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Bøger af Griff Hosker

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  • af Griff Hosker
    128,95 kr.

    James of Ecclestone thought that when Perkin Warbeck was executed his days as a spy were over. He was wrong. Kings do not forget men who are useful to them and James was a master of his craft. Wanting nothing more than a life of peace with a new family James is thrown into the maelstrom of politics, intrigue and knives in the night.

  • af Griff Hosker
    128,95 kr.

    D-day is over but the Germans still have the allies ringed in a tiny part of Normandy. The Commandos are given a task to go behind the enemy lines to destroy a fuel dump. They become part of the force which closes the Falaise Gap and endure the horrific fighting against the elite S.S. Concluding with the liberation Paris this is a fast moving novel which portrays the lives of ordinary soldiers as they do extraordinary things.

  • af Griff Hosker
    118,95 kr.

    The Empress has given England a male heir but that single action creates rebels in Scotland and in Normandy who try to wrest Normandy and England from King Henry. When the Earl of Cleveland becomes his champion, it unleashes a storm of murder and treachery at the very heart of the Earl's world. In a fast moving novel with battles and combats from the borders of Scotland to France itself we see a world heading towards anarchy and civil war.

  • af Griff Hosker
    123,95 kr.

    When men fight together, especially in a holy cause there is not only a bond but also an unspoken promise to come to the aid of their shield brother. When Birger Persson discovers that he is dying he asks his son to seek help from two old friends. One of them is Sir Thomas of Stockton. Events conspire to thwart Birger's son from reaching Sir Thomas and it is left to Sir William, Sir Thomas' son to effect a rescue of the Swedish knight. When Sir William and the King of Scotland are attacked by Scottish rebels then the spider's web of plots and treachery threaten to strangle both the border knight and his unlikely ally!

  • af Griff Hosker
    133,95 kr.

    King Æthelredwas the worst King of England but, in his second son, Edmund Ironside, was a king in the mould of King Alfred. Prince Cnut has his own problems for his brother refuses to share the crown of Denmark with him. It is Sven Saxon Sword, wielding Oathsword who orchestrates the campaign that brings the Danish fleet to invade England. The oath he made on the sword is now a fetter, tethering him to the fate of Princde Cnut of Denmark.

  • af Griff Hosker
    133,95 kr.

    Jarl Dragon Heart has taken to the seas. With his wolf warriors he raids further afield than ever before as he seeks his destiny. He has to fight new enemies as well as treacherous former allies. The Norns weave their webs and the Vikings discover the Middle Sea and Africa before they find themselves at the court of Nikephoros 1, the Emperor of Byzantium. A vast moving novel filled with battles both at sea and on land as the Viking Wolf unleashes his pack on the world.

  • af Griff Hosker
    123,95 kr.

    Lieutenant Harsker and his elite Commandos are given no respite as they are sent behind enemy lines to help the Canadians on the ill-fated attack at Dieppe. After escaping, by the skin of their teeth, they are sent to North Africa to destroy valuable equipment which has fallen into the enemy's hands. A fast-moving novel the action moves from Europe to Africa and from sea to land.

  • af Griff Hosker
    128,95 kr.

    With his son, Wolf Killer, now in Valhalla, Dragonheart looks to secure his land. He finds enemies all around him. Wrongly assuming that the land of the Wolf was now weak the King of Strathclyde and Hibernian mercenaries invade. When his borders are safe he leaves his home to sail far away where he wreaks revenge on the paymaster of his son's killers. When the Weird Sisters weave their webs he finds himself fighting an enemy who is more dangerous than any he has met before. With his people slaughtered and his land threatened he has to face a Viking enemy.

  • af Griff Hosker
    123,95 kr.

    The last Viking left in the New World finds fresh challenges when his growing family is forced to leave their home on the Patawomke River to sail north and find a new home amongst tribes who may be hostile. As his clan grows Erik learns to adapt to this new world and all its wonders.

  • af Griff Hosker
    133,95 kr.

    Decurion Marcus Aurelius, the warrior who wields the Sword of Cartimandua arrives home to find his world devastated by losses he cannot comprehend. He is sent north to the land of the Votadini where he becomes embroiled in an insurrection which threatens to destroy every fort north of the Roman Wall. When he is given command of a turma in the Ala Petriana he has to forge another weapon to fight the barbarians. The novel is filled with intrigue, conspiracy and battle. It culminates in a savage encounter deep in the forests of Kielder where the Sword of Cartimandua has, once more, to save Rome.

  • af Griff Hosker
    133,95 kr.

    Sir Thomas, Hero of Arsuf, rides to war again! When a king asks a baron to go on crusade it is an order, not a request and, as such, is not to be ignored. The Earl of Cleveland has done his duty for his King and for the Pope many times over but he and his son, William, are chosen as a token gesture to placate an unhappy Pope. Leaving England with a handful of men and untried and young knights, the old campaigner travels across Europe to join a crusade which is going nowhere. In a land riven with conspiracies and plots on both sides, Sir Thomas is beset by enemies. When he is forced, by circumstances, to go to the aid of a beleaguered force of crusaders his past meets his present and threatens his future. This is the latest book, number 8, in the Border Knight series.

