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Bøger af Gilles Deleuze

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  • af Gilles Deleuze
    238,95 - 270,95 kr.

    Deleuze var en de ledende figurer inden for den filosofiske poststrukturalisme, og i samme serie som Heideggers og Agambens værker udgiver vi her et af hans absolutte hovedværker. Bogen er en undersøgelse af forholdet mellem mening og meningsløshed, eller mellem commonsense og nonsense (sund fornuft og nonsens). Deleuzes centrale filosofiske begreber ”begivenhed” og ”tilblivelse” introduceres i bogen i forbindelse med analyser af børnebogen ”Alice i eventyrland”, Senecas stoiske filosofi og Freuds psykoanalyse. Deleuzes tanker har i Danmark vundet stor udbredelse inden for arkitekturen og litteraturteorien, og Michel Foucault fremhævede præcis dette værk som et af hans vigtigste.

  • af Gilles Deleuze & Claire Parnet
    165,95 kr.

    Dialoger er en af de mest lettilgængelige, levende og umiddelbare bøger af den franske filosof Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995). Bogen, som er lavet i samarbejde med journalisten og Deleuzeeleven Claire Parnet, præsenterer mange begreber fra Deleuzes øvrige værker, bl.a. Tusind plateauer (skrevet sammen med Felix Guattari), men her i en formidlet form, hvor mange af tankens omveje, præmisser og mellemregninger forklares. Samtidig er det en bog, som er talt frem og rummer mange af samtalens bevægelige kvaliteter. Uddrag fra bogen: "Det er meget vanskeligt at "forklare sig" - i et interview, en dialog, en samtale. Som oftest sker det, når man stiller mig et spørgsmål, at jeg, selv når det vedrører mig, bliver klar over at jeg faktisk ikke har noget at sige. Spørgsmålene laves, ligesom andre ting. Hvis man ikke lader dig fremstille dine spørgsmål med elementer hentet alle vegne fra, ligegyldigt hvor, hvis man "stiller" dig spørgsmålene, så har du ikke noget særligt at sige. (...) Spørgsmålene rettes generelt mod en fremtid (eller en fortid). Kvindernes fremtid, revolutionens fremtid, filosofiens fremtid osv. Men i den mellemliggende tid, mens man går i cirkler om disse spørgsmål, er der tilblivelser, som indfinder sig i tavshed, og som er næsten uopfattelige. Man tænker for meget i personlige eller universelle historiske termer. Tilblivelserne er geografi, det er orienteringer, retninger, indgange og udgange."

  • af Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari
    193,95 kr.

    "Hvor mange mennesker lever i dag i et sprog, der ikke er deres eget? Hvor mange kender ikke engang deres sprog længere, eller kender det endnu ikke, og kender kun dårligt det større sprog, som de er tvunget til at benytte sig af. Det er indvandrernes og specielt deres børns problem, et minoritetsproblem. En mindre litteraturs problem, men også et problem for os alle: Hvordan kan man fravriste sit eget sprog en mindre litteratur, en litteratur der er i stand til at grave i sproget og få det til at fare ud ad en nøgtern revolutionær linje? Hvordan kan man blive sit eget sprogs nomade og indvandrer og sigøjner? Kafka skriver: ved at stjæle barnet fra vuggen, ved at placere sig i en prekær situation." – Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari"I Deleuze og Guattaris egen skrift er der tale om en litterær maskine, der tænker hurtigt og virtuost og sjovt, også Deleuze og Guattari skriver afsindigt godt. Ud over at bogen er fuld af begreber som rhizom, kollektiv sammenpasning, territorialisering, deterritorialisering og deterritorialieringskoefficient, bliven-dyr – alene kapiteltitlerne: Indhold og udtryk; En alt for stor Ødipus; Hvad er en mindre litteratur; Udtrykkets komponenter; Immanens og begær; Seriens prolifereringer; Konnektorerne; Blokke, serier, intensiteter; Hvad er en sammenpasning – så bliver man i det hele taget i bogen fra første sætning bevidst om, hvor vigtig stilen er. Guattaris stil er blevet beskrevet som fuld af konceptuel overraskelse og selvtillid, Deleuzes som en kiks uden smør, tør men god. Vigtigt er det vel, at det er deres stil, vi her læser. At også den er en kollektiv sammenpasning." – Anders AbildgaardKafka for en mindre litteratur er et af de tidlige værker i den franske filosof Gilles Deleuze og psykiateren Félix Guattaris kollektive forfatterskab. Bogen udkom i 1975 og har tidligere været udgivet i dansk oversættelse ved Boj Bro & Antonio Mendes Lopes (Sjakalen, 1982). Bogen er gennemrevideret, sprogligt såvel som bibliografisk, af redaktør Mathias Ruthner og suppleret med et efterord af digteren Anders ABildgaard.

