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Bøger af George Clason

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  • - De gamles hemmeligheder bag succes
    af George Clason
    64,45 - 99,45 kr.

    Penge er der nok af for dem der forstår de simple regler for hvordan man skaffer dem:1. Begynd at fede din pung op2. Kontroller dine udgifter3. Få dit guld til at yngle4. Beskyt dine skatte mod tab5. Gør din bolig til en rentabel investering6. Skaf dig en sikker indtægt for fremtiden7. Øg din evne til at tjene penge

  • af George Clason
    219,45 kr.

  • af George Clason
    109,45 kr.

    Reconocida como la mejor obra inspiradora existente sobre el tema del ahorro, la planeación financiera, y las riquezas personales, El Hombre Más rico de Babilonia es un libro clásico atemporal que contiene la llave a todo lo que deseas y todo lo que anhelas lograr. Los antiguos babilonios fueron los primeros en descubrir las leyes universales de la prosperidad. En su clásico bestseller, "El hombre más rico de Babilonia", George S. Clason revela sus secretos para crear, aumentar y conservar la riqueza. A través de estas entretenidas historias de mercaderes, comerciantes y pastores, Clason nos enseña a: - Cómo hacer crecer lo que se gana; - Salir de las deudas; - Poner tu dinero a trabajar; - Atraer la buena suerte; - Realizar inversiones acertadas; - Asegurar una fortuna duradera. Como dice George: "El dinero es abundante para los que entienden las sencillas reglas de su obtención". Si sigues la sabiduría de Babilonia, la paz financiera -y una vida libre- están a sólo unos pasos. /// Hailed as the ultimate guidance through your financial problems, The Richest Man in Babylon reveals important financial principles that hold the key to personal wealth.This book teaches us seven financial rules, using parables set 8,000 years ago in ancient Babylonia with a protagonist named Arkad. Arkad started his journey as a poor scribe but became the Richest Man in Babylon in the end. Told in simple language and engaging stories, yoüll be set in a sure path to prosperity and its accompanying joys. Start thy purse to fattening Control Thy Expenditures Make Thy Gold Multiply Guard thy treasures from loss Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment Ensure a future income Increase thy ability to earn As George says, "Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple laws which govern it's acquisitions." If you follow the wisdom of Babylon, financial peace - and a free life - are just a few steps away.

  • af George Clason
    109,45 kr.

    Este clâasico de todos los tiempos, adorado por millones de personas, es la clave para conseguir todo lo que deseas. Este es el libro que revela el secreto para alcanzar la riqueza personal. Los secretos del âexito de los antiguos: un camino seguro hacia la felicidad y la prosperidad. Innumerables lectores han encontrado ayuda en las famosas "parâabolas babilâonicas", consideradas como la obra mâas importante en temas de ahorro, planificaciâon financiera y riqueza personal. Con un lenguaje tan simple como el que hallamos en la Bblia, estas historias fascinantes e informativas te sitâuan en un camino seguro hacia la prosperidad y los placeres subsecuentes. Este famoso bestseller, reconocido como un clâasico moderno, ofrece una perspectiva de los problemas financieros personales --y una soluciâon para estos-- que nos guiarâa a lo largo de la vida. Este es el libro que guarda los secretos para conservar tu dinero y hacerlo crecer. Lâeelo, recomiâendalo a tus seres queridos y sigue el camino de la prosperidad.--Provided by publisher.

  • af George Clason
    149,45 kr.

    The Richest Man in Babylon is the 1# bestselling classic on personal wealth and money management. Hailed as the greatest of all inspirational works on personal finance, it has helped countless readers amass wealth and success. This modern classic offers an understanding of, and a solution to, your personal financial problems. Narrated in simple everyday language, these fascinating and informative stories will tell you everything you need to know about thrift, financial planning, and personal wealth. The Richest Man in Babylon brings together the famous 'Babylonian parables'. The ancient Babylonians were the first to discover the universal laws of prosperity, and now you can master them too! Through entertaining stories about the herdsmen, merchants, and tradesmen of ancient Babylon, George S. Clason provides concrete advice for creating, growing, and preserving wealth. Valuable and profound, these teachings will change your life. Through this book you will - 1. Discover the 5 Universal Laws of Wealth. These fundamental rules about keeping, earning and growing your money will help you accumulate riches and ensure that you never struggle with money again! 2. Learn how you can gain financial independence. A person with no knowledge of money is destined to fail. This book will teach you the underlying principles that rule money, and how you can use the wealth you have to create even more wealth. 3. Understand how money works. What is the difference between the rich and the successful, and everyone else? Most people only focus on earning money, not understanding it. But how can you master something you don't know? This book will teach you the very fundamentals about money. 4. Make your money grow. Learn how to make profitable investments. Your money wants to grow. It wants to be invested so that you can become rich. This book will teach you the very basics of making a sound investment so that you never lose your money, but obtain massive profits! 5. Protect your money. Life can be unpredictable, and everything you've worked so hard for can vanish in front of your eyes. The Richest Man in Babylon will teach you how you can ensure that the money you've earned is safe-guarded and is always yours to keep. Start from nothing and go on to achieve everything; fulfil your dreams and fill your purse-one page at a time! The Richest Man in Babylon holds the secret to keeping your money-and making more.

  • - The Success Secrets of the Ancients
    af George Clason
    99,45 kr.

    "Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple laws which govern its acquisition." Read by millions, The Richest Man in Babylon is a classic that offers today's readers a path to success, prosperity, and happiness. Originally published in 1926 as a series of inspirational pamphlets for financial institutions, Clason's work offers financial advice for creating personal wealth using parables set in ancient Babylon. The stories, based on a fictional character, Arkad, are easy to read and packed with priceless wisdom. Offering seven basic principles on saving and investing money, it's often cited as one of the most popular books ever written on the fundamentals of financial success.