  • af Griff Hosker
    128,95 kr.

    The story of the FE 2b; the Gunbus. First Lieutenant Bill Harsker and his squadron come up against the deadly Fokker monoplane. While many other squadrons are decimated the Gunbuses give the fledgling RFC hope. When a new commanding officer takes over the squadron and imposes impossible rules lives are lost and Bill has to face a court martial. All of the gains they have made are threatened by a martinet. The novel spans the end of 1915 and the start of 1916. It shows the harsh realities of life on the Western Front, in the air and the problems of the civilians back home.

  • af Griff Hosker
    133,95 kr.

    James of Ecclestone is now a rich man, a family man and a respected landowner. Once the spy of two kings, his life is peaceful. When a Scottish raid touches his family he is forced to draw a sword and go to war once more and when the Scottish king opts for belligerency and threatens war then James has to don a cloak, take his dagger and become a spy once more. Retelling the greatest defeat in Scottish history, Flodden narrates the battle from the viewpoint, not of the great and the good but the billmen who won the victory against all odds.

  • af Griff Hosker
    123,95 kr.

    The last time an English King had come to France it had been led by the Black Prince. Now a new King, a throwback to those days contemplated retaking what he believed to be his birthright!King Henry Vth of England plans to do just that but disease and sickness robs him of half his army. Forced to flee north as his predecessor had done the English and Welsh army is surrounded on all sides and a host even greater than that which fought at Crécy awaits them. When St Crispin's Day dawns the beleaguered English are ready to die and prepared to fight to the last. The incredible story of how a handful of men at arms and less than 5,000 archers defeated over 20,000 men at arms and 20,000 other warriors. The story of how a King won a crown!

  • af Griff Hosker
    133,95 kr.

    The Roman Wall brings a clash of cultures and inspires a religious war. The barbarians strive to destroy everything which is Roman. Financed by a rich Romano-British princess the tribes are as well armed as the Romans they fight. With the legion absent the frontier is ripe for rebellion. All that stands in their way is the ala of Marcus' Horse and the Sword of Cartimandua. A fast moving story filled with twists, turns, intrigue and battles; it races from north of the wall to south of Eboracum.

  • af Griff Hosker
    122,95 kr.

    King Richard is barely buried when the men who opposed him plot and plan to remove the new King, Henry Bolingbroke! With enemies in the north and the west, the new king and his son, Henry of Monmouth, find themselves besieged on all sides not knowing whom they can trust. William Strongstaff, now a lord, is the only one they can truly rely upon and any thoughts of hanging up his sword are forgotten as King Henry sends the former royal bodyguard to help his son and quash a Welsh rebellion. Based on the events leading up to the battle of Shrewsbury the story is fast moving with larger than life characters like Harry Hotspur and Owain Glendower!

  • af Griff Hosker
    128,95 kr.

    This is a story of the American Civil War. Jack Hogan is an orphan whose parents are murdered by a scoundrel. After being press ganged to serve on a slaver he finds himself working for a slave master in Charleston. When the war begins they become Partisan Rangers and fight the war against the north from behind enemy lines. They fight as the forerunners of the American Special Forces such as the Rangers. Based on John Mosby and the Grey Ghosts the fast moving novel is filled with battles, skirmishes and the kind action familiar to those who have read the author before.

  • af Griff Hosker
    128,95 kr.

    When brother fights brother there will be no quarter. The Battle of Gettysburg saw the end of a war which tore the heart out of a fledgeling state. In the final book of the series, Jack Hogan and the rest of the 1st Virginia Scouts find themselves fighting at Chancellorsville and Brandy Station. The book culminates in the Battle of Gettysburg when they come face to face, not only with a date with destiny but the men who have been hunting them.

  • af Griff Hosker
    128,95 kr.

    While England's future is in the balance the Scots decide to take advantage. Hordes are unleashed as King David invades. The only opposition to his mighty army of 26,000 men is the Warlord of the North and an ancient Archbishop of York. With cruel invaders rampaging through northern England and ravaging the land enemies must join together to fight off the enemy who threaten to take half of the land.

  • af Griff Hosker
    123,95 kr.

    When there is gold then there will be those who wish to take it. If the gold is aboard a ship then there will be pirates. Thomas is a former slave who has become a gunner on a Spanish galleon. His life is no less parlous than when he was a slave but through courage and determination, not to mention more than a little luck, he becomes successful and joins Francisco Pizzaro as the conquistador conquers an empire with less than 200 men.

  • af Griff Hosker
    123,95 kr.

    The British Army at the end of the nineteenth century was not a fair place. Despite the reforms, a bad officer could still ruin men's lives and Jack Roberts discovers that despite being a hero of Rorke's Drift, that means nothing when a superior has influence. He becomes a soldier serving in the Egyptian campaign where he learns not only new skills but how to deal with the new responsibility fatherhood brings.Throughout it all one thing is constant, he is a soldier of the queen, a redcoat with a rifle.

  • af Griff Hosker
    143,95 kr.

