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Bøger af Hannie Rouweler

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  • af Hannie Rouweler
    238,95 kr.

    Poems in Dutch and English - Gedichten in het Nederlands en Engels.Hannie Rouweler (Netherlands, Goor, 13 June 1951), poet and translator, has been living in Leusden, the Netherlands since the end of 2012. Before she lived in different places in Holland, she also stayed abroad for a longer period of time.Her sources of inspiration are nature, love, loss, childhood memories and travel. In 1988 she made her debut with Regendruppels op het water (Raindrops on water). Since then, more than 40 collections of poetry have been published, also ten translations into various foreign languages.Poems have been translated into about 35 languages. She attended evening classes in painting and art history, art academy (Belgium) for five years. Hannie writes on various topics. 'Poetry is in the streets, up for grabs', is an adage for her. She mixes observations from reality with imagination and gives a twist to her feelings and findings. Fantasy and imagination play an important role in her works.She has received awards from the Netherlands and abroad, e.g. 'best poet of the year 2021', from the institute IPTRC voting international executive committee in China. Hannie Rouweler followed short commercial and language courses at language institutes (Arnhem, Amsterdam, Hasselt BE). She has published several stories (including short thrillers); is editor of several poetry collections.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    198,95 kr.

    Bilingual poetry book Dutch and English.Hannie Rouweler (Netherlands, Goor, 13 June 1951), poet and translator, has been living in Leusden, the Netherlands since the end of 2012. Before she lived in different places in Holland, she also stayed abroad for a longer period of time.Her sources of inspiration are nature, love, loss, childhood memories and travel. In 1988 she made her debut with Regendruppels op het water (Raindrops on water). Since then, more than 40 collections of poetry have been published, also ten translations into various foreign languages.Poems have been translated into about 35 languages. She attended evening classes in painting and art history, art academy (Belgium) for five years. Hannie writes on various topics. 'Poetry is in the streets, up for grabs', is an adage for her. She mixes observations from reality with imagination and gives a twist to her feelings and findings. Fantasy and imagination play an important role in her works.She has received awards from the Netherlands and abroad, e.g. 'best poet of the year 2021', from the institute IPTRC voting international executive committee in China. Hannie Rouweler followed short commercial and language courses at language institutes (Arnhem, Amsterdam, Hasselt BE). She has published several stories (including short thrillers); is editor of several poetry collections.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    223,95 kr.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    228,95 kr.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    193,95 kr.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    158,95 kr.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    253,95 kr.

    New poems written in English by Hannie Rouweler. Her previous collection of poems is "Lakes and Gardens" (2008).Several poems in "Moving Spots" are translated by John Irons.The subjects of her poems are diverse a.o.: about memories of her childhood, parents, about love and loss, nature, the arts. In the back pages reviews are published from Jostein Sæbøe (Norway), about "Lakes and Gardens" and John Irons (Denmark), about a previous collection "A timeless tide" (2000).

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    233,95 kr.

    Herziene uitgave van 2009. Nieuwe gedichten van de dichter/vertaler Joris Iven en Hannie Rouweler.De gedichten van Joris Iven werden geschreven in de periode 1987 tot 2006. Hannie Rouweler heeft in deze bundel overwegend gedichten opgenomen, die opgedragen zijn (aan familieleden, vrienden, dichters, schrijvers). De meeste gedichten werden geschreven tussen 2003 en 2008.Met een korte bespreking, door Roger Nupie (Antwerpen), in "De Auteur" (tijdschrift VvL), fragment: "Wie een mooi relaas wil lezen van het subtiele vastleggen van realiteit en verleden door tweedichters met een uitgesproken eigen poëtica, kan terecht in deze bundel die zich graag laat ontsluieren en daarbij zijn schoonheid en kracht voor elke poëzieliefhebber openlegt."

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    398,95 kr.

    Nieuwe gedichten, nog niet eerder gepubliceerd in boekvorm, van Hannie Rouweler. Zeer gevariëerde thema's.In deze bundel zijn alle titels op alfabetische volgorde geplaatst van A t / m Z. Achterin het boek bevindt zich een index.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    223,95 kr.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    383,95 kr.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    228,95 kr.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    253,95 kr.

