Bøger af Irvin D. Yalom
- Åbent brev til en ny generation af terapeuter og patienter
368,95 kr. Terapiens essens er den kendte amerikanske psykoterapeut Irvin D. Yaloms ”arv” til kommende terapeuter og patienter. I bogen videregiver Yalom den viden og erkendelse om terapiens velsignelser og udfordringer, som et langt livs praksis har givet ham. I 85 ultrakorte og anekdotiske kapitler med titler som: 'Undgå diagnose', 'Anerkend dine fejltagelser', 'En ny terapi for hver patient', 'Freud tog ikke altid fejl', 'Terapiens mekanismer' og 'Vær gennemsigtig' får vi essensen af Yaloms kundskab serveret. Med sin karakteristiske lette pen kommer Yalom rundt om livets eksistentielle vilkår. IRVIN D. YALOM er professor emeritus i psykiatri ved Stanford University School of Medicine og forfatter til en lang bøger om pskykoterapi. Dansk forord ved psykoterapeut Marianne Davidsen-Nielsen.I denne 2. udgave er tilføjet et nyt efterord /essay hvori Yalom opdaterer og reflekterer over "den gamle tekst". Desuden bringes en samtale med Yalom, hvori han fortæller om sin opvækst og baggrund.
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- 368,95 kr.
431,95 kr. Bogen tager udgangspunkt i det, Yalom beskriver som de fire ultimative livstemaer død, frihed, eksistentiel isolation og meningsløshed. Han viser, hvordan disse livstemaer manifesterer sig i personlighed og psykopatologi, og hvordan erkendelse af dem kan være en hjælp i såvel den normale udvikling som i forbindelse med psyko-terapi.
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- 431,95 kr.
208,95 kr. Hans Reitzels Forlag genudgiver nu tre af den amerikanske psykiater Irvin D. Yaloms værkerom psykoterapeuter og deres klienter, nemlig Kærlighedens bøddel, Meningen med livet og andre psykoterapeutiske fortællinger og Sex, løgn og psykoterapi. Yaloms bøger har vundet stor international udbredelse og anerkendelse, således også i Danmark, hvor han har en trofast og stadigt voksende læserskare. Sammen med Rollo May er han den vigtigste amerikanske eksponent for den såkaldte eksistentielle psykoterapi. Ifølge Yalom har mennesket fire eksistentielle grundvilkår: At vi skal dø, at vi i afgørende stunder er alene, at vi har frihed til at vælge vores liv, og at vi kæmper med at skabe mening i en verden hvor vores livsmening ikke er givet på forhånd. Disse fire grundbetingelser sætter dagsordenen for den enkeltes liv. De fleste vil helst undgå at tænke på eller tage stilling til grundvilkårene, fx døden, men det bliver deres indflydelse ikke mindre af, snarere større. Irvin D. Yalom (f. 1931) er professor emeritus ved Stanford Universitet, Californien, og har skrevet en række væsentlige lærebøger, blandt andet The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. På dansk er ud over de ovenfor nævnte værker, der er af mere eller mindre fiktiv karakter, udkommet Eksistentiel psykoterapi og Terapiens essens, begge på Hans Reitzels Forlag.
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
278,95 kr. - Bog
- 278,95 kr.
