Bøger af George Ritzer
1.636,95 kr. A comprehensive overview of all the major theorists and key schools of sociological thought, from sociology's origins through to the early 21st century.
- Bog
- 1.636,95 kr.
- The Basics
1.188,95 kr. Now with SAGE Publishing, Contemporary Sociological Theory and Its Classical Roots: The Basics, is a brief survey of sociology's major theorists and theoretical approaches, from the Classical founders to the present. With updated scholarship in the new Fifth Edition, authors George Ritzer and Jeffrey Stepnisky connect many theorists and schools of thought together under broad headings that offer students a synthesized view of sociological theory. This text is perfect for those who want an accessible overview of the entire tradition of sociological thinking, with an emphasis on the contemporary relevance of theory.
- Bog
- 1.188,95 kr.
1.381,95 kr. - Bog
- 1.381,95 kr.
168,95 - 198,95 kr. Den amerikanske professor George Ritzers bog McDonaldiseringen af samfundet udkom oprindeligt i 1993. Siden er den udkommet i flere reviderede udgaver. Den danske udgave udkom første gang i 1996.George Ritzer skriver i første kapitel:Geniet bag McDonald’s-restauranternes franchise-system, Ray Kroc, var en mand med vidtløftige ideer og store ambitioner. Men end ikke Kroc kunne have forudset, hvilken utrolig indflydelse hans værk ville få. McDonald’s er en af de mest betydningsfulde nyskabelser i det tyvende århundredes USA. Den har givet genlyd langt ud over de amerikanske grænser og selve fast food-branchen. Den har påvirket en lang række virksomhedsformer, ja sågar selve livsformen i en betydelig del af verden. Og dens indflydelse vil efter alt at dømme fortsætte med at ekspandere i et stadig mere opskruet tempo.Dette er dog ikke en bog om McDonald’s eller fast food-virksomheden, selv om begge hyppigt vil blive diskuteret. McDonald’s tjener snarere som det vigtigste eksempel og det tydeligste udtryk for den vidtrækkende proces, jeg kalder McDonaldisering. Det vil sige den proces, hvorved fast food-restaurantens principper bliver dominerende i forhold til flere og flere sektorer i såvel det amerikanske samfund som resten af verden.Som man vil se, påvirker McDonaldiseringen ikke blot restaurationsbranchen, men også uddannelsessystemet, arbejdslivet, sundhedssystemet, fritid, kostvaner, politik, familien og snart sagt ethvert andet aspekt af samfundet. McDonaldiseringen fremstår som en irreversibel proces, fordi den trænger ind i tilsyneladende uigennemtrængelige institutioner og områder af verden.
- The New Synthesis
708,95 kr. This book presents essays reflecting the current state and near-term prospects of sociological theory.
- Bog
- 708,95 kr.
- Continuity and Change in the Cathedrals of Consumption
938,95 kr. A completely revised and updated edition of this unique analysis of the world of consumption, from one of the biggest names in sociology today
- Bog
- 938,95 kr.
- Bog
- 588,95 kr.
938,95 - 1.470,95 kr. The Globalization of Nothing is back in second edition. The author focuses his attention squarely on the processes of globalization and how they relate to McDonaldization.
- Bog
- 938,95 kr.
- From Metatheorizing to Rationalization
695,95 - 2.172,95 kr. In this essential new book, George Ritzer considers some of the main tendencies in contemporary social theory. Included here are his latest reflections on the uses and misuses of metatheory.
- Bog
- 695,95 kr.
- Fast Food, Credit Cards and Casinos
688,95 - 1.836,95 kr. In this book, George Ritzer, demonstrates the irrational consequences of the rational desire to consume and commodify.
- Bog
- 688,95 kr.
- Explorations and Extensions
637,95 - 2.015,95 kr. Ritzer discusses the process of McDonaldization, and scrutinizes: the labour process and the degree to which it has been McDonaldized; the relationship between McDonaldization and globalization and Americanization. Part Three presents new means of consumption and the book concludes with a re-evaluation of the McDonaldization thesis and its future.
- Bog
- 637,95 kr.
- A Critique of the Global Credit Card Society
1.264,95 kr. 'A timely review of the spread of credit card society.... a useful analysis of contemporary culture and the impact of credit cards on society. It highlights the importance of subjecting to analysis the mundane, in order to shed light on the deeper realities of consumer capitalism' - Management Learning
- Bog
- 1.264,95 kr.