Bøger af Ilse De Keyzer
358,95 kr. Se lige der... Fem frække gravhunde! De små, søde hvalpe bor sammen med deres mor, Troja. Og i dag skal de mødes med deres far, Theo, ovre i parken. Og deres mennesker? De må også gerne komme med!En munter historie om fem frække hvalpe og alle de numre, de kan lave på en tur i parken.
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- 358,95 kr.
213,95 kr. A magical moment, enhanced by strongly atmospheric illustrations." - Kirkus ReviewsA CBC's September Hot Off the Press book!Rhona’s uncle Allister comes up with a very original idea to catch Nessie, the famous Loch Ness monster. But . . . does the monster even exist? Uncle Allister thinks so, but Rhona has her doubts. Until she suddenly sees and hears strange things . . . Maybe Nessie exists after all? Set against the backdrop of the Scottish loch, this atmospheric narrative transports readers to a realm where legends come to life. However, this book offers more than just a thrilling adventure—it's a gateway to exploration and imagination. Through the discovery of folklore and legend, readers are introduced to the rich tapestry of Scottish mythology. Whether nestled in the pages of a book or weaving tales of their own, readers are encouraged to embrace the magic of storytelling and embark on adventures of their own.Dive into the mysterious depths of Loch Ness in a tale brimming with intrigue and wonder. For children ages 6 years and up who love pancakes.
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- 213,95 kr.