    Tweetalig - bilingual: Dutch and English.Korte verhalen, over allerlei onderwerpen, soms flashbacks.Short stories about all sorts of subjects, sometimes flashbacks.Hannie Rouweler (Nederland, Goor, 13 juni 1951), dichter en vertaler, woont sinds eind 2012 in Leusden, Nederland. Voordien woonde ze in verschillende plaatsen, eveneens verbleef ze langere tijd in het buitenland.Haar inspiratiebronnen zijn de natuur, liefde, verlies, jeugdherinneringen en reizen. In 1988 debuteerde ze met Regendruppels op het water. Sindsdien zijn er ruim 40 poëziebundels verschenen, inclusief vertalingen in vreemde talen (Pools, Roemeens, Spaans, Frans, Noors, Engels).Gedichten zijn vertaald in ongeveer 35 talen. Ze volgde vijf jaar avondlessen schilderkunst en kunstgeschiedenis, kunstacademie (België). Hannie schrijft over verschillende onderwerpen. 'Poëzie ligt op straat, voor het oprapen', is een adagium voor haar. Ze mengt waarnemingen uit de werkelijkheid met de verbeelding en geeft een draai aan haar gevoelens en bevindingen. Fantasie en verbeeldingskracht spelen een belangrijke rol in haar werken.Hannie Rouweler volgde kortstondige commerciële en talen opleidingen bij taleninstituten (Arnhem, Amsterdam, Hasselt BE). Ze publiceerde enkele verhalen (o.a. korte thrillers); is redacteur van verschillende poëziebundels.Hannie Rouweler (Netherlands, Goor, 13 June 1951), poet and translator. Sources of inspiration are nature, love, loss, childhood memories and travel. In 1988 she debuted, about 40 poetry volumes have been published, including translations (Polish, Romanian, Spanish, French, Norwegian, English). Poems have been translated in about 35 languages. She followed several commercial and language trainings (Arnhem, Amsterdam, Hasselt BE) and attended five years evening classes in painting and art history, art academy (Belgium). Hannie is a member of the Advisory Board of the yearly Kritya festival, India. She has published a few stories (e.g. short thrillers); is editor of various poetry collections.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    213,95 kr.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    178,95 kr.

  • - Gedichten Poems
    af Hannie Rouweler
    233,95 kr.

  • af Hannie Rouweler & And International Poets
    368,95 kr.

    ATUNIS ANTHOLOGY 2022.ATUNIS GALAXY ANTHOLOGY - 2022ANTHOLOGY OF CONTEMPORARYWORLD POETRYATUNIS POETRY LEADERSHIP STAFF:Editor in Chief: Agron Shelehttps://atunispoetry.comDeputy Editor in Chief: Hannie Rouweler Alicja Kuberska Sunita PaulDeputy Editor in Chief : Hasije Selishta Kryeziu Susana RobertsEditor: Raimonda Moisiu & Dr. Claudia PiccinoResponsible for Literary Information: Merita PaparistoResponsible for Literary Information: Eden S TrinidadConsultant: Peter Tase Lumo Kolleshi & Leda García PérezLiterary Editor: Enertin DheskaliGraphics: Irina Hysi & Mordechai GeldmanAdvisory Board: Dr. Maria Miraglia, Caroline Nazareno-Gabis, Juljana Mehmeti, Günsel Djemal, Roula Pollard, Sinan Vaka, Dr. Eftichia Kapardeli, Shefqete Gosalci, Lumo Kolleshi, Luz María López, Rami Kamberi, Leyla I¿¿k, NilavroNill Shoovro, Milica Jeftimijevi¿ Lili¿.Every Collaboration: Dr. Aprilia Zank, Irina Hysi, Alicia Minjarez Ramírez, Elvira Kujovic¿, Alisa Velaj, Bilall M. Maliqi, Kujtim Morina, Dr. Tarana Turan Rahimli, Luan Maloku, Anton Gojcaj.

  • - Gedichten / Poems
    af Hannie Rouweler
    193,95 kr.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    158,95 kr.

  • - Demer Press
    af Sungrye Han & Hannie Rouweler
    143,95 kr.

