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Bøger af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa

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  • - How and Why God Created the Universe.
    af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa
    98,95 kr.

    Is it possible to know how God created the universe, and why? The answer is, "yes." It only takes seeking and asking Someone who was present throughout creation, that started on the first day with the appearance of the golden yellow brilliance God called light. His Name is, the Holy Spirit. The initial question asked the Lord was about Sabbath because there is so much debate about the Sabbath worldwide and in the Church: But no one quite hears anyone relate what the Lord of the Sabbath says, about His Sabbath! So, I decided to fill that gap, by asking the Lord. "How is the Sabbath celebrated in these last days, Lord?" I asked in the place of fellowship with God. God draws near all who draw near to Him; and answers any question we have that will bring glory to His Name, and peace with goodwill to the world. The Lord answered the questions about Sabbath, beginning with visions about how the awesome Creator created the heavens and the earth!It is with pleasure that this outstanding book presents these visions directly from the Lord, about how God created the universe, and why. Then presents the Mind of God on how and why to observe and celebrate the Sabbath in these last days. Knowing and understanding how and why God created the universe, will help everyone to understand why God gave humankind guiding laws to maintain the created universe, including the Sabbath Law. To all who will seek knowledge beyond the ordinary, get ready to be clothe with the profits that understanding brings. So, the knowledge of God will fill you with the benefits of knowledge of God, and of the Sabbath awaiting all who read this fantastic book. Get ready to join the shout, 'Your will be done, Lord God Almighty."

  • - Worship God by Running the
    af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa
    78,95 kr.

    "You Worship Me by Running the Christian Race to the Top" Christ the Lord. This is why, and how. Allow the Holy Spirit to come and finish the work God started in you since birth. That work is to build you up, until righteous in character like Christ the Lord. This is God's priority for everyone, male and female, in this age. Many people today know God, but only few follows God or understand how to worship God. Running the Christian race to the top, is the work the Spirit of God wants to come and finish with and in you. It is how to attain God's priority for creating humans, it is how to follow God, and how to worship God in Spirit and truth. This book brings understanding about what the Christian race is, and how to run the race to the top. Follow Mr. Christian, as he runs the race by climbing to the mountaintop from Sin City to Holy City.

  • - It Turned from Mud to Gold
    af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa
    83,95 kr.

    For children and youths in age and heart, this book builds on an event that took place once upon a time. Some good parents brought little children, so Jesus Christ the Lord would bless them. But attendants began chasing them away! "No children allowed," the attendants insisted. But Christ the Lord was very displeased with His attendants, "Allow the little children to come to Me, for theirs is the Kingdom of God." By the children's joyful clapping and singing, you can tell that Christ the King really loves children. Christ the King wants everyone including little children to learn His holy ways and deep love, and to do so joyfully. This book begins this task by presenting the need of Christ the King to have houses built for Him to dwell in. The King's house is every human born into the world, God created to have pleasure seeing Himself in them. How did the enemies of the King enter and ruin the King's house, while men slept, with their filthy habits and influence? Why and how did the brave King rescue His ruined house? How did the King's Master Builder successfully build a beautiful golden house, out of utter ruin? How did filthy human habits become clean, mourning turn to joy, ashes turn to beauty, heaviness turn to praise, godlessness turn to righteousness and mud turn to gold? This is the story of building the human character until it reaches the top, where people begin to see God clearer and clearer. A good bedtime story for children, it presents opportunities for self, and for everyone, to become men and women of good character. A good character like Christ the King, behind a better society and a better world everyone yearns for.

  • - Day of Reckoning
    af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa
    123,95 kr.

