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Bøger af Govind Singh

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  • af Govind Singh
    162,95 kr.

    ""বাতাস ছুঁয়ে গেলো"" আজ ডিজিটাল, ইলেকট্রনিকস এর যুগে আমরা সকলে কাছে বসে সব কিছু পেতে চাই, রিমোট হাতে থাকবে - টিভি, এসি,ফ্যান চলবে, কাছে যাব না। মজাই আলাদা,এমনকি আমাজন, ফ্লিপকার্ট সবকিছু নিয়ে কাছে আসবে - ব্যাংকে যাবার দরকার ই নেই - ফোন পে,এমাজান পে,ভিম অ্যাপ আরো কত কিছুই তো ঘরে বসে হয়ে যায়।কোনো লেখা আর কষ্ট করে পড়তে ইচ্ছা করেনা তবু মনের ভাষা,মনের ব্যথা, অভাবী অসহায় মানুষের করুণ চাপা কান্না, প্রতিবাদী যুবকের নির্বাক যন্ত্রনা, শাসকের চাপে - মানুষ কোণঠাসা আজও অহরহ আলিতে গলিতে।কলমের আঁচড়ে কাগজের বুকে লিপিবদ্ধ করবার বাসনা তো থেকেই যায়, সেই সাম্প্রদায়িকতা,শ্রেণী বৈষম্য কুরে কুরে খায় কিছু মানুষ কে ।যদি ওই ব্যাস্ত মানুষেরা এক বিন্দু মনোনিবেশ করেন, আজকালকার নবীন লেখকের রক্তক্ষরণ প্রাণোচ্ছ্বল কৃতিত্ব কোনো অংশে কম যায় না। বড়ো কথা সাহিত্যের প্রতি বাঙালির হৃদয়ে উদাসিনতা আসেনি। ভারতবর্ষের ইতিহাসে অন্য কোনো ভাষা-ভাষীর চেয়ে বাংলা ভাষায় সাহিত্য রচনা এবং সাহিত্যের প্রতি বাঙালির যে ওতপ্রোত টান এক বড়ো উপলব্ধি। নতুন, পুরানো সকল লেখাকে]ই আমরা সাদরে গ্রহণ করেছি। কমবেশি সময়ের অভাবে নতুন পাঠক বন্ধুরা কাঁচা হাতের লেখকদের বই পাঠের তেমন আগ্রহ দেখা যাচ্ছে না। আশা করি আমার প্রথম কাব্যগ্রন্থ ""বাতাস ছুঁয়ে গেলো"" ব]ইটি সকল পাঠক বন্ধুদের মনের খোরাক জোগাতে পারবে। কবিতার মধ্যে দিয়ে আজকালকার দৈনন্দিন জীবনের পৃষ্ঠ ভুমিকে তুলে ধরা হয়েছে, সাথে সাথে বিভিন্ন ধরনের বিশ্লেষণাত্মক কবিতার সমাহার পাওয়া যাবে। আমি মনে করি পাঠক বন্ধুরা ই ভালো মন্দের সমালোচক । এর সমস্ত গুণ বিচার পাঠক বন্ধুদের উপর।

  • af Govind Singh
    156,95 kr.

    इस पुस्तक में मेरे द्वारा लिखी गई कविताएं कुछ प्रेम रस कविताएं से संकलित है, भारत के वीर पूत से सैनिकों से तो कुछ भक्ति भावनाओं से संकलित है पुस्तक है ये मेरे कमल से पहली प्रयास है,इस पुस्तक को मैंने मैं 20 साल की युवा अवस्था में मेरे द्वारा इस पुस्कत की रचना अत्यंत परिश्रम से मात्र 2 माह की प्रयास से पूरी हुई है जो के आपलोगो से समक्ष बहुत ही अल्प समय में प्रकाशित है इस से भी बेहद अच्छी कविता, कहानी लाने की हम अटूट प्रयास कर रहे है एवम कर्म काण्ड पूजा जप तप से जुड़ी पुस्तक लाने की प्रयास मेरे द्वारा किए जा रहेंगे पुस्तक के साथ साथ मैं अपने बड़े में में बताए तो मैं बिहार के वैशाली जिले के गोरौल लोदीपुर की मैं निवासी हूं मेरा नाम गोविंद सिंह है मेरे पिता श्री राम बाबू सिंह जो की उत्तर बिहार ग्रामीण बैंक में कार्यरत है, मेरे माता श्रीमति मंजू देवी जो की गृहणी है मेरे से दो श्रेष्ठ भ्राता है जो की सरकारी पद की अटूट प्रयास में संलग्न है और मैं कनिष्ठ जो की कविता पुस्तक लिखने के समीक्षा में है मैं इस ग्राम के पहले वक्ति है जो पुस्तक लिखे है एवं लिखने में रुचि रहते है l अपनी योग्यता की बात करे तो मैं बिमलादेवी बहुउद्देशीय औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्थान से आईटीआई औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण केंद्र योग्यता है और मेरी उच्च माध्यमिक (I. SC ) की योग्यता है ओर मैं स्नातकोत्तर (प्रतिष्ठा विषय - इतिहास) का छात्र हूं l

