Bøger af Haili Jiao
188,95 kr. PrefaceThis book is titled "An Appreciation Collection of Chinese Three-line Poems." Chinese three-line poems, in terms of external form, consist of three lines. There are no specific rules regarding the number of characters in each line, but generally, the entire poem does not exceed thirty characters. Of course, if necessary, a slight deviation is acceptable. In terms of internal structure, the essence of a three-line poem lies in its implied meaning. The so-called implied meaning refers to the fact that a short poem of about thirty characters cannot merely convey the meaning of those thirty characters. Its capacity must extend beyond the limitation of thirty characters, enabling readers to grasp something beyond the poem - be it philosophy, artistic conception, or poetic sentiment, and so on. Three-line poems possess remarkable expressive power. From the works included in this book, you can observe that three-line poems have immense expressive capabilities. They can be used adeptly to convey various creative intentions, such as concepts, settings, momentum, mood, imagery, description, puzzles, linguistic charm, and personal emotions, among others.The compilation of this book aims to provide a platform for a vast number of three-line poem poets and critics to publish and showcase their works. It also offers a comprehensive, multidimensional, and three-dimensional literary experience for enthusiasts of three-line poems. Through the appreciation of poems in this book, it provides beginners with an analytical process to enhance their appreciation of three-line poems.This book gathers nearly 141 three-line poems from almost fifty poets, along with commentaries from critics. These three-line poems cover a wide range of subjects, with profound themes and diverse techniques. With concise language and unique observational skills, these poems condense the complexities of life and emotions into the artistic essence of three lines. Many of the critiques are insightful and vivid, offering in-depth and straightforward interpretations from various perspectives, enabling readers to better understand the cultural connotations behind the poetry. Reading this book will help broaden your perspective on three-line poems and enhance your appreciation, analysis, and aesthetic taste for them. This is not just a collection of three-line poems but also a profound exploration into the world of Chinese three-line poems.In the process of reading "An Appreciation Collection of Chinese Three-line Poems," we hope you can feel the charm of words, appreciate the artistic style of three-line poets, and enjoy the splendid critiques by the commentators.Jiao Hairi, Li LiOctober 28, 2023
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
153,95 kr. Jiao Haili's poems are like the tumbling sea right before the storm, or the volcano that is about to erupt, full of tension. Translated by Wang Changling, an excellent translator.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
223,95 kr. 前 言 自2021年12月1日征稿以来,《世界华人三行诗荟萃》受到了广泛的关注,踊跃的投稿。我们以优秀佳作作为择稿标准,从海量的来稿中录用了120多位诗人的600多首作品。这些作品,涉及了广泛的题材,呈现了多样的风格,运用了多种创作技巧。题材上,有表现哲理的、人生的、励志的、乡愁的等等;风格上,有爱好抒情的,偏重描景的,营造气氛的,勤于造境的等等;创作技巧上,有采用特征法、对比法、反衬法、提问法、叠加法等等。在这些作品的创作者中,有重量级诗坛老手,有初出茅庐的诗坛新秀;有专攻三行诗的微型诗诗人,也有涉猎各种诗型的多面手。这确实是一部很有可读性、咀嚼性、启发性的三行诗优秀作品之荟萃。 那么,什么是三行诗呢?顾名思义,所谓三行诗,就是用三行文字写成的微诗,它一般被冠以标题、不超过30个字。那么,为什么偏偏用三行文字组成一种特定诗型,而不是一行、两行,或者更多呢?这是因为,除特例外,一般来说,一行不成文,只成句;两行也不成文,只成对;只有三行才具最精炼的完整性。从结构角度看,三行诗最具完整性。世界上,不论什么作品,不论它多长,哪怕是鸿篇巨著,都只有开头、中间和结尾三个部分。这三个部分,三行诗里的三行正好全部胜任,全部涵盖。所以,三行诗是一种最具完整性且又最具精炼性的诗型。从物理角度看,三行诗里的"三"最具稳定性。比如三脚架、中国古代酒杯"爵"或者圆形大鼎,它们之所以都采用三条腿,正是因为"三"的这个稳定性。俗话说"三足鼎立"就是这个道理。所以,三行诗在结构上又最具稳定性。从生成角度看,三行诗最具繁衍性。老子说,"道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物",世界上的万事万物都由"三"生成而出。我们都知道,世界上色彩万千,绚丽灿烂,也都来自于红、绿、蓝三种原色,只要将这三种颜色以不同比例混合,就可以得到自然界中存在的所有色彩。因此,"三"这个数字包含了世界上万事万物的生成源泉。所以说,三行诗虽小,但它是最小体积里的最具完整性的诗型。它体积虽小,却可以包罗万象,具有鲜活的生命力、强大的繁衍力、广泛的涵盖力。所有这些都告诉我们,让三行诗作为一种固定诗型,一点也不为过。 三行诗具有很多优势。首先,从读者的角度看,现代社会日新月异,生活节奏十分快捷,特别是因为有了互联网,信息之多之广浩如烟海,很都人都没有读完一首新诗的闲情逸致。而三行诗由于短小精悍,一眼就能读完,所以它很受广大读者的青睐。其次,从创作者的角度看,它便于书写,出稿速度快。由于它体积小,我们躺着、站着、走着,甚至一边干活一边就可以在脑子里创作。创作完后,在方便的时候转写在纸上或者输入电脑、手机等。因此,
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- 223,95 kr.