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Bøger af Ivan Bunin

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  • af Ivan Bunin
    158,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Denne samling indeholder et udvalg af den russiske nobelpristager Ivan Bunins bedste noveller. Det er et repræsentativt udvalg fra forfatterskabet, som spænder fra 1915 til 1949. Bunin fik som den første russiske forfatter Nobelprisen i 1933 med følgende begrundelse: “For den stringente artistiske færdighed, med hvilken han har videreført de klassiske russiske traditioner i prosadigtning.” Bunins noveller ligger tematisk og stilistisk i forlængelse af Tolstojs og Tjekhovs forfatterskaber, men han videreudvikler og forfiner stilen, og det sanselige og erotiske er mere fremtrædende. Stilen i novellerne er kendetegnet ved en lyrisk musikalsk tone, og beskrivelserne er præcise med en malers øje for detaljerne, men samtidig kontrollerede uden overflødige ord. De skaber en stemning, der underbygger personernes følelser og oplevelser. De centrale temaer er kærlighed, erotisk besættelse, desillusionering og livets forgængelighed, og de er typisk bygget op over en afgørende hændelse i hovedpersonens liv. Som eksempler på Bunins stilistiske rækkevidde kan nævnes ”Et let åndedræt”, hvor en ung piges tragiske skæbne udfoldes på mindre end seks effektive sider; den melankolsk ildevarslende ”Et koldt efterår”, som maler undergangen af det gamle Rusland i efterårsfarver; og Mitjas kærlighed, der indlevet skildrer et ungt og skrøbeligt sind. Bunins noveller er ikke bagateller, men højdepunkter i novellens historie.” – Ole Nyegaard i Efterskriftet. “ At læse Bunin er altid opløftende, fordi hans værker mere overbevisende end nogen anden russisk forfatters, med undtagelse måske af Pusjkins, bekræfter Pasternaks påstand om, at ’kunst, selv tragedie, er et vidnesbyrd om glæden ved at være i live.’” – David Richards

  • af Ivan Bunin
    118,95 kr.

    Written between 1938 and 1944 and set in the context of a disintegrating Russian culture, this collection of short fiction centres around dark, erotic liaisons told in prose.

  • af Ivan Bunin
    368,95 - 1.473,95 kr.

    In this edited translation of famed writer Ivan Bunin's Recollections translator Thomas Gaiton Marullo provides an intimate look at leading political, social, cultural, and literary figures from late Imperial Russia, through the First World War and the Revolutions of 1905 and 1917 to the birth of the Russian Diaspora and the rise of the Soviet State. In engaging, colorful, and often idiosyncratic vignettes, Bunin (1870-1953) details his admiration for Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov, Sergei Rachmaninoff, and Fyodor Chaliapin. He shares his love-hate relationship with Maxim Gorky, Alexei Tolstoy, and Alexander Kuprin. In addition, Marullo's translation details Bunin's hatred of avant-gardists, particularly Vladimir Mayakovsky, as well as his thoughts and experiences on war, revolution, and exile. Bunin's work led, in the end, to his bittersweet reception of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1933) in Stockholm, the first Russian and the first writer in exile ever to receive this award. Recollections reveals the author's feelings toward this unprecedented event. Bunin's Recollections stands not only as a stark summa of his passage through literature and life, but also as an equally bold apologia as to his place in both.

  • - Autor ganador del Premio Nobel
    af Ivan Bunin
    138,95 kr.

    Una Aldea", es uno de los libros más controvertidos y conocidos de Iván Bunin, el primer autor ruso en ser galardonado con el premio Nobel de Literatura. La novela transcurre a principios del siglo XX, en una pequeña aldea rusa, lugar de nacimiento del propio Bunin, durante la Revolución de 1905. Los protagonistas son Tijon y Kuzma Illich, dos hermanos campesinos, uno, pequeño comerciante borrachuzo, y otro aspirante a escritor, son el reflejo de la Rusia de la época. A través de estos hermanos, Bunin retrata de forma bella e implacable los tiempos convulsos por los que pasaban millones de habitantes del Imperio Ruso, y de las tremendas dificultades para sobrevivir en una tierra fía y dura. La narración amarga, realista e incisiva de Bunin convirtieron a "Una Aldea" en una de las novelas más controvertidas entre los escritores y políticos rusos después de su publicación. * Iván Bunin (1870, Voroneje, Rusia Central - 1953, París), fue el primer escritor ruso en ser galardonado con el premio Nobel de Literatura. Cursó estudios en la Universidad de Moscú y en el año 1903 recibió el Premio Pushkin de la Academia rusa por sus traducciones del poeta estadounidense Henry Wadsworth Longfellow y de los poetas ingleses Lord Byron y Lord Alfred Tennyson. En los años que precedieron a la primera guerra europea, viajó por Italia, Turquía, Palestina, Egipto, Grecia, Argelia, Túnez. Tras la Revolución bolchevique de 1917, se estableció en París. En 1933 recibiría el Premio Nobel de Literatura. Entre sus obras más destacadas se encuentran "El señor de San Francisco y otros cuentos" (1916) y las novelas "Una aldea" (1910) y "El amor de Mitya" (1925).

