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  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    1.418,95 kr.

    Caregivers play a vital role in health management, addressing patients' physical, emotional, spiritual, and practical needs. Care managers identify patient needs, supervise ongoing care, manage medication, provide education, and advocate for patients. Key caregiver skills include communication, problem-solving, flexibility, time management, decision making, and mentoring.In healthcare, patient caregivers are often overlooked, despite their significance in managing chronic conditions. They directly support patients' best care. Caring for a loved one with a chronic condition can be fulfilling yet overwhelming, posing physical and emotional challenges. Caregivers must prioritize their well-being. As researchers, we support caregivers, ensuring they care for themselves while fulfilling responsibilities to patients.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    1.843,95 kr.

    Healthcare management is responsible for overseeing healthcare facilities. People in these roles work to enhance treatment options & direct organizational policies & procedures. Healthcare management professionals are not directly involved with patient care but look at the bigger picture to ensure services offered benefit patients and empower staff. They make sure budgets allow maximum efficiency & quality & usually manage a team of medical staff. Healthcare managers are in charge of keeping healthcare facilities such as hospitals, medical centers, health centers functioning & serving the community. They make sure the facility provides the best possible care. Job responsibilities are developing & implementing organizational-level goals & procedures; researching & implementing strategies to improve standards of patient care & facilities offered; recruiting, training & managing medical & administrative staff; managing finance & budgets; complying with health & data protection regulations; collaborating with health boards, medical staff & researchers. Key skills in healthcare management are communication, problem-solving, flexibility, time management, team management, decision making.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    1.308,95 kr.

    Bluthochdruck (HBP) ist eine der wichtigsten Todesursachen weltweit. Mehr als 9 Millionen Menschen sind weltweit daran gestorben. Bluthochdruck ist eine Langzeiterkrankung, bei der der Blutdruck in den Arterien dauerhaft erhöht ist. HBP verursacht in der Regel keine Symptome. Langfristig erhöhter Blutdruck ist jedoch ein wichtiger Risikofaktor für koronare Herzkrankheiten, Schlaganfall, Herzversagen, Vorhofflimmern, periphere Gefäßerkrankungen, Sehstörungen, chronische Nierenerkrankungen und Demenz. HBP wird entweder als primäre (essenzielle) HBP oder als sekundäre HBP klassifiziert. Etwa 90-95 % der Fälle sind primär, d. h. der Bluthochdruck ist auf unspezifische Lebensstil- und genetische Faktoren zurückzuführen. Zu den Lebensstilfaktoren, die das Risiko erhöhen, gehören ein zu hoher Salzgehalt in der Ernährung, Übergewicht, Rauchen und Alkoholkonsum. Die verbleibenden 5-10 % der Fälle werden als sekundärer Bluthochdruck eingestuft, d. h. Bluthochdruck aufgrund einer identifizierbaren Ursache wie einer chronischen Nierenerkrankung, einer Verengung der Nierenarterien, einer endokrinen Störung oder der Einnahme der Antibabypille. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass in der iranischen Bevölkerung ein rasches Eingreifen erforderlich ist, um Bluthochdruck als Hauptrisikofaktor für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen zu verhindern.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    1.308,95 kr.

    L'hypertension artérielle (HTA) est l'une des principales causes de mortalité dans le monde. Elle a causé la mort de plus de 9 millions de personnes dans le monde. L'hypertension artérielle est une affection de longue durée caractérisée par une élévation persistante de la pression sanguine dans les artères. L'hypertension artérielle ne provoque généralement pas de symptômes. Cependant, l'hypertension artérielle à long terme est un facteur de risque majeur de maladie coronarienne, d'accident vasculaire cérébral, d'insuffisance cardiaque, de fibrillation auriculaire, de maladie vasculaire périphérique, de perte de vision, d'insuffisance rénale chronique et de démence. L'hypertension artérielle est classée en deux catégories : l'hypertension primaire (essentielle) et l'hypertension secondaire. Dans 90 à 95 % des cas, il s'agit d'une hypertension primaire, c'est-à-dire d'une hypertension due à des facteurs non spécifiques liés au mode de vie et à des facteurs génétiques. Les facteurs liés au mode de vie qui augmentent le risque sont l'excès de sel dans l'alimentation, l'excès de poids, le tabagisme et la consommation d'alcool. Les 5 à 10 % de cas restants sont classés dans la catégorie de l'hypertension artérielle secondaire, définie comme une hypertension artérielle due à une cause identifiable, telle qu'une maladie rénale chronique, un rétrécissement des artères rénales, un trouble endocrinien ou l'utilisation de la pilule contraceptive.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    1.308,95 kr.