- og andre psykoterapeutiske fortællinger
188,95 kr. Hans Reitzels Forlag genudgiver nu tre af den amerikanske psykiater Irvin D. Yaloms værker om psykoterapeuter og deres klienter, nemlig Kærlighedens bøddel, Meningen med livet og andre psykoterapeutiske fortællinger og Sex, løgn og psykoterapi. Yaloms bøger har vundet stor international udbredelse og anerkendelse, således også i Danmark, hvor han har en trofast og stadigt voksende læserskare. Sammen med Rollo May er han den vigtigste amerikanske eksponent for den såkaldte eksistentielle psykoterapi. Ifølge Yalom har mennesket fire eksistentielle grundvilkår: At vi skal dø, at vi i afgørende stunder er alene, at vi har frihed til at vælge vores liv, og at vi kæmper med at skabe mening i en verden hvor vores livsmening ikke er givet på forhånd. Disse fire grundbetingelser sætter dagsordenen for den enkeltes liv. De fleste vil helst undgå at tænke på eller tage stilling til grundvilkårene, fx døden, men det bliver deres indflydelse ikke mindre af, snarere større. Irvin D. Yalom (f. 1931) er professor emeritus ved Stanford Universitet, Californien, og har skrevet en række væsentlige lærebøger, blandt andet The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. På dansk er ud over de ovenfor nævnte værker, der er af mere eller mindre fiktiv karakter, udkommet Eksistentiel psykoterapi og Terapiens essens, begge på Hans Reitzels Forlag.
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- 188,95 kr.
- En psykoterapeuts erindringer
368,95 kr. Irvin D. Yalom har gjort det til sit livsværk at udforske andres liv. I Bevægende møder, hans længe imødesete erindringer, vender han sit terapeutiske blik mod sig selv og fordyber sig i de menneskelige relationer, der formede ham og det banebrydende arbejde, der har gjort ham berømt. Som efterkommer af jødiske immigranter fra Rusland voksede Yalom op i et fattigt kvarter i Washington, DC. Fast besluttet på at slippe væk fra barndomskvarteret satte han sig for at blive læge, og det førte til en utrolig social opstigning. Vi følger ham fra hans karrieres begyndelse ved Stanford Medical School midt i de turbulente 1960’ere over hans valg af den skønlitterære form som et redskab for videre psykiatrisk udforskning til hans internationale berømmelse. Yalom fortæller om sin pionerindsats inden for gruppeterapi og om, hvordan han blev den mest fremtrædende udøver af eksistentiel psykoterapi – en metode, der trækker på den visdom, man kan finde hos store tænkere fra oldtiden og frem til i dag. Han afslører inspirationskilderne til flere af sine banebrydende bøger, herunder Kærlighedens bøddel og Da Nietzsche græd, hvor han blander psykologi og filosofi for at nå frem til nye, spændende indfaldsvinkler til menneskets lod. Ved at flette historier om nogle af sine mest mindeværdige patienter sammen med sine egne personlige beretninger om kærlighed og tab bringer Yalom i denne bog læserne tættere på den terapeutiske teknik, han gør brug af, på sin skriveproces og på sit familieliv. I Bevægende møder henter Yalom visdom i en linje af Charles Dickens: “For efterhånden som jeg nærmer mig mit livs ende, vandrer jeg i en cirkel og rykker begyndelsen nærmere og nærmere.” At følge Yalom tilbage til hans livs begyndelse giver os en chance for at nærme os vores egen begyndelse – og denne chance vil blive stående som en af hans største gaver til menneskeheden. Irvin D. Yalom (f. 1931) er professor emeritus ved Stanford University og forfatter til adskillige faglitterære bøger, deriblandt Eksistentiel psykoterapi og The theory and practice of group therapy. Han har også skrevet noveller og romaner med temaer hentet fra det psykoterapeutiske felt, bl.a. Kærlighedens bøddel, Da Nietzsche græd og Døgnfluernes dans. Yalom og hans kone, forfatteren Marilyn Yalom, bor i Palo Alto i Californien.
- Bog
- 368,95 kr.