  • af Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari
    278,95 - 2.322,95 kr.

  • - and Other Texts, 1953-1974
    af Gilles Deleuze
    208,95 kr.

    A fascinating anthology of texts and interviews written over 20 years by renowned French philosopher Gilles Deleuze."One day, perhaps, this century will be Deleuzian," Michel Foucault once wrote. This book anthologizes 40 texts and interviews written over 20 years by renowned French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, who died in 1995. The early texts, from 1953-1966 (on Rousseau, Kafka, Jarry, etc.), belong to literary criticism and announce Deleuze's last book, Critique and Clinic (1993). But philosophy clearly predominates in the rest of the book, with sharp appraisals of the thinkers he always felt indebted to: Spinoza, Bergson. More surprising is his acknowledgement of Jean-Paul Sartre as his master. "The new themes, a certain new style, a new aggressive and polemical way of raising questions," he wrote, "come from Sartre." But the figure of Nietzsche remains by far the most seminal, and the presence throughout of his friends and close collaborators, Felix Guattari and Michel Foucault. The book stops shortly after the publication of Anti-Oedipus, and presents a kind of genealogy of Deleuze's thought as well as his attempt to leave philosophy and connect it to the outside—but, he cautions, as a philosopher.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    118,95 kr.

    Nonfiction. Spinoza's theoretical philosophy is one of the most radical attempts to construct a pure ontology, with a single infinite substance, and all beings as the modes of being of this substance. This book, which presents Spinoza's main ideas in dictionary form, has as its subject the opposition between ethics and morality, and the link between ethical propositions and ontological propositions. His ethics is an ethology, rather than a moral science. Recent attention has been drawn to Spinoza by deep ecologists such as Arne Naess, the Norwegian philosopher, and this new reading of Spinoza by Deleuze lends itself to a radical ecological ethic. As Robert Hurley says in his introduction, Deleuze opens us to the idea that the elements of the different individuals we compose may be nonhuman within us. One wonders, finally, whether Man might be defined as a territory, a set of boundaries, a limit on existence.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    156,95 kr.

    Den franske filosof Gilles Deleuze (1925-95) havde blik for mere end sin egen tænkning, det være sig Spinoza, Nietzsche, Bergson, Kafka, Foucault eller som her Proust og hans store værk På sporet af den tabte tid. Det er nemlig ikke blot litteratur af format, men et univers af tilstande og betydninger, der som en maskine skaber tegn, som læseren må tage til sig og sætte i sammenhæng for nærmere at komme ind på livet af – ja, livets mening. Den filosofi eller tilværelsestolkning, som Marcel Proust benyttede sig af og måske først rigtig fik hold på gennem sit romanværk, kommer i Proust og tegnene (1964) i spil med Gilles Deleuzes egen tænkning, ikke mindst hans sans for at generere begreber og betydninger langs såkaldte flugtlinjer, ruter i tid, sind og fortolkning. Og som sådan bliver Proust og tegnene, der står centralt i den nyere Proust-forskning, også en indføring i den deleuzianske filosofi, som nu melder sig med fornyet kraft. Her oversat og introduceret af Søren Frank.Bogen udkom første gang på dansk i 2003 og genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    208,95 kr.

    A posthumous collection of writings by Deleuze, including letters, youthful essays, and an interview, many previously unpublished.

  • - Texts and Interviews 1975-1995
    af Gilles Deleuze
    174,95 kr.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    253,95 kr.

    A provocative guide to Deleuze by Deleuze, this collection traces the intellectual journey of one of the most important French philosophers and clarifies the key critical concepts in the work of this vital figure who has had an impact on aesthetics, film theory, psychoanalysis and cultural studies.

  • - Toward a Minor Literature
    af Gilles Deleuze
    208,95 kr.

    In Kafka Deleuze and Guattari free their subject from his (mis)intrepreters. In contrast to traditional readings that see in Kafka's work a case of Oedipalized neurosis or a flight into transcendence, guilt, and subjectivity, Deleuze and Guattari make a case for Kafka as a man of joy, a promoter of radical politics who resisted at every turn submission to frozen hierarchies.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    288,95 kr.

  • - The Movement-Image
    af Gilles Deleuze
    288,95 kr.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    408,95 kr.

    French journalist Claire Parnet's famous dialogues with Gilles Deleuze offer an intimate portrait of the philosopher's life and thought. Conversational in tone, their engaging discussions delve deeply into Deleuze's philosophical background and development, the major concepts that shaped his work, and the essence of some of his famous relationships, especially his long collaboration with the philosopher Félix Guattari. Deleuze reconsiders Spinoza, empiricism, and the stoics alongside literature, psychoanalysis, and politics. He returns to the notions of minor literature, deterritorialization, the critical and clinical, and begins a nascent study of cinema. New to this edition is Deleuze's essay "Pericles and Verdi," which reflects on politics and historical materialism in the work of the influential French philosopher François Châtelet. An enduring record of Deleuze's unique personality and profound contributions to culture and philosophy, Dialogues II is a highly personable account of the evolution of one of the greatest critics and theorists of the twentieth century.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    1.114,95 kr.

