Bøger af Ilan Pappe
273,95 kr. Israelerne kalder den palæstinensisk-israelske krig i 1948 for ”Uafhængighedskrigen”, men for palæstinenserne vil den for altid være Nakbaen, ’katastrofen’. Samtidig med oprettelsen af staten Israel førte krigsafslutningen til en af de største tvungne udvandringer i nyere tid. Under tvang blev omkring en million mennesker fordrevet fra deres hjem, civile blev massakreret, og hundreder af palæstinensiske landsbyer blev med koldt overlæg ødelagt. Selvom sandheden om massefordrivelsen systematisk er blevet fordrejet og undertrykt, ville man, hvis den havde fundet sted i det enogtyvende århundrede, ikke have tøvet med at kalde den for ’etnisk udrensning’.Den fremtrædende israelske akademiker Ilan Pappe slår lidenskabeligt til lyd for international anerkendelse af denne tragedie. Hans banebrydende og kontroversielle arbejde kaster nyt lys over den palæstinensisk-israelske konflikts oprindelse og udvikling ved at stille spørgsmål, som verden hidtil har forsømt at stille, for at afsløre den virkelige historie bag begivenhederne i 1948. På grundlag af omhyggelig forskning, herunder i israelsk arkivmateriale, der først for nogle år siden blev frigivet, bærer Pappes levende og betimelige beretning på afgørende vis vidnesbyrd om at ’forflyttelse’ – en eufemisme for etnisk udrensning – lige fra begyndelsen var en integreret del af en omhyggeligt tilrettelagt strategi, og roden til nutidens fortsatte konflikt i Mellemøsten.
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- 273,95 kr.
153,95 kr. The book that is providing a storm of controversy, from ';Israel's bravest historian' (John Pilger)Renowned Israeli historian, Ilan Pappe's groundbreaking book revisits the formation of the State of Israel. Between 1947 and 1949, over 400 Palestinian villages were deliberately destroyed, civilians were massacred and around a million men, women, and children were expelled from their homes at gunpoint. Denied for almost six decades, had it happened today it could only have been called "e;ethnic cleansing"e;. Decisively debunking the myth that the Palestinian population left of their own accord in the course of this war, Ilan Pappe offers impressive archival evidence to demonstrate that, from its very inception, a central plank in Israel's founding ideology was the forcible removal of the indigenous population. Indispensable for anyone interested in the current crisis in the Middle East.
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- 153,95 kr.
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- 168,95 kr.
101,95 kr. A short primer unravelling the Israel-Palestine conflict from the nineteenth century to today
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- 101,95 kr.
129,95 - 313,95 kr. - Bog
- 129,95 kr.
- Reflections on the US-Israeli War Against the Palestinians
193,95 kr. Described by a UN fact finding mission as a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate and terrorize a civilian population, Israels Operation Cast Lead thrust the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip into the center of the debate about the Israel/Palestine conflict. Chomsky and Papp survey the fallout from Israel's conduct in Gaza and place it in historical context.
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- 193,95 kr.
- en personlig beretning
98,95 kr. Preben Wilhjelm:Denne beretning om en smertefuld, men påtvunget ændring af holdningen til staten Israel er foranlediget af vore ledende politikeres komplet ahistoriske reaktion på de hjemlige demonstrationer efter Hamas’ terroraktion mod Israel den 7. oktober 2023 og Israels efterfølgende sønderbombning af Gaza. Eksempelvis statsministerens udtalelse om, at enhver diskussion om konflikten må tage udgangspunkt i den 7. oktober.Mogens Lykketoft:Preben Wilhjelms bog er et fremragende og veldokumenteret opgør med den uvidenhed, de fleste af os led af engang. Preben og jeg er begge vokset op med afsky for antisemitisme og terror og sympati for staten Israel. Først undervejs i vores voksne liv forstod vi helt omfanget af Israels fordrivelse, besættelse, kolonisering og ydmy-gelse af palæstinenserne, der nu er kulmineret med totalkrigen mod folk og samfund i Gaza.
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- 98,95 kr.
149,95 kr. Ødelæggelserne den 7. oktober 2023 og de rædsler, der fulgte, forbløffede verden. Men konflikten mellem Israel og Palæstina startede ikke den 7. oktober. Den startede heller ikke i 1967, da Israel besatte Vestbredden, eller i 1948, da staten Israel blev erklæret. Den startede i 1882, da de første zionistiske bosættere ankom til det daværende osmanniske Palæstina.Ilan Pappé forklarer historien for de to folk, som nu deler ét land. Han går tilbage til zionismens grundlæggere og tager på lidt plads, men med stor ekspertise læseren med gennem den internationale politik, der er blevet ført over for Israel-Palæstina, den palæstinensiske modstand mod besættelserne og de forandringer, der finder sted i selve Israel.En uundværlig guide til at forstå den israelsk-palæstinensiske konflikt, og hvordan vi stadig kan finde en vej ud af den, fra en af de mest læste israelske historikere.”Sammen med Edward Said er Ilan Pappé den mest velskrivende forfatter, som fortæller den palæstinensiske historie. Han er også den bedst videnskabeligt funderede.” The New Statesman“Ilan Pappé er den mest originale og velargumenterede af Israels ‘nye historikere’.” Avi Shlaim, forfatter til Three Worlds
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- 149,95 kr.
