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- Current Research and Future Directions
1.178,95 kr. Among the topics discussed are the psychometric properties of a leading integrity test, the theoretical foundation for overt honesty tests, the accuracy of tests and ways to reduce classification errors, applicants' reactions to tests, and the organizational climate of honesty.
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108,95 kr. One of Merthyr's Victorian brickyard girls, Saran watches the world parade past her doorstep on the banks of the stinking and rat-infested Morlais Brook: the fair-day revellers; the chapel-goers and the funeral processions. She never misses a trip to the town's wooden theatres, despite her life ruled by the 5 a.m. hooter, pit strikes, politics and the First World War that takes away so many of her children. Her Glyn will work a treble shift for beer money; her brother Harry is the district's most notorious drinker and fighter until he is 'saved'. The town changes and grows but Saran is still there for Glyn, for Harry, for her children and grandchildren.In his 1935 novel Black Parade, writer, soldier and political activist Jack Jones creates a superbly riotous, clear and unsentimental picture of Merthyr life as his home town reels headlong into the twentieth century.
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- 108,95 kr.