Bøger af Haroon Rashid
403,95 kr. La thrombophilie est un état pathologique dans lequel le corps humain a une tendance accrue à former des caillots sanguins ou est incapable d'éliminer les caillots. La thrombophilie peut être héréditaire ou acquise. La thrombose veineuse profonde et l'embolie pulmonaire sont les principales manifestations de la MTEV dues à des causes héréditaires, tandis que la thrombose artérielle se manifeste principalement par un infarctus du myocarde (IM) et un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC), qui sont les causes les plus fréquentes de décès dans les pays développés (Wienke A, et al, 2005). Les anomalies héréditaires entraînant un risque accru de thrombose, veineuse ou artérielle, peuvent être classées en deux groupes principaux: la réduction de l'anticoagulabilité et l'augmentation de la résistance aux antibiotiques. Les anomalies héréditaires entraînant un risque accru de thrombose, veineuse ou artérielle, peuvent être classées en deux groupes principaux: la réduction de la fonction anticoagulante, c'est-à -dire le déficit en anticoagulants naturels (protéine C, protéine S et antithrombine) et celles résultant d'une activité procoagulante accrue, c'est-à -dire le facteur Vleiden et le polymorphisme G20210A de la prothrombine (Hoffbrand AV, et al,2005).Des études récentes menées aux Ãtats-Unis et en Europe ont suggéré une association accrue entre le déficit en anticoagulants naturels et la thrombose artérielle conduisant à l'IHD et à l'AVC (Wienke A, et al,2005).
- Bog
- 403,95 kr.
403,95 kr. Existe uma condição médica chamada trombofilia, na qual o corpo humano tem uma maior tendência para formar coágulos sanguÃneos ou o corpo é incapaz de os desfazer. A trombofilia pode ser hereditária ou adquirida. A trombose venosa profunda e a embolia pulmonar são as principais manifestações de TEV devido a causas hereditárias, enquanto a trombose arterial se apresenta principalmente com enfarte do miocárdio (MI) e acidente vascular cerebral (AVC), que, em conjunto, são as causas de morte mais comuns nos paÃses desenvolvidos (Wienke A, et al, 2005). A redução da função anticoagulante, ou seja, a deficiência de anticoagulantes naturais (proteÃna C, proteÃna S e antitrombina) e as resultantes do aumento da atividade pró-coagulante, ou seja, o polimorfismo do fator Vleiden e da protrombina G20210A (Hoffbrand AV, et al, 2005). Estudos recentes realizados nos EUA e na Europa sugeriram uma maior associação da deficiência de anticoagulantes naturais com a trombose arterial que conduz à doença isquémica do coração e ao acidente vascular cerebral (Wienke A, et al, 2005).
- Bog
- 403,95 kr.
403,95 kr. Esiste una condizione medica, chiamata trombofilia, in cui il corpo umano ha una maggiore tendenza a formare coaguli di sangue o l'organismo non è in grado di rompere i coaguli. La trombofilia può essere ereditaria o acquisita. La trombosi venosa profonda e l'embolia polmonare sono le principali manifestazioni di TEV dovute a cause ereditarie, mentre la trombosi arteriosa si presenta principalmente con infarto del miocardio (MI) e ictus (CVA), che insieme sono le cause più comuni di morte nei Paesi sviluppati (Wienke A, et al, 2005). Le anomalie ereditarie che portano a un aumento del rischio di trombosi, venosa o arteriosa, possono essere classificate in due gruppi principali: riduzione della capacità anticoagulante e riduzione della capacità di coagulazione. La riduzione della funzione anticoagulante, ossia la carenza di anticoagulanti naturali (proteina C, proteina S e antitrombina) e quelle derivanti da un'aumentata attività procoagulante, ossia il fattore Vleiden e il polimorfismo G20210A della protrombina (Hoffbrand AV, et al, 2005).Studi recenti condotti negli Stati Uniti e in Europa hanno suggerito una maggiore associazione tra la carenza di anticoagulanti naturali e la trombosi arteriosa con conseguente IHD e ictus (Wienke A, et al, 2005).
- Bog
- 403,95 kr.
403,95 kr. Es gibt einen medizinischen Zustand, der Thrombophilie genannt wird, bei dem der menschliche Körper eine erhöhte Neigung zur Bildung von Blutgerinnseln hat oder nicht in der Lage ist, Gerinnsel abzubauen. Tiefe Venenthrombose und Lungenembolie sind die Hauptmanifestationen von VTE aufgrund erblicher Ursachen, wohingegen arterielle Thrombose hauptsächlich mit Myokardinfarkt (MI) und Schlaganfall (CVA) auftritt, zusammen sind sie die häufigsten Todesursachen in den entwickelten Ländern (Wienke A, et al, 2005).Die erblichen Anomalien, die zu einem erhöhten Risiko für Thrombose, venös oder arteriell, führen, können in zwei Hauptgruppen kategorisiert werden, nämlich Die vererbbaren Anomalien, die zu einem erhöhten Thromboserisiko, sei es venös oder arteriell, führen, können in zwei Hauptgruppen eingeteilt werden: Zum einen die Verminderung der gerinnungshemmenden Funktion, d.h. der Mangel an natürlichen Antikoagulantien (Protein C, Protein S und Antithrombin), und zum anderen die erhöhte Aktivität der Prokoagulantien, d.h. der Faktor Vleiden und der Prothrombin G20210A Polymorphismus (Hoffbrand AV, et al, 2005).