209,95 kr. The Middle East and South Asia 2020-2022 provides students with vital information on the Middle East and South Asia countries through a thorough and expert overview of political and economic histories, current events, and emerging trends.
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- 209,95 kr.
- The Husaynis 1700-1948
558,95 kr. In this deeply researched political biography, Ilan Pappe traces the rise of the Husayni family of Jerusalem, who dominated Palestinian history from the early 1700s until the second half of the twentieth century. Viewing this sweeping saga through the prism of one family, the book sheds new light on crucial events--the invasion of Palestine by Napoleon, the decline of the Ottoman Empire, World War I, western colonialism, and the advent of Zionism--and provides an unforgettable picture of the Palestinian tragedy in its entirety. The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian Dynasty is the history of Palestinian politics before national movements and political parties: at the height of the Husaynis' influence, positions in Jerusalem and Palestine could only be obtained through the family's power base. In telling the story of one family, the book highlights the continuity between periods customarily divided into pre-modern and modern, pre-Zionist and Zionist, illuminating history as it was actually lived.
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- 558,95 kr.
138,95 kr. - Bog
- 138,95 kr.
328,95 kr. Jeder Versuch zur Lösung eines Konflikts muss sich zu allererst mit dessen Kern auseinandersetzen und dieser Kern findet sich meistens in seiner Geschichte. Eine verfälschte oder manipulierte Geschichte erklärt oft gut, warum ein Konflikt nicht beendet wurde, während eine wahrhaftige, umfassende Betrachtung der Vergangenheit zu einem dauerhaften Frieden und einer bleibenden Lösung beitragen kann. Wie die Untersuchung des Falls Israel/Palästina zeigt, kann eine falsch verstandene Geschichte der jüngeren oder ferneren Vergangenheit sogar noch direkteren Schaden anrichten: Sie kann die Unterdrückung, Kolonisierung und Besatzung von heute rechtfertigen. Es überrascht nicht, dass in solchen Fällen auch die Gegenwart verfälscht wird, ist sie doch Teil der Geschichte, deren Vergangenheit bereits entstellt wurde. Diese Täuschungen über Vergangenheit und Gegenwart verhindern das Verständnis des fraglichen Konfliktes, erlauben eine Manipulation der Fakten und richten sich gegen die Interessen all jener, die Opfer des Konfliktes sind.Weitere Informationen: https://nahost-bücher.deDie Tatsache, dass die israelische und zionistische Version der Geschichte des umstrittenen Landes in Deutschland weitgehend akzeptiert wird, basiert auf einer ganzen Ansammlung von Mythen, die alle darin münden, das moralische Recht und das ethische Verhalten der Palästinenser ins Zwielicht zu rücken, was allerdings jede Chance auf einen zukünftigen gerechten Frie-den enorm verringert.
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- 328,95 kr.
337,95 kr. The Middle East and South Asia 2020¿2022 provides students with vital information on the Middle East and South Asia countries through a thorough and expert overview of political and economic histories, current events, and emerging trends.
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- 337,95 kr.
341,95 kr. The Middle East and South Asia 2020-2022 provides students with vital information on the Middle East and South Asia countries through a thorough and expert overview of political and economic histories, current events, and emerging trends.
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- 341,95 kr.
198,95 kr. - Bog
- 198,95 kr.
2.668,95 kr. Historical Dictionary of Palestine, Second Edition contains a chronology, an introduction, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has more than 800 cross-referenced entries on important personalities as well as aspects of the country's politics, economy, foreign relations, religion, and culture.
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- 2.668,95 kr.
- A History of the Occupied Territories
128,95 kr. A powerful, groundbreaking history of the Occupied Territories from one of Israel's most influential historians
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- 128,95 kr.
- A History of Power and Knowledge
319,95 kr. Since its foundation in 1948, Israel has drawn onZionism, the movement behind its creation, toprovide a sense of self and political direction. In thisgroundbreaking new work, Ilan Pappe looks at thecontinued role of Zionist ideology. The Idea of Israelconsiders the way Zionism operates outside of thegovernment and military in areas such as the country'seducation system, media, and cinema, and theuses that are made of the Holocaust in supportingthe state's ideological structure.In particular, Pappe examines the way successivegenerations of historians have framed the 1948 conflict as a liberation campaign, creating afoundation myth that went unquestioned in Israelisociety until the 1990s. Pappe himself was part ofthe post-Zionist movement that arose then. He wasattacked and received death threats as he exposedthe truth about how Palestinians have been treatedand the gruesome structure that links the productionof knowledge to the exercise of power. The Ideaof Israel is a powerful and urgent intervention in thewar of ideas concerning the past, and the future, ofthe PalestinianIsraeli conflict.