  • af Ivan Bunin
    198,95 kr.

    Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (1870 - 1953) - vydajushhijsja russkij pisatel', pojet, pochjotnyj akademik Peterburgskoj Akademii nauk (1909), laureat Nobelevskoj premii po literature 1933 goda. Imja Ivana Bunina - odnogo iz proniknovennyh, tragicheskih klassikov russkoj literatury - izvestno vo vsem mire. V sbornik voshli sledujushhie proizvedenija: "Antonovskie jabloki," "Cifry," "Derevnja," "Legkoe dyhanie," "Okajannye dni," "Suhodol."

  • af Ivan Bunin
    153,95 kr.

    Granatovyj braslet A. I. Kuprina - odna iz luchshih povestej o ljubvi v literature russkoj i, navernoe, mirovoj. Jeto gimn ljubvi zhertvennoj, bezogljadnoj i bezotvetnoj - toj, chto ne nuzhdaetsja v nagrade i vozdajanii, a dovol'stvuetsja odnim svoim sushhestvovaniem. V odnom rjadu s shedevrom Kuprina stojat povesti Mitina ljubov' I. A. Bunina, Dom s mezoninom A. P. Chehova, Asja I. S. Turgeneva i Starosvetskie pomeshhiki N. I. Gogolja, kotorye takzhe vkljucheny v jetot sbornik.

  • af Ivan Bunin
    153,95 kr.

    Granatovyj braslet A. I. Kuprina - odna iz luchshih povestej o ljubvi v literature russkoj i, navernoe, mirovoj. Jeto gimn ljubvi zhertvennoj, bezogljadnoj i bezotvetnoj - toj, chto ne nuzhdaetsja v nagrade i vozdajanii, a dovol'stvuetsja odnim svoim sushhestvovaniem. V odnom rjadu s shedevrom Kuprina stojat povesti Mitina ljubov' I. A. Bunina, Dom s mezoninom A. P. Chehova, Asja I. S. Turgeneva i Starosvetskie pomeshhiki N. I. Gogolja, kotorye takzhe vkljucheny v jetot sbornik.

  • af Ivan Bunin
    253,95 kr.

    V knige sobrany povesti i rasskazy o ljubvi velikih masterov russkoj prozy: A. Pushkina, I. Turgeneva, A. Chehova, A. Kuprina, I. Bunina. Chto takoe ljubov'? Odna iz samyh vysokih cennostej, sila, sozdajushhaja lichnost', sobirajushhaja luchshie kachestva cheloveka v edinoe celoe, nagrada, dazhe esli stradanija soprovozhdajut jeto chuvstvo? Ili rokovaja sila, nedostizhimaja vershina, k kotoroj stremitsja ljuboj chelovek, starajas' obresti edinstvo s drugoj lichnost'ju, neizmenno oborachivajushheesja utratoj, tragediej, razrushajushhej garmoniju mira? Raznye istorii i raznye vzgljady pomogut chitatelju otvetit' na jetot neprostoj vopros...

  • - The Poetry of Ivan Bunin
    af Ivan Bunin
    138,95 kr.

    Ivan Bunin was the first Russian to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. For his poetry, he was twice awarded Russia''s highest literary honor, the Pushkin Prize. While Bunin''s prose writing is well known, his poetry-though highly praised by critics and contemporaries such as Blok, Gorky and Nabokov-has been unjustly ignored. This collection of over 100 verse translations is the first English language book of Bunin''s poetry. Spanning a long period of poetic output (1886-1952), this selection includes both published and unpublished poems. In a variety of forms, they cover an astonishing range of topics and reveal a writer with singular artistic precision and deep humanity.

  • af Ivan Bunin
    198,95 kr.

  • af Ivan Bunin
    203,95 kr.

    "The Gentleman from San Francisco" is easily the best known of Ivan Bunin's stories and has achieved the stature of a masterpiece. But Bunin's other stories and novellas are not to be missed. Over the last several years a great many of them have been freshly and brilliantly translated by Graham Hettlinger. Together, along with four new pieces, they are now published in a one-volume paperback collection of Bunin's greatest writings. In Mr. Hettlinger's renderings readers will see why Bunin was regarded by many of his contemporaries as the rightful successor to Tolstoy and Chekhov as a master of Russian letters.

  • af Ivan Bunin
    108,95 kr.

    At once nostalgic for a bygone more innocent age and foreshadowing the turbulences of the twentieth century, Bunin's narrative is a triumph of bitter realism, shot through with the author's classical style and precision of language.