- Bog
- 403,95 kr.
- Karanis
298,95 kr. The first volume of a comprehensive and authentic book on the history of Pathans is ready for unveiling covering its history from per-historic period that also includes cultural heritage traditions and history of Pathan land etc. To many a people the name Pathan suggest a native of Afghanistan or that of the North West Frontier of Pakistan. To most the race itself with its extremely complicated ramification into various tribes and clans is a mystery. This study is an attempt to unravel that mystery writes author of the Book Brigadier(R) Haroon Rashid SI(M) a son of Kohat soil. The book titled History of the Pathans Vol_1 The Sarabani Pathans has a total of ten volumes.The 475 pages book has 37 chapters starting from history of the pathan land and ended up at the Urmors and Bareches. The first volume of the book dealt with Sarabani Pathans which has been categorized into process of ethnologist tribal movements the Tarins the Durranis the Sheranis the Miana tribe including the Lunis the Khetrans the Hasnis the Nahars the Gharshins the Jafars and the Urmors. The book also contained a number of rare photographs of Afghan Kings like Dost Muhammad Khan Barakzai Akbar Khan Habibullah Khan Nadar Shah Amir Muhammad Khan Shah Shujaul Mulk Amir Abdur Rehman and Zahir Shah. To know about the ingredients which make Pathans indomitable race one has to go deep into their history tradition and life style. This work is an endeavor in this context with a view to compile a comprehensive and authentic history of this brave race which so far has been either dealt with summarily or in piecemeal. In the introduction chapter the Pathan has been described as a hard rugged man as a warrior and a mystic a rogue and a saint foxy and innocent chivalrous and ruthless. A Pathan is born free and wants to remain free.
- Bog
- 298,95 kr.
315,95 kr. - Bog
- 315,95 kr.
455,95 kr. Most of us spend a significant amount of our waking hours slaving away at work and find that when we return home, we have a list of chores that need to be taken care of before we can rest in peace and quiet. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to come home and find that the house is cool, the rice is cooked, and the clothes are freshly laundered and ready to be dried? The idea behind constructing of this device is to implement a new technology to switch on a power switch by using a Telephone System, Modem and Remote Access Switch¿s interface. This circuit will activate its 240V AC outlet when a predetermined number of rings occur on the phone line. The remote access switch will enable the user to turn on any appliance that is connected to it from a remote location. Remote Access Switch will use the telephone line to receive ring pulse signal from incoming call. The USB External Modem will generate a ring pulse width and send the pulse signal to Remote Access Switch¿s Interface via USB to RS232 connector which consists of Ring Indicator (RI), Data Carrier Detect (DCD) & Ground (GND) signals. This device makes life easier & convenient to remote a power switch at anywhere & anytime.
- Bog
- 455,95 kr.
- Bog
- 339,95 kr.
333,95 - 413,95 kr. - Bog
- 333,95 kr.
- He Was The First to Defy, and The First to Die and His Name is Crispus Attucks!
273,95 - 358,95 kr. - Bog
- 273,95 kr.
- Bog
- 658,95 kr.
- Bog
- 338,95 kr.
- In the Spirit of Du Sable
338,95 kr. After living in Chicago for many years I cannot tell you about the many times that I have asked myself and others about the social community lifestyle of citizens in the city of Chicago. It is safe to say that there have been many first and great people and preliminary enactments that have taken place in Chicago. The spirit to create something from nothing, or to achieve what others might think is impossible, has always been the characteristic of the city of Chicago and its citizens. There has always been a "Yes I can" do and an "I will" spirit among the residents of Chicago. When those slogans are carried out progressively, and or with vigor, it has been proven that there are absolutely no limits of expectations in Chicago.In knowing what I know about the in creditable legacy of Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable; the first non-native settler and founder of Chicago: it is clear to me and many others that the spirit of DuSable can and does define a lot of important decisions and leadership for all over America and the world. What makes the phenomenon so surreal is that the narrative of characteristics is being based on an American immigrant man of African descent.
- Bog
- 338,95 kr.
358,95 kr. MY CULTURAL BIRTHRIGHTS AND OTHER BLACK GOLD is about two experiences: my elusive career and my rather interesting, personal life story. Over the years those who know me have told me repeatedly that I have had an exciting life and that I should tell my story. I hope that there is something in these wordsthat can inspire someone to become better in their life journey, by reading my life examples of the good and bad experiences and knowing some of the facts that are seldom talked about in the hair, health and beauty industry, an industry that has made so many people wealthy and an industry that I have personally spent most of my life working in and enjoying.MY CULTURAL BIRTHRIGHTS AND OTHER BLACK GOLD also tells the story of my blessed life that has taken me to so many places, met many incredible people like First Lady Michelle Obama, President Nelson Mandela or Muhammad Ali, and allowed me to experience so many things that most people have not seen or would know very little about in a lifetime. It has been an incredible ride. And I thank God for allowing me to take this journey and share my feelings of love and pride for my family, loved ones and friends.
- Bog
- 358,95 kr.