    When Sir William and his father, Sir Thomas of Stockton, the grandson of the Warlord, return from the crusade, they have to fight a new enemy: The Scots. Now that Queen Joan has died then King Alexander of Scotland is under the influence of the French. Sir William has to defend a perilously under protected border. King Henry loses a disastrous battle to the French and the men of the Tees Valley are decimated. This is when Sir William will be truly tested for he is alone with fewer men than he needs. A fast-moving novel which shows the border between Scotland and England at a time when Kings and nobles had yet to decide precisely where it was!

  • af Griff Hosker
    128,95 kr.

    The novel takes Bill Harsker from the fields of France to other postings in the post war world of 1918. It is the story of the early days of the R.A.F. when Winston Churchill commanded the fledgling air force. Bill is sent to help fight the Bolsheviks in the Baltic where he has to learn to take-off and land on a carrier. There he has to learn how to play politics with men whose loyalties are not obvious. Ordered to the rebellion in Egypt and then Somaliland, Bill has to learn a whole range of new skills. Based upon actual events Arctic Snow to Desert Sand is the story of how the Royal Air Force learned its skills of war in a time of peace.

  • af Griff Hosker
    118,95 kr.

    Jarl Dragonheart's granddaughter has almost come of age and she is becoming a powerful witch. The Skull Taker clan wish to take revenge for the death of their own witch at Snorri's hands and take both Ylva and the land of the wolf from the Dragonheart. When Ylva falls into the hands of the Norns then Dragonheart must descend into the bowels of the earth and do battle with the most powerful of witches. With spies in his land Dragonheart is in danger of losing his land and he must use both his experience and his people to try to save the land of the Wolf. A fast-moving novel which culminates in a battle in the heart of the land of the Wolf between Norse and Dane.

  • af Griff Hosker
    133,95 kr.

    Britannia 123 AD.Hadrian's Wall has only just been started and already there are raids and revolts which threaten to prevent its construction. When raiders from the east manage to capture Marcus and The Sword of Cartimandua then the whole frontier appears to be in jeopardy. The young Decurion, Marcus, is forced to work as a slave far from home and far from his friends. He has to find a way to escape from slavery and return to his home. The loss of the sword might mean the loss of the frontier. An exciting and fast moving adventure and a picture of the savage life in second century Europe.

  • af Griff Hosker
    119,95 kr.

    The first attempt by the Norse explorers to settle in the New World has ended in disaster. With most of their better warriors dead in a battle with the Penobscot tribe the survivors decide to head home across the wide and empty seas. They would risk a battle with King Harald Finehair. What they do not know is that they have left their Navigator alone and surrounded by enemies. The novel follows the two brothers, Erik the Navigator and Fótr Larsson as they both do what they must to survive.Erik must learn to live like a Skraeling and Fótr must fight the enemies of the Clan of the Wolf. Summoned by Ylva the volva Fótr is charged with a quest which seems impossible while Erik has to fight Penobscot warriors who are intent on vengeance.

  • af Griff Hosker
    118,95 kr.

    Dragonheart must find the traitor, Magnus, who is still a threat to the harmony of his home. He journeys north to the wild islands and to the land of the Welsh but still his enemy evades him. Finding another link to his past the Jarl Dragonheart discovers the tomb of an ancient British Queen and his link to the mystical sword is strengthened. When he does find his enemy Magnus it is in the heart of a Saxon kingdom and he has to face his most difficult challenge yet. A fast paced novel it culminated in a fight for the Dragonheart's home.

  • af Griff Hosker
    133,95 kr.

    Sir Thomas of Stockton has lost his son. Taking a handful of chosen men, he crosses the seas to travel through France seeking his enemy. Fate throws him in with a French lord and he meets the French King Louis. After exacting revenge, he returns to England where he helps King Henry plan and execute his campaign Poitou. The King comes of age when he and Sir Thomas lead their men against French and Poitevin rebels.

  • af Griff Hosker
    128,95 kr.

    With the rest of Europe subservient to Emperor Napoleon, he sends his best Marshals to Portugal to rid himself of the annoyance that is Sir Arthur Wellesley. Thanks to an uncooperative parliament, the Viscount has little chance of defeating the French with their superior numbers and so he constructs a devilishly complicated series of defences north of Lisbon.While they are being built Major Matthews and his sergeant have to travel behind enemy lines to discover the size of the problem. There Major Matthews' past comes back to haunt him and he risks all to gather the information which General Wellesley needs.As Viscount Wellesley and his resilient army try to fend off the tentacles of the French army they have to fight battles in the most uncompromising of landscapes. The Light Division's defence of the Côa, the Battle of Bussaco and the bloody Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro are just three of the actions in which Major Matthews and Sergeant Sharp fight for Sir Arthur Wellesley!

  • af Griff Hosker
    118,95 kr.

    Jarl Dragonheart and his men raid Lundenwic and bring back a great amount of treasure but they also bring trouble. He incurs the hatred of a Danish clan who kidnap Aiden and seek to destroy the Jarl's home. During the rescue an even greater treasure is discovered and a link to the past. This fast moving novel culminates in a battle between the Kings of Mercia and Wessex with the handful of warriors who fight for the Viking Dragon.