  • af Govind Singh
    198,95 kr.

    Welcome to the world of strategic management! In this book, we embark on a journey to explore the dynamic and ever-evolving field of strategic management, where art and science converge to shape the destiny of organizations.Strategic management is the art of crafting and implementing well-considered plans and actions that enable an organization to achieve its long-term goals and objectives. It involves making critical decisions that determine the direction and competitive positioning of a company in a complex and uncertain business landscape. Whether you are a student, a business professional, an entrepreneur, or a curious mind seeking insights into the realm of business strategy, this book is designed to be your companion in understanding the essence of strategic management.In today's globalized and interconnected world, organizations face multifaceted challenges and opportunities. From disruptive technologies and changing consumer preferences to geopolitical uncertainties and environmental concerns, the strategic landscape is constantly shifting. To thrive in such an environment, strategic thinking and execution are paramount.Our goal in this book is to provide you with a comprehensive and practical framework for understanding the fundamental concepts, theories, and models of strategic management. We will explore the various stages of the strategic management process, from environmental analysis and strategy formulation to implementation and evaluation. Along the way, we will examine real-world case studies and examples, illustrating how organizations have navigated through strategic dilemmas and achieved success.As you progress through the chapters, you will gain valuable insights into the nuances of strategic management. Whether you aspire to be a strategic leader or simply wish to augment your business acumen, the principles discussed here will serve as valuable tools in your professional and personal endeavours.Lastly, it is important to acknowledge that strategic management is an evolving field. New paradigms, concepts, and approaches emerge regularly, influencing the way organizations strategize and compete. Thus, our exploration is just a snapshot of the knowledge available at this moment. We encourage you to remain curious, open to change, and continuously update your understanding as the strategic landscape continues to evolve.Let us embark on this journey together, as we unravel the intricacies of strategic management and its profound impact on the success and sustainability of organizations. May this book inspire you to think strategically and embrace the challenges that lie ahead.

  • af Govind Singh
    208,95 kr.

    FINTECH's books are a major guide to the financial technology revolution and the turmoil, innovation and opportunities within it. Written by renowned sort leaders in the world's fin-tech investment space, this book brings together insights from different industries into one informative volume that leverages this profitable market for entrepreneurs, bankers and investors. We will provide you with the answers you need to do. Key industry developments are detailed and important insights from cutting-edge practitioners provide direct information and lessons learned. The fin-tech industry is booming and entrepreneurs, bankers, advisors, investors and wealth managers are looking for more information. Who are the main players? What is driving explosive growth? What are the risks? This book summarizes insights, knowledge, and guidance from industry experts and provides answers to these questions. Learn about the latest industry trends Capturing the market dynamics of the "Fin-tech Revolution" Understand the potential of the sector and its impact on related industries Gain expert insights on investment and entrepreneurial opportunities The fin-tech market reached more than $ 14 billion in 2014, triple the previous year. New startups are emerging faster than ever, forcing large banks and insurers to step up their digital operations to survive. The fin-tech sector is booming and the fin-tech book is the first crowd source book on this subject anywhere in the world and is a valuable resource for anyone working or interested in this area.

  • af Govind Singh
    843,95 kr.