    Poems in English and Dutch translations.POETS:Prof dr Sungrye Han (South Korea)Hannie Rouweler (Netherlands)Translator English into Dutch: Hannie Rouweler

  • - Demer Uitgeverij
    af Hannie Rouweler & Diverse Schrijvers En Dichters
    158,95 kr.

    Gelegenheidsuitgave, bijdragen van Job Degenaar, Wim van Til, Marion de Vos, Pien Storm van Leeuwen, Gerhard te Winkel, Maarten van den Elzen, Yvan de Maesschalck, Mark Meekers, Roger Nupie en Hannie Rouweler. Gedichten en verhalen.

  • - Hannie Rouweler
    af Hannie Rouweler
    173,95 kr.

    Dutch and English poems by Hannie Rouweler, The Netherlands.The poetry of Hannie Rouweler resembles the divine islands of the Archipelago as referred to by the great Hölderlin. Even for those who have never visited them, they are like old friends, one recognises them as if they had just risen from the sea, pure summits of the earth clawing out of the waves, always present, always testifying to what is lasting and real in the magic of a human being working with words.Mircea Ivanescu (Romania)(Calator catre cuvint,University Lucian Blaga, Sibiu,translated by Liliana Ursu)A poem by Hannie Rouweler is distinctive - it has an individual voice. When reading her poetry, you often get the feeling of changing gear, almost going into neutral. The mood created by many of her poems is one not of stillness but of stasis - like the stone that has landed in the pond before the ripples come. And the ripples do come - after the poem has been read - spreading outwards from a deceptively calm centre.John Irons(Denmark)(A timeless tide)Among the various emerging voices in Dutch Poetry the voice of Hannie Rouweler is special for the sensible perception of a reality, transferring its concrete aspects to a fugitive and unexpected vision in a serene restlessnessJosé L. Reina Palazón(Spain)(Rompiente del día)Freshness and directness of the voice.Chana Bloch(Berkeley, U.S.A.)There is a consistent and recognizable voice carrying a warm and relaxed tone, but keeping control of the formal handicraft at the same time. It is a pleasure to both the tongue, the ear and the mind to read these poems.Jostein Sæbøe(Norway)(Lakes and Gardens)Rouweler can say in a simple way things of profound expressiveness.Aleidis DierickPoetry Magazine (Gent/Belgium)¿Poetic refinement and great depth to the frontier of meaning where words fail.Jan NiesDutch/Flemish Cultural Magazine"Schoon Schip"(Assen / Antwerp)At last poetry in which a deep human voice is heard.Menno Wigman(In de branding van de dag)Her poetry is characterised by the great amount of nostalgic feelings in a lost time.Theo HakkertNewspaper TUBANTIAA landscape very typically Dutch, at its best.Leo Vroman(Fort Worth, U.S.A.)(Bewegingen)

  • - Demer Press
    af Hannie Rouweler, Alicja Maria Kuberska & Agron Shele
    408,95 kr.

    International Poetry anthology by esteemed poets from all over the world.ATUNIS GALAXY ANTHOLOGY - 2021ANTHOLOGY OF CONTEMPORARYWORLD POETRYATUNIS POETRY LEADERSHIP STAFF:Editor in Chief: Agron Shelehttps://atunispoetry.comDeputy Editor in Chief: Hannie RouwelerDeputy Editor in Chief: Hasije Selishta KryeziuEditor: Sunita PaulEditor: Raimonda MoisiuEditor: Lek Pervizi (Editor in Chief; REVISTA EURO-SHQIPTARE KUQ E ZIResponsible for Literary Information: Pavol JanikResponsible for Literary Information: Dr. Claudia PiccinnoResponsible for Literary Information: Eden S TrinidadConsultant: Peter Tase Lumo Kolleshi & Leda García PérezLiterary Editor: Enertin DheskaliGraphics: Lidia Chiarelli & Irina Hysi MAAdvisory Board: Dr. Maria Miraglia, Caroline Nazareno-Gabis, Juljana Mehmeti, Günsel Djemal, Roula Pollard, Sinan Vaka, Dr. Eftichia Kapardeli, Shefqete Gosalci, Lumo Kolleshi, Alicja Kuberska, Luz María López, Rami Kamberi, Leyla I¿¿k, NilavroNill Shoovro, Susana Roberts, Milica Jeftimijevi¿ Lili¿.Every Collaboration: Dr. Aprilia Zank, Irina Hysi, Alicia Minjarez Ramírez, Elvira Kujovic¿, Alisa Velaj, Bilall M. Maliqi, Kujtim Morina, Dr. Tarana Turan Rahimli, Luan Maloku, Dr. Olfa Philo (Drid), Anton Gojcaj.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    183,95 kr.

