Bøger af Gunther Teubner
688,95 kr. This book proposes three liability regimes to combat the wide responsibility gaps caused by AI systems - vicarious liability for autonomous software agents (actants); enterprise liability for inseparable human-AI interactions (hybrids); and collective fund liability for interconnected AI systems (crowds).Based on information technology studies, the book first develops a threefold typology that distinguishes individual, hybrid and collective machine behaviour. A subsequent social science analysis specifies the socio-digital institutions related to this threefold typology. Then it determines the social risks that emerge when algorithms operate within these institutions. Actants raise the risk of digital autonomy, hybrids the risk of double contingency in human-algorithm encounters, crowds the risk of opaque interconnections. The book demonstrates that the law needs to respond to these specific risks, by recognising personified algorithms as vicarious agents, human-machine associations as collective enterprises, and interconnected systems as risk pools - and by developing corresponding liability rules.The book relies on a unique combination of information technology studies, sociological institution and risk analysis, and comparative law. This approach uncovers recursive relations between types of machine behaviour, emergent socio-digital institutions, their concomitant risks, legal conditions of liability rules, and ascription of legal status to the algorithms involved.
- Bog
- 688,95 kr.
1.418,95 kr. - Bog
- 1.418,95 kr.
- The Case for Societal Constiutionalism
438,95 kr. The first English-language collection of the work of one of Europe's top legal sociologists, introducing his influential theories of societal constitutionalism and legal autopoiesis.
- Bog
- 438,95 kr.
- The Case for Societal Constitutionalism
1.517,95 kr. The first English-language collection of the work of Europe's top legal sociologists, introducing his influential theories of societal constitutionalism and legal autopoiesis. -- .
- Bog
- 1.517,95 kr.
- systemteoretiske analyser
218,95 kr. Organisationsforskningen har de senere år beskæftiget sig med kommunikation som ét aspekt blandt andre, men denne bog går mere radikalt til værks. Udgangspunktet er, at organisationer kun er kommunikation.Inspirationen til bogens artikler er hentet hos den tyske sociolog Niklas Luhmann, hvis rige og ambitiøse teori om sociale systemer vinder stadigt større udbredelse. Analyserne er empirisk orienterede, men har samtidig et tydeligt teoretisk afsæt. Ud over at præsentere og diskutere centrale dele af det systemteoretiske organisationsbegreb afprøver artiklerne dets produktivitet i konkrete studier. Ledelse, beslutningstagning og reorganisering er bare nogle af de temaer, som bliver behandlet.Luhmanns systemteori giver mulighed for at tænke på tværs af traditionelle skel og tilbyder et frugtbart perspektiv på de forskellige organisationsformer, som i disse år skyder op i det private og offentlige. Organisationsformer der indeholder elementer fra både staten, markedet og den frivillige sektor.Bogen henvender sig til studerende, forskere og alle andre, der beskæftiger sig med private og offentlige organisationer i et kommunikationsteoretisk perspektiv.
- E-bog
- 218,95 kr.
18,95 kr. Homo oeconomicus og homo juridicus – kommunikative fiktioner?Gunther Teubner og Michael HutterTrykt i Organiseret kommunikation – systemteoretiske analyser, 1. udgave 20031.e-bogsudgave 2007© Samfundslitteratur, 2003
- E-bog
- 18,95 kr.