    Gestion logistique (Principes et pratiques dans le monde moderne) : A Global Logistic Support Perspective offre une vue d'ensemble de la gestion logistique et fournit un cadre pour une étude ultérieure plus détaillée des différents aspects de la gestion logistique. L'ouvrage passe en revue l'évolution des concepts de gestion de la chaîne logistique et aborde les tendances des marchés mondiaux et de la compétitivité stratégique. Il se concentre ensuite sur les principales questions liées à la gestion d'une logistique compétitive, notamment la prévision, la gestion des stocks, la distribution, la gestion de l'incertitude, la logistique inverse et le service à la clientèle. La couverture des questions dynamiques et évolutives relatives à la logistique qui affectent la communauté commerciale mondiale conclut le livre. Les lecteurs de Logistic Management (Principles & practices in Modern World) seront mieux équipés pour conceptualiser la gestion de la logistique comme un ensemble de processus commerciaux, identifier les processus de la chaîne de valeur primaire et secondaire, distinguer les différentes activités à valeur ajoutée et prendre conscience du scénario actuel du marché. Ce livre comprend également diverses études de cas qui rendent la tâche trop facile et fournissent une compréhension approfondie et experte du sujet.

  • af Govind Singh
    843,95 kr.

    Gestão Logística (Princípios e práticas no Mundo Moderno): Uma Perspectiva Global de Apoio Logístico oferece uma visão geral da gestão logística e fornece um quadro para um estudo subsequente mais detalhado em vários aspectos da gestão logística. O livro analisa a evolução dos conceitos de gestão da cadeia de abastecimento e discute as tendências dos mercados globais e a competitividade estratégica. Centra-se depois nas principais questões envolvidas na gestão de uma logística competitiva, incluindo: previsão, gestão de inventário, distribuição, lidar com a incerteza, logística inversa, e serviço ao cliente. A cobertura das questões dinâmicas e evolutivas relativas à logística que afectam a comunidade empresarial global conclui o livro. Os leitores de Gestão Logística (Princípios e práticas no Mundo Moderno) estarão melhor equipados para conceptualizar a gestão da logística como um conjunto de processos empresariais; identificar processos primários e secundários da cadeia de valor; distinguir entre as diferentes actividades de valor acrescentado também proporciona a consciencialização sobre o actual cenário de mercado. Este livro incluiu também vários estudos de casos que facilitam demasiado e proporcionam profundidade e conhecimento especializado sobre o assunto.

  • af Govind Singh
    843,95 kr.

    Logistic Management (Principles & practices in Modern World): A Global Logistic Support Perspective offre una panoramica della gestione logistica e fornisce un quadro di riferimento per successivi studi più dettagliati sui vari aspetti della gestione logistica. Il libro passa in rassegna l'evoluzione dei concetti di supply chain management e discute le tendenze dei mercati globali e della competitività strategica. Si concentra poi sulle principali questioni legate alla gestione di una logistica competitiva, tra cui: previsioni, gestione delle scorte, distribuzione, gestione dell'incertezza, logistica inversa e servizio al cliente. Il libro si conclude con la trattazione delle questioni dinamiche ed evolutive relative alla logistica che interessano la comunità imprenditoriale globale. I lettori di Logistic Management (Principles & practices in Modern World) saranno meglio equipaggiati per concettualizzare la gestione della logistica come un insieme di processi aziendali; identificare i processi primari e secondari della catena del valore; distinguere tra le diverse attività a valore aggiunto e fornire una consapevolezza dell'attuale scenario di mercato. Questo libro include anche diversi casi di studio che rendono la materia troppo semplice e forniscono una comprensione approfondita ed esperta dell'argomento.

  • af Govind Singh
    318,95 kr.

