Bøger af Hans-Hermann Hoppe
224,95 kr. LARGE PRINT EDITION! More at LargePrintLiberty.com. "Do not steal" is an excellent principle of ethics; it is also the first principle of sound economic systems. In our time, no one has done more than Hans-Hermann Hoppe to elaborate on the sociological implications of this truth. And this is his great work on the topic.The Austrian tradition is known for offering the most hard-core defense of private property, and the most consistent application of that principle, of any school of economics. The work of Hoppe--a leading student of Rothbard's whose books have been translated into a dozen languages--has focused heavy philosophical and economic attention on this principle.This book, the 2nd expanded edition after a long period in which it has been unavailable, collects his most important scholarly essays on the topic.The topics covered by Hoppe are wide ranging: employment, interest, money, banking, trade cycles, taxes, public goods, war, imperialism, and the rise and fall of civilizations. The core theoretical insight uniting the entire discussion is as consistently applied here as it is neglected by the economic mainstream: the absolute inviolability of private property as a human right as the basis of continuous economic progress.The right to private property is an indisputably valid, absolute principle of ethics, argues Hoppe, and the basis for civilizational advance. Indeed, it is the very foundation of social order itself. To rise from the ruins of socialism and overcome the stagnation of the Western welfare states, nothing will suffice but the uncompromising privatization of all socialized, that is, government, property and the establishment of a contractual society based on the recognition of private property rights.Hans Hermann-Hoppe is professor of economics at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and a senior fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. This edition is an expansion of the original edition (1993), with new essays on epistemology, ethics, and economics.
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- 224,95 kr.
- Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production
228,95 kr. LARGE PRINT EDITION! More at LargePrintLiberty.com. With eleven chapters by top libertarian scholars on all aspects of defense, this book edited by Hans-Hermann Hoppe represents an ambitious attempt to extend the idea of free enterprise to the provision of security services. It argues that "national defense" as provided by government is a myth not unlike the myth of socialism itself. Defense services are more viably privatized and replaced by the market provision of security.From the introduction: "Even aside from day-to-day security risks, the reality of terrorism and its resulting mayhem has demonstrated the inability of government to provide adequate security against attacks on person and property. The lesson of September 11 is indisputable: government had not only failed to act as a guardian of security and protection but had actually been the primary agent in creating insecurity and exposure to risk, and, moreover, did not achieve secure justice once the crime had been committed."However, this was not the lesson that was drawn from the affair. Instead, the political elite successfully exploited public fears to vastly increase government spending, central credit inflation, bureaucratic management, citizen surveillance, regulation of transportation, and generally wage an all out attack on liberty and property."Meanwhile, US foreign policy pursued in the aftermath became more aggressively interventionist, violent, and threatening (the US refused even to rule out the employment of nuclear weapons against enemy regimes) than it had been before, thereby increasing the number of recruits into the ranks of people who are willing to use extreme violence as a means of retribution."In the same way that government intervention in times of peace can generate perverse consequences in markets that do not tend toward clearing, in times of war, military intervention can thus have the effect of harming the prospects for peace and security and bringing about a permanent state of violence and political control. Truly, the political affairs of our time cry out for a complete rethinking of the issues of defense and security and the respective roles of government, the market, and society in providing them."
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- 228,95 kr.
- Economics, Politics, and Ethics
138,95 kr. LARGE PRINT EDITION! More at LargePrintLiberty.com. Here is Hans Hoppe's first treatise in English - actually his first book in English - and the one that put him on the map as a social thinker and economist to watch. He argued that there are only two possible archetypes in economic affairs: socialism and capitalism. All systems are combinations of those two types. The capitalist model he defines as pure protection of private property, free association, and exchange - no exceptions. All deviations from that ideal are species of socialism, with public ownership and interference with trade. Within the structure of socialism, he distinguishes the left and right version. "Conservative" socialism favors high regulation, behavioral controls, protectionism, and nationalism. The "liberal" version tends more toward outright public ownership and redistribution.The consequences of socialism vary based on their degree and kind, but they have similarities: high costs, resource waste, low growth. This treatise has long been out of print, but is now avaiable again for use in comparative systems classes and for an orientation to the theory of economic systems. The theoretical apparatus is Rothbardian to the core, and its main contribution is to provide an organizing principle for understanding the structure of real-world economies as measured against pure types. A tour de force. This edition preserves the formatting from the original publisher, for reasons of citation. Though it was published by a major academic publishing house, the visuals are not what they might have been. Nonetheless, the book is well cited and this edition makes it possible to navigate those citations.
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- 138,95 kr.
