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Bøger af Henri J. M. Nouwen

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  • - Daglige påmindelser om vores sande identitet
    af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    293,95 kr.

    "Elsket ubetinget" er en bog med meditationer til hver dag i et år, udvalgt fra Henri Nouwens bøger, forelæsninger og breve. En del af dem har ikke tidligere været publiceret.Nouwen kæmpede hele sit liv med ensomhed og angst. I en af de svære perioder foretog han et bevidst valg om at tilbringe en tid hver dag alene med Gud. Resultatet var en åbenbaring: “Du er Guds elskede”, som lidt efter lidt slog rødder i ham. Det gav ham en dybere glæde i sit liv. Identiteten som Guds elskede barn gjorde ham i stand til at elske mere og slutte fred med sig selv og sine omgivelser.I denne bog inviterer Nouwen os til at meditere over, at også vi er Guds elskede børn, elsket ubetinget af ham. Meget ændrer sig, når vi finder vores sande identitet: Vi bliver mere optaget af at være end at gøre; vi bliver bedre til at være i smerten i stedet for at flygte fra den; vi vil i højere grad opleve friheden og glæden i livet, når vi ikke hele tiden skal anstrenge os for at blive elsket.Henri Nouwen (1932-1996) blev født i Holland, var romersk-katolsk præst og universitetslærer ved blandt andet Yale og Harvard i USA. De sidste år af sit liv var han præst og medarbejder i et bofællesskab for mentalt handicappede. Han er med sine mere end 40 bøger en af de mest læste spirituelle forfattere i verden.

  • - Vejledning til den åndelige rejse
    af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    158,95 kr.

    ""Denne bog er min hemmelige dagbog. Den blev skrevet i den sværeste periode i mit liv, fra december 1987 til juni 1988. Det var en tid, hvor jeg var frygtelig forpint - jeg følte ikke, jeg var i stand til at leve videre. Alting brød sammen for mig - min selvværdsfølelse, min energi til at leve og arbejde, min følelse af at være elsket, mit håb om helbredelse, min tillid til Gud... alt.""Henri Nouwen havde på det tidspunkt et stort forfatterskab bag sig, men mente, at hans åndelige dagbog var for privat til at dele med andre. I stedet skrev han Den fortabte søn vender hjem, hvori han videregav nogle af de indsigter, han havde fået gennem krisen. Men otte år senere blev han af gode venner overbevist om, at også hans åndelige dagbog ville være værdifuld for andre.Stemmen i mit indre er en række korte tekster - formaninger til Nouwen selv, en slags indre dialog med den kærlighedens stemme, han fornemmer midt i mørket.

  • - A Story of Homecoming
    af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    138,95 kr.

    A chance encounter with a reproduction of Rembrandt's painting, The Return of the Prodigal Son, catapulted Henri Nouwen into a long spiritual adventure. In his highly-acclaimed book of the same title, he shares the deeply personal meditation that led him to discover the place within which God has chosen to dwell. This Lent course, which has been adapted from the book, helps us to reflect on the meaning of the parable for our own lives. Divided into five sessions, the course moves through the parable exploring our reaction to the story: the younger son's leaving and return, the father's restoration of sonship, the elder son's resentment and the father's compassion. All of us who have experienced loneliness, dejection, jealousy or anger will respond to the persistent themes of homecoming, affirmation and reconciliation. Each session contained on the CD includes extracts from the book by Henri Nouwen, and background information about Henri Nouwen's life, as well as suggestions for reflection. Notes for Group Leaders and written questions for group discussion are also included in the enclosed booklet.

  • - The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers
    af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    173,95 kr.

    The modern classic that interweaves the solitude, silence, and prayer of the fourth- and fifth-century Egyptian Desert Fathers and Mothers with our contemporary search for an authentic spirituality

  • - A Journey Through Anguish to Freedom
    af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    118,95 kr.

  • - Reflections on Christian Leadership
    af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    108,95 kr.

    In this treasure of a book, Henri Nouwen presents a powerful vision of leadership for now and for the future, reflecting upon the challenges and solutions that are faced by today's Christian leaders.