    This storybook sounds the alarm and rings the bell, to draw everyone's attention to a matter of global and eternal importance to all. What is behind viral pandemic and widespread insecurity the world suffers: and how will it all be resolved? In reality, there exist pervasive secret cult alliance between primordial alien demons and antichrist guardians determined to dominate the world: even if they have to kill, steal and destroy everything. But the Answer has always been with us too. The One, who is far greater than all of them, is already in the world to overturn wickedness at work to dominate the world at all cost. This illustrative storybook is a light that seeks to bring this understanding to all. It all happened in a small town in a tropical area of the world, bravely sheltering the major and minor characters in this drama that portrays reality. This is the place chosen by the kingdom of darkness to play-out its sinister agenda. Under cover of darkness, a team of high-ranking members of the secret cult arrive in this town on mission. Lust, self-ambition, fear, rituals, hatred and suaveness define the environment under which darkness outline the plan to prepare for arrival of the prince of darkness to sow his seed. Wolves disguised in sheep clothing, mix with innocent folks in a series of unfolding events to endanger peace and security unprovoked. Hiding in plain sight, evil seduce, conspire, distract and rebel against anything that is good for the world. Evil exploits social disconnect and parental concerns to recruit and conscript tools of disorder, as street children turned ignorant gangs are lured to perpetuate terrorism and crimes. Through shows of pretense, manipulation and philanthropy, evil deceive and tie the arms of faithless government officials concerned more about their reelection and self-preservation than for the people's welfare. This is the ease with which the real criminals steal, kill and destroy to distract and cloud secret agenda, until resistance came from an unlikely source. Why should the world simply seat back, and wait to the colonized! Enter the only force that can counter rampaging evil. With the knowledge and power of God in heaven faithful ordinary people fearlessly rise up to resist evil: They push back evil to the sweet discovery good had power over evil threatening society life and properties all along. It is war! The war reaches its climax in a solitary mansion when the prince of darkness shows up, but is driven back by the Power of God who has set a time for evil to finish its works before the set day of reckoning comes. This illustrative storybook will increase understanding about existing primordial secret alliance troubling the world with widespread pandemics and insecurity: and the Answer to it already in the world, is waiting to help. This is a light to bring understanding. Hope you enjoy reading this illustrative storybook.

  • - Part 2 - One Day at a Time
    af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa
    208,95 kr.

    This Annual Study Guide (ASG) is the curricula for Christian academic Centers for Learning and Thought (CLT). As the Lord has directed, everyone who passes through this academy is to be ordained as representatives of Christ the Lord in the land. During each Annual Academic Cycle (AAC), the Scholars for Learning and Thought (SLT) that are spiritual houses been built for the Lord are to be empowered with talents and products for trade. So every SLT turned ordained Representative of Christ (ROC) is equipped with all things that pertain to spiritual godliness and physical life. A field full of treasures, discover in Parts 1 and 2, the Origin of God in Heaven, Purpose for creation, Arrival of rebellion, Big Man of the universe, His holy ways, Submitting to God, Why God contends, House God wants, Christian race to the top, Path to glory, The One true God, and the Depth of His love. A house carefully built for God in heaven, this Wilderness Tabernacle essentially points everyone to the holy ways and deep love of Christ the Original like and from the Everlasting Father. It is to be used like Scripture. Miners drill for gold, Journalists search for news, Scholars study for learning, and Farmers sow for bumper harvest: So everyone who digs this field for treasures, and helps the Lord teach others these curricula will receive greater eternal glory when Christ the Lord returns soon. Amen.

  • - In a Troubled World
    af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa
    83,95 kr.

    The concern on His Face that early morning in 2018 AD, as He looked throughout the world, was evident. It was Christ the Lord. "I am concerned about insecurity and parenthood," His deep love for the world was thick in His gentle voice. We do not need artificial intelligence or rocket science to understand why God is concerned. The world is in trouble, as insecurity spreads like wildfire. The root problem? "I created the world. It is Me humanity rejects! I will hide Myself and see what their end will be. Until I come to punish the nations for their sins," the Lord said. But judgment and mercy go together. So, God added, "I will have mercy on whom I choose to have mercy: And have compassion on whom I will have compassion." This book brings understanding about how God's mercy works: And about why God wants everyone saved on Judgment Day, by allowing His mercy to work for each person and for the world.

  • - God and Man - The Partnership that Works
    af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa
    568,95 kr.

