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73,95 - 231,95 kr. Torsdag den 10. august 2017 begav Kim Wall sig ud på sit livs sidste rejse. Hun gik ombord i ubåden UC3 Nautilus med ubådskaptajnen, Peter Madsen, og da hendes torso drev i land ved Klydesøen på Amager, stod det klart for politiet, at der her var tale om en ondskabsfuld bevidst handling. Kim Wall var en passioneret og engageret journalist, som dækkede historier om alle andre, men denne historie skal handle om hende. Den er fortalt af de mennesker, der stod hende nærmest, og de tegner et billede af en ung, kløgtig og udadvendt kvinde. Historien fortælles fra det øjeblik, hvor hendes forældre modtager det livsændrende opkald, som skal blive starten på deres livs største mareridtet. Vi følger Ingrid og Joachim Wall gennem tragedien, forvirring og i den endelige retssag mod Peter Madsen. Dette er den sande historie om Kim Wall.
223,95 kr. Explore the uncharted territories of human potential in Beyond BoundariesExplore the endless options of what people can do with "Beyond Boundaries." This book makes you think and is very inspiring. The author, [Author Name], wants you to go on a journey that will change your life and help you grow professionally and personally.Find out how powerful it is to be strong, flexible, and self-aware as you push your limits and get rid of ideas that hold you back. Based on the newest research in neuroscience, learn how to use your brain's amazing power and look into how your genes affect your unique potential. "Beyond Boundaries" looks at the psychological roots that support your path to greatness. It will help you reach your full creative potential and encourage innovation in every part of your life.You'll learn a lot about how to find a deep sense of purpose and satisfaction by focusing on spiritual practices, mindfulness, and meditation. Use the power of technology to improve yourself while keeping ethics in mind in a world that is always linked.This book will help you push the limits of your physical ability by focusing on how nutrition, exercise, and recovery can improve your health. You will look at case studies of amazing achievements that show how powerful the human mind and body are."Beyond Boundaries" shows you how to encourage new ideas, grow your creativity, and make friends who can help you in your personal and business life. Dive into the endless opportunities that lie ahead of you and start an amazing journey of self-discovery and making a difference in the world.Come join the group of people who want to reach their full potential and see what's really possible. Your ticket to uncharted areas of human potential is "Beyond Boundaries." There, the only limits you put on yourself are the ones you set for yourself. Don't miss this chance to go on this life-changing adventure today!"
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