  • - Downward Mobility and the Spiritual Life
    af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    108,95 kr.

    In this new collection of articles previously unpublished in book form, Henri Nouwen explores selflessness, vocation, and how downward mobility is a key to the spiritual path. In these short reflections Henri Nouwen explores the theme of downward mobility as the way of Christ, and the things that tempt us away from it, namely, the lure of success, of power, of being needed and important. Originally serialized in the magazine Sojourners, Nouwen wrote the articles during his years as a professor at Yale Divinity School. There he enjoyed academic success and found fame as a spiritual writer, but was struggling to find his true vocation. Here he seeks to explain for himself and his readers how choosing the downwardly mobile path can, conversely, be the means of growth and new life in Christ.

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    98,95 kr.

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    79,50 kr.

  • - At følges med Jesus i svære tider
    af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    198,95 kr.

    Henri Nouwen (1932-1996) var en uovertruffen åndelig vejleder og sjælesørger. Med mere end 40 bøger udgivet på adskillige sprog er han kendt af kristne over hele verden og fra alle kirkelige traditioner.Invitationen er en redigeret udgave af seks forelæsninger, han holdt i 1985. Det var midt i en omtumlet periode i hans liv, og han talte i høj grad til sig selv. Det blev til et vigtigt budskab om betydningen af, at vi – under alle forhold – følger Jesus, lytter til ham og lader os forvandle af ham. Teksterne emmer af den blanding af omsorg, indsigt og sårbarhed, der er så karakteristisk for Nouwen.”Når vi først har hørt kærlighedens stemme kalde på os, falder tingene ofte på plads. I stedet for at vi bevæger os i mange forskellige retninger, har vi pludselig et fokuspunkt. Vi ved, hvor vi skal hen. Det liv, der syntes så farveløst, så kedsommeligt, så udmattende, bliver pludselig et liv med en retning.” (Nouwen i bogens indledning).Fader Richard Rohr, en nutidig åndelig forfatter, der var en god bekendt af Nouwen, har skrevet et meget personligt forord til bogen.

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    238,95 kr.

    "We are the Beloved," Henri Nouwen famously wrote. "We are intimately loved long before our parents, teachers, spouses, children, and friends loved or wounded us. That's the truth of our lives. That's the truth I want you to claim for yourself. "You Are the Beloved empowers readers to claim their central identity as the Beloved of God and live out that truth in their daily lives. Featuring key insights from Nouwen's previously published works, along with a selection of never-before-seen writings, this profound collection of daily readings will appeal to those who know and love Nouwen's work as well as to new readers seeking deeper awareness of their identity as a child of God." --

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    118,95 kr.

    A Spirituality of Homecoming invites readers to open their hearts and minds to the voice of love that says, "Follow me." When people follow the Lord, they find their true home with God. This means they can be at home with themselves anywhere, even in a confusing world.

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    118,95 kr.

    "I know introverts who give priority to solitude. I know others who find strength in community. And I know busy colleagues in ministry who find time for neither solitude or community. In his life, and now in his words, Henri Nouwen brings all three together solitude, community, ministry in a triad of spiritual health." Philip Yancey, author of many books, including "What Good Is God?" and "What's So Amazing About Grace?""I knew Henri personally, and like few friends, he knew how to say 'pious' things in a profound way, seemingly impersonal things in a personal way, and offer serious challenges in a way that made you say, 'Thank you!' He does it again in this fine book."Richard Rohr, OFM, Center for Action and Contemplation, Albuquerque, New Mexico

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    118,95 kr.

    A succinct and powerful witness that fundraising is a form of ministry and can be a deeply spiritual experience.

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    118,95 kr.

    Henri Nouwen shares heartfelt insights on what it means to be a caregiver and to be cared for and how the caregiving relationship can lead to spiritual growth

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen & Wendy Wilson Greer
    263,95 kr.

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    178,95 kr.