168,95 kr. Hans Reitzels Forlag genudgiver nu tre af den amerikanske psykiater Irvin D. Yaloms værker om psykoterapeuter og deres klienter, nemlig Kærlighedens bøddel, Meningen med livet og andre psykoterapeutiske fortællinger og Sex, løgn og psykoterapi. Yaloms bøger har vundet stor international udbredelse og anerkendelse, således også i Danmark, hvor han har en trofast og stadigt voksende læserskare. Sammen med Rollo May er han den vigtigste amerikanske eksponent for den såkaldte eksistentielle psykoterapi. Ifølge Yalom har mennesket fire eksistentielle grundvilkår: At vi skal dø, at vi i afgørende stunder er alene, at vi har frihed til at vælge vores liv, og at vi kæmper med at skabe mening i en verden hvor vores livsmening ikke er givet på forhånd. Disse fire grundbetingelser sætter dagsordenen for den enkeltes liv. De fleste vil helst undgå at tænke på eller tage stilling til grundvilkårene, fx døden, men det bliver deres indflydelse ikke mindre af, snarere større. Irvin D. Yalom (f. 1931) er professor emeritus ved Stanford Universitet, Californien, og har skrevet en række væsentlige lærebøger, blandt andet The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. På dansk er ud over de ovenfor nævnte værker, der er af mere eller mindre fiktiv karakter, udkommet Eksistentiel psykoterapi og Terapiens essens, begge på Hans Reitzels Forlag.
- Bog
- 168,95 kr.
- og andre psykoterapeutiske fortællinger
306,50 kr. I sin nye og længe imødesete samling af psykoterapeutiske fortællinger beskriver den kendte psykiater Irvin D. Yalom nogle af sine patienters – såvel som sine egne – kampe for at forholde sig til tilværelsens to store udfordringer: Hvordan man lever et meningsfuldt liv, og hvordan man tager højde for dets uundgåelige afslutning.”I Kærlighedens bøddel og andre psykoterapeutiske fortællinger opfandt Irvin Yalom en ny litterær genre: psykoterapeutiske fortællinger krydret med skønlitterær patos og tilsat essayistisk klarsyn. For de af os, der har lært så meget om menneskets natur og menneskets vilkår af Yalom, er udgivelsen af Døgnfluernes dans en stor begivenhed.” – Steven Pinker, Harvard University. Irvin Yalom (f. 1931) er professor emeritus i psykiatri ved Stanford University og forfatter til adskillige faglitterære bøger, deriblandt Eksistentiel psykoterapi og The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. Han har også skrevet noveller og romaner med temaer hentet fra det psykoterapeutiske felt, bl.a. Kærlighedens bøddel, Sex, løgn og psykoterapi og Meningen med livet. Hans seneste fagbog var Som at se på solen. At leve med døden.
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- 306,50 kr.
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- A Psychiatrist's Memoir
109,95 - 158,95 kr. A significant and eagerly anticipated memoir from one of the world's leading therapists.
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- 109,95 kr.
133,95 kr. Love's Executioner offers us the humane and extraordinary insight of renowned psychiatrist Irvin D. Yalom into the lives of ten of his patients - and through them into the minds of us all Why was Saul tormented by three unopened letters from Stockholm? What made Thelma spend her whole life raking over a long-past love affair? How did Carlos's macho fantasies help him deal with terminal cancer? In this engrossing book, Irvin Yalom gives detailed and deeply affecting accounts of his work with these and seven other patients. Deep down, all of them were suffering from the basic human anxieties - isolation, fear of death or freedom, a sense of the meaninglessness of life - that none of us can escape completely. And yet, as the case histories make touchingly clear, it is only by facing such anxieties head on that we can hope to come to terms with them and develop. Throughout, Dr Jalom remains refreshingly frank about his own errors and prejudices; his book provides a rare glimpse into the consulting room of a master therapist. Reviews: 'Dr Yalom demonstrates once again that in the right hands, the stuff of therapy has the interest of the richest and most inventive fiction' Eva Hoffman, New York Times 'These remarkably moving and instructive tales of the psychiatric encounter bring the reader into novel territories of the mind - and the landscape is truly unforgettable' Maggie Scarf 'Love's Executioner is one of those rare books that suggests both