133,95 kr. New 2nd Edition w/ new Intro by Hans Hoppe Here is Hans Hoppe's first treatise in English - actually his first book in English - and the one that put him on the map as a social thinker and economist to watch. He argued that there are only two possible archetypes in economic affairs: socialism and capitalism. All systems are combinations of those two types. The capitalist model he defines as pure protection of private property, free association, and exchange - no exceptions. All deviations from that ideal are species of socialism, with public ownership and interference with trade. Within the structure of socialism, he distinguishes the left and right version. "Conservative" socialism favors high regulation, behavioral controls, protectionism, and nationalism. The "liberal" version tends more toward outright public ownership and redistribution.The consequences of socialism vary based on their degree and kind, but they have similarities: high costs, resource waste, low growth. This treatise has long been out of print, but is now available again for use in comparative-systems classes and for an orientation to the theory of economic systems. The theoretical apparatus is Rothbardian to the core, and its main contribution is to provide an organizing principle for understanding the structure of real-world economies as measured against pure types. A tour de force. This edition preserves the formatting from the original publisher, for reasons of citation. Though it was published by a major academic publishing house, the visuals are not what they might have been. Nonetheless, the book is well cited and this edition makes it possible to navigate those citations.
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- 133,95 kr.
273,95 - 375,95 kr. - Bog
- 273,95 kr.
- The Economics and Politics of Monarchy, Democracy and Natural Order
2.023,95 kr. The core of this book is a systematic treatment of the historic transformation of the West from monarchy to democracy.
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- 2.023,95 kr.
- The Economics and Politics of Monarchy, Democracy and Natural Order
572,95 kr. A systematic treatment of the historic transformation of the West from monarchy to democracy. Revisionist in nature, it finds that monarchy is a lesser evil than democracy, but outlines deficiencies in both. It uses economic and sociological theorems to interpret historical events.
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- 572,95 kr.
188,95 - 308,95 kr. - Bog
- 188,95 kr.
- Untersuchungen Zur Grundlegung Von Soziologie Und OEkonomie
715,95 kr. Anmerkungen zu Kapitell 1 Vgl. hierzu z.B. Ezekiel/Fox, Methods of Correlation and Regression Analysis, New York 1966; Rao/Miller, Applied Econometrics, Belmont 1971; PindyckiRubinfeld, Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts, New York 1976. 2 Vgl. hierzu z.B. L. Robbins, Tbe Nature and Significance of Economic Science, London 1935; L. v. Mises, Human Action. A Treatise on Economics, Chicago 1966. - Die Kritik der logischen (Gegensatz: mathematischen) ökonomen verdient darum besonders hervorgeho ben zu werden, weil sie deudich macht, daß es keineswegs - wie von ökonometrikem regel mäßig behauptet - um die Alternative ,mathematische vs.literarische ökonomie' geht. 3 Vgl. H. Blalock, Causal Inferences in non-experimental research, Chapel Hili 1964; ders., Tbeory Construction, Englewood Cliffs 1969; ders. (ed.), Causal Models in the Social Sciences, Chicago 1971; Namboodiri/Carter/B1alock, Applied Multivariate Analysis and Experimental Design, New York 1975; 0.0. Duncan, Path-analysis: sociological examples, in: Blalock (ed.) 1971; ders., Introduction to Structural Equation Models, New York 1975; Goldberger/Duncan, (eds.) Structural Equation Models in the Social Sciences, New York 1973; außerdem vgl. D. Heise, Causal Analysis, New York 1975.
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- 715,95 kr.
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- 849,95 kr.
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- 944,95 kr.
883,95 kr. Die folgenden Studien behandeln die Frage ,Wie soli eine Gesellschaft geordnet wer den; und warum so und nicht anders'? Derart mit normativen Problem en befagt, unterscheiden sie sich grundsatzlich von der in der sozial- und politikwissenschaftli chen Literatur gegenwartig immer exklusiver gepflegten Form empirischer For schung, bei der normative Fragen entweder vollstandig ausgeblendet oder - ver breiteter noch und fragwurdiger! - durch beliebig herbeizitierte subjektive Meinun gen ,gelost' werden, und die von daher praktisch irrelevant bleiben mug oder als partikularistische (parteiliche) Propaganda einzustufen ist. Die vorliegenden Unter suchungen knupfen demgegenuber bewugt an die Tradition der Klassiker politischer Theorie an. Wie etwa Th. Hobbes oder J. Locke, D. Hume oder J. J. Rousseau, A. Smith oder K. Marx in ihren Arbeiten allgemein, objektiv begrundete Losungen fUr praktische Probleme formulieren wollen, so auch diese Arbeit; wie sie sich nicht an den methodisch-methodologischen Kanon empirisch-analytischer F orschung halten, so folgen auch die hier vorgelegten Studien einer nicht-empirischen Forschungslo gik; und wie sie sich nicht urn die Grenzen der wissenschaftlichen Fiicherteilung kummern (konnen), so reichen auch die folgenden Analysen von Philosophie bis Okonomie. * In inhaltlicher Hinsicht fallt die vorliegende Arbeit nicht weniger aus dem Rah men. 1m Gegensatz zur von Th. Hobbes bis R. Nozick reichenden offiziell-offi ziosen Tradition der politischen Theorie wird die These entfaltet und begriindet, daB es fur die Existenz eines Staates (auch eines liberalen Minimalstaates) nicht den Schimmer rechtfertigbarer Griinde gibt.
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- 883,95 kr.