    A hipertensão arterial (HBP) é uma das causas mais importantes de mortalidade a nível mundial. Já causou a morte de mais de 9 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. A HBP é uma condição médica de longo prazo em que a pressão arterial nas artérias é persistentemente elevada. Normalmente, a HBP não provoca sintomas. No entanto, a pressão arterial elevada a longo prazo é um fator de risco importante para a doença arterial coronária, acidente vascular cerebral, insuficiência cardíaca, fibrilhação auricular, doença vascular periférica, perda de visão, doença renal crónica e demência. A HBP é classificada como HBP primária (essencial) ou HBP secundária. Cerca de 90-95% dos casos são primários, definidos como pressão arterial elevada devida a factores genéticos e de estilo de vida não específicos. Os factores de estilo de vida que aumentam o risco incluem o excesso de sal na dieta, o excesso de peso corporal, o tabagismo e o consumo de álcool. Os restantes 5-10% dos casos são classificados como HBP secundária, definida como HBP devida a uma causa identificável, como a doença renal crónica, o estreitamento das artérias renais, uma doença endócrina ou a utilização de pílulas anticoncepcionais. Estes resultados indicam a necessidade de uma intervenção rápida para prevenir a HBP na população iraniana como um fator de risco importante para as doenças cardiovasculares.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    1.308,95 kr.

    L'ipertensione arteriosa (HBP) è una delle principali cause di mortalità a livello mondiale. Ha causato la morte di oltre 9 milioni di persone in tutto il mondo. L'HBP è una condizione medica a lungo termine in cui la pressione sanguigna nelle arterie è persistentemente elevata. L'HBP di solito non causa sintomi. L'ipertensione arteriosa a lungo termine, tuttavia, è un importante fattore di rischio per le malattie coronariche, l'ictus, l'insufficienza cardiaca, la fibrillazione atriale, le malattie vascolari periferiche, la perdita della vista, le malattie renali croniche e la demenza. L'HBP è classificata come HBP primaria (essenziale) o secondaria. Circa il 90-95% dei casi è primario, definito come pressione alta dovuta a fattori genetici e di stile di vita non specifici. I fattori dello stile di vita che aumentano il rischio includono l'eccesso di sale nella dieta, l'eccesso di peso corporeo, il fumo e l'uso di alcol. Il restante 5-10% dei casi è classificato come HBP secondaria, definita come HBP dovuta a una causa identificabile, come una malattia renale cronica, un restringimento delle arterie renali, un disturbo endocrino o l'uso della pillola anticoncezionale. Questi risultati indicano la necessità di un intervento tempestivo per prevenire l'HBP nella popolazione iraniana, in quanto principale fattore di rischio per le malattie cardiovascolari.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    1.073,95 kr.