the mystery and the poetry of the psychotherapeutic process. The best therapists are at least partly poets. With this riveting and beautifully written book, Irvin Yalom has joined their ranks' Erica Jong 'Inspired ... He writes with the narrative wit of O. Henry and the earthy humor of Isaac Bashevis Singer' San Francisco Chronicle'These stories are wonderful. They make us realize that within every human being lie the pain and the beauty that make life worthwhile' Bernie S. Siegel'This is an impressive transformation of clinical experience into literature. Dr Yalom's case histories are more gripping than 98 percent of the fiction published today, and he has gone to amazing lengths of honesty to depict himself as a realistic flesh-and-blood character: funny, flawed, perverse, and, above all, understanding' Phillip Lopate 'I loved Love's Executioner. Dr Yalom has learned something that fiction writers learned years ago - that people's mistakes are a lot more interesting than their triumphs' Joanne Greenberg About the author: Irvin D. Yalom is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Stanford University School of Medicine. As well as an award-winning psychiatrist and psychotherapist, he is an extremely prolific author. His many other works includeThe Gift of Therapy, Staring at the Sun, When Nietzsche Wept, The Theory and Practice of Group Psychiatry,The Schopenhauer Cure, Lying on the Couch, Momma and the Meaning of Life, Existential Psychotherapy, I'm Calling the Police, Inpatient Group Psychotherapy, Every Day Gets a Little Closer and The Spinoza Problem.
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- 133,95 kr.
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- 183,95 kr.
168,95 kr. A deeply moving and revealing chronicle, from one of the most prominent psychotherapists of our time, of working under wholly new circumstances, and the challenges and breakthroughs he's made as he takes on patients for one hour, one time only.Facing memory loss at age 93, as well as the fallout from a pandemic that moved much of daily life online, legendary psychotherapist and bestselling author Irvin Yalom was forced to vastly reconsider the shape of his sessions with patients. But rather than throw in the towel in the face of change, Dr Yalom considered the limitations imposed by these new realities head on, and revolutionized his practice. Dr Yalom wondered if perhaps his own practice could focus deeply on the work that could be achieved in a one-hour, one-time meeting between patient and practitioner-employing an even more concerted use of his "here and now" approach. As he began these one-time sessions, the beloved veteran therapist found himself freed to reach ever deeper places with new patients on a shortened timeline, without the buffer of future appointments.In HOUR OF THE HEART, Yalom recounts some of these intense, life-changing consultations, exploring an array of human predicaments, and his own late-career development as a therapist. In recounting these consultations, he shows how a therapist's willingness to be open themselves helps the patient let down their own guard, leading to a deeper and more immediate connection-one necessary to achieve profound realizations in just sixty minutes.Life is precious and our time together short. HOUR OF THE HEART shows us how to relate to each other better in the moment, with more honesty and vulnerability. That hour of connection, occurring during a time of isolation and grief for so many, helped to sustain both patient and therapist, and enriched Yalom's vision of what psychotherapy can do. This transformative account of a new way of connecting and sharing is for all of us looking to build relationships with greater immediacy, authenticity, and openness-in every area of life.
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- 168,95 kr.
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- 228,95 kr.
- Overcoming the Terror of Death
173,95 kr. Written in Irv Yalom's inimitable story-telling style, Staring at the Sun is a profoundly encouraging approach to the universal issue of mortality. In this magisterial opus, capping a lifetime of work and personal experience, Dr. Yalom helps us recognize that the fear of death is at the heart of much of our anxiety.
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- 173,95 kr.
213,95 kr. - Bog
- 213,95 kr.