    Logisticheskij menedzhment (principy i praktika w sowremennom mire): A Global Logistic Support Perspective predlagaet obzor logisticheskogo menedzhmenta i sozdaet osnowu dlq posleduüschego, bolee detal'nogo izucheniq razlichnyh aspektow logisticheskogo menedzhmenta. V knige rassmatriwaetsq äwolüciq koncepcij uprawleniq cepqmi postawok i obsuzhdaütsq tendencii razwitiq global'nyh rynkow i strategicheskoj konkurentosposobnosti. Zatem w knige rassmatriwaütsq osnownye woprosy, swqzannye s uprawleniem konkurentosposobnoj logistikoj, wklüchaq prognozirowanie, uprawlenie zapasami, raspredelenie, rabotu s neopredelennost'ü, obratnuü logistiku i obsluzhiwanie klientow. Zawershaet knigu osweschenie dinamichnyh, razwiwaüschihsq woprosow, otnosqschihsq k logistike, kotorye wliqüt na global'noe delowoe soobschestwo. Chitateli knigi "Uprawlenie logistikoj (principy i praktika w sowremennom mire)" budut luchshe podgotowleny k konceptualizacii uprawleniq logistikoj kak sowokupnosti biznes-processow; opredeleniü perwichnyh i wtorichnyh processow cepochki sozdaniq stoimosti; prowedeniü razlichij mezhdu razlichnymi widami deqtel'nosti s dobawlennoj stoimost'ü, a takzhe poluchat predstawlenie o tekuschem rynochnom scenarii. V ätu knigu takzhe wklücheny razlichnye primery iz praktiki, chto delaet ee slishkom legkoj i obespechiwaet glubokoe i äxpertnoe ponimanie predmeta.

  • af Govind Singh
    843,95 kr.

    Logistisches Management (Prinzipien und Praktiken in der modernen Welt): A Global Logistic Support Perspective bietet einen Überblick über das Logistikmanagement und bildet den Rahmen für ein anschließendes, detaillierteres Studium der verschiedenen Aspekte des Logistikmanagements. Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Konzepte des Lieferkettenmanagements und erörtert die Trends auf den globalen Märkten und die strategische Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Es konzentriert sich dann auf die wichtigsten Themen, die mit dem Management einer wettbewerbsfähigen Logistik verbunden sind, darunter: Prognosen, Bestandsmanagement, Vertrieb, Umgang mit Unsicherheit, Rückwärtslogistik und Kundendienst. Das Buch schließt mit einem Überblick über die dynamischen, sich entwickelnden Fragen der Logistik, die die globale Geschäftswelt betreffen. Die Leser von Logistic Management (Principles & Practices in Modern World) werden besser in der Lage sein, das Management der Logistik als eine Sammlung von Geschäftsprozessen zu begreifen, primäre und sekundäre Wertschöpfungsprozesse zu identifizieren, zwischen den verschiedenen wertschöpfenden Aktivitäten zu unterscheiden und sich über das aktuelle Marktszenario zu informieren. Dieses Buch enthält auch verschiedene Fallstudien, die den Einstieg in das Thema erleichtern und ein tiefes und fachkundiges Verständnis des Themas vermitteln.

  • af Govind Singh
    1.493,95 kr.

  • af Govind Singh
    469,95 kr.

    This book teaches financial accounting from both the user¿s perspective and preparer¿s perspective. It includes the language and the preparation of financial statements. This book focuses on the presentation of financial statement in modern tools. It also help to develop an understanding into students for recent development in financial reporting. This book includes many national and international modern reporting tools for presentation of financials in effective manner. This book has easy language that helps the students to learn and understand the topics very easy way. This book is helpful to B.Com, M.Com, MBA, CA and other courses. The sole objective of the book is aware students with new reporting statements which help them to understand the importance of presentation and apply this knowledge into practical applications. This book includes some emerging topic like accounting for CSR, Human resource accounting, value added statement, Derivatives Accounting etc. help the students to aware this typical topics. I am sure that this book will add extra in your knowledge.

  • af Govind Singh
    673,95 kr.

    Logistic Management (Principles & practices in Modern World): A Global Logistic Support Perspective offers an overview of Logistic management and provides a framework for subsequent, more detailed study in various aspects of logistic management. The book reviews the evolution of supply chain management concepts and discusses trends in global markets and strategic competitiveness. It then focuses on the major issues involved in managing a competitive logistic including: forecasting, inventory management, distribution, dealing with uncertainty, reverse logistics, and customer service. Coverage of the dynamic, evolving issues pertaining to logistic that affect the global business community concludes the book. Readers of Logistic Management (Principles & practices in Modern World) will be better equipped to conceptualize the management of logistic as a collection of business processes; identify primary and secondary value chain processes; distinguish between the different value added activities also provides awareness about current market scenario. This book also included various cases studies that makes easy too easy and provide depth and expert understanding about the subject matter.