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- 319,95 kr.
250,95 - 435,95 kr. - Bog
- 250,95 kr.
1.722,95 kr. In an analysis of Britain's policy towards Palestine in the post-mandatory era, the author examines the circumstances which led to the formulation of Britain's policy - the partition of mandatory Palestine between Israel and Jordan - and the stages of its implementation.
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- 1.722,95 kr.
- A History of the Palestinians in Israel
154,50 kr. For more than 60 years, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have lived as Israeli citizens within the borders of the nation formed at the end of the 1948 conflict. Occupying a precarious middle ground between the Jewish citizens of Israel and the dispossessed Palestinians of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, the Israeli Palestinians have developed an exceedingly complex relationship with the land they call home; however, in the innumerable discussions of the Israel-Palestine problem, their experiences are often overlooked and forgotten.In this book, historian Ilan Papp examines how Israeli Palestinians have fared under Jewish rule and what their lives tell us about both Israel's attitude toward minorities and Palestinians' attitudes toward the Jewish state. Drawing upon significant archival and interview material, Papp analyzes the Israeli state's policy towards its Palestinian citizens, finding discrimination in matters of housing, education, and civil rights. Rigorously researched yet highly readable, The Forgotten Palestinians brings a new and much-needed perspective to the Israel-Palestine debate.
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- 154,50 kr.
- Reflections on Israel's War Against the Palestinians
133,95 kr. Gaza in Crisis is Noam Chomsky's clear-sighted analysis of an area in a desperate impasse.From the targeting of schools and hospitals, to the indiscriminate use of white phosphorus, Israel's conduct in 'Operation Cast Lead' has rattled even some of its most strident supporters.In Gaza in Crisis, Noam Chomsky and Ilan Papp survey the fallout from that devastation, and place the massacre in Gaza in the context of Israel's long-standing war against the Palestinians. It is a rigorous, historically informed and much-needed analysis of the situation and will be welcomed by all those eager for Chomsky's and Papp 's insights into yet another political catastrophe.'Noam Chomsky is a global phenomenon . . . he may be the most widely read American voice on foreign policy on the planet today' The New York Times Book Review'Ilan Papp is Israel's bravest, most principled, most incisive historian' John PilgerNoam Chomsky is the author of numerous bestselling political books, including Hegemony or Survival, Failed States, Interventions, What We Say Goes and Hopes and Prospects, all of which are published by Hamish Hamilton/Penguin. Ilan Papp is Professor of History at the University of Exeter, co-director of the Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies, director of the Palestine Studies Centre at the University of Exeter, and the author of various books, including the bestselling The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (Oneworld).
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- 133,95 kr.
- The Struggle for Academic Freedom in Israel
324,95 kr. Ilan Pappe has long been a controversial figure in Israel, here; he gives a full account of his break with mainstream Israeli scholarship and its consequences. *BR**BR*Growing up in a conventional Israeli community and influenced by the utopian visions of Theodor Herzl, Pappe was barely aware of the Nakba in his high school years. This intellectual biography traces his journey of discovery, from the whispers of Palestinian classmates, to his realisation that the 'enemy's' narrative of 1948 was correct, and his vow to protect the memory of the Nakba. For the first time he gives the details of the formidable opposition he faced in Israel, including death threats fed by the media, denunciations by the Knesset and calls for him to be sacked from his post at Haifa university.*BR**BR*This revealing work, written with dignity and humour, highlights Israel's difficulty in facing up to its past and forging a peaceful, inclusive future in Palestine.
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- 324,95 kr.
- Et land, to folk
248,95 - 257,95 kr. Palæstina bebos af to folk med hver sin nationale identitet. Ilan Pappe beskriver landets historie fra tiden under det Ottomanske Rige først i 1800-tallet frem til vor tid. Vi får historien om de første zionisters ankomst i slutningen af 1800-tallet, om det britiske mandatstyres tid i begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede, om forholdene under 2. Verdenskrig – og om staten Israels etablering i 1948.Dernæst følger efterkrigstidens stribe af krige og konflikter, kulminerende med intifadaerne i 1987 og 2000. Bogen strækker sig frem til æraen efter Arafat og Sharon. Det historiske forløb forklarer dannelsen af den zionistiske og palæstinensiske nationalisme.Centralt for Pappe står de mange generationer af mænd og kvinder, bønder og byboere, jøder og arabere, der har gennemlevet landets historie. Det handler om sameksistens og samarbejde, men også om undertrykkelse, besættelse og eksil.