    In this provocative essay on that least understood virtue, compassion, the authors challenge themselves and us with these questions: Where do we place compassion in our lives? Is it enough to live a life in which we hurt one another as little as possible? Is our guiding ideal a life of maximum pleasure and minimum pain? Compassion answers no.After years of study and discussion among themselves, with other religious, and with men and women at the very center of national politics, the authors look at compassion with a vigorous new perspective. They place compassion at the heart of a Christian life in a world governed far too long by principles of power and destructive control. Compassion, no longer merely an eraser of human mistakes, is a force of prayer and action -- the expression of God's love for us and our love for God and one another.Compassion is a book that says no to a compassion of guilt and failure and yes to a compassionate love that pervades our spirit and moves us to action. Henri Nouwen, Donald McNeill, and Douglas Morrison have written a moving document on what it means to be a Christian in a difficult time.

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    268,95 kr.

    Nouwen's meditations on power, peace, waiting, living, and dying are now available in paperback, with line art and new reflection guide.

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    223,95 kr.

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    228,95 kr.

    "Beyond the Mirror" is Nouwen's personal story of a near lethal accident and the reluctant journey to that shadowland between life and death.

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    313,95 kr.

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    148,95 kr.

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    198,95 kr.

    How service is prayer and prayer is service In this rich and deceptively simple book, beloved writer Henri Nouwen speaks--from the heart and from his own experience--of the joys and challenges of religious service. He shows how ministry cannot be separated from spirituality and reveals how anyone involved in religiously motivated service can act as a healing, sustaining, and guiding reminder of Jesus.

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    202,95 kr.

  • af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    133,95 kr.

    Den unge præst bliver udfordret af en ikke-troende ven: "Hvorfor skriver du ikke en bog til os, der ikke er inde i det religiøse sprog? Til os, der der ikke forstår de ord og begreber, du bruger i dine bøger? Hvorfor skriver du ikke en bog til mig?"Det bliver begyndelsen til en længere rejse, hvor Henri er nødt til at destillere essensen af sin tro og beskrive den rigdom, han se i livet med Gud - med ord, der er til at forstå. Henri Nouwen skriver medrivende, så man næsten ikke kan lægge hans bøger fra sig. I hans forfatterskab er troen en livsvandring, hvor den enkelte person altid er i bevægelse og i dialog med menneskene omkring sig og med den Gud, som gav sig til kende i Jesus Kristus. Tidligere udkommet under titlen "Den livslange glæde".

  • - Spiritual Reflection
    af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    173,95 kr.

    Before Nouwen became a bestselling spiritual author in his own right, he wrote a book on Trappist monk Thomas Merton and the enteral truths of the spiritual life.

  • - Daily Scripture and Prayers Together with Nouwen's Own Words
    af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    163,95 kr.

    Nouwen's inspired words guide the faithful on a spiritual journey through the Advent and Christmas season in this book of waiting, hope, anticipation, and celebration.

  • - Daily Scripture and Prayers Together with Nouwen's Own Words
    af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    138,95 kr.

    The intimate words of Henri J.M. Nouwen inspire readers on their Lenten and Easter journey toward a better understanding of their faith. Each day of the season includes a pertinent excerpt from the writings of Father Nouwen, a related quotation from Scripture, a prayer for the day, and a suggested activity.

  • - Spiritual Living in a Secular World
    af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    223,95 kr.

    When Nouwen was asked by a secular Jewish friend to explain his faith in simple language, he responded with "Life of the Beloved, " which shows that all people, believers and nonbelievers, are beloved by God unconditionally.

  • - Three Meditations on the Christian Life
    af Henri J. M. Nouwen
    98,95 kr.

    Henri Nouwen invites us to reflect on the tension between our desire for solitude and the demands of contemporary life. He reminds us that it was in solitude that Jesus found the courage to follow God's will. And he shows us that fruitful love and service must spring from a living relationship with God. Beautifully written, elegantly simple, Out of Solitude is as fresh today as it was thirty years ago. "e;We want to overcome problems and adversities and want to change at all costs. An alternative is to care for ourselves, each other, and our world."e;-Thomas Moore, from the Foreword