    French journalist Claire Parnet's famous dialogues with Gilles Deleuze offer an intimate portrait of the philosopher's life and thought. Conversational in tone, their engaging discussions delve deeply into Deleuze's philosophical background and development, the major concepts that shaped his work, and the essence of some of his famous relationships, especially his long collaboration with the philosopher Félix Guattari. Deleuze reconsiders Spinoza, empiricism, and the stoics alongside literature, psychoanalysis, and politics. He returns to the notions of minor literature, deterritorialization, the critical and clinical, and begins a nascent study of cinema. New to this edition is Deleuze's essay "Pericles and Verdi," which reflects on politics and historical materialism in the work of the influential French philosopher François Châtelet. An enduring record of Deleuze's unique personality and profound contributions to culture and philosophy, Dialogues II is a highly personable account of the evolution of one of the greatest critics and theorists of the twentieth century.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    408,95 - 1.343,95 kr.

    Praised for its rare combination of scholarly rigor and imaginative interpretation, Nietzsche and Philosophy has long been recognized as one of the most important analyses of Nietzsche. It is also one of the best introductions to Deleuze's thought, establishing many of his central philosophical positions. In Nietzsche and Philosophy, Deleuze identifies and explores three crucial concepts in Nietzschean thought-multiplicity, becoming, and affirmation-and clarifies Nietzsche's views regarding the will to power, eternal return, nihilism, and difference. For Deleuze, Nietzsche challenged conventional philosophical ideas and provided a means of escape from Hegel's dialectical thinking, which had come to dominate French philosophy. He also offered a path toward a politics of difference. In this new edition, Michael Hardt's foreword examines the profound influence of Deleuze's provocative interpretations on the study of Nietzsche, which opened a whole new avenue in postwar thought.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    1.408,95 kr.

    This brilliant exposition of the critique of identity is a classic in contemporary philosophy and one of Deleuze's most important works. Of fundamental importance to literary critics and philosophers, Difference and Repetition develops two central concepts--pure difference and complex repetition--and shows how the two concepts are related. While difference implies divergence and decentering, repetition is associated with displacement and disguising. Central in initiating the shift in French thought away from Hegel and Marx toward Nietzsche and Freud, Difference and Repetition moves deftly to establish a fundamental critique of Western metaphysics.

  • - Capitalism and Schizophrenia
    af Gilles Deleuze
    348,95 kr.

    A Thousand Plateaus continues the work Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari began in Anti-Oedipus and has now become established as one of the classic studies of the development of critical theory in the late twentieth century. It occupies an important place at the center of the debate reassessing the works of Freud and Marx, advancing an approach that is neither Freudian nor Marxist but which learns from both to find an entirely new and radical path. It presents an attempt to pioneer a variety of social and psychological analyses free of the philosophical encumbrances criticized by postmodern writers. A Thousand Plateaus is an essential text for feminists, literary theorists, social scientists, philosophers, and others interested in the problems of contemporary Western culture.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    278,95 kr.

    At sige ja er ikke at bebyrde sig, at påtage sig det værende, men at befri, at sætte det levende fri. Nietzsche og filosofien er anerkendt som en af de vigtigste indføringer i både Nietzsches og Deleuzes egen filosofi. Den banede vejen for efterkrigens generation af franske filosoffer som gennem Nietzsche så nye måder at leve og tænke på der på samme tid brød med og genoptog spørgsmålet om hvad filosofi er til for. Filosofi er skabelse, siger Deleuze, og skabelse er udvælgelse. Filosoffen er en stormende ja-siger, en kunstner der i aggression og perversion omdanner meningen og værdien med vores tilværelse. Nietzsche er ja’ets og nej’ets filosof fordi han forstår det negative ved det positive, nemlig at ethvert sandt ja uløseligt hænger sammen med evnen til at sige nej. Filosoffen er bryderen, forbryderen der med lægens hammer slår statuer i stykker for at se hvad de egentlig gemmer på af værdier. Filosofi er derfor til for at bedrøve, at skade det der kun alt for let forgår: Lad jer kun omstyrte!

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    198,95 kr.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    288,95 kr.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    276,95 kr.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    217,95 kr.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    283,95 kr.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    204,95 kr.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    173,95 kr.

  • af Gilles Deleuze
    278,95 kr.

    The Logic of Sense begins with an extended exegesis of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Considering stoicism, language, games, sexuality, schizophrenia, and literature, Deleuze determines the status of meaning and meaninglessness, and seeks the 'place' where sense and nonsense collide.