Bøger af Ilgin Yildiz
305,95 kr. Essay from the year 2024 in the subject Philosophy - Philosophy of the 17th and 18th Centuries, grade: 1, Sofia University St. Klimment Ohridski, course: philosophy of culture, language: English, abstract: This paper explores "imagination" and "Erinnerung" (recollection) as depicted in selected moments from Kant and Hegel, integrating critique and interpretations by Schlutz and Zižek, as well as by Sallis and Verene. As demonstrated by Schlutz, within Kantian philosophy, concepts such as taste, beauty, genius, and the sublime reveal an underlying sense of threat and anxiety associated with imagination. Turning to Hegel, as elucidated here through Zižek's interpretation, one encounters a distinct and more comprehensive perspective that embraces the disruptive nature of imagination. Furthermore, Hegel's notion of Erinnerung explored by Sallis and Verene among others (and which I approach here as a primordial/presynthetic treasury of Bild), assumes a foundational role in the trajectory of the Phenomenology. Recognizing the role of Erinnerung in this light can contribute to a deeper understanding of Hegelian explorations of imagination.
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- 305,95 kr.
176,95 kr. Document from the year 2024 in the subject Philosophy - Miscellaneous, grade: 1,0, Sofia University St. Klimment Ohridski, course: social philosophy, language: English, abstract: Philosopher Maria Dimitroväs work "Sociality and Justice ¿ Toward Social Phenomenology" derives its theoretical foundation from Levinas¿ philosophy in order to rethink, critique, and reframe fundamental notions of sociality and justice that have historically been construed through a generalizing, typifying, and totalizing lens in Western/modern philosophy. The fundamental social relation, argues Dimitrova, contrary to conventional philosophies, is not between individual and society, but rather, between individual and the Other. Accordingly, the conceptual cornerstone of her argument is intersubjectivity. In conjunction with the examination of sociality and justice, key concepts and notions such as self, subject, other(ness), ethics, morality, universality, plurality, community, freedom, and language are problematized, reworked, and reframed by Dimitrova through a Levinasian lens, by introducing the theoretical tool of radical difference and alterity. The outcome of this intellectual endeavor leads to unconventional understandings of commonplace concepts and issues, offering insights into both personal/social and ethico-political paradigms, and advocating for a praxis of difference. Thus, we begin from the Other.
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- 176,95 kr.
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- 449,95 kr.
305,95 kr. Essay from the year 2021 in the subject Philosophy - Miscellaneous, grade: 75, Staffordshire University, language: English, abstract: The predicament of our moment (Anthropocene, Chthulucene, Capitalocene¿) calls for disruptive ways of thinking and acting. A (re)reading of Michel Serres and feminist new materialist theoreticians can lead us towards creative, realistic, and pluralistic ways of understanding human and nonhuman agency. Both Serres and FNM attempt to subvert the conventionalism of the (so-called) modernist thinking, by effectively problematising the Cartesian subject and its objectification of nature as passive (or ¿gendered¿, as Iris van der Tuin puts it). Such a reading can be a fruitful endeavor to and help to mend the age-old schisms between the castrating dichotomies shaping contemporary thought, as the one between human and nonhuman agency.
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- 305,95 kr.
305,95 kr. Essay from the year 2021 in the subject Medicine - Neurology, Psychiatry, Addiction, grade: 84, Staffordshire University, language: English, abstract: This paper is about hysteria and its different discourses. Hysteria as a disease has over 4000 years of history. Freud invented psychoanalysis on the basis of his work with female hysterics like ¿Dorä (Ida Bauer). In 1952, with the elimination of the word ¿hysteriä as a separate clinical entity from the first edition of DSM-I, it left the psychiatric nomenclature. As an event, hysteria has come to be perceived within socio-political parameters, its history manifesting an interesting shift in power relations between doctor and patient, master and hysteric, as well as male and female. Thus, one sees remarkable convergences between Foucault¿s exploration of hysteria as a ground-breaking event and feminist interpretations of it. The resistance of the hysteric, as well as the hysterical engagement has been an influential theme in feminist thought.The first description of hysteria is found in the Kahun Papyrus (1900 BC) which attributes the disease to the movement of the uterus within the female body. Plato, in Timaeus, wrote that the uterus is sad when it does not ¿join with the male and does not give rise to a new birth, and Aristotle and Hippocrates were of the same opinion¿ (ibid.). He also described the womb as an animal: ¿voracious, predatory, appetitive, unstable, forever reducing the female into a frail and unstable creature¿. The term ¿hysteriä was first adopted by Hippocrates in 5th century, who also believed that its cause was the wandering uterus.
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- 305,95 kr.
330,95 kr. Essay from the year 2019 in the subject Philosophy - Miscellaneous, grade: 63 (70 being distinction), Staffordshire University, language: English, abstract: The question of death is addressed through the philosophy of the Other in Levinas and the philosophy of Being in Heidegger. Levinas contests Heideggerian ontology as first philosophy and presents an ethical account to re-work themes that are related to the conception of death in the ontological approach. Adopting ethics as first philosophy, Levinas prioritises the Other over the Heideggerian Being, thus, attempting to traverse the ontological difference. Accordingly, the essential aim of the Levinasian philosophy is then, attaining meaning that ¿ontology does not exhaust¿ (GDT). Thus the philosophy of Levinas originates from the need to face ¿the epic of being¿, and go beyond it, rescue the radical Other: ¿To reduce every philosophical effort to the error or errancy of onto-theo-logy is only one possible reading of the history of philosophy¿ (ibid.).
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- 330,95 kr.