    The conclusion of the matter is that partnership between God in heaven and man on earth is the only way to truly rebuild historical ruins resulting from secret activities of violent and cunning masked devils seeking to dominate the world. This book finds that rebuilding a nation and a world suffering increasing ruins cannot be done without involving the Son of God. Knowing the origin and ways of Christ the Son of God, together with knowing His Father in heaven and Holy Spirit His Anchor, became the important first step. This is followed by knowing the capabilities of Christ the anointed Governor, Big Man of the universe, revealed by the heavens and earth He created: and expressed by His mentality, covenants, and concerns that altogether demonstrates His deep love for mankind and for the whole world.Follow the Big Man to observe the history of the world, from Adam the first human to the early human families on earth: Then through the ages, the rise and fall of world superpowers beginning with the ancient Kingdom of Babylon. In the process discovers the earth is only about 6,233 years old by 2009 AD, not millions or billions of years old! Also, how ethnic and non-ethnic cultures and secret cults begin. Why and how human existence on earth came to be threatened by widespread stealing, killing, and destruction of lives and properties through the ages: Identifying 'Mystery Babylon' the ancient problem behind a history of colonization and domination majority peoples of the world suffer. Until it arrives at the stark reality that masked aliens hiding in secret cults and behind images of idol gods, and ruining the earth, can only do so because the Big Man allows it: His response to human rejection and disobedience! This way, the Big Man contends with fallen mankind so sinners prevail and become holy partners with the Holy Spirit to build houses for God in heaven out of historical ruins: as the Governor wants.Based on findings, good governance is proposed to mean accessing knowledge of Christ the Big Man to rebuild ruins and to give birth to a new nation and a new world through effective reforms. Different from good governance as defined by the United Nations, widely acknowledged as unattainable. Containing refreshing Treasures of His Word, the Big Man's agenda to save the world is followed by what and how ancient models of the Big Man rebuilt degrees of ruins in the olden days. Defined houses built out of ruins for God include Wilderness Tabernacles that are talents and products portraying the holy ways of Christ to the world, Physical temples that are places where God meets with His people to have pleasure seeing Himself in them, and Spiritual houses that are God's people running the Christian race to the top in another of God's great house called the Church. Other houses built for God are Houses of Freedom that are systems and nations where God's people, citizens, are allowed to express themselves freely: and Walls and Cities that are settlements built to God's specifications as it happened in Eden.The world will be astonished at the rapid development that will take place as a new nation is built out of historical ruins: A new nation where the spirit of development, with its approach and model programs for rebuilding, is the Spirit of Christ the Big Man. Back to paradise with incredible reward, is the coming reality not a myth: compared with the historical ruin that is the present one.

  • - Understanding Submission and Love
    af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa
    83,95 kr.

    Without Christ the King, the universe would be empty. All things in heaven and earth were made through Christ, and for Christ. It is right and fitting for all creation, angels and humans alike, to respectfully submit to Christ the King of Glory. There is nothing or reward in the end for anyone who habitually disrespects the Great King, or who refuse that Christ the King reigns over them. Meeting any monarch here on earth requires some preparations. How much more important it is to prepare to meet God the Sovereign Monarch of the entire Universe! The first drama brings understanding of how to "Submit to God" as Scripture says. Follow Old Christian take the inexperienced Young Christian on a journey that begins in the pitch-black pre-creation universe. From there, the journey compares models and systems of submission: Including servant to master, the wife submits to her husband, citizen to government, youth to elder, saint to the church pastor, brethren to brethren, and son to their fathers. Leading to describing the Alabaster flask the Holy Spirit counsels everyone to bring to Christ the King.The second drama takes on a journey to understand the deep love of Christ the King. Look-out for knowledge about how to know God and find His deep love. Discover the profit of knowing how to know God and find His deep love, and discover the identity of the Vehicle to the knowledge of God. Discover the root of love in the universe and divine nature of Christ. At last, find the seven pillars of wisdom, how to test all spirits, and how to pray in Spirit and in truth. Together with exploring the wonder called planet earth, comes understanding the Master's need and pleasure. What a trove of treasures for everyone who own this book. Everyone who walks with the King with submission and love will enjoy abundant live forever. Enjoy.

  • - Holy Like God! How?
    af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa
    83,95 kr.

    Like running to reach the mountain top, this drama illustrates why, where, how, and when to run the Christian race to the top. It aims to point everyone to the holy ways of God, and how to run this easy race to become holy in conduct like the Creator. As God said, "Be holy in all your conduct because I Am holy."Everything is rooted in the decision of God Almighty, possessor of the heavens and earth, to fill the entire universe with Himself and be everything it. God created Mankind for the purpose of having innumerable sons populating the entire universe with its structures, to be everything in the universe through them: Many holy sons, nurtured from birth by the Holy Spirit to resemble Christ the Original like the Everlasting Father. Although mankind fell into sin and went the opposite way, God's priority remains for the pleasure of seeing Himself in everyone. These are the spiritual houses God is looking for, and wants to be built for Him, to accomplish His decision and pleasure to be everything in the universe. This is the purpose of this book.