198,95 kr. A year-long journey by the renowned psychiatrist and his writer wife after her terminal diagnosis, as they reflect on how to love and live without regret.Internationally acclaimed psychiatrist and author Irvin Yalom devoted his career to counseling those suffering from anxiety and grief. But never had he faced the need to counsel himself until his wife, esteemed feminist author Marilyn Yalom, was diagnosed with cancer. In A Matter of Death and Life, Marilyn and Irv share how they took on profound new struggles: Marilyn to die a good death, Irv to live on without her.In alternating accounts of their last months together and Irv's first months alone, they offer us a rare window into facing mortality and coping with the loss of one's beloved. The Yaloms had numerous blessings-a loving family, a Palo Alto home under a magnificent valley oak, a large circle of friends, avid readers around the world, and a long, fulfilling marriage-but they faced death as we all do. With the wisdom of those who have thought deeply, and the familiar warmth of teenage sweethearts who've grown up together, they investigate universal questions of intimacy, love, and grief.Informed by two lifetimes of experience, A Matter of Death and Life is an openhearted offering to anyone seeking support, solace, and a meaningful life.
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- 198,95 kr.
228,95 kr. A NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLERAn “utterly absorbing” collection of ten classic tales from the therapist’s chair by renowned psychiatrist and best-selling author Irvin D. Yalom (Newsday) Why was Saul tormented by three unopened letters from Stockholm? What made Thelma spend her whole life raking over a long-past love affair? How did Carlos's macho fantasies help him deal with terminal cancer? In this engrossing book, Irvin Yalom gives detailed and deeply affecting accounts of his work with these and seven other patients. Deep down, all of them were suffering from the basic human anxieties—isolation, fear of death or freedom, a sense of the meaninglessness of life—that none of us can escape completely. And yet, as the case histories make touchingly clear, it is only by facing such anxieties head on that we can hope to come to terms with them and develop. Throughout, Dr. Yalom remains refreshingly frank about his own errors and prejudices; his book provides a rare glimpse into the consulting room of a master therapist.
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- 228,95 kr.
493,95 kr. - Bog
- 493,95 kr.
218,95 kr. - Bog
- 218,95 kr.
99,95 kr. - Bog
- 99,95 kr.
- Illuminating Writings about Therapists, Patients and Psychotherapy
283,95 kr. A scintillating collection of writings on the mysterious, controversial, and intimate process of psychotherapy.Everyone with an interest in the art and science of psychotherapy - practitioners, patients, students, and avid readers of Freud, Jung, et al-will find this lively anthology an engrossing read. A varied mix of essays, book chapters, case histories, and compelling fiction written by veterans of both sides of "the couch" and representing many schools of thought, Inside Therapy includes: Janet Malcolm's The Impossible Profession * Mark Epstein's Thoughts Without a Thinker * Eric Fromm's The Art of Listening * A. M. Homes's In a Country of Mothers * Theodore Reik's The Third Ear * and others. The foreword by Irvin D. Yalom, author of Love's Executioner, offers additional wisdom, humor, and perspective.At a time when managed care threatens the psychoanalytic tradition, this dramatic, inspiring collection reminds us of the healing power of insight and the unique gifts of the patient-therapist relationship.
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- 283,95 kr.
- And Other Tales of Psychotherapy
183,95 kr. From the best-selling author of Love's Executioner, a penetrating exploration of life, death, and the search for meaning
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- 183,95 kr.
- A Novel
213,95 kr. From the bestselling author of Love's Executioner and When Nietzsche Wept comes a provocative exploration of the unusual relationships three therapists form with their patients. Seymour is a therapist of the old school who blurs the boundary of sexual propriety with one of his clients. Marshal, who is haunted by his own obsessive-compulsive behaviors, is troubled by the role money plays in his dealings with his patients. Finally, there is Ernest Lash. Driven by his sincere desire to help and his faith in psychoanalysis, he invents a radically new approach to therapy -- a totally open and honest relationship with a patient that threatens to have devastating results.Exposing the many lies that are told on and off the psychoanalyst's couch, Lying on the Couch gives readers a tantalizing, almost illicit, glimpse at what their therapists might really be thinking during their sessions. Fascinating, engrossing and relentlessly intelligent, it ultimately moves readers with a denouement of surprising humanity and redemptive faith.
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- 213,95 kr.