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Bøger af Harmeet Kaur

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  • af Harmeet Kaur
    778,95 kr.

    The Mutual Fund Industry of India has become a significant part of the investment pattern in the country since its origin in 1963. The mutual fund Industry has witnessed a commendable growth on various parameters like introduction of new schemes in the market, mobilization of funds, increase in AUM, Increase in the number of mutual fund houses etc. The industry has played a vital role in channelizing the savings of the household sector. The total asset under management has grown to 23.26 trillion as on April 30, 2018. But the industry still lags behind in channelizing the savings and contributing to the overall financial savings as compared to other countries in the world. This study emphasizes on the performance analysis of the selected schemes of SBI Mutual Fund and ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund. This will help the investors in selecting the scheme as per their investment requirement. The study also attempts to understand the various factors influencing the behavior of investors towards mutual funds particularly in Jharkhand.

  • af Harmeet Kaur
    918,95 kr.

    Das Konzept des Schutzes der Privatsphäre hat neue Fortschritte beeinflusst, die zu dynamischen Veränderungen in den Lebensumständen aller Menschen geführt haben. Jedes öffentliche und private Unternehmen in der heutigen globalen Welt hat bisher unbekannte Instrumente zur Überwachung von Menschen erfunden. Die Überwachung ist nicht übermäßig aufdringlich, aber sie zwingt den Menschen, sich in einer vorhersehbaren Weise zu verhalten. Sie hindert einen Mann oder eine Frau daran, eigene Ideen oder Einschätzungen zu haben, eigene selektive Allianzen oder Unternehmungen zu bilden, zu sprechen, ohne nachzudenken, eigene autonome Entscheidungen zu treffen und so weiter. Außerdem hat jeder Mann und jede Frau in der Gesellschaft eine Smartphone-Kamera in der Hand. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass die Nutzer von Handykameras nur selten für die Datenschutzrechte anderer sensibilisiert sind, weil es keine Standards gibt, die eingehalten werden müssen. In den letzten Jahren sind immer mehr Medienwerkzeuge aufgetaucht, und die Menschen haben keine Ahnung, wie sie diese in einem bestimmten Rahmen nutzen können.

  • af Harmeet Kaur
    918,95 kr.

    Il concetto di privacy ha influenzato nuovi progressi che hanno portato a cambiamenti dinamici in tutte le situazioni di vita degli esseri umani. Ogni impresa pubblica e privata nel mondo globale di oggi ha inventato strumenti inediti per monitorare le persone. La sorveglianza non è eccessivamente invasiva, ma costringe una persona ad agire in modo prevedibile. Impedisce a un uomo o a una donna di avere idee o valutazioni proprie, di formare alleanze o imprese selettive, di parlare senza pensare, di fare scelte autonome e così via. Inoltre, ogni uomo e donna della società ha in mano la fotocamera di uno smartphone. È emerso che gli utenti delle fotocamere dei telefoni cellulari sono raramente sensibilizzati al diritto alla privacy degli altri perché non esistono standard da rispettare. Negli ultimi anni è emerso un numero crescente di strumenti mediatici e le persone non hanno idea di come utilizzarli entro certi limiti.

  • af Harmeet Kaur
    918,95 kr.

    Le concept de vie privée a influencé de nouvelles avancées qui ont entraîné des changements dynamiques dans les conditions de vie de tous les êtres humains. Toutes les entreprises publiques et privées du monde d'aujourd'hui ont inventé des outils inédits pour surveiller les gens. La surveillance n'est pas trop intrusive, mais elle oblige une personne à agir de manière prévisible. Elle empêche un homme ou une femme d'avoir ses propres idées ou évaluations, de former ses propres alliances ou entreprises sélectives, de parler sans réfléchir, de faire ses propres choix autonomes, etc. En outre, tous les hommes et toutes les femmes de la société ont un appareil photo de téléphone intelligent dans les mains. Il a été révélé que les utilisateurs d'appareils photo de téléphones portables sont rarement sensibilisés au droit à la vie privée d'autrui parce qu'il n'existe pas de normes à respecter. Ces dernières années, un nombre croissant d'outils médiatiques sont apparus, et les gens n'ont aucune idée de la manière de les utiliser dans une certaine limite.

  • af Harmeet Kaur
    913,95 kr.

    The concept of privacy has influenced new advancements that have resulted in dynamic changes in all human beings¿ living situations. Every public and private enterprise in today¿s global globe has invented previously unheard-of tools for monitoring people. Surveillance is not overly intrusive, but it does force a person to act in a predictable manner. It inhibits a man or woman from having his or her own ideas or assessments; from forming his or her own selective alliances or enterprises; from speaking without thinking; from making his or her own autonomous choices, and so on. Furthermore, every man and woman in society has a smart phone camera in their hands. It has been revealed that users of mobile phone cameras are seldom sensitized to others¿ privacy rights because there are no standards in place that must be observed. In recent years, an increasing number of media tools have emerged, and people have no idea how to utilize them in a certain limit.

  • af Harmeet Kaur
    133,95 kr.

  • af Harmeet Kaur
    425,95 kr.

  • af Harmeet Kaur
    158,95 kr.