  • - Wrestling with a Agenda to Save and Heal
    af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa
    83,95 kr.

    A true classic. Heaven is heartbroken because of what is happening in this world. A world that trains its inhabitants to forget God's Laws! How did the new world order of rebellion, idolatry, culture, secret cults, begin? What causes the rise and fall of civilizations since ancient Babylon, until today's Confederate states?Follow illustrations of true testimonies of ordinary people like Nosa, to understand the extraordinary like: The Origin of God, Why and how does God wrestle to save and heal, and how to prevail in a world suffering widening insecurity. All leading to the proposed change in the spirit of global development: In a partnership that works to successfully reconstruct a world suffering the consequences of contending with its Creator God.

  • - Part 1 - One Day at a Time
    af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa
    208,95 kr.

    This Annual Study Guide (ASG) is the curricula for Christian academic Centers for Learning and Thought (CLT). As the Lord has directed, everyone who passes through this academy is to be ordained as representatives of Christ the Lord in the land. During each Annual Academic Cycle (AAC), the Scholars for Learning and Thought (SLT) that are spiritual houses been built for the Lord are to be empowered with talents and products for trade. So every SLT turned ordained Representative of Christ (ROC) is equipped with all things that pertain to spiritual godliness and physical life. A field full of treasures, discover in Parts 1 and 2, the Origin of God, Purpose for creation, Arrival of rebellion, Big Man of the universe, His holy ways, Submitting to God, Why God contends, House God wants, Christian race to the top, Path to glory, The One true God, and the Depth of His love. A house carefully built for God in heaven, this Wilderness Tabernacle essentially points everyone to the holy ways and deep love of Christ the Original like and from the Everlasting Father. It is to be used like Scripture. Miners drill for gold, Journalists search for news, Scholars study for learning, and Farmers sow for bumper harvest: So everyone who digs this field for treasures, and helps the Lord teach others these curricula will receive greater eternal glory when Christ the Lord returns soon. Amen.

  • - The Source
    af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa
    128,95 kr.

    This is Scripture, not a storybook. It is the merging of the four New Testament gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John into one complete narration about the Life and Ministry of the same Person, Jesus Christ the Lord. It contains findings why Christ is holy and how Christ loves the world deeply. It is to strengthen existing knowledge of who Christ the Lord is that the Holy Spirit produced this complementary Scripture. God Almighty promises to do wonders, and to display His power with it in the land because God owns it. This Simplified Version is able to help everyone attain God's purpose for creating man, which is to have pleasure seeing Himself through Christ in everyone, even without a teacher. It is the Power and Wisdom of God at work to fulfill the eternal decision of the Everlasting Father to no longer be alone in the universe, but to have a household or family of innumerable holy sons. God in heaven owns this Scripture forever, and wants it to be accepted for use in the Church to implement His priority for interacting with men, which is to build everyone to attain to resemble Christ the Original in righteousness and character.

  • - Prevail with God
    af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa
    78,95 kr.

    Reality dawned the day God said to the suffering man, "I will no longer contend with you." So the Almighty was wrestling with the man, and he did not know it! Red-eyes, irritating delays, heartbreaks, and other degrees of afflictions: all evidence a human struggling under chastisement of his Maker intent on saving and healing! Like upright Job from the ancient city of Uz, the richest man once in all of ancient Mesopotamia: This man became severely afflicted the day he lost all his children and property, and became afflicted with painful sores! Job cried to God in heaven, "Show me why You contend with Me." Watching silently without interfering in decisions people and nations make, God Almighty wants everyone to know why and to prevail by escaping affliction. The purpose of this book is to bring understanding about life in the sphere of contention, and expose how to prevail with God in heaven. Time is all a person has to do as they please.

  • - A Story of Deep Love versus Deep Hatred for the World
    af Imuetinyan Igbinnosa
    78,95 kr.