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Bøger af Gary B. Magee

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  • af Gary B. Magee
    972,95 kr.

    Die Wirtschaftsgeschichte Ostdeutschlands wird in der Regel als eine Geschichte des Zusammenbruchs eines von Natur aus fehlerhaften Systems erzählt. Doch obwohl die Ineffizienz des Systems unbestreitbar ist, war seine Wirtschaftsgeschichte viel reicher, als seine vergleichsweise schlechte Wirtschaftsleistung vermuten lässt. Für viele, die dort lebten, war es ein System, das in den vierzig Jahren seines Bestehens zu Leistungen fähig war und im Allgemeinen auf einem erträglichen Niveau funktionierte. Dieses Buch kombiniert die Erkenntnisse der Verhaltensökonomie mit Archivrecherchen, um die Schichten der Rhetorik und der Annahmen über die ostdeutsche Wirtschaft abzuschälen und Aspekte der zugrunde liegenden Funktionalität zu untersuchen.Anhand einer Reihe von Fallstudien, die die Einrichtung sozialistischer Arbeitsplätze, das Streben nach Produktivitätssteigerung und Effizienz sowie die Entstehung der Finanzkrise untersuchen, betrachtet das Buch das System aus der Perspektive der Menschen, die es betrieben und die Entscheidungen trafen, die es zum Funktionieren brachten. Unbelastet von politischen Vorurteilen bietet es ein realistischeres Verständnis der ostdeutschen Wirtschaftsgeschichte als dasjenige, das sich aus festgefahrenen Debatten über den Zusammenprall der Systeme ergibt. Die vorgestellten neuen Perspektiven und Ansätze zeigen, dass die ostdeutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte, herausgelöst aus ihrem Kontext des Kalten Krieges, als das analysiert werden kann, was sie war, und nicht als das, was sie symbolisierte.

  • af Gary B. Magee & Wayne Geerling
    1.156,95 kr.

    East Germany's economic history is typically told as a story of the unravelling of an inherently flawed system. Yet, while the system's inefficiency is undeniable, its economic history was much richer than its comparatively poor economic performance suggests. For many who lived there, it was a system that, over its forty years, was capable of achievements and generally functioned at bearable levels. This book combines the insights of behavioural economics with archival research to peel away layers of rhetoric and assumptions about the East German economy and explore aspects of that underlying functionality. Through a series of cases studies that examine the establishment of socialist workplaces, the searches for productivity growth and efficiency, and the emergence of financial crisis, the book considers the system from the perspective of the humans who operated it and made the decisions that made it work. Unencumbered by political preconceptions, it offers a more realistic understanding of East German economic history than that derived from stagnant debates about the clash of systems. The new perspectives and approaches presented demonstrate that, extracted from its Cold War context, East Germany's economic history can be analysed for what it was, rather than for what it symbolised.

  • af Gary B. Magee & Wayne Geerling
    1.157,95 kr.

    East Germany¿s economic history is typically told as a story of the unravelling of an inherently flawed system. Yet, while the system¿s inefficiency is undeniable, its economic history was much richer than its comparatively poor economic performance suggests. For many who lived there, it was a system that, over its forty years, was capable of achievements and generally functioned at bearable levels. This book combines the insights of behavioural economics with archival research to peel away layers of rhetoric and assumptions about the East German economy and explore aspects of that underlying functionality. Through a series of cases studies that examine the establishment of socialist workplaces, the searches for productivity growth and efficiency, and the emergence of financial crisis, the book considers the system from the perspective of the humans who operated it and made the decisions that made it work. Unencumbered by political preconceptions, it offers a more realistic understanding of East German economic history than that derived from stagnant debates about the clash of systems. The new perspectives and approaches presented demonstrate that, extracted from its Cold War context, East Germany¿s economic history can be analysed for what it was, rather than for what it symbolised.

  • - Networks of People, Goods and Capital in the British World, c.1850-1914
    af Andrew S. Thompson & Gary B. Magee
    396,95 - 1.015,95 kr.

    Focusing on the great population movement of British emigrants before 1914, this book provides a perspective on the relationship between empire and globalisation. It shows how distinct structures of economic opportunity developed around the people who settled across a wider British World through the co-ethnic networks they created. Yet these networks could also limit and distort economic growth. The powerful appeal of ethnic identification often made trade and investment with racial 'outsiders' less appealing, thereby skewing economic activities toward communities perceived to be 'British'. By highlighting the importance of these networks to migration, finance and trade, this book contributes to debates about globalisation in the past and present. It reveals how the networks upon which the era of modern globalisation was built quickly turned in on themselves after 1918, converting racial, ethnic and class tensions into protectionism, nationalism and xenophobia. Avoiding such an outcome is a challenge faced today.