    Bilingual edition poetry: Dutch and English. Hannie Rouweler (Netherlands, Goor, 13 June 1951), poet and translator, has been living in Leusden, The Netherlands, since the end of 2012.Her sources of inspiration are nature, love, loss, childhood memories and travel. In 1988 she debuted with Raindrops on the water. Since then about 40 poetry volumes have been published, including translations in foreign languages (Polish, Romanian, Spanish, French, Norwegian, English).Poems have been translated in about 30 languages. She attended five years evening classes in painting and art history, art academy (Belgium). Hannie writes about a variety of diverse topics. 'Poetry is on the street, for the taking', is an adage for her. She mixes observations from reality with imagination and gives a pointe to her feelings and findings. Unrestrained imagination plays a major part in her works.She published a few stories (short thrillers); is editor of various poetry collections.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    158,95 kr.

    Hannie Rouweler (Netherlands, Goor, 13 June 1951), poet and translator, has been living in Leusden, The Netherlands, since the end of 2012. Her sources of inspiration are nature, love, loss, childhood memories and travel. In 1988 she debuted with Raindrops on the water. Since then about 40 poetry volumes have been published, including translations in foreign languages (Polish, Romanian, Spanish, French, Norwegian, English). Poems have been translated in 25 languages. She attended five years evening classes in painting and art history, art academy (Belgium). Hannie writes about a variety of diverse topics. 'Poetry is on the street, for the taking', is an adage for her. She mixes observations from reality with imagination and gives a pointe to her feelings and findings. Unrestrained imagination plays a major part in her works. She published a few stories (short thrillers); is a compiler of various poetry collections. She is a member of the Flemish Association of Poets and Writers (VVL, Antwerp).

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    213,95 kr.

    Hannie Rouweler (Goor, 13 juni 1951) woont sinds eind 2012 in Leusden. Haar inspiratiebronnen zijn de natuur, de liefde, verlies, jeugdherinneringen en reizen. In 1988 debuteerde ze met Regendruppels op het water. Sindsdien zijn ongeveer 40 dichtbundels verschenen, waaronder ook bundels in vertaling (Pools, Roemeens, Spaans, Frans, Noors, Engels). Ze volgde vijf jaar de avondopleiding schilderen en kunstgeschiedenis, kunstacademie (België). Haar gedichten zijn in ruim 25 talen vertaald. Ze publiceerde enkele verhalen (korte thrillers); is samensteller van diverse bloemlezingen en dichtbundels. Ze is lid van de Vlaamse vereniging van Letterkundigen.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    163,95 kr.

    Nieuwe dichtbundel van Hannie Rouweler. Hannie Rouweler (Goor, 13 juni 1951) woont sinds eind 2012 in Leusden. Haar inspiratiebronnen zijn de natuur, de liefde, verlies, jeugdherinneringen en reizen. In 1988 debuteerde ze met Regendruppels op het water. Sindsdien zijn ruim 30 dichtbundels verschenen, waaronder ook bundels in vertaling (Pools, Roemeens, Spaans, Frans, Noors, Engels). Ze volgde de avondopleiding schilderen en kunstgeschiedenis, kunstacademie (België). Ze publiceerde enkele verhalen (korte thrillers); is samensteller van diverse bloemlezingen en dichtbundels. Ze is lid van de Vlaamse vereniging van Letterkundigen.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    238,95 kr.

    Bilingual new poetry collection Dutch and English by Hannie Rouweler, poet and writer. Tweetalige dichtbundel met Engelse en Nederlandse gedichten. Ze publiceerde vele dichtbundels in verscheidene Europese talen.

  • af Hannie Rouweler
    163,95 kr.

    Vijf zeer korte verhalen over het ouderlijk huis. Tweetalig: Nederlands en Engels. Bilingual Dutch and English. Korte verhalen over de jeugdjaren in Twente. Short stories about memories of a childhood. In The Netherlands.