    Lebensstil und Herzgesundheit und -krankheit bietet eine umfassende Bewertung der Lebensstilfaktoren, die die Herzfunktion und -struktur verändern. Dabei wird ein breites Spektrum von Lebensstilfaktoren behandelt, darunter körperliche Aktivität (geringe oder fehlende Bewegung), Alkoholkonsum (positiver Zusammenhang zwischen Alkohol und dem Risiko für Typ-2-Diabetes mellitus und Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen bei Männern und Frauen), Fettleibigkeit, Rauchen, Tabakkonsum, Drogenmissbrauch, Ernährung (ungesunde Ernährung) und psychosoziale Faktoren (abnehmendes Wissen der Öffentlichkeit über kardiovaskuläre Risikofaktoren: Kontextfaktoren, die das Wissen und das Gesundheitsverhalten beeinflussen, und ein weiterer Risikofaktor ist die Ausweitung der Unterstützung durch Gleichaltrige vom Diabetesmanagement auf die Prävention und das Management von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen in der Primärversorgung). Das Buch enthält eine klare wissenschaftliche Bewertung der veröffentlichten Forschungsergebnisse zu den allgemeinen Reaktionen von Wissenschaftlern, Ärzten und Patienten sowie neue Forschungsergebnisse zur Rolle des Lebensstils bei der Vorbeugung, Verbesserung und Verursachung von kardialem Remodeling und Erkrankungen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Änderungen des Lebensstils auf Bewegung basierende kardiovaskuläre Therapien, insbesondere die Verschreibung von Bewegung bei Bluthochdruck und ein maßgeschneidertes Programm zur Raucherentwöhnung bei Rauchern mit CVD-Risiko, vorteilhaft sind.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    1.198,95 kr.

    Le vieillissement de la population et les propositions visant à retarder le départ à la retraite dans de nombreux pays ont suscité un intérêt accru pour la compréhension des associations potentielles à long terme entre la retraite et la santé. En tant que transition importante de la vie, la retraite peut influencer la santé en modifiant les ressources financières, les facteurs de stress psychosociaux, les comportements en matière de santé, l'intégration sociale et le contrôle personnel. La retraite anticipée peut être un facteur de risque de mortalité et la prolongation de la vie professionnelle peut être bénéfique pour la survie des personnes âgées. Le passage de la vie active à la retraite peut être bénéfique ou néfaste pour la santé. Les résultats ont montré que le risque de maladie cardiovasculaire augmente après la retraite. En termes de santé, les maladies cardiovasculaires restent la principale cause de décès dans le monde. Lorsqu'on étudie l'association entre la retraite et les maladies cardiovasculaires ou leurs facteurs de risque, il est important de tenir compte de la causalité inverse, car une mauvaise santé peut être un facteur déterminant de la retraite, en particulier de la retraite anticipée. L'identification des facteurs qui déterminent la retraite fournit des informations précieuses aux décideurs politiques qui tentent d'atténuer les effets de la population.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    1.198,95 kr.

    L'invecchiamento della popolazione e le proposte di ritardare il pensionamento in molti Paesi hanno portato a un maggiore interesse per la comprensione delle potenziali associazioni a lungo termine tra pensionamento e salute. In quanto importante transizione di vita, il pensionamento può influenzare la salute modificando le risorse finanziarie, i fattori di stress psicosociale, i comportamenti sanitari, l'integrazione sociale e il controllo personale. Il pensionamento anticipato può essere un fattore di rischio per la mortalità e il prolungamento della vita lavorativa può fornire benefici per la sopravvivenza degli adulti più anziani. La transizione dal lavoro alla pensione può essere benefica o dannosa per la salute. I risultati hanno mostrato che il rischio di malattie cardiovascolari aumenta dopo il pensionamento. In termini di risultati sanitari, le malattie cardiovascolari rimangono la principale causa di morte a livello mondiale. Quando si studia l'associazione tra pensionamento e CVD o i suoi fattori di rischio, è importante considerare la causalità inversa, in quanto la cattiva salute può essere un fattore determinante per il pensionamento, soprattutto per il pensionamento anticipato. L'identificazione dei fattori che determinano il pensionamento fornisce informazioni preziose per i politici che cercano di mitigare gli effetti della popolazione.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    1.198,95 kr.

    O envelhecimento da população e as propostas de adiamento da reforma em muitos países levaram a um maior interesse em compreender as potenciais associações a longo prazo entre a reforma e a saúde. Sendo uma transição importante na vida, a reforma pode influenciar a saúde, alterando os recursos financeiros, os factores de stress psicossocial, os comportamentos de saúde, a integração social e o controlo pessoal. A reforma antecipada pode ser um factor de risco de mortalidade e o prolongamento da vida activa pode trazer benefícios para a sobrevivência dos adultos mais velhos. A transição do trabalho para a reforma pode ser benéfica ou prejudicial para a saúde. Os resultados mostraram que o risco de doenças cardiovasculares aumenta após a reforma. Em termos de resultados de saúde, as doenças cardiovasculares continuam a ser a maior causa de morte a nível mundial. Quando se estuda a associação entre a reforma e as doenças cardiovasculares ou os seus factores de risco, é importante ter em conta a causalidade inversa, uma vez que a falta de saúde pode ser um factor determinante da reforma, especialmente no caso da reforma antecipada. A identificação dos factores que determinam a reforma fornece informações valiosas aos decisores políticos que tentam atenuar os efeitos da população.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    1.198,95 kr.

    Die Alterung der Bevölkerung und Vorschläge, den Eintritt in den Ruhestand in vielen Ländern hinauszuzögern, haben zu einem verstärkten Interesse am Verständnis der potenziellen langfristigen Zusammenhänge zwischen Ruhestand und Gesundheit geführt. Als wichtiger Lebensübergang kann der Ruhestand die Gesundheit beeinflussen, indem er finanzielle Ressourcen, psychosoziale Stressoren, Gesundheitsverhalten, soziale Integration und persönliche Kontrolle verändert. Der Vorruhestand kann ein Risikofaktor für die Sterblichkeit sein, und ein längeres Arbeitsleben kann bei älteren Erwachsenen Überlebensvorteile bieten. Der Übergang vom Arbeitsleben in den Ruhestand könnte sich entweder positiv oder negativ auf die Gesundheit auswirken. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Risiko für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen nach dem Eintritt in den Ruhestand erhöht ist. Was die gesundheitlichen Folgen betrifft, so sind Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen nach wie vor die häufigste Todesursache weltweit. Bei der Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Ruhestand und Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen oder deren Risikofaktoren ist es wichtig, die umgekehrte Kausalität zu berücksichtigen, da ein schlechter Gesundheitszustand eine Determinante für den Ruhestand sein kann, insbesondere für den Vorruhestand. Die Identifizierung von Faktoren, die den Eintritt in den Ruhestand beeinflussen, liefert wertvolle Informationen für politische Entscheidungsträger, die versuchen, die Auswirkungen auf die Bevölkerung abzumildern.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri, Alireza Norouzi & Parirokh Dadsetan
    715,95 - 744,95 kr.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    643,95 kr.

    Jahangiri's Psychopharmacotherapy Handbook- A life Span Approach is justified in being described as the ¿gold standard¿ for information on psychopharmacology drugs and it is widely used by psychiatrists, psychologists and other healthcare professionals across the world. No other reference source examines psychopharmacology drug stability and compatibility in such detail. All of the selected drugs are presented in the same design format in order to facilitate rapid access to information. Specifically,each drug is broken down into five sections, each designated by a unique color background: therapeutics, side effects, dosing and use, special populations,& psychopharmacology. Therapeutics covers the brand names in major countries; the class of drug; what it is commonly prescribed and approved for by the FDA; how the drug works;how long it takes to work; what to do if it works or if it doesn¿t work. Side effects explains how the drug causes side effects. Dosing & use gives the usual dosing range; dosage forms;how to dose and dosing tips;symptoms of overdose; long-term use; if habit forming,how to stop; pharmakinetics; drug interactions; when not to use & other warnings or precautions.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    744,95 kr.

    Biotechnology Dictionary English-Persian is recognized as the definitive dictionary of Biotechnology up-to-date, comprehensive, and authoritative. It is unique among dictionaries in providing nearly encyclopedic discussions of many of the most important entries. Biotechnology Dictionary is vastly expanded to cover the explosion of new words and terms in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. The entries are clearly written so that they can be understood by non-biotechnologists (including general readers), and they feature cross-references so that readers can easily locate all the relevant information on a topic. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Dictionary is a relatively new and growing field in which the principles of biotechnology are applied to the development of drugs. A majority of therapeutic drugs in the current market are bioformulations, such as antibodies, nucleic acid products, and vaccines. Biotechnology Dictionary is written for the working library of a broad and diverse readership of specialists and non-specialists that includes biotechnologists, pharmacists, medical specialists, pharmaceutical biotechnologists, & lay readers with an interest in Biotechnology issues.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri, Alireza Norouzi & Siavash Goudarzvand Chegini
    744,95 kr.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri, Alireza Norouzi & Abbasgholi Daneshvar
    679,95 - 744,95 kr.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    679,95 kr.

    Psychological factors play a very important role in the existence and formation of Heart diseases, especially Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). Nowadays, heart diseases especially CHD which its clinical spectrum varies from silence ischemia to stable angina, unstable angina, myocardial infection and sudden heart death is one of the three main causes of death in the industrial countries besides cancer and brain stroke. Fifty million people die annually around the world; 12 million of them die because of cardiovascular diseases.Stress can affect person's health through behavioral and physiologic changes. Stress can also lead to heart diseases through psychological changes. It seems that stress has direct effects on coronary arteries and heart muscles. Nontraditional risk factors, such as psychological traits, have been increasingly recognized as important contributors to the genesis and outcomes of coronary artery disease. Mental stress induces significant peripheral arterial vasoconstriction, with consequent increases in heart rate and blood pressure. These changes are thought to underlie the development of myocardial ischemia and other mental stress-induced adverse cardiac events.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri, Reza Shapurian & Alireza Norouzi
    744,95 kr.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    715,95 - 744,95 kr.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri & Alireza Norouzi
    679,95 - 715,95 kr.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri & Alireza Norouzi
    679,95 - 715,95 kr.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    628,95 kr.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    788,95 kr.

    High blood pressure (HBP), is one of the most important causes of mortality worldwide. It has caused the death of more than 9 million people worldwide. HBP is a long-term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. HBP usually does not cause symptoms. Long-term high blood pressure, however, is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease, stroke, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, peripheral vascular disease, vision loss, chronic kidney disease, and dementia. HBP is classified as either primary (essential) HBP or secondary HBP. About 90¿95% of cases are primary, defined as high blood pressure due to nonspecific lifestyle and genetic factors. Lifestyle factors that increase the risk include excess salt in the diet, excess body weight, smoking, and alcohol use. The remaining 5¿10% of cases are categorized as secondary HBP, defined as HBP due to an identifiable cause, such as chronic kidney disease, narrowing of the kidney arteries, an endocrine disorder, or the use of birth control pills. These results indicate a need for prompt intervention for preventing HBP in the Iranian population as a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    664,95 kr.

    Nurses and physicians working in the intensive care unit (ICU) are exposed to considerable job stress. Considerable work related stress, distress symptoms among staff have been described as being frequent, and previous studies have identified high levels of burnout symptoms among ICU staff. Burnout is a psychological concept often used as a response to long-term emotional and interpersonal stressors, usually in the work context. Burnout may be a result of too much work and too little recovery. The clinical impact of burnout may be decreased well-being (insomnia, irritability, eating problems, and depressive problems) and increased sick leave among staff. A high degree of emotional exhaustion among nurses has been shown to predict lower self-rated performances and higher intention to quit work. Characteristics of both the organization (decision makers, authority) and the work (workload, social support, and autonomy) may be associated with job satisfaction and psychological reactions like burnout in ICU professionals.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    744,95 kr.

    Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of mortality, morbidity, and disability with high health care cost in Iran. It accounts for nearly 50 percent of all deaths per year. Although certain risk factors associated with CVD progression¿such as age, gender, and family history¿are non-modifiable, the majority of factors influencing CVD risk can be attributed to an individual's lifestyle choices and, as such, have the potential to be improved through particular lifestyle modifications. The investigation indicated the incidence of CVD is rapidly increasing. Higher frequency of CVD risk factors in university lecturers which could be due to specific occupation-related life style, such as unhealthy dietary intake and lack of regularly exercise and sitting more than 4-8 hours in a day during the time at the university and Tobacco smoking is strictly observed. These lifestyle choices act both in isolation and in synergy to increase multiple cardiovascular (CV) risk factors, which in turn have the potential to interact with each other to further elevate risk, which require making to address control measures regarding CVD risk factors, such as high blood pressure, blood lipids and diabetes.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    744,95 kr.

    Population aging and proposals for delaying retirement in many countries have led to greater interest in understanding the potential long-term associations between retirement and health. As an important life transition, retirement may influence health by changing financial resources, psycho-social stressors, health behaviors, social integration & personal control. Early retirement may be a risk factor for mortality and prolonged working life may provide survival benefits among older adults. Transitioning from work to retirement could be either beneficial or harmful for health. Results showed cardiovascular disease risk is increased after retirement. In terms of health outcomes, CVD remains the biggest cause of death worldwide. When studying the association between retirement & CVD or its risk factors, it is important to consider reverse causality, as poor health may be a determinant of retirement, especially for early retirement. Poor mental health may influence people's decisions about, and ability to keep working into later adulthood.The identification of factors that drive retirement provides valuable information for policymakers attempting to mitigate the effects of population.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    664,95 kr.

    Having a child with a chronic disease may cause anxiety and depression and impair the sleep quality in the parents. Taking care of the sick child by the parents-who are usually the main care takers- can be associated with high loads of stress and result in behavioral problems like anxiety, depression and disturbance in sleep quality. This experience is commonly perceived as a chronic stressor, and caregivers often experience negative psychological, behavioral, & physiological effects on their daily lives and health. The caregiver reported extremely high levels of psychological distress, including anxiety, depression. Present study showed a significant association between depression-anxiety and sleep quality in parents with asthmatic children. Therefore, children with and their parents need to be assessed for the requirement of support regarding depression- anxiety status and sleep quality. The importance of identifying caregivers at risk of negative health outcomes and intervening to attenuate the stress associated with the caregiving experience. This book is based on the original research presented at EAN 2015 Conference, July 22-23, 2015 in Berlin, Germany.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    788,95 kr.

    Hypertension (HTN or HT) is one of the factors affecting morbidity and mortality in elderly people to make health care policy makers pay more attention to control of hypertension in elderly people,18% of all deaths (9.4 million globally). Also, hypertension is considered as a major health problem in our society. High blood pressure usually does not cause symptoms. Long-term high blood pressure, however, is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease, stroke, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, peripheral vascular disease, vision loss, chronic kidney disease, and dementia.About 90¿95% of cases are primary, defined as hypertension due to nonspecific lifestyle and genetic factors.Lifestyle factors that increase the risk include excess salt in the diet, excess body weight, smoking, and alcohol use. Lifestyle changes and medications can lower blood pressure and decrease the risk of health complications. Lifestyle changes include weight loss, decreased salt intake, physical exercise, and a healthy diet. This book is based on the original research that was presented at AiA15 Conference (ASA Conference; 2015 Aging in America Conference), March 23-27, 2015 in Chicago, America.

  • af Richard S. Lazarus, Hamideh Jahangiri & Parirokh Dadsetan
    744,95 - 817,95 kr.

  • af Hamideh Jahangiri
    476,95 kr.

    Radiologists experienced routine symptoms of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization - often accompanied by issues of financial scarcity. Radiologists felt the classic symptoms of burnout defined by the report as a loss of enthusiasm for work, cynicism & a low sense of personal accomplishment. Most of Radiologists said income & reimbursement issues are among the top reasons radiologists are experiencing high levels of stress & burnout. The top three causes of burnout physician-wide were having too many bureaucratic tasks, too many work hours and increasing computerization. For radiologists, income issues and the reimbursement imbalance that has emerged in recent years are often central to stress & burnout. Imaging utilization has increased without proportionate increases in reimbursement, which has created an increasing gap between productivity and reimbursement. That¿s a set-up for stress and burnout, and making things worse, physicians often have poor stress-coping skills. It recommended mental health and career planning resources for radiologists, research grants to evaluate evidence-based interventions & the addition of